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11. Mobile HCI 2009: Bonn, Germany
- Reinhard Oppermann, Markus Eisenhauer, Matthias Jarke, Volker Wulf:
Proceedings of the 11th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services, Mobile HCI 2009, Bonn, Germany, September 15-18, 2009. ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, ACM 2009, ISBN 978-1-60558-281-8
Camera-based interaction
- Mauro Cherubini
, Xavier Anguera
, Nuria Oliver
, Rodrigo de Oliveira:
Text versus speech: a comparison of tagging input modalities for camera phones. - Siân E. Lindley, Richard H. R. Harper
, David W. Randall, Maxine Glancy, Nicola Smyth:
Fixed in time and "time in motion": mobility of vision through a SenseCam lens. - Arto Puikkonen, Jonna Häkkilä
, Rafael Ballagas, Jani Mäntyjärvi
Practices in creating videos with mobile phones.
Gesture-based interaction
- Sven G. Kratz, Michael Rohs:
HoverFlow: expanding the design space of around-device interaction. - Xing-Dong Yang, Edward Mak, Pourang Irani, Walter F. Bischof
Dual-Surface input: augmenting one-handed interaction with coordinated front and behind-the-screen input. - Andrew Crossan, Mark McGill, Stephen A. Brewster
, Roderick Murray-Smith
Head tilting for interaction in mobile contexts.
Input techniques
- Tim Paek, Bongshin Lee, Bo Thiesson:
Designing phrase builder: a mobile real-time query expansion interface. - Nirmal J. Patel, James Clawson, Thad Starner:
A model of two-thumb chording on a phone keypad. - Stephen A. Brewster
, Michael Hughes:
Pressure-based text entry for mobile devices. - Kun Yu, Feng Tian, Kongqiao Wang:
Coupa: operation with pen linking on mobile devices. - Takashi Miyaki
, Jun Rekimoto:
GraspZoom: zooming and scrolling control model for single-handed mobile interaction.
Pedestrian navigation
- Simon Robinson
, Parisa Eslambolchilar
, Matt Jones
Sweep-Shake: finding digital resources in physical environments. - Caroline Snowdon, Christian Kray
Exploring the use of landmarks for mobile navigation support in natural environments. - Johannes Schöning
, Antonio Krüger
, Keith Cheverst
, Michael Rohs, Markus Löchtefeld, Faisal Taher:
PhotoMap: using spontaneously taken images of public maps for pedestrian navigation tasks on mobile devices.
Safe and sound
- Jiayang Liu, Lin Zhong, Jehan Wickramasuriya, Venu Vasudevan:
User evaluation of lightweight user authentication with a single tri-axis accelerometer. - Stephan von Watzdorf, Florian Michahelles:
Evaluating mobile phones as risk information providers. - Hee Young Jeong, Rosa I. Arriaga:
Using an ecological framework to design mobile technologies for pediatric asthma management.
Innovative applications
- Andreas Lorenz, Clara Fernandez De Castro, Enrico Rukzio:
Using handheld devices for mobile interaction with displays in home environments. - David Wilfinger, Astrid Weiss
, Manfred Tscheligi
Exploring shopping information and navigation strategies with a mobile device. - Marco de Sá, Luís Carriço
A mobile tool for in-situ prototyping.
On the move
- Duncan Rowland, Martin Flintham
, Leif Oppermann
, Joe Marshall
, Alan Chamberlain
, Boriana Koleva
, Steve Benford
, Citlali Perez:
Ubikequitous computing: designing interactive experiences for cyclists. - Ronald Ecker, Verena Broy, Andreas Butz, Alexander De Luca:
pieTouch: a direct touch gesture interface for interacting with in-vehicle information systems. - Martin Pielot, Niels Henze, Susanne Boll:
Supporting map-based wayfinding with tactile cues.
Welcome to the social network
- Richard H. R. Harper
, Stuart Taylor:
Glancephone: an exploration of human expression. - Karin Leichtenstern, Elisabeth André
Studying multi-user settings for pervasive games. - Ohad Inbar, Talia Lavie, Joachim Meyer:
Acceptable intrusiveness of online help in mobile devices. - Anupriya Ankolekar, Gábor Szabó, Yarun Luon, Bernardo A. Huberman, Dennis M. Wilkinson, Fang Wu:
Friendlee: a mobile application for your social life.
Touch and feel
- Jani Heikkinen, Thomas Olsson, Kaisa Väänänen-Vainio-Mattila:
Expectations for user experience in haptic communication with mobile devices. - Daniel Spelmezan, Anke Hilgers, Jan O. Borchers:
A language of tactile motion instructions. - Alireza Sahami Shirazi, Florian Alt
, Albrecht Schmidt
, Ari-Heikki Sarjanoja, Lotta Hynninen, Jonna Häkkilä
, Paul Holleis:
Emotion sharing via self-composed melodies on mobile phones. - Markku Turunen
, Aleksi Melto, Juho Hella, Tomi Heimonen, Jaakko Hakulinen
, Erno Mäkinen, Tuuli Laivo
, Hannu Soronen:
User expectations and user experience with different modalities in a mobile phone controlled home entertainment system. - Fabrice Decle, Martin Hachet:
A study of direct versus planned 3D camera manipulation on touch-based mobile phones.
Interacting with multimedia
- Janne Bergman, Jarmo Kauko, Jaakko Keränen:
Hands on music: physical approach to interaction with digital music. - Eija Kaasinen
, Minna Kulju
, Tuomo Kivinen, Virpi Oksman
User acceptance of mobile TV services. - Christian Licoppe, Julien Morel:
The collaborative work of producing meaningful shots in mobile video telephony.
Merging the physical and the virtual
- Khoovirajsingh Seewoonauth, Enrico Rukzio, Robert Hardy, Paul Holleis:
Touch & connect and touch & select: interacting with a computer by touching it with a mobile phone. - Gregor Broll, Susanne Keck, Paul Holleis, Andreas Butz:
Improving the accessibility of NFC/RFID-based mobile interaction through learnability and guidance. - Michael Rohs, Georg Essl, Johannes Schöning
, Anja Naumann, Robert Schleicher, Antonio Krüger
Impact of item density on magic lens interactions.
Demos & experiences
- Khoovirajsingh Seewoonauth, Enrico Rukzio, Robert Hardy, Paul Holleis:
Two NFC interaction techniques for quickly exchanging pictures between a mobile phone and a computer. - Steven Strachan, Grégoire Lefebvre, Sophie Zijp-Rouzier:
overView: physically-based vibrotactile feedback for temporal information browsing. - Benjamin Poppinga, Martin Pielot, Susanne Boll:
Tacticycle: a tactile display for supporting tourists on a bicycle trip. - Sven G. Kratz, Michael Rohs:
Hoverflow: exploring around-device interaction with IR distance sensors. - Amnon Dekel, Dan Nacht, Scott Kirkpatrick:
Minimizing mobile phone disruption via smart profile management. - Andrew Greaves, Enrico Rukzio:
View & share: supporting co-present viewing and sharing of media using personal projection. - Raymond Koon Chuan Koh, Henry Xin Liong Tan, Henry Been-Lirn Duh
Information empowerment through mobile learning. - Lucia Terrenghi, Thomas Lang, Bernhard Lehner:
Elastic mobility: stretching interaction. - Thorsten Karrer, Moritz Wittenhagen, Jan O. Borchers:
PocketDRAGON: a direct manipulation video navigation interface for mobile devices. - Christoffer Björkskog, Giulio Jacucci, Bruno Lorentin, Luciano Gamberini:
Mobile implementation of a web 3D carousel with touch input. - Jérémie Francone, Gilles Bailly, Laurence Nigay, Eric Lecolinet:
Wavelet menus: a stacking metaphor for adapting marking menus to mobile devices.
Industrial case studies
- Yusuke Fukazawa, Mirai Hara, Masashi Onogi, Hidetoshi Ueno:
Automatic mobile menu customization based on user operation history. - Julia Schreiber:
Bridging the gap between useful and aesthetic maps in car navigation systems. - Elizabeth Uruchurtu, Ellie Lockley, Chris Roast, Inge De Bleecker:
Usability evaluation of OpenWeb transcoding. - Christian Prause, Markus Eisenhauer, Lukas Gillmann:
Industrial case study of the MICA support system for warehouse workers. - Noam Ben-Asher, Joachim Meyer, Yisrael Parmet
, Sebastian Möller, Roman Englert:
Security and usability research using a microworld environment.
- Elisabeth Unterfrauner
, Ilse Marschalek:
Socio-scientific analysis of user requirements in mobile learning: a case study on marginalised young people. - Ying Liu, Kai Ding, Ning Liu:
Immediate user performances with touch Chinese text entry solutions on handheld devices. - Dong Zhou, Ajay Chander, Hiroshi Inamura
Optimizing user interaction for mobile web browsing. - Benjamin Walther-Franks, Dirk Wenig, Rainer Malaka
, Barbara Grüter:
An evaluation of authoring interfaces for image-based navigation. - Daniel Porta, Daniel Sonntag, Robert Neßelrath:
New business to business interaction: shake your iPhone and speak to it. - Gunnar Misund, Harald Holone, Håkon Tolsby, Joakim Karlsen, Aleksander Toppe:
Effects of co-player visualization in a location-based chase-and-catch game. - Minna Isomursu, Mari Ervasti, Marianne Kinnula
, Pekka Isomursu
Examining human values in adopting ubiquitous technology in school. - Andreas Lorenz, Ferry Pramudianto, Andreas Zimmermann:
Lessons learned from an interaction-kiosk for open selection of input devices of a gaming application. - Haruhisa Kato, Tsuneo Kato:
A camera-based tangible controller for cellular phones. - Julie Rico, Stephen A. Brewster
Gestures all around us: user differences in social acceptability perceptions of gesture based interfaces. - Pascal Bihler, Holger Mügge, Mark Schmatz, Armin B. Cremers:
Using semantic descriptions for adaptive mobile games UIs. - Milos Milovanovic, Miroslav Minovic, Miroslav Lazovic, Dusan Starcevic:
Mobile educational game: adventure anywhere. - Norman Höller, Arjan Geven, Manfred Tscheligi
, Lucas Paletta
, Katrin Amlacher, Patrick Morris Luley, Dusan Omercevic:
Exploring the urban environment with a camera phone: lessons from a user study. - Julian Seifert, Alexander De Luca, Bettina Conradi:
A context-sensitive security model for privacy protection on mobile phones. - Benjamin Proß, Johannes Schöning
, Antonio Krüger
iPiccer: automatically retrieving and inferring tagged location information from web repositories. - Grischa Schmiedl, Markus Seidl
, Klaus Temper:
Mobile phone web browsing: a study on usage and usability of the mobile web. - Anna Magdalena Blöckner, Svetlana Danti, Jennifer Forrai, Gregor Broll, Alexander De Luca:
Please touch the exhibits!: using NFC-based interaction for exploring a museum. - Arttu Perttula, Scott A. Carter, Laurent Denoue:
Kartta: extracting landmarks near personalized points-of-interest from user generated content. - Alireza Sahami Shirazi, Tanja Döring, Pouyan Parvahan, Bernd Ahrens, Albrecht Schmidt
Poker surface: combining a multi-touch table and mobile phones in interactive card games. - Lieve Laporte, Peter Eyckerman, Bieke Zaman
Designing a mobile task based UI for tourists. - Ekaterina Kurdyukova:
Inspire, guide, and entertain: designing a mobile assistant for runners. - Kasper Løvborg Jensen:
RECON: capturing mobile and ubiquitous interaction in real contexts. - Ingrid Rügge, Carmen Ruthenbeck, Jakub Piotrowski, Christian Meinecke, Felix Böse:
Supporting mobile work processes in logistics with wearable computing. - Christian Stößel:
Familiarity as a factor in designing finger gestures for elderly users. - Andreas Komninos
, Dimitrios Liarokapis:
The use of mobile contact list applications and a context-oriented framework to support their design. - Kathryn Carnegie, Stuart Fleming, Esfandiar Ammirahimi, Andreas Komninos
A preliminary evaluation of head and facial feature tracking for input on mobile devices. - Stefano Burigat
, Luca Chittaro
A mobile starfield visualization with space compression capabilities. - Lynne Baillie
, Lee Morton, Gillian MacLellan, Gemma Ryde
Designing a mobile application to capture everyday activity. - Max-Emanuel Maurer, Alexander De Luca:
SeCuUI: autocomplete your terminal input. - Charlotte Magnusson
, Martin Pielot, Margarita Anastassova, Kirsten Rassmus-Gröhn
, Konrad Tollmar, Samuel Roselier:
The mobile Oracle: a tool for early user involvement. - Sandra Dittenberger, Arjan Geven, Manfred Tscheligi
, Markus Mayer:
Touch based interaction using a three display interface design. - Gunhee Kim, Jukyung Park, Manchul Han, Se Hyung Park, Sungdo Ha:
Context-aware communication support system with pictographic cards. - David K. McGookin, Stephen A. Brewster
Eyes-free overviews for mobile map applications. - Garrett Weinberg:
Contextual push-to-talk: a new technique for reducing voice dialog duration. - Andi Winterboer, Henriette S. M. Cramer, Gregor Pavlin, Frans C. A. Groen, Vanessa Evers:
'Do you smell rotten eggs?': evaluating interactions with mobile agents in crisis response situations. - Abdullah Al Mahmud, Omar Mubin
, Suleman Shahid:
User experience with in-car GPS navigation systems: comparing the young and elderly drivers. - Claudio L. Midolo:
Phototropic memories. - Matthias Böhmer, Gernot Bauer:
Improving the recommendation of mobile services by interpreting the user's icon arrangement. - Alireza Sahami Shirazi, Christian Winkler, Albrecht Schmidt
Flashlight interaction: a study on mobile phone interaction techniques with large displays. - Hamed Ketabdar:
Detecting physical shock by a mobile phone and its applications in security and emergency.
Doctoral consortium
- Elisabeth Platzer:
Emotional factors influencing technology acceptance particularly with regard to mobile service usage. - Heloisa Candello:
Developing principles for outdoor mobile multimedia guides in cultural heritage settings. - Naoe Tatara:
Designing mobile patient-centric self-help terminals for people with diabetes. - Aino Ahtinen:
User-centered design of mobile wellness applications. - Elena Nazzi:
Designing for mobile interaction: looking for a pragmatic middleground. - Tracey J. Mehigan:
Harnessing accelerometer technology for inclusive mobile learning. - Jörg Dörflinger:
Mobile application framework for the next billion mobile users. - Alexander Meschtscherjakov
Mobile attachment: emotional attachment towards mobile devices and services.
- Jari Multisilta
, Marcelo Milrad
Sharing Experiences with Social Mobile Media. - Katharine S. Willis
, Keith Cheverst
, Claudia Müller, Pablo Abend, Cornelius Neufeldt:
Community Practices and Locative Media. - Andreas Zimmermann, Niels Henze, Xavier Righetti, Enrico Rukzio:
Mobile Interaction with the Real World. - G. Henri ter Hofte, Kasper Løvborg Jensen, Petteri Nurmi, Jon Froehlich:
Mobile Living Labs 09: Methods and Tools for Evaluation in the Wild: http://mll09.novay.nl. - Jonna Häkkilä
, Albrecht Schmidt
, Jani Mäntyjärvi
, Alireza Sahami Shirazi, Panu M. Åkerman, Anind K. Dey:
Context-Aware Mobile Media and Social Networks. - Arjan Geven, Manfred Tscheligi
, Lucas Noldus:
Measuring Mobile Emotions: Measuring the Impossible?

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