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ISGT Asia 2015: Bangkok, Thailand
- 2015 IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies - Asia (ISGT Asia), Bangkok, Thailand, November 3-6, 2015. IEEE 2015, ISBN 978-1-5090-1238-1
- Duy C. Huynh
, Nirmal Nair
Chaos PSO algorithm based economic dispatch of hybrid power systems including solar and wind energy sources. 1-6 - Syed Ali Abbas Kazmi, Syed Faraz Hasan
, Dong Ryeol Shin:
Multi criteria decision analysis for optimum DG placement in smart grids. 1-5 - Gang Zhou, Dapu Zhao, Kexu Zou, Weida Xu, Xinjie Lv, Qian Wang, Wenjun Yin:
The static security analysis in power system based on Spark Cloud Computing platform. 1-6 - Luliang Zhang, T. Y. Ji, Mengshi Li, Qinghua Wu:
Current transformer saturation segmentation using morphological gradient-based detectors. 1-5 - Subendhu Rongali, Anamitra R. Choudhury, Vikas Chandan, Vijay Arya:
A context vector regression based approach for demand forecasting in district heating networks. 1-6 - Chuan Zhou, Niancheng Zhou, Shu Pan, Qianggang Wang, Tiyin Li, Jing Zhang:
Method of cable incipient faults detection and identification based on wavelet transform and gray correlation analysis. 1-5 - Sue Ann Chen, Arun Vishwanath, Saket Sathe, Shivkumar Kalyanaraman, Siyuan Lu:
Understanding the performance of solar PV systems using data-driven analytics. 1-6 - Wei Fan, Nian Liu, Jianhua Zhang:
Multi-objective optimization model for energy mangement of household micro-grids participating in demand response. 1-6 - Mohamed Toub, Ghassane Aniba, Mohamed Maaroufi, Rush D. Robinett:
Decentralized Hamiltonian control of isolated AC microgrids: Theory & design. 1-6 - Hossein Dehghani Tafti
, Ali I. Maswood, Muhammad M. Roomi
Active/reactive power control of PV grid-tied NPC inverter using 3-D space vector modulation in abc coordinate. 1-6 - Weixian Li, Thillainathan Logenthiran
, Wai Lok Woo
Intelligent multi-agent system for smart home energy management. 1-6 - Can Sun, Min Xie
, Zhaohong Bie
, Jiangfeng Jiang, Xiaobo Song:
Optimal wind capacity integration considering the possibilistic uncertainty of wind resources. 1-6 - Harivina Gunnaasankaraan, Aparna Viswanath, Kaushik Mahata:
Application of bi-level programming for profit maximization by transmission investors. 1-5 - Congmiao Li, Dipti Srinivasan
, Thomas Reindl:
Real-time scheduling of time-shiftable loads in smart grid with dynamic pricing and photovoltaic power generation. 1-6 - Hung-Lu Wang, Ming-Shan Lin:
A probabilistic approach for SVC placement with harmonic control and reactive power compensation. 1-6 - Kalyan Dasgupta, Jagabondhu Hazra, Subendhu Rongali, Manikandan Padmanaban:
Estimating return on investment for grid scale storage within the economic dispatch framework. 1-6 - Sajib Chakraborty
, S. M. Salim Reza, Wahidul Hasan, M. Abdur Razzak
Design of a transformer-less single switch-mode photovoltaic grid-connected boost inverter with immittance conversion topology. 1-6 - Duong Minh Bui, Shi-Lin Chen, Keng-Yu Lien, Jheng-Lun Jiang:
Fault protection solutions appropriately used for ungrounded low-voltage AC microgrids. 1-6 - Xin Feng, Jun Yang, Chao Luo, Yuanzhang Sun, Mingsong Liu, Yong Tang:
A risk evaluation method for cascading failure considering transmission line icing. 1-4 - Haruhisa Ichikawa, Ashir Ahmed
, Hiroshi Hanafusa, Shinji Yokogawa
, Yuusuke Kawakita
, Kenji Sawada, Hirohide Mikami, Noriaki Yoshikawa:
Virtual grid for renewable energy society. 1-7 - Francisco M. Gonzalez-Longatt:
Optimal power flow in VSC-HVDC networks for DC-ISO: Constant current operation. 1-5 - Ontrei Raipala, Sami Repo
, Pertti Järventausta
Performance analysis of Q-f droop anti-islanding protection in the presence of mixed types of DG. 1-6 - Noppasit Piphitpattanaprapt, David Bangerdpongchai:
Optimal dispatch strategy of hybrid power generation with battery energy storage system in islanding mode. 1-6 - Huakun Liu, Xiaorong Xie
, Yu Li, Hui Liu, Yinghong Hu:
Damping subsynchronous resonance in series-compensated wind farms by adding notch filters to DFIG controllers. 1-5 - Kornschnok Dittawit, Finn Arve Aagesen:
Electric vehicle charging scheduling and analysis on impact to electric vehicle owners' comfort. 1-6 - Georgios Methenitis, Michael Kaisers, Han La Poutré:
A multi-scale energy demand model suggests sharing market risks with intelligent energy cooperatives. 1-6 - Patrick Hosein, Stefan Hosein, Sanjay Bahadoorsingh:
Power grid fault detection using an AMR network. 1-5 - N. A. Zambri
, M. N. Ismail, Azah Mohamed:
Performance comparison of PI and PI-fuzzy controller for grid-connected fuel cell inverter system. 1-6 - Pinkymol Harikrishna Raj
, Ali I. Maswood, Gabriel Heo Peng Ooi, Hossein Dehghani Tafti
Five-level multiple-pole mutlilevel diode-clamped inverter scheme for reactive power compensation. 1-5 - Sillawat Romphochai
, Komsan Hongesombut:
Evaluation of fault ride through capability enhancement of DFIG-based wind turbine with Bi-2212 superconducting fault current limiter. 1-6 - Yin Zhang
, Tianyao Ji, Mengshi Li, Q. Henry Wu:
Application of discrete wavelet transform for identification of induction motor stator inter-turn short circuit. 1-5 - Shunsuke Aida, Takayuki Ito, Yuta Mori, Shinichi Iwamoto, Shingo Sakaeda, Yukihiro Onoue:
Voltage control by using PV power factor, var controllers and transformer tap for large scale photovoltaic penetration. 1-6 - Takashi Himeno, Takashi Ikegami
Effects of home energy management systems for reduction of renewables output curtailment. 1-6 - Tiong Teck Teo, Thillainathan Logenthiran
, Wai Lok Woo
Forecasting of photovoltaic power using extreme learning machine. 1-6 - Wayes Tushar
, Chau Yuen, David B. Smith, Naveed Ul Hassan, H. Vincent Poor:
A canonical coalitional game theoretic approach for energy management for nanogrids. 1-6 - Nurulafiqah Nadzirah Mansor
, Victor Levi:
Development of distribution networks with low carbon technologies. 1-6 - Farshad Rassaei, Wee-Seng Soh
, Kee-Chaing Chua:
Joint shaping and altering the demand profile by residential plug-in electric vehicles for forward and spot markets in smart grids. 1-6 - Elahe Doroudchi, Sudip Kumar Pal, Matti Lehtonen, Jorma Kyyrä
Optimizing energy cost via battery sizing in residential PV/battery systems. 1-6 - Ying Sun, Wen-Tai Li, Wentu Song, Chau Yuen:
False data injection attacks with local topology information against linear state estimation. 1-5 - Kollawat Keskamol, Naebboon Hoonchareon:
Sizing of battery energy storage system for sustainable energy in a remote area. 1-4 - Hamidreza Jahangir, Ali Ahmadian, Masoud Aliakbar Golkar
Multi-objective sizing of grid-connected micro-grid using Pareto front solutions. 1-6 - G. M. Shafiullah
, Amanullah Maung Than Oo:
Analysis of harmonics with renewable energy integration into the distribution network. 1-6 - Hui Xu, Qian Zhou, Jiankun Liu, Sha Lin, Ran Zheng:
Assessment of power system black-start schemes based on improved analytic hierarchy process and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation. 1-6 - M. N. Akter, Md. Apel Mahmud
Analysis of different scenarios for residential energy management under existing retail market structure. 1-6 - Manikandan Padmanaban, Jagabondhu Hazra, Kalyan Dasgupta, Ashish Verma, Sathyajith Mathew, M. Iskandar Petra:
Case study on the feasibility of renewable integration in the Temburong Island of Brunei. 1-6 - Karan Sareen
, Bhavesh R. Bhalja
, R. P. Maheshwari:
A new islanding detection technique for distribution system during DG interconnections. 1-5 - Ujjal Manandhar
, Abhisek Ukil
, Sathish Kumar Kollimalla, Hoay Beng Gooi
Application of HESS for PV system with modified control strategy. 1-5 - Tian Zhang, Hoay Beng Gooi
, Shuaixun Chen, Terence Goh:
Cost-effectiveness studies of the BESSs participating in frequency regulation. 1-6 - Zhenyu Du, Xiaodong Chu, Wen Zhang:
Cooperative sequential reconfiguration for distribution networks. 1-6 - Xia Zhou, Chaohai Zhang, Zhenzhen Lu, Yuchen Dai:
Study of coordinating optimization for demand response participating in spinning reserve. 1-6 - N. B. Salim, Takao Tsuji, Tsutomu Oyama, Kenko Uchida:
Interface flow limit identification using focused time delay network for MEPS transmission. 1-6 - Ciprian Ionut Paunescu, Lucian Toma
, Mircea Eremia:
Laboratory smart home energy management system. 1-6 - Yasir Arafat, Lina Bertling Tjernberg, Per-Anders Gustafsson:
On possibilities of using smart meters for emergency grid management - Analysing the effect on power quality. 1-6 - Eva-Maria Bärthlein, Marianne Hartung, Ara Panosyan, Rolf Witzmann:
Variable bandwidth control of tap changers in distribution grids. 1-5 - Sulabh Sachan
, Nand Kishor:
Optimal location and optimum charging of electric vehicle based on sensitivity indices. 1-6 - Noppadol Kranjanaudom, Uthane Supatti:
An analytical approach for reliability evaluation of distribution systems for optimal siting, sizing and types of renewable distributed generators. 1-6 - Mohamed K. Arikiez, Floriana Grasso
, Michele Zito:
Heuristics for the cost-effective management of a temperature controlled environment. 1-6 - Jeffrey C. Andle, Jonathan P. Murray, Maly Chap, Elkin Baquero, Jeffrey T. Jordan:
Ubiquitous UHF monitoring system for partial discharge detection and trending. 1-6 - Ujjal Manandhar
, Abhisek Ukil
, Tan Keng Kiat Jonathan:
Efficiency comparison of DC and AC microgrid. 1-6 - Fransisco Danang Wijaya, Eka Firmansyah, Sarjiya
, B. S. M. Isnaeni:
Grid connected-induction generator start-up sequence observation using laboratory simulator. 1-5 - Muhammad Wardi Hadi, Nanang Hariyanto, Jaeho Choi:
Stability enhancement of hybrid diesel generator and photovoltaic generator based on droop control. 1-6 - Daogui Shi, Nannan Xing, Qi Chen, Wenxia Liu, Zongqi Liu:
Active distribution network multiperiod service restoration considering flexible load. 1-5 - Masum Billah, Sanjoy Kumar Das, Md. Toriqul Islam, Md. Anamul Haque, Bishwajit Banik Pathik
Design, simulation and implementation of a grid tied solar power controller integrated with instant power supply technology. 1-6 - G. M. Shafiullah
, Craig E. Carter:
Feasibility study of photovoltaic (PV)-diesel hybrid power systems for remote networks. 1-7 - Sreenath Jayakumar Geetha
, Saikat Chakrabarti
, Ankush Sharma:
Implementation of Rauch-Tung-Striebel smoother for power system dynamic state estimation in the presence of PMU measurements. 1-6 - Mitchell Lennard, Abhijit Date
Two stage stochastic optimisation of highly distributed PV/Battery microgrids with grid connection. 1-6 - Saidu Kumo Mohammed, Norman Mariun, Mohd Amran Mohd Radzi
, Noor Izzri Abdul Wahab
, Sabo Mahmoud Lurwan:
Evaluation of the effects of photovoltaic inverter controllers on grid injected power with local dynamic loads. 1-5 - Fuqiang Zou, Nian Liu, Qifang Chen:
Multi-party energy management for EV charging station cooperated with PV systems in smart grid. 1-6 - Heidi Krohns-Valimaki
, Jussi Haapanen, Pekka Verho
, Joonas Säe
, Jukka Lempiäinen:
Combined electricity and mobile network situation awareness system for disturbance management. 1-6 - Harivina Gunnaasankaraan, Keshava Dilwali, Aparna Viswanath, Kaushik Mahata:
Strategic bidding and transmission rights purchase for generator's payoff maximisation. 1-6 - Sachin Srivastava, Abhinna Biswal
, K. S. V. Phanindra, U. Jayachandra Shenoy:
Behavior of different distance relay characteristic on lines fed from type-1 and type-2 WTGU connected radially to grid: A case study. 1-6 - Yan Pei, Zheng Qian, Niya Chen:
Wind power forecasting considering wind turbine condition. 1-6 - I. Chotia, Sunetra Chowdhury
Battery storage and hybrid battery supercapacitor storage systems: A comparative critical review. 1-6 - Toshikazu Yamamoto, Yanbin Xu, Sinya Hashimoto, Noboru Higuchi, Koichi Nara, Hirotaka Yasue:
Operational simulation of PV generation system with hybrid batteries. 1-5 - Keisuke Suzuki, Junnosuke Kobayashi, Takato Otani, Shinichi Iwamoto:
A multi-input lead-lag power system stabilizer with H∞ control performance. 1-6 - M. Hadi Amini
, Rupamathi Jaddivada, Sakshi Mishra, Orkun Karabasoglu
Distributed security constrained economic dispatch. 1-6 - Zhongwei Jake Zhang, Nirmal-Kumar C. Nair
, Sean Cross:
Modeling and simulation framework for techno-economic analysis of large city low-voltage distribution network. 1-6 - Ming Li, Fang Hou, Qin Zhou:
A statistical energy efficiency optimization method for coal-fired power generation systems. 1-5 - Siriporn Bannamas, Peerapol Jirapong:
An intelligent lighting energy management system for commercial and residential buildings. 1-6 - Merkebu Z. Degefa
, Matti Lehtonen, Ken Nixon, Malcolm McCulloch:
A high resolution model of residential internal heat gain - The subtle interdependencies among residential end uses. 1-6 - Yujie Feng, Bin Duan, Cheng Tan, Zili Yao:
A settings tracking and providing scheme for differential protection based on machine learning. 1-5 - Zhuang Xu
, C. Zhang:
Optimal direct voltage control of MTDC grids for integration of offshore wind power. 1-6 - N. Tummasit, Sutthichai Premrudeepreechacharn
, N. Tantichayakorn:
Adaptive overcurrent protection considering critical clearing time for a microgrid system. 1-6 - Z. L. Wu, Qinghua Wu, X. X. Zhou, M. S. Li:
Hybrid quadratic programming and compact formulation method for economic dispatch with prohibited operating zones and network losses. 1-6 - Ishtiaq Ahmad, Jawad Haider Kazmi, Mohsin Shahzad, Peter Palensky, Wolfgang Gawlik
Co-simulation framework based on power system, AI and communication tools for evaluating smart grid applications. 1-6 - Zaibin Jiao, Zhao Wang, Xiaobing Wang, Jiliang Jin, Wu Xing, Chongxi Jiang:
Protection schemes for distribution lines in DC power grid. 1-6 - A. Q. Zhang, T. Y. Ji, M. S. Li, Q. H. Wu, T. Wu:
A weighted mathematical morphological method for the identification of transformer sympathetic inrush. 1-6 - Bhagya Amarasekara, Chathurika Ranaweera, Ampalavanapillai Nirmalathas, Rob J. Evans:
Co-simulation platform for smart grid applications. 1-6 - Kannan Thirugnanam
, See Gim Kerk, Chau Yuen, Balasubramaniam Thirunavukarasu
Battery integrated solar photovoltaic energy management system for micro-grid. 1-7 - Diego Bellan
, Sergio Amedeo Pignari:
Circuit representation of voltage unbalance emission due to line asymmetry. 1-5 - Xiaonan Yang, Hongkun Chen, Xiaochun Zhao, Zhengfeng Wang, Xu Wu, Yunting Song, Jian Ding:
Modeling and control of thyristor controlled phase shifting transformer. 1-6 - Zhengzhong Liang, Guofang Zhu:
Analysis of earth currents in a medium-voltage distribution network with three-core cables. 1-5 - Kyle Christopher L. Melchor, Christopher D. Obniala, Jhoanna Rhodette I. Pedrasa:
Implementation of a routing protocol for smart grid's low-power and lossy network. 1-7 - Hangtian Lei, Chanan Singh, Alex Sprintson:
Reliability analysis of modem substations considering cyber link failures. 1-5 - Autthaporn Supannon, Peerapol Jirapong:
Recloser-fuse coordination tool for distributed generation installed capacity enhancement. 1-6 - Thillainathan Logenthiran
, Dipti Srinivasan
, Ei Phyu:
Particle swarm optimization for demand side management in smart grid. 1-6 - Wenchao Fan, Zaijun Wu, Xiaobo Dou, Ye Shi, Yang Wang, Mingxing Zhou:
Preliminary study on adaptive fast-tripping current protection for microgrid. 1-6 - Diksha Sharma, Tek Tjing Lie
, Nirmal-Kumar C. Nair
, Brice Vallès:
Wind speed forecasting using ANN, ARMA and AIC hybrid to ensure power grid reliability. 1-5 - Hamidreza Jahangir, Ali Ahmadian, Masoud Aliakbar Golkar
Optimal design of stand-alone microgrid resources based on proposed Monte-Carlo simulation. 1-6 - Nitesh Kumar, D. R. Nagaraja, H. P. Khincha:
A smart and adaptive scheme for generator out of step protection. 1-6 - X. B. Li, Zhaoxia Jing, Q. H. Wu:
Application of improved GM(1, N) models in annual electricity demand forecasting. 1-6 - C. H. Ng, Thillainathan Logenthiran
, Wai Lok Woo
Intelligent distributed smart grid network - Reconfiguration. 1-6 - Anongpun Man-Im, Weerakorn Ongsakul
, Jai Govind Singh
, Chanwit Boonchuay:
Multi-objective optimal power flow using stochastic weight trade-off chaotic NSPSO. 1-8 - Rajesh M. Pindoriya
, N. M. Pindoriya, S. Rajendran:
Simulation of DC/DC converter for DC nano-grid integrated with solar PV generation. 1-6 - Paul Blackmore, Nopbhom Leeprechanon:
Improving network reliability through effective asset management. 1-9 - Ujjal Manandhar
, Abhisek Ukil
, Dong Wang:
Building HVAC load profiling using EnergyPlus. 1-6 - A. B. Loskutov
, E. N. Sosnina
, Alexandr I. Chivenkov, E. V. Kryukov:
The development of hybrid power source based on SOFC for distant electricity consumers' power supply. 1-6 - Y. K. Tao, Q. Henry Wu, Wenhu Tang, Lei Wang:
Voltage sensorless predictive direct power control for renewable energy integration under grid fault conditions. 1-5 - Stefan G. Hoffmann, Robin Massink, Gerd Bumiller
New security features in DLMS/COSEM - A comparison to the smart meter gateway. 1-6 - Pacome L. Ambassa, Stephen D. Wolthusen, Anne V. D. M. Kayem, Christoph Meinel:
Robust snapshot algorithm for power consumption monitoring in computationally constrained micro-grids. 1-6 - S. P. Noopura, R. James Ranjith Kumar, Amit Jain, M. V. Jayan:
Fast decoupled state estimation based on current equations. 1-6 - Yifan Zhou
, Wei Hu, Qiangming Zhou, Hongqiao Yu, Jian Pu:
A novel active splitting strategy search method with modularity-based network partition. 1-6 - Yansong Li, Nian Liu, Jianhua Zhang:
Jointly optimization and distributed control for interconnected operation of autonomous microgrids. 1-6 - Zheng Ma
, Bo Nørregaard Jørgensen
, Alla Asmussen:
Industrial consumers' acceptance to the smart grid solutions: Case studies from Denmark. 1-6