ISDA 2009: Pisa, Italy

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Evolutionary Algorithms

Soft Computing in Intelligent Agents and Web Technologies

Genetic Fuzzy Systems: Design and Applications

Intelligent Image Processing and Artificial Vision

Hybrid Learning for Artificial Neural Networks: Architectures and Applications

Swarm Intelligence

Tags and Recommendations in Web 2.0

Representation and Approximation of Fuzzy Numbers and Applications

Intelligent Systems Design and Applications in the Health Domain

From Business Intelligence to Business Artificial Intelligence: New Challenges for Intelligent Systems

Special Session S3: Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization-Design and Applications (EMODA)

Designing Comprehensible Intelligent Systems

Computational Intelligence in Business Management and Risk Analysis

Hybrid Metaheuristics and Their Applications

Intelligent Systems for Data Reduction

Intelligent Signal and Image Analysis in Remote Sensing

Human Monitoring and Machine Learning Strategies