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IROS 2006: Beijing, China
- 2006 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, IROS 2006, October 9-15, 2006, Beijing, China. IEEE 2006, ISBN 1-4244-0258-1
Plenary Talks
- Harry Shum:
Human Intention Modeling and Interactive Computer Vision. - George A. Bekey:
Co-existing with Robots. - Chih-Ming Ho:
Nano/Micro Robotic Systems for Directing Cellular Functions. - Suguru Arimoto:
What is a Breakthrough toward Human Robotics?
Video Session 1: Human-Robot Interaction
- Tadashi Odashima, Masaki Onishi, Kenji Tahara, Kentaro Takagi, Fumihiko Asano, Yo Kato, Hiromichi Nakashima, Yuichi Kobayashi, Toshiharu Mukai, Zhi Wei Luo, Shigeyuki Hosoe:
A Soft Human-Interactive Robot RI-MAN. - Keun-Chang Kwak, Kyu-Dae Ban, Kyung-Suk Bae, Hye-Jin Kim, Soo-Young Chi, Young-Jo Cho:
Speech-based Human-Robot Interaction Components for URC Intelligent Service Robots. - Keun-Chang Kwak, Do-Hyung Kim, ByoungYoul Song, Daeha Lee, Soo-Young Chi, Young-Jo Cho:
Vision-based Human-Robot Interaction Components for URC Intelligent Service Robots. - Eric L. Sauser, Aude Billard:
Interferences in a Human-Robot Interaction Game. - Angelika Peer, Bartlomiej Stanczyk, Ulrich Unterhinninghofen, Martin Buss:
Tele-assembly in Wide Remote Environments. - Stefan Sosnowski, Kolja Kühnlenz, Martin Buss:
EDDIE - An Emotion Display with Dynamic Intuitive Expressions. - Takashi Yoshimi, Manabu Nishiyama, Takafumi Sonoura, Hideichi Nakamoto, Seiji Tokura, Hirokazu Sato, Fumio Ozaki, Nobuto Matsuhira, Hiroshi Mizoguchi:
Person Following Robot ApriAttenda. - Nikolaos Mavridis, Deb Roy:
Grounded Situation Models: Where Words and Percepts Meet. - Seungwoo Kim, Dongik Oh, Dongwook Kim, Yongrae Jung, Jacil Choe, Jungwook Choi:
A Study on the Development of Ubiquitous CellPhone Robot.
Video Session 2: Mobile Robots
- Ryosuke Tajima, Keisuke Suga:
One-legged Jumping Robot. - Kevin Nickels, Brett Kennedy, Hrand Aghazarian, Curtis Collins, Michael Garrett, Lee Magnone, Avi Okon, Julie A. Townsend:
Lemur IIa Capabilities. - Akiya Kamimura:
A Novel Mobile Robot Design for High Maneuverability. - Kenjiro Tadakuma, Masatsugu Matsumoto, Shigeo Hirose:
"Tri-Star3"; Horizontal Polyarticular Arm Equipped 3-Wheeled Expandable Rover. - Hitoshi Kimura:
Hermetically-Sealed Flexible Mobile Robot with Hydrostatic Skeleton Driving Mechanism. - Kevin Jones, Frank Boria, Richard J. Bachmann, Ravi Vaidyanathan, Peter G. Ifju, Roger D. Quinn:
MMALV - The Morphing Micro Air-Land Vehicle. - Jean-Christophe Zufferey, Adam Klaptocz, Antoine Beyeler, Jean-Daniel Nicoud, Dario Floreano:
A 10-gram Microflyer for Vision-based Indoor Navigation. - Stefan May, Hartmut Surmann, Maurice Müller, Kai Pervölz:
3D Cameras for Mobile Robotics. - William A. Lewinger, Michael S. Watson, Roger D. Quinn:
Obstacle Avoidance Behavior for a Biologically-inspired Robot Using Binaural Ultrasonic Sensors.
Video Session 3: Intelligent Systems
- Kai Huebner, Jianwei Zhang:
Stable Symmetric Feature Detection and Classification in Panoramic Robot Vision Systems. - Andrzej Pronobis, Barbara Caputo, Patric Jensfelt, Henrik I. Christensen:
A Discriminative Approach to Robust Visual Place Recognition. - Paul Y. Oh, Rares I. Stanciu:
Visual Servoing to Help Camera Operators Track Better. - Nikolaus Correll, Grégory Sempo, Yuri López de Meneses, José Halloy, Jean-Louis Deneubourg, Alcherio Martinoli:
SwisTrack: A Tracking Tool for Multi-Unit Robotic and Biological Systems. - Oliver Wulf, Daniel Lecking, Bernardo Wagner:
Robust Self-Localization in Industrial Environments Based on 3D Ceiling Structures. - Thomas Lemaire, Simon Lacroix:
Vision-based SLAM: Achievement of a Practical Algorithm. - Sascha Kolski, Kristijan Macek, Dave Ferguson, Roland Siegwart:
SMART Navigation in Structured and Unstructured Environments. - Simon Lacroix, Jeremi Gancet:
Real-time Coordination and Control of Multiple Heterogeneous UAVs: The COMETs Project. - Robin R. Murphy, Sam Stover, Kevin S. Pratt, Chandler Griffin:
Cooperative Damage Inspection with Unmanned Surface Vehicle and Micro Unmanned Aerial Vehicle at Hurricane Wilma.
Video Session 4: Manipulation
- B. Holbrook, Matthew A. Csencsits, William McMahan, Vilas K. Chitrakaran, Michael D. Grissom, Michael B. Pritts, Bryan A. Jones, Christopher D. Rahn, Ian D. Walker:
Field Experiments with the OctArm Continuum Manipulator. - Kevin Nickels, Brett Kennedy, Hrand Aghazarian, Curtis Collins, Michael Garrett, Lee Magnone, Avi Okon, Julie A. Townsend:
In-Space Robotic Assembly with Lemur IIa. - John Vannoy, Jing Xiao:
Real-time Adaptive Mobile Manipulator Motion Planning. - Mario Prats, Angel P. del Pobil, Pedro J. Sanz:
A Control Architecture for Compliant Execution of Manipulation Tasks.
Mobile Robot Control I
- Yugang Liu, Yangmin Li:
A New Method of Executing Multiple Auxiliary Tasks by Redundant Nonholonomic Mobile Manipulators. 1-6 - Kimitoshi Yamazaki, Masahiro Tomono, Takashi Tsubouchi, Shin'ichi Yuta:
Motion Planning for a Mobile Manipultor Based on Joint Motions for Error Recovery. 7-12 - Danwei Wang, Minhtuan Pham, Chang Boon Low, Chaisoon Tan:
Development and Implementation of a Fault-Tolerant Vehicle-Following Controller for a Four-Wheel-Steering Vehicle. 13-18 - Redwan Alqasemi, Kevin Edwards, Rajiv V. Dubey:
Design, Construction and Control of a 7 DoF Wheelchair-Mounted Robotic Arm. 19-24
Localization I
- Alen Alempijevic, Sarath Kodagoda, James Patrick Underwood, Suresh Kumar, Gamini Dissanayake:
Mutual Information based Sensor Registration and Calibration. 25-30 - Daniel Göhring, Hans-Dieter Burkhard:
Multi Robot Object Tracking and Self Localization Using Visual Percept Relations. 31-36 - Heesung Chae, Wonpil Yu, Jaeyeong Lee, Young-Jo Cho:
Robot Localization Sensor for Development of Wireless Location Sensing Network. 37-42 - Agostino Martinelli, Jan W. Weingarten, Roland Siegwart:
Theoretical Results on On-line Sensor Self-Calibration. 43-48
Vision Applications
- Geraldo F. Silveira, Ezio Malis, Patrick Rives:
Real-time Robust Detection of Planar Regions in a Pair of Images. 49-54 - Rinat Ibrayev, Yan-Bin Jia:
Surface Recognition by Registering Data Curves from Touch. 55-60 - Fangwu Shu, Werner Neddermeyer, Jianwei Zhang:
Online Approaches to Camera Pose Recalibration. 61-66 - Valerij Tchernykh, Martin Beck, Klaus Janschek:
An Embedded Optical Flow Processor for Visual Navigation using Optical Correlator Technology. 67-72
Wire Driven Manipulators
- Hisashi Osumi, Masayuki Saitoh:
Control of a Redundant Manipulator Mounted on a Base Plate Suspended by Six Wires. 73-78 - Hitoshi Kino, Toshiaki Yahiro, Fumiaki Takemura, Tetsuya Morizono:
Adaptive Position Control for Fully Constrained Parallel Wire Driven Systems. 79-84 - Guilin Yang, Cong Bang Pham, Song Huat Yeo:
Workspace Performance Optimization of Fully Restrained Cable-Driven Parallel Manipulators. 85-90 - Roberto Lampariello, Johann Heindl, Ralf Koeppe, Gerd Hirzinger:
Reactionless Control for two Manipulators Mounted on a Cable-Suspended Platform. 91-97
Perception and Navigation for Automated Vehicles I
- Rodrigo Benenson, Stéphane Petti, Thierry Fraichard, Michel Parent:
Integrating Perception and Planning for Autonomous Navigation of Urban Vehicles. 98-104 - Manuel Yguel, Olivier Aycard, Christian Laugier:
Efficient GPU-based Construction of Occupancy Girds Using several Laser Range-finders. 105-110 - Alberto Broggi, Stefano Cattani, Pier Paolo Porta, Paolo Zani:
A Laserscanner-Vision Fusion System Implemented on the TerraMax Autonomous Vehicle. 111-116 - Zhu Wennan, Chen Qiang, Wang Hong:
Lane Detectionin Some Complex Conditions. 117-122
Autonomous Aerial Vehicles
- Hiroshi Kawano:
Three Dimensional Obstacle Avoidance of Autonomous Blimp Flying in Unknown Disturbance. 123-130 - Seungyong Oh, Sungchul Kang, Kyung Joon Lee, Sang Chul Ahn, Euntai Kim:
Flying Display: Autonomous Blimp with Real-Time Visual Tracking and Image Projection. 131-136 - Salim Hima, Yasmina Bestaoui:
Trim Trajectories Characterization for an Unmanned Autonomous Airship. 137-142 - Xingang Zhao, Zhe Jiang, Jianda Han, Guangjun Liu:
Adaptive Robust Control Techniques Applied to the Yaw Control of a Small-scale Helicopter. 143-148
Diagnostic Tools
- Tatsushi Tokuyasu, Yusuke Fujii, Motoji Yamamoto, Kazutoshi Okamura, Kazunori Yoshiura:
A Training Simulator for Intraoral Radiography. 149-154 - Norihiro Koizumi, Takehiko Tsurumi, Shin'ichi Warisawa, Mamoru Mitsuishi, Hiroyuki Hashizume:
Probe Positioning Support Utilizing Shoulder Model for Ultrasound Diagnosis. 155-161 - Chao Hu, Max Q.-H. Meng, Mrinal Mandal:
The Calibration of 3-Axis Magnetic Sensor Array System for Tracking Wireless Capsule Endoscope. 162-167 - Gang Chen, Minh Tu Pham, Tanneguy Redarce:
Development and kinematic analysis of a silicone-rubber bending tip for colonoscopy. 168-173
- Masahiro Shimizu, Takafumi Mori, Akio Ishiguro:
A Development of a Modular Robot That Enables Adaptive Reconfiguration. 174-179 - Shinya Aoi, Hitoshi Sasaki, Kazuo Tsuchiya:
Turning Maneuvers of a Multi-legged Modular Robot Using Its Inherent Dynamic Characteristics. 180-185 - Daisuke Kurabayashi, Kunio Okita, Tetsuro Funato, Ryota Sakaematsu:
Obstacle avoidance of a mobile robot group using a nonlinear oscillator network. 186-191 - Tomoaki Nagano, Toshiyuki Kondo, Koji Ito:
A distributed motor control system based on spinal cord and musculoskeletal mechanisms. 192-197
Mobile Robots I
- Kanji Tanaka, Mitsuru Hirayama, Nobuhiro Okada, Eiji Kondo:
Location-driven Retrieval of Images Collected by a Mobile Robot. 198-204 - Christian Mandel, Udo Frese, Thomas Röfer:
Robot Navigation based on the Mapping of Coarse Qualitative Route Descriptions to Route Graphs. 205-210 - Ludek Zalud:
ARGOS System for Heterogeneous Mobile Robot Teleoperation. 211-216 - Vadiraj Hombal, Arthur C. Sanderson, D. Richard Blidberg:
A Non-Parametric Iterative Algorithm For Adaptive Sampling And Robotic Vehicle Path Planning. 217-222
Vision Algorithms
- Ezio Malis, Éric Marchand:
Experiments with robust estimation techniques in real-time robot vision. 223-228 - Hui Xie, Weibin Rong, Lining Sun:
Wavelet-Based Focus Measure and 3-D Surface Reconstruction Method for Microscopy Images. 229-234 - Quan Shi, Ning Xi, Yifan Chen, Weihua Sheng:
Registration of Point Clouds for 3D Shape Inspection. 235-240 - Katherine Achim Fleming, Richard Alan Peters II, Robert E. Bodenheimer:
Image Mapping and Visual Attention on a Sensory Ego-Sphere. 241-246
Rehabilitation Robotics
- H. Peralta, Chadi Fouad Riman, Roland Thieffry, Éric Monacelli, Fathi Ben Ouezdou, Yasser Alayli, G. De Matteo, J. Bouteille, Isabelle Laffont, Imad Mougharbel, Ali El-Hajj:
A Reconfigurable Evaluation and Assistance Platform for Handicapped People. 247-252 - Gengqian Liu, Jinlian Gao, Hong Yue, Xiaojun Zhang, Guangda Lu:
Design and Kinematics Analysis of Parallel Robots for Ankle Rehabilitation. 253-258 - Samer Mohammed, Philippe Poignet, David Guiraud:
Closed Loop Nonlinear Model Predictive Control Applied On Paralyzed Muscles To Restore Lower Limbs Functions. 259-264 - Peter Culmer, Andrew E. Jackson, M. C. Levesley, Robert C. Richardson, J. A. Cozens, Mark Mon-Williams, B. B. Bhakta:
A Cooperative Control Scheme for Robotic Rehabilitation of Arm Impairment after Stroke. 265-269
Collision Avoidance
- Fumi Seto, Yasuhisa Hirata, Kazuhiro Kosuge:
Motion Generation for Human-Robot Cooperation considering Range of Joint Movement. 270-275 - Lucian Balan, Gary M. Bone:
Real-time 3D Collision Avoidance Method for Safe Human and Robot Coexistence. 276-282 - Manel Frigola, Alicia Casals, Josep Amat:
Human-Robot Interaction Based on a Sensitive Bumper Skin. 283-287 - Sven Rönnbäck, Tomas Berglund, Håkan Fredriksson, Kalevi Hyyppä:
Signature Graphs for Effective Localization. 288-293
Micro Manipulation and Assembly I
- Thomas Wich, Torsten Sievers, Sergej Fatikow:
Assembly inside a Scanning Electron Microscope using Electron Beam induced Deposition. 294-299 - Qingsong Xu, Yangmin Li:
Stiffness Modeling of a Spatial 3-DOF Compliant Parallel Micromanipulator. 300-305 - Guangyi Sun, Xin Zhao, Guizhang Lu:
Voxel-Based Modeling and Rendering for Virtual MEMS Fabrication Process. 306-311 - Jindong Liu, Huosheng Hu, Dongbing Gu:
A Hybrid Control Architecture for Autonomous Robotic Fish. 312-317
Acoustic Sensing
- Xueying Zhang, Jing Bai:
The Speech Recognition Based on the Bark Wavelet and CZCPA Features. 318-321 - Michael Pardowitz, Raoul Zöllner, Steffen Knoop, Rüdiger Dillmann:
Using Physical Demonstrations, Background Knowledge and Vocal Comments for Task Learning. 322-327 - Amarjeet Singh, Diane Budzik, Willie Chen, Maxim A. Batalin, Michael J. Stealey, Per Henrik Borgstrom, William J. Kaiser:
Multiscale Sensing: A new paradigm for actuated sensing of high frequency dynamic phenomena. 328-335 - Aliza Amsellem, Octavian Soldea, Ehud Rivlin:
Function-Based Classification from 3D Data and Audio. 336-341
Humanoid Robots 1: Walking Algorithms
- Chenglong Fu, Mei Shuai, Yuanlin Huang, Jianmei Wang, Ken Chen:
Parametric Walking Patterns and Optimum Atlases for Underactuated Biped Robots. 342-347 - Olivier Stasse, Andrew J. Davison, Ramzi Sellaouti, Kazuhito Yokoi:
Real-time 3D SLAM for Humanoid Robot considering Pattern Generator Information. 348-355 - Xinhe Xu, Hualong Xie, Binrui Wang, Jindong Tan:
Gait Perception and Coordinated Control of a Novel Biped Robot with Heterogeneous Legs. 356-361 - Lingyun Hu, Changjiu Zhou, Zengqi Sun:
Estimating Probability Distribution with Q-learning for Biped Gait Generation and Optimization. 362-367
Robot Audition I
- Martin Heckmann, Tobias Rodemann, Frank Joublin, Christian Goerick, Björn Schölling:
Auditory Inspired Binaural Robust Sound Source Localization in Echoic and Noisy Environments. 368-373 - Carlos Toshinori Ishi, Hiroshi Ishiguro, Norihiro Hagita:
Evaluation of Prosodic and Voice Quality Features on Automatic Extraction of Paralinguistic Information. 374-379 - Yoko Sasaki, Satoshi Kagami, Hiroshi Mizoguchi:
Multiple Sound Source Mapping for a Mobile Robot by Self-motion Triangulation. 380-385 - Tomoko Shimoda, Toru Nakashima, Makoto Kumon, Ryuichi Kohzawa, Ikuro Mizumoto, Zenta Iwai:
Spectral Cues for Robust Sound Localization with Pinnae. 386-391
Distributed Robot Control
- Youngshik Kim, Mark A. Minor:
Decentralized Kinematic Motion Control for Multiple Axle Compliant Framed Modular Wheeled Mobile Robots. 392-397 - Chris A. C. Parker, Hong Zhang:
An Analysis of Random Peer-to-Peer Communication for System-Level Coordination in Decentralized Multiple-Robot Systems. 398-403 - Arturo Gil-Pinto, Philippe Fraisse, René Zapata:
A decentralized algorithm to adaptive trajectory planning for a group of nonholonomic mobile robots. 404-417 - Konstantinos Varsos, Jonathan E. Luntz:
Superposition of Quadratic Potential Force Fields for Distributed Manipulation. 410-416 - Hossein Aminaiee, Majid Nili Ahmadabadi:
Learning Distributed Object Pushing: Individual Learning and Distributed Cooperation Protocol. 418-423
Localization II
- Tae-Bum Kwon, Ju-Ho Yang, Jae-Bok Song, Woojin Chung:
Efficiency Improvement in Monte Carlo Localization through Topological Information. 424-429 - Javier Antich, Alberto Ortiz:
Bug-based T2: A New Globally Convergent Potential Field Approach to Obstacle Avoidance. 430-435 - Shu Yun Chung, Han-Pang Huang:
Relative-Absolute Map Filter for Simultaneous Localization and Mapping. 436-441 - Hyun Myung, Hyoung-Ki Lee, Kiwan Choi, Seokwon Bang, Yongbeom Lee, Sang Ryoung Kim:
Constrained Kalman Filter for Mobile Robot Localization with Gyroscope. 442-447 - Joseph Wong, Goldie Nejat, Robert G. Fenton, Beno Benhabib:
Localization of Autonomous Robotic Vehicles Using A Neural-Network Approach. 448-453
Haptics and Haptic Devices I
- Rui Pedro Duarte Cortesão, Walid Zarrad, Philippe Poignet, Olivier Company, Etienne Dombre:
Haptic Control Design for Robotic-Assisted Minimally Invasive Surgery. 454-459 - Sung-Uk Lee, Seungho Kim:
Analysis and Optimal Design of a New 6 DOF Parallel Type Haptic Device. 460-465 - Dongseok Ryu, Kyoungwon Moon, Sungchul Kang, Munsang Kim, Jae-Bok Song:
Development of Wearable Haptic System for Tangible Studio to Experience a Virtual Heritage Alive. 466-471 - Ali Israr, Seungmoon Choi, Hong Z. Tan:
Detection Threshold and Mechanical Impedance of the Hand in a Pen-Hold Posture. 472-477 - Ki-Uk Kyung, Seung-Chan Kim, Dong-Soo Kwon, Mandayam A. Srinivasan:
Texture Display Mouse KAT: Vibrotactile Pattern and Roughness Display. 478-483
Parallel Manipulators I
- Chunping Sui, Hongguang Wang, Lijin Fang, Mingyang Zhao:
Static Measuring Model and Deadweight Compensation of a Stewart Platform Based Force/Torque Sensor. 484-489 - Y. Y. Wang, Tian Huang, Xueman Zhao, Jiangping Mei, Derek G. Chetwynd, S. Jack Hu:
Finite Element Analysis and Comparison of Two Hybrid Robotsthe Tricept and the TriVariant. 490-495 - Vincent Nabat, Olivier Company, François Pierrot, Philippe Poignet:
Dynamic Modeling and Identification of Par4, A Very High Speed Parallel Manipulator. 496-501 - Yuanqing Wu, Han Ding, Jian Meng, Zexiang Li:
Finite Motion Validation for Parallel Manipulators: A Differential Geometry Approach. 502-507