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IROS 1998: Victoria, BC, Canada
- Proceedings 1998 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. Innovations in Theory, Practice and Applications, October 13-17, 1998, Victoria, BC, Canada. IEEE 1998, ISBN 0-7803-4465-0
- Hiroshi Kimura, Hideaki Katano:
Vision-based motion recognition of the hexapod for autonomous assistance. 1-6 - Chu-Yin Chang, Anthony A. Maciejewski, Venkataramanan Balakrishnan:
Fast eigenspace decomposition of correlated images. 7-12 - Rich Caruana, Joseph O'Sullivan:
Multitask pattern recognition for autonomous robots. 13-18 - Carlos Guestrin, Fábio Gagliardi Cozman, Eric Krotkov:
Fast software image stabilization with color registration. 19-24 - Alexis Scheuer, Christian Laugier:
Planning sub-optimal and continuous-curvature paths for car-like robots. 25-31 - Motoji Yamamoto, Makoto Iwamura, Akira Mohri:
Time-optimal motion planning of skid-steer mobile robots in the presence of obstacles. 32-37 - Johannes Reuter:
Mobile robots trajectories with continuously differentiable curvature: an optimal control approach. 38-43 - Weiliang Xu, Shiu Kit Tso, Z. K. Lu:
A virtual target approach for resolving the limit cycle problem in navigation of a fuzzy behaviour-based mobile robot. 44-49 - Hiroshi Kimura, Kazuaki Sakurama, Seiichi Akiyama:
Dynamic walking and running of the quadruped using neural oscillator. 50-57 - Olivier Bruneau, Fethi Ben Ouezdou:
Dynamic walk simulation of various bipeds via ankle trajectory. 58-63 - Philippe Gorce, Farid El Hafi:
Modelling of human body control scheme and learning in stepping motion over an obstacle. 64-69 - Nacer K. M'Sirdi, N. Manamani, Nelly Nadjar-Gauthier:
Methodology based on CLC for control of fast legged robots. 71-76 - Matthew M. Williamson:
Rhythmic robot arm control using oscillators. 77-83 - Seiichi Miyakoshi, Gentaro Taga, Yasuo Kuniyoshi, Akihiko Nagakubo:
Three dimensional bipedal stepping motion using neural oscillators-towards humanoid motion in the real world. 84-89 - Jong H. Park, Yong K. Rhee:
ZMP trajectory generation for reduced trunk motions of biped robots. 90-95 - Jin'ichi Yamaguchi, Sadatoshi Inoue, Daisuke Nishino, Atsuo Takanishi:
Development of a bipedal humanoid robot having antagonistic driven joints and three DOF trunk. 96-101 - Sébastien Doncker, Stéphane Régnier, Dominique Duhaut:
Collective path generation without marking the environment. 102-107 - Kazuya Ohkawa, Takanori Shibata, Kazuo Tanie:
Method for generating of global cooperation based on local communication. 108-113 - Nicolas Hutin, Claude Pégard, Eric Brassart:
A communication strategy for cooperative robots. 114-119 - Hironori Hiraishi, Hayato Ohwada, Fumio Mizoguchi:
Web-based communication and control for multiagent robots. 120-125 - Hiromu Onda, Takashi Suehiro:
Motion planning and design of a dexterous gripper-graspability, manipulability, and virtual gripper. 126-133 - Makoto Kaneko, Michael Kessler, Kensuke Harada, Toshio Tsuji:
Necessary and sufficient number of fingers for capturing pyramidal-like objects. 134-139 - Mehmet Durna, Ismet Erkmen, Aydan M. Erkmen:
Holonic grasping. 140-145 - Moëz Cherif, Kamal K. Gupta:
3D in-hand manipulation planning. 146-151 - Ian A. Gravagne, Ian D. Walker:
Properties of minimum infinity-norm optimization applied to kinematically redundant robots. 152-160 - Hiromi Mochiyama, Etsujiro Shimemura, Hisato Kobayashi:
Shape correspondence between a spatial curve and a manipulator with hyper degrees of freedom. 161-166 - Mircea Ivanescu, Viorel Stoian:
A controller for hyper-redundant cooperative robots. 167-172 - Han Ding, S. K. Tso:
Neural network architectures for redundancy resolution of robotic manipulators. 173-178 - Rafael Murrieta-Cid, Maurice Briot, Nicolas Vandapel:
Landmark identification and tracking in natural environment. 179-184 - Toshio Matsushita, Yasushi Sumi, Yutaka Ishiyama, Fumiaki Tomita:
A tracking based manipulation system built on stereo vision. 185-190 - Christopher Rasmussen, Gregory D. Hager:
Joint probabilistic techniques for tracking objects using multiple visual cues. 191-196 - Frank Dellaert, Chuck Thorpe, Sebastian Thrun:
Super-resolved texture tracking of planar surface patches. 197-203 - Jorge L. Martínez, Ana Pozo-Ruz, Salvador Pedraza, Raquel Fernández:
Object following and obstacle avoidance using a laser scanner in the outdoor mobile robot Auriga-α. 204-209 - Mee-Seub Lim, Jinmo Lim, Joonhong Lim, Sang-Rok Oh:
A hybrid system approach to motion control of wheeled mobile robots. 210-215 - Christian Laugier, Thierry Fraichard, Igor E. Paromtchik, Philippe Garnier:
Sensor-based control architecture for a car-like vehicle. 216-222 - Yoshiyuki Tanaka, Toshio Tsuji, Makoto Kaneko, Pietro G. Morasso:
Trajectory generation using time scaled artificial potential field. 223-228 - Takahiro Miyashita, Koh Hosoda, Minoru Asada:
Hybrid structure of reflective gait control and visual servoing for walking. 229-234 - Satoshi Kagami, Kei Okada, Mitsutaka Kabasawa, Yoshio Matsumoto, Atsushi Konno, Masayuki Inaba, Hirochika Inoue:
A vision-based legged robot as a research platform. 235-240 - Yusuke Ota, Yoshihiko Inagaki, Kan Yoneda, Shigeo Hirose:
Research on a six-legged walking robot with parallel mechanism. 241-248 - Tomoaki Yano, Shinji Numao, Yukio Kitamura:
Development of a self-contained wall climbing robot with scanning type suction cups. 249-254 - Hideaki Kikuchi, Masao Yokoyama, Keiichiro Hoashi, Yasuaki Hidaki, Tetsunori Kobayashi, Katsuhiko Shirai:
Controlling gaze of humanoid in communication with human. 255-260 - Sooyong Lee, Dae-Seong Choi, Munsang Kim, Chong-Won Lee, Jae-Bok Song:
An unified approach to teleoperation: human and robot integration. 261-266 - Victor de la Cueva, Fernando Ramos:
Cooperative genetic algorithms: a new approach to solve the path planning problem for cooperative robotic manipulators sharing the same work space. 267-272 - Karim Zeghal:
A comparison of different approaches based on force fields for coordination among multiple mobiles. 273-278 - Fenton Ho, Mohamed Kamel:
Learning coordination strategies for multiple robots. 279-285 - Hiroyuki Nishiyama, Hayato Ohwada, Fumio Mizoguchi:
Logic specifications for multiple robots based on a current programming language. 286-291 - L. A. Muñoz:
Robust dexterous manipulation: a methodology using visual servoing. 292-297 - Kensuke Harada, Makoto Kaneko:
Kinematics and internal force in grasping multiple objects. 298-303 - Kaouthar Benameur, Pierre R. Bélanger:
Grasping of a moving object with a robotic hand-eye system. 304-310 - Shih-Feng Chen, Imin Kao:
Simulation of conservative properties of stiffness matrices in congruence transformation. 311-316 - Manish Goel, Anthony A. Maciejewski, Venkataramanan Balakrishnan:
Undetected locked-joint failures in kinematically redundant manipulators: a workspace analysis. 317-322 - Paolo Baerlocher, Ronan Boulic:
Task-priority formulations for the kinematic control of highly redundant articulated structures. 323-329 - Jonghoon Park, Wankyun Chung, Youngil Youm, Moonsang Kim:
𝒽∞ robust motion control of kinematically redundant manipulators. 330-335 - Luya Li, William A. Gruver:
Fault-tolerant control of redundant robots by dual-optimization. 336-341 - Vassilios S. Tsonis, Konstantinos V. Chandrinos, Panos E. Trahanias:
Landmark-based navigation using projective invariants. 342-347 - Tetsunari Inamura, Tomohiro Shibata, Yoshio Matsumoto, Masayuki Inaba, Hirochika Inoue:
Finding and following a human based on online visual feature determination through discourse. 348-353 - Yoshihisa Adachi, Yoshinori Kuno, Nobutaka Shimada, Yoshiaki Shirai:
Intelligent wheelchair using visual information on human faces. 354-359 - Owen T. Carmichael, Martial Hebert:
Unconstrained registration of large 3D point sets for complex model building. 360-367 - Masaki Yamakita, Terukazu Yazawa, Xin-Zhi Zheng, Koji Ito:
An application of passive velocity field control to cooperative multiple 3-wheeled mobile robots. 368-373 - Gilles Foulon, Jean-Yves Fourquet, Marc Renaud:
Planning point to point paths for nonholonomic mobile manipulators. 374-379 - Wei Min Tao, Khee Yin How:
A decentralized approach for cooperative sweeping by multiple mobile robots. 380-385 - Edwardo F. Fukushima, Shigeo Hirose, Takeo Hayashi:
Basic manipulation considerations for the articulated body mobile robot. 386-393 - Filipe M. Silva, J. A. Tenreiro Machado:
Towards efficient biped robots. 394-399 - Jianjuen J. Hu, Jerry E. Pratt, Gill A. Pratt:
Adaptive dynamic control of a bipedal walking robot with radial basis function neural networks. 400-405 - Osamu Matsumoto, Shuuji Kajita, Muneharu Saigo, Kazuo Tani:
Dynamic trajectory control of passing over stairs by a biped type leg-wheeled robot with nominal reference of static gait. 406-412 - Nilanjan Sarkar, Xiaoping Yun:
Traction control of wheeled vehicles using dynamic feedback approach. 413-418 - Hiroaki Kitano, Minoru Asada:
RoboCup humanoid challenge: that's one small step for a robot, one giant leap for mankind. 419-424 - Eiji Uchibe, Masateru Nakamura, Minoru Asada:
Co-evolution for cooperative behavior acquisition in a multiple mobile robot environment. 425-430 - Takayuki Nakamura, Kazunori Terada, Atsushi Shibata, J. Morimoto, Hidekazu Adachi, Hideaki Takeda:
Development of a cheap on-board vision mobile robot for robotic soccer research. 431-436 - Manuela M. Veloso, William T. B. Uther, Masahiro Fujita, Minoru Asada, Hiroaki Kitano:
Playing soccer with legged robots. 437-442 - Marcel Bergerman, Yangsheng Xu, Yun-Hui Liu:
Robust control of cooperative underactuated manipulators. 443-448 - Akio Gouo, Dragomir N. Nenchev, Kazuya Yoshida
, Masaru Uchiyama:
Dual-arm long-reach manipulators: noncontact motion control strategies. 449-454 - Tasuku Hoshino, Masaaki Hara, Katsuhisa Furuta:
Reliable design approach to coordinated control of manipulators-application to hand-over control of inverted pendulum. 455-460 - S. Ali A. Moosavian, Evangelos Papadopoulos:
Multiple impedance control for object manipulation. 461-466 - Ann M. Ramos, Ian D. Walker:
Raptors-inroads to multifingered grasping. 467-475 - Kiyoshi Nagai, Yasuomi Eto, Daisuke Asai, Makoto Yazaki:
Development of a three-fingered robotic hand-wrist for compliant motion. 476-481 - Toshio Fukuda, Kenichiro Mase, Fumihito Arai:
The design and development of a four-fingered robot hand (adjustment of grasping position by using slip motion on passive closure). 482-487 - Nicholas Xydas, Imin Kao:
Modeling of contact mechanics with experimental results for soft fingers. 488-493 - Hitoshi Arisumi, Tetsuo Kotoku, Kiyoshi Komoriya:
Study on casting manipulation (experiment of swing control and throwing). 494-501 - Atef A. Ata, Salwa M. ElKhoga:
Effects of tip mass and actuator inertia on the behavior of a flexible arm robot. 502-507 - Fumitoshi Matsuno, Takao Kanzawa:
Modeling and robust force control of a constrained flexible arm with a non-symmetric rigid tip body. 508-513 - Fakhri Karray, S. Tafazolli, Wail Gueaieb:
Robust joint trajectory tracking of a flexible lightweight manipulator. 514-519 - Hotaka Takizawa, Yoshiaki Shirai, Jun Miura, Yoshinori Kuno:
Planning of observation and motion for interpretation of road intersection scenes considering uncertainty. 520-525 - Eric Bourque, Gregory Dudek:
Viewpoint selection-an autonomous robotic system for virtual environment creation. 526-532 - Inácio Fonseca, Jorge Dias:
Exploring spherical image properties for robot navigation. 533-538 - Ray Burge, Jane Mulligan, Peter D. Lawrence:
Using disparity gradients for robot navigation and registration. 539-544 - Jun Miura, Yoshiaki Shirai:
Scheduling parallel execution of planning and action for a mobile robot considering planning cost and vision uncertainty. 545-550 - Joaquín Lopez Fernández, Reid G. Simmons:
Robust execution monitoring for navigation plans. 551-557 - Ren C. Luo, Tse Min Chen:
Multiagent and event driven based dynamic collision avoidance for an autonomous mobile robot. 558-563 - Tse Min Chen, Ren C. Luo:
Integrated multi-behavior mobile robot navigation using decentralized control. 564-569 - Shigang Li, Akira Hayashi:
Robot navigation in outdoor environments by using GPS information and panoramic views. 570-575 - Guillermo Andrade, Faïz Ben Amar, Philippe Bidaud, Raja Chatila:
Modeling robot-soil interaction for planetary rover motion control. 576-581 - Shintaro Uchida, Shoichi Maeyama, Akihisa Ohya
, Shin'ichi Yuta:
Position correction using elevation map for mobile robot on rough terrain. 582-587 - Takashi Kubota, Ichiro Natakani, Yoji Kuroda, Tadashi Adachi, Hiroaki Saito, Takahiko Iijima:
Izu-Ohshima field tests for autonomous planetary rover. 588-593 - Christian Schlegel:
Fast local obstacle avoidance under kinematic and dynamic constraints for a mobile robot. 594-599 - Alain Lambert, Tarek Hamel, Nadine Le Fort-Piat:
A safe and robust path following planner for wheeled robots. 600-605 - Kae Fujisawa, Soichiro Hayakawa, Takeshi Aoki, Tatsuya Suzuki, Shigeru Okuma:
Real time motion planning for control of autonomous mobile robot. 606-611 - Thamar E. Mora, Edgar N. Sánchez:
Fuzzy logic-based real-time navigation controller for a mobile robot. 612-617 - Xiang-Rong Xu, Won-Jee Chung, Young-Hyu Choi, Xiang-Feng Ma:
A new approach for modeling and computation of dynamics of robots containing closed chains. 618-623 - Saburo Matunaga, Jun Koyama, Yoshiaki Ohkami:
Impact analysis of linked manipulator systems using wave propagation theory. 624-629 - Woo Ho Lee, Arthur C. Sanderson:
Dynamic simulation of tetrahedron-based Tetrobot. 630-635 - Anton Deguet, Ammar Joukhadar, Christian Laugier:
A collision model for deformable bodies. 636-641 - Jane Mulligan:
Empirical modeling and comparison of robotic tasks. 642-647 - Günther Prokop
, Friedrich Pfeiffer:
Optimization of process dynamics in robotic manipulation. 648-654 - Satori Kojima, Peter Kerites, Takunori Hayashi, Hideki Hashimoto:
Assembly model data in robot cell systems. 655-660 - Nilanjan Sarkar, Medha Shukla Sarkar:
A graph-rewriting approach to high-level task planning-an introduction. 661-666 - Dong Sun, James K. Mills:
Combined PD feedback and distributed piezoelectric-polymer vibration control of a single-link flexible manipulator. 667-672 - Heidar Ali Talebi, Rajni V. Patel, Hikmet Asmer:
Dynamic modeling of flexible-link manipulators using neural networks with application to the SSRMS. 673-678 - Jesús de León-Morales, José Guadalupe Alvarez-Leal:
A comparative study of speed and position control of a flexible joint robot manipulator. 679-684 - Pritam Kumar Sarkar, Motoji Yamamoto, Akira Mohri:
A numerical method to minimize tracking error of multi-link elastic robot. 685-690 - Ezio Malis, François Chaumette, Sylvie Boudet:
2D 1/2 visual servoing stability analysis with respect to camera calibration errors. 691-697 - Rahul Singh, Richard M. Voyles
, David Littau, Nikolaos P. Papanikolopoulos:
Pose alignment of an eye-in-hand system using image morphing. 698-704 - Koichiro Deguchi:
Optimal motion control for image-based visual servoing by decoupling translation and rotation. 705-711 - Takashi Mitsuda, Yoji Miyazaki, Noriaki Maru, Karl F. MacDorman, Fumio Miyazaki:
Precise planar positioning using visual servoing based on coarse optical flow. 712-717 - Nikos A. Vlassis, George K. Papakonstantinou, Panayotis Tsanakas:
Dynamic sensory probabilistic maps for mobile robot localization. 718-723 - Gregory Z. Grudic, Peter D. Lawrence:
A nonparametric learning approach to vision based mobile robot localization. 724-729 - Wolfram Burgard, Andrcas Derr, Dieter Fox, Armin B. Cremers:
Integrating global position estimation and position tracking for mobile robots: the dynamic Markov localization approach. 730-735 - Jens-Steffen Gutmann, Wolfram Burgard, Dieter Fox, Kurt Konolige:
An experimental comparison of localization methods. 736-743 - Thomas Hoeniger:
Dynamically shared control in human-robot teams through physical interactions. 744-749 - Kazuyuki Nagata, Youhei Oosaki, Masayoshi Kakikura, Hideo Tsukune:
Delivery by hand between human and robot based on fingertip force-torque information. 750-757 - Keiko Homma, Satoshi Hashino, Tatsuo Arai:
An upper limb motion assist system: experiments with arm models. 758-763