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ICSLP 1994: Yokohama, Japan
- The 3rd International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, ICSLP 1994, Yokohama, Japan, September 18-22, 1994. ISCA 1994
Plenary Lectures
- Ilse Lehiste:
Poetic metre, prominence, and the perception of prosody: a case of intersection of art and science of spoken language. 2237-2244 - Shizuo Hiki:
Possibilities of compensating for defects in speech perception and production. 2245-2252 - Willem J. M. Levelt:
On the skill of speaking: how do we access words? 2253-2258
Integration of Speech and Natural Language Processing
- Toshiyuki Takezawa, Tsuyoshi Morimoto:
An efficient predictive LR parser using pause information for continuously spoken sentence recognition. 1-4 - Kyunghee Kim, Geunbae Lee, Jong-Hyeok Lee, Hong Jeong:
Integrating TDNN-based diphone recognition with table-driven morphology parsing for understanding of spoken Korean. 5-8 - Frank O. Wallerstein, Akio Amano, Nobuo Hataoka:
Implementation issues and parsing speed evaluation of HMM-LR parser. 9-12 - Kenji Kita, Yoneo Yano, Tsuyoshi Morimoto:
One-pass continuous speech recognition directed by generalized LR parsing. 13-16 - Bernd Plannerer, Tobias Einsele, Martin Beham, Günther Ruske:
A continuous speech recognition system integrating additional acoustic knowledge sources in a data-driven beam search algorithm. 17-20 - Michael K. Brown, Bruce Buntschuh:
A context-free grammar compiler for speech understanding systems. 21-24 - Katashi Nagao, Kôiti Hasida, Takashi Miyata:
Probabilistic constraint for integrated speech and language processing. 25-28 - William H. Edmondson, Jon P. Iles:
A non-linear architecture for speech and natural language processing. 29-32
Articulatory Motion
- Donna Erickson, Kevin A. Lenzo, Masashi Sawada:
Manifestations of contrastive emphasis in jaw movement in dialogue. 33-36 - Sook-Hyang Lee, Mary E. Beckman, Michel Jackson:
Jaw targets for strident fricatives. 37-40 - David J. Ostry, Eric Vatikiotis-Bateson:
Jaw motions in speech are controlled in (at least) three degrees of freedom. 41-44 - Mark K. Tiede, Eric Vatikiotis-Bateson:
Extracting articulator movement parameters from a videodisc-based cineradiographic database. 45-48 - Maureen L. Stone, Andrew J. Lundberg:
Tongue-palate interactions in consonants vs. vowels. 49-52 - Philip Hoole, Christine Mooshammer, Hans G. Tillmann:
Kinematic analysis of vowel production in German. 53-56 - Sarah Hawkins, Andrew Slater:
Spread of CV and v-to-v coarticulation in british English: implications for the intelligibility of synthetic speech. 57-60 - Mariko Kondo:
Mechanisms of vowel devoicing in Japanese. 61-64
Cognitive Models for Spoken Language Processing
- Peter W. Jusczyk:
The development of word recognition. 65-70 - Dennis Norris, James M. McQueen, Anne Cutler:
Competition and segmentation in spoken word recognition. 71-74
Semantic Interpretation of Spoken Messages
- Roland Kuhn, Renato de Mori:
Recent results in automatic learning rules for semantic interpretation. 75-78 - Allen L. Gorin:
Semantic associations, acoustic metrics and adaptive language acquisition. 79-82 - Wayne H. Ward:
Extracting information in spontaneous speech. 83-86 - Megumi Kameyama, Isao Arima:
Coping with aboutness complexity in information extraction from spoken dialogues. 87-90 - Otoya Shirotsuka, Ken'ya Murakami:
An example-based approach to semantic information extraction from Japanese spontaneous speech. 91-94 - Akito Nagai, Yasushi Ishikawa, Kunio Nakajima:
A semantic interpretation based on detecting concepts for spontaneous speech understanding. 95-98 - Akira Shimazu, Kiyoshi Kogure, Mikio Nakano:
Cooperative distributed processing for understanding dialogue utterances. 99-102 - Michio Okada, Satoshi Kurihara, Ryohei Nakatsu:
Incremental elaboration in generating and interpreting spontaneous speech. 103-106 - Wieland Eckert, Heinrich Niemann:
Semantic analysis in a robust spoken dialog system. 107-110 - Hiroshi Kanazawa, Shigenobu Seto, Hideki Hashimoto, Hideaki Shinchi, Yoichi Takebayashi:
A user-initiated dialogue model and its implementation for spontaneous human-computer interaction. 111-114
- Andreas Kießling, Ralf Kompe, Anton Batliner, Heinrich Niemann, Elmar Nöth:
Automatic labeling of phrase accents in German. 115-118 - Kikuo Maekawa:
Intonational structure of kumamoto Japanese: a perceptual validation. 119-122 - John F. Pitrelli, Mary E. Beckman, Julia Hirschberg:
Evaluation of prosodic transcription labeling reliability in the tobi framework. 123-126 - Neil P. McAngus Todd, Guy J. Brown:
A computational model of prosody perception. 127-130 - Kuniko Kakita:
Inter-speaker interaction in speech rhythm: some durational properties of sentences and intersentence intervals. 131-134 - Bertil Lyberg, Barbro Ekholm:
The final lengthening phenomenon in Swedish - a consequence of default sentence accent? 135-138 - Dawn M. Behne, Bente Moxness:
Concurrent effects of focal stress, postvocalic voicing and distinctive vowel length on syllable-internal timing in norwegian. 139-142 - Kazuyuki Takagi, Shuichi Itahashi:
Prosodic pattern of utterance units in Japanese spoken dialogs. 143-146 - Akira Ichikawa, Shinji Sato:
Some prosodical characteristics in spontaneous spoken dialogue. 147-150
Towards Natural Sounding Synthetic Speech
- Inger Karlsson, Johan Liljencrants:
Wrestling the two-mass model to conform with real glottal wave forms. 151-154 - Helmer Strik, Lou Boves:
Automatic estimation of voice source parameters. 155-158 - Wen Ding, Hideki Kasuya, Shuichi Adachi:
Simultaneous estimation of vocal tract and voice source parameters with application to speech synthesis. 159-162 - Pierre Badin, Christine H. Shadle, Y. Pham Thi Ngoc, John N. Carter, W. S. C. Chiu, Celia Scully, K. Stromberg:
Frication and aspiration noise sources: contribution of experimental data to articulatory synthesis. 163-166 - Nobuhiro Miki, Pierre Badin, Y. Pham Thi Ngoc, Yoshihiko Ogawa:
Vocal tract model and 3-dimensional effect of articulation. 167-170 - Hisayoshi Suzuki, Jianwu Dang, Takayoshi Nakai, Akira Ishida, Hiroshi Sakakibara:
3-d FEM analysis of sound propagation in the nasal and paranasal cavities. 171-174 - Kiyoshi Honda, Hiroyuki Hirai, Jianwu Dang:
A physiological model of speech production and the implication of tongue-larynx interaction. 175-178 - Masaaki Honda, Tokihiko Kaburagi:
A dynamical articulatory model using potential task representation. 179-182 - Kenneth N. Stevens, Corine A. Bickley, David R. Williams:
Control of a klatt synthesizer by articulatory parameters. 183-186
Statistical Methods for Speech Recognition
- Nobuaki Minematsu, Keikichi Hirose:
Speech recognition using HMM with decreased intra-group variation in the temporal structure. 187-190 - Yukihiro Osaka, Shozo Makino, Toshio Sone:
Spoken word recognition using phoneme duration information estimated from speaking rate of input speech. 191-194 - Yumi Wakita, Eiichi Tsuboka:
State duration constraint using syllable duration for speech recognition. 195-198 - Satoru Hayamizu, Kazuyo Tanaka:
Statistical modeling and recognition of rhythm in speech. 199-202 - Xinhui Hu, Keikichi Hirose:
Recognition of Chinese tones in monosyllabic and disyllabic speech using HMM. 203-206 - Jun Wu, Zuoying Wang, Jiasong Sun, Jin Guo:
Chinese speech understanding and spelling-word translation based on the statistics of corpus. 207-210 - Ren-Hua Wang, Hui Jiang:
State-codebook based quasi continuous density hidden Markov model with applications to recognition of Chinese syllables. 211-214 - Eluned S. Parris, Michael J. Carey:
Estimating linear discriminant parameters for continuous density hidden Markov models. 215-218 - Franz Wolfertstetter, Günther Ruske:
Discriminative state-weighting in hidden Markov models. 219-222 - Takao Watanabe, Koichi Shinoda, Keizaburo Takagi, Eiko Yamada:
Speech recognition using tree-structured probability density function. 223-226 - David B. Roe, Michael D. Riley:
Prediction of word confusabilities for speech recognition. 227-230 - Li Zhao, Hideyuki Suzuki, Seiichi Nakagawa:
A comparison study of output probability functions in HMMs through spoken digit recognition. 231-234 - Tomio Takara, Naoto Matayoshi, Kazuya Higa:
Connected spoken word recognition using a many-state Markov model. 235-238 - Finn Tore Johansen:
Global optimisation of HMM input transformations. 239-242 - Don X. Sun, Li Deng:
Nonstationary-state hidden Markov model with state-dependent time warping: application to speech recognition. 243-246 - Jean-François Mari, Jean Paul Haton:
Automatic word recognition based on second-order hidden Markov models. 247-250 - Xixian Chen, Yinong Li, Xiaoming Ma, Lie Zhang:
On the application of multiple transition branch hidden Markov models to Chinese digit recognition. 251-254 - Mark J. F. Gales, Steve J. Young:
Parallel model combination on a noise corrupted resource management task. 255-258 - Jean-Baptiste Puel, Régine André-Obrecht:
Robust signal preprocessing for HMM speech recognition in adverse conditions. 259-262 - Masaharu Katoh, Masaki Kohda:
A study on viterbi best-first search for isolated word recognition using duration-controlled HMM. 263-266 - Satoshi Takahashi, Yasuhiro Minami, Kiyohiro Shikano:
An HMM duration control algorithm with a low computational cost. 267-270 - Peter Beyerlein:
Fast log-likelihood computation for mixture densities in a high-dimensional feature space. 271-274 - Nick Cremelie, Jean-Pierre Martens:
Time synchronous heuristic search in a stochastic segment based recognizer. 275-278 - Maria-Barbara Wesenick, Florian Schiel:
Applying speech verification to a large data base of German to obtain a statistical survey about rules of pronunciation. 279-282 - Denis Jouvet, Katarina Bartkova, A. Stouff:
Structure of allophonic models and reliable estimation of the contextual parameters. 283-286 - Christoph Windheuser, Frédéric Bimbot, Patrick Haffner:
A probabilistic framework for word recognition using phonetic features. 287-290 - Mohamed Afify, Yifan Gong, Jean Paul Haton:
Nonlinear time alignment in stochastic trajectory models for speech recognition. 291-294 - David M. Lubensky, Ayman Asadi, Jayant M. Naik:
Connected digit recognition using connectionist probability estimators and mixture-Gaussian densities. 295-298 - Kazuya Takeda, Tetsunori Murakami, Shingo Kuroiwa, Seiichi Yamamoto:
A trellis-based implementation of minimum error rate training. 299-302 - Me Yi:
Concatenated training of subword HMMs using detected labels. 303-306 - Chih-Heng Lin, Pao-Chung Chang, Chien-Hsing Wu:
An initial study on speaker adaptation for Mandarin syllable recognition with minimum error discriminative training. 307-310
Phonetics & Phonology I, II
- Yuko Kondo:
Phonetic underspecification in schwa. 311-314 - Shin'ichi Tanaka, Haruo Kubozono:
Some remarks on the compound accent rule in Japanese. 315-318 - Rodmonga K. Potapova:
Modifications of acoustic features in Russian connected speech. 319-322 - Sun-Ah Jun, Mira Oh:
A prosodic analysis of three sentence types with "WH" words in Korean. 323-326 - Kazue Hata, Heather Moran, Steve Pearson:
Distinguishing the voiceless fricatives f and TH in English: a study of relevant acoustic properties. 327-330 - Kenzo Itoh:
Correlation analysis between speech power and pitch frequency for twenty spoken languages. 331-334 - Jongho Jun:
On gestural reduction and gestural overlap in Korean and English /PK/ clusters. 335-338 - Carlos Gussenhoven, Toni C. M. Rietveld:
Intonation contours and the prominence of F0 peaks. 339-342 - Agnès Belotel-Grenié, Michel Grenié:
Phonation types analysis in standard Chinese. 343-346 - Mitsuru Nakai, Hiroshi Shimodaira:
Accent phrase segmentation by finding n-best sequences of pitch pattern templates. 347-350 - Bruce L. Derwing, Terrance M. Nearey:
Sound similarity judgments and segment prominence: a cross-linguistic study. 351-354 - Hiroya Fujisaki, Sumio Ohno, Kei-ichi Nakamura, Miguelina Guirao, Jorge A. Gurlekian:
Analysis of accent and intonation in Spanish based on a quantitative model. 355-358 - Edda Farnetani, Maria Grazia Busà:
Italian clusters in continuous speech. 359-362 - Cynthia Grover, Jacques M. B. Terken:
Rhythmic constraints in durational control. 363-366 - Kazutaka Kurisu:
Further evidence for bi-moraic foot in Japanese. 367-370 - Yuji Sagawa, Masahiro Ito, Noboru Ohnishi, Noboru Sugie:
A model for generating self-repairs. 371-374 - Christopher Cleirigh, Julie Vonwiller:
Accent identification with a view to assisting recognition (work in progress). 375-378 - K. Nagamma Reddy:
Phonetic, phonological, morpho-syntactic and semantic functons of segmental duration in spoken telugu: acoustic evidence. 379-382 - Zita McRobbie-Utasi:
Timing strategies within the paragraph. 383-386 - Sotaro Sekimoto:
The effect of the following vowel on the frequency normalization in the perception of voiceless stop consonants. 387-390 - Toshiko Muranaka, Noriyo Hara:
Features of prominent particles in Japanese discourse, frequency, functions and acoustic features. 395-398 - Shuping Ran, J. Bruce Millar, Iain MacLeod:
Vowel quality assessment based on analysis of distinctive features. 399-402 - Cristina Delogu, Stella Conte, Ciro Sementina:
Differences in the fluctuation of attention during the listening of natural and synthetic passages. 403-406 - Barbara Heuft, Thomas Portele:
Production and perception of words with identical segmental structure but different number of syllables. 407-410 - Caroline B. Huang, Mark A. Son-Bell, David M. Baggett:
Generation of pronunciations from orthographies using transformation-based error-driven learning. 411-414 - Hidenori Usuki, Jouji Suzuki, Tetsuya Shimamura:
Characteristics of mispronunciation and hesitation in Japanese tongue twister. 415-418 - Jean-Claude Junqua:
A duration study of speech vowels produced in noise. 419-422 - Bert Van Coile, Luc Van Tichelen, Annemie Vorstermans, J. W. Jang, M. Staessen:
PROTRAN: a prosody transplantation tool for text-to-speech applications. 423-426 - Klaus J. Kohler:
Complementary phonology a theoretical frame for labelling an acoustic data base of dialogues. 427-430 - Sun-Ah Jun, Mary E. Beckman:
Distribution of devoiced high vowels in Korean. 479-482 - Yeo Bom Yoon:
CV as a phonological unit in Korean. 483-486 - Manjari Ohala:
Experiments on the syllable in hindi. 487-490 - John J. Ohala:
Towards a universal, phonetically-based, theory of vowel harmony. 491-494 - John Ingram, Tom Mylne:
Perceptual parsing of nasal vowels. 495-498 - Oded Ghitza, M. Mohan Sondhi:
On the perceptual distance between speech segments. 499-502 - Masato Akagi, Astrid van Wieringen, Louis C. W. Pols:
Perception of central vowel with pre- and post-anchors. 503-506 - Mario Rossi, Evelyne Peter-Defare, Regine Vial:
Phonological mechanisms of French speech errors. 507-510 - Mukhlis Abu-Bakar, Nick Chater:
Phonetic prototypes: modelling the effects of speaking rate on the internal structure of a voiceless category using recurrent neural networks. 511-514 - William J. Hardcastle:
EPG and acoustic study of some connected speech processes. 515-518 - Osamu Fujimura:
Syllable timing computation in the c/d model. 519-522 - Tatiana Slama-Cazacu:
Contribution of psycholinguistic perspective for speech technologies. 523-526
Adaption and Training for Speech Recognition
- Yutaka Tsurumi, Seiichi Nakagawa:
An unsupervised speaker adaptation method for continuous parameter HMM by maximum a posteriori probability estimation. 431-434 - Koichi Shinoda, Takao Watanabe:
Unsupervised speaker adaptation for speech recognition using demi-syllable HMM. 435-438 - Wu Chou, C.-E. Lee, Biing-Hwang Juang:
Minimum error rate training of inter-word context dependent acoustic model units in speech recognition. 439-442 - Jia-Lin Shen, Hsin-Min Wang, Ren-Yuan Lyu, Lin-Shan Lee:
Incremental speaker adaptation using phonetically balanced training sentences for Mandarin syllable recognition based on segmental probability models. 443-446