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EUROSPEECH 1993: Berlin, Germany
- Third European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology, EUROSPEECH 1993, Berlin, Germany, September 22-25, 1993. ISCA 1993
- Janet M. Baker:
Dictation, directories, and data bases; emerging PC applications forlarge vocabulary speech recognition. 3-10 - William J. Barry, Paul Dalsgaard:
Speech database annotation. the importance of a multi-lingual approach. 13-20 - Lori Lamel, Jean-Luc Gauvain:
Identifying non-linguistic speech features. 23-30 - Jeremy Peckham:
A new generation of spoken dialogue systems: results and lessons from the sundial project. 33-40 - Roger K. Moore:
Whither a theory of speech pattern processing? 43-47 - Peter Noll:
Speech coding for communications. 479-488 - Hermann Ney:
Modeling and search in continuous speech recognition. 491-498 - Maxine Eskénazi:
Trends in speaking styles research. 501-509 - John S. Bridle:
Models of speech recognition; personal perspectives on particular approaches. 513-515 - Kai-Fu Lee:
The conversational computer: an apple perspective. 1377-1384 - Ute Jekosch:
Speech quality assessment and evaluation. 1387-1394 - Jan P. H. van Santen:
Timing in text-to-speech systems. 1397-1404 - Roberto Pieraccini, Esther Levin, Enrique Vidal:
Learning how to understand language. 1407-1412
Speech Coding
- Kazunori Ozawa, Masahiro Serizawa, Toshiki Miyano, Toshiyuki Nomura:
M-LCELP speech coding at bit-rates below 4kbps. 51-54 - Eduardo López Gonzalo, Luis A. Hernández Gómez:
Fast vector quantization using neural maps for CELP at 2400bps. 55-58 - Ulrich Balss, U. Kipper, Herbert Reininger, Dietrich Wolf:
Improving the speech quality of CELP-coders by optimizing the long-term delay determination. 59-62 - Carmen García-Mateo, José Luis Alba-Castro, Luis A. Hernández Gómez:
A stochastic speech coder with multi-band long-term prediction. 63-66 - B. W. M. Wery, Herman J. M. Steeneken:
Intelligibility evaluation of 4-5 kbps CELP and MBE vocoders: the hermes program experiment. 67-70 - Przemyslaw Dymarski, Nicolas Moreau:
Algorithms for the CELP coder with ternary excitation. 241-244 - Michel Mauc, Geneviève Baudoin, Milan Jelinek:
Complexity reduction for federal standard 1016 CELP coder. 245-248 - Friedhelm Wuppermann, Christiane Antweiler, M. Kappelan:
Objective analysis of the GSM half rate speech codec candidates. 249-252 - Ira A. Gerson, Mark A. Jasiuk:
A 5600 BPS VSELP speech coder candidate for half-rate GSM. 253-256 - Ahmet M. Kondoz, Barry G. Evans, M. R. Suddle:
A speech coder for TV programme description. 257-260 - Satoshi Miki, Kazunori Mano, Hitoshi Ohmuro, Takehiro Moriya:
Pitch synchronous innovation CELP (PSI-CELP). 261-264 - Asunción Moreno, José A. R. Fonollosa, Josep Vidal:
Vocoder design based on HOS. 519-522 - Nigel Sedgwick:
Emulation of a formant vocoder at 600 and 800 bps. 523-526 - W. Ma, Ahmet M. Kondoz, Barry G. Evans:
A pitch synchronized synthesizer for the IMBE vocoder. 527-530 - Thierry Dutoit, Henri Leich:
An analysis of the performances of the MBE model when used in the context of a text-to-speech system. 531-534 - C. F. Chan:
High-quality synthesis of LPC speech using multiband excitation model. 535-538 - Yair Shoham:
High-quality speech coding at 2.4 kbps based on time-frequency interpolation. 741-744 - Luca Marcato, Enzo Mumolo:
Coding of speech signal by fractal techniques. 745-748 - Naomi Asanuma, Hiromi Nagabuchi:
A new reference signal for evaluating the quality of speech coded at low bit rates. 749-752 - Changxue Ma, Douglas D. O'Shaughnessy:
A psychophysical study of fourier phase and amplitude coding of speech. 753-756
Articulatory Modelling
- Denis Beautemps, Pierre Badin, Rafael Laboissière:
Recovery of vocal tract midsagittal and area functions from speech signal for vowels and fricative consonants. 73-76 - Shrikanth S. Narayanan, Abeer A. Alwan:
Strange attractors and chaotic dynamics in the production of voiced and voiceless fricatives. 77-80 - Noël Nguyen, Philip Hoole:
Frequency variations of the lowest main spectral peak in sibilant clusters. 81-84 - Hélène Loevenbruck, Pascal Perrier:
Vocalic reduction : prediction of acoustic and articulatory variabilities with invariant motor commands. 85-88 - Christophe Savariaux, Pascal Perrier, Jean Pierre Orliaguet:
Compensating for labial perturbation in a rounded vowel: an acoustic and articulatory study. 89-92 - Rudolph Sock, Anders Löfqvist:
Resistance of bilabials /p, b/ to anticipatory labial and mandibular coarticulation from vowel types /i, a, u/. 541-544 - Mounir Jomaa, Christian Abry:
Jaw phasings and velocity profiles in arabic. 545-548 - Morten Olesen:
Derivation of the transfer function for a speech production model including the nasal cavity. 549-552 - Mats Båvegård, Jesper Högberg:
Using artificial neural nets to compare different vocal tract models. 553-556 - Arne Kjell Foldvik, Ulf Kristiansen, Jorn Kvaerness:
A time-evolving three-dimensional vocal tract model by means of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). 557-558
Voice Source Analysis and Modelling
- Juergen Schroeter, Bert Cranen:
Physiologically-motivated modeling of the voice source in articulatory analysis/synthesis. 95-98 - Luís C. Oliveira:
Estimation of source parameters by frequency analysis. 99-102 - Helmer Strik, Bert Cranen, Lou Boves:
Fitting a LF-model to inverse filter signals. 103-106 - Jean Schoentgen:
Modelling the glottal pulse with a self-excited threshold auto-regressive model. 107-110 - Joachim Denzler, Ralf Kompe, Andreas Kießling, Heinrich Niemann, Elmar Nöth:
Going back to the source: inverse filtering of the speech signal with ANNs. 111-114
HMM-Based Recognition System
- Manuel A. Leandro, José Manuel Pardo:
Low cost speaker dependent isolated word speech preselection system using static phoneme pattern recognition. 117-120 - Lori Lamel, Jean-Luc Gauvain:
High performance speaker-independent phone recognition using CDHMM. 121-124 - Jean-Luc Gauvain, Lori Lamel, Gilles Adda, Martine Adda-Decker:
Speaker-independent continuous speech dictation. 125-128 - Ernst Günter Schukat-Talamazzini, Heinrich Niemann, Wieland Eckert, Thomas Kuhn, Stefan Rieck:
Automatic speech recognition without phonemes. 129-132 - Takashi Seino, Seiichi Nakagawa:
Spoken language identification using ergodic HMM with emphasized state transition. 133-136
Speech Signal Processing
- Bruno Apolloni, Dario Crivelli, Marco Amato:
Neural time warping. 139-142 - Philippe Le Cerf, Dirk Van Compernolle:
Speaker independent small vocabulary speech recognition using MLPs for phonetic labeling. 143-146 - Andrzej Drygajlo:
Multiresolution time-sequency speech processing based on orthogonal wavelet packet pulse forms. 147-150 - Eliathamby Ambikairajah, M. Keane, Liam Kilmartin, Graham Tattersall:
The application of the wavelet transform for speech processing. 151-154 - Naoto Iwahashi, Yoshinori Sagisaka:
Duration modelling with multiple split regression. 329-332 - Gerry Altmann, Duncan Young:
Factors affecting adaptation to time-compressed speech. 333-336 - Marc Roelands, Werner Verhelst:
Waveform similarity based overlap-add (WSOLA) for time-scale modification of speech: structures and evaluation. 337-340 - Hsiao-Chuan Wang, Hsiao-Fen Pai:
A study on the weighting factors of two-dimensional cepstral distance measure. 341-344 - Yves Kamp, Changxue Ma:
Connection between weighted LPC and higher-order statistics for AR model estimation. 345-347
Speaker Recognition
- Claude C. Chibelushi, John S. Mason, R. Deravi:
Integration of acoustic and visual speech for speaker recognition. 157-160 - Claude Montacié, Jean-Luc Le Floch:
Discriminant AR-vector models for free-text speaker verification. 161-164 - J. Thompson, John S. Mason:
Within class optimization of cepstra for speaker recognition. 165-168 - Frédéric Bimbot, Luc Mathan:
Text-free speaker recognition using an arithmetic-harmonic sphericity measure. 169-172
Data Bases, Speech Assessment, Noisy Speech
- Asunción Moreno, Dolors Poch, Antonio Bonafonte, Eduardo Lleida, Joaquim Llisterri, José B. Mariño, Climent Nadeu:
Albayzin speech database: design of the phonetic corpus. 175-178 - Carlos M. Ribeiro, Isabel Trancoso, António Joaquim Serralheiro:
A software tool for speech collection, recognition and reproduction. 179-182 - Matti Karjalainen, Toomas Altosaar:
An object-oriented database for speech processing. 183-186 - Dominic S. F. Chan, Adrian Fourcin:
Automatic annotation using multi-sensor data. 187-190 - Christoph Draxler, Hans G. Tillmann, Barbara Eisen:
Prolog tools for accessing the phondat database of spoken German. 191-194 - Ute Jekosch:
Cluster-similarity: a useful database for speech processing. 195-198 - Giuseppe Castagneri, Giuseppe Di Fabbrizio, Antonio Massone, Mario Oreglia:
SIRVA - a large speech database collected on the Italian telephone network. 199-201 - Herman J. M. Steeneken, Jan A. Verhave, Tammo Houtgast:
Objective assessment of speech communication systems; introduction of a software based procedure. 203-206 - Sven W. Danielsen:
Enhanced direct assessment of speech input systems within the SAM-a esprit project. 207-210 - Pascale Nicolas, Pascal Romeas:
Evaluation of prosody in the French version of multilingual text-to-speech synthesis: neutralising segmental information in preliminary tests. 211-214 - Sokol Saliu, Hideki Kasuya, Yasuo Endo, Yoshinobu Kikuchi:
A clinical voice evaluation system. 215-218 - Alan Wrench, Mary S. Jackson, Mervyn A. Jack, David S. Soutar, A. Gerry Robertson, Janet MacKenzie, John Laver:
A speech therapy workstation for the assessment of segmental quality: voiceless fricatives. 219-222 - Josep M. Salavedra, Enrique Masgrau, Asunción Moreno, Xavier Jove:
A speech enhancement system using higher order ar estimation in real environments. 223-226 - Régine Le Bouquin, Gérard Faucon, A. Akbariazirani:
Proposal of a composite measure for the evaluation of noise cancelling methods in speech processing. 227-230 - Philip Mark Crozier, Barry M. G. Cheetham, C. Holt, E. Munday:
The use of linear prediction and spectral scaling for improving speech enhancement. 231-234 - Helge B. D. Sørensen, Uwe Hartmann:
Robust speaker-independent speech recognition using non-linear spectral subtraction based IMELDA. 235-238
- Willem H. Vieregge, A. P. A. Broeders:
Intra- and interspeaker variation of /r/ in dutch. 267-270 - Mechtild Tronnier, Masatake Dantsuji:
An acoustic approach to fricatives in Japanese and German. 271-274 - Céu Viana, Isabel Trancoso, Carlos M. Ribeiro, Amalia Andrade, Ernesto d'Andrade:
The relationship between spelled and spoken portuguese: implications for speech synthesis and recognition. 275-278 - Mark S. Schmidt, S. Fitt, C. Scott, Mervyn A. Jack:
Phonetic transcription standards for european names (ONOMASTICA). 279-282 - Ove Andersen, Paul Dalsgaard, William J. Barry:
Data-driven identification of poly- and mono-phonemes for four european languages. 759-762 - Sheri Hunnicutt, Helen M. Meng, Stephanie Seneff, Victor W. Zue:
Reversible letter-to-sound sound-to-letter generation based on parsing word morphology. 763-766 - Jan Moore, Peter Roach:
The role of context in the automatic recognition of stressed syllables. 767-770 - Duncan Young, Gerry Altmann, Anne Cutler, Dennis Norris:
Metrical structure and the perception of time-compressed speech. 771-774 - Valerie Pasdeloup, José Morais, Régine Kolinsky:
Are stress and phonemic string processed separately? evidence from speech illusions. 775-778
Phoneme Classification and Labelling
- R. J. J. H. van Son, Louis C. W. Pols:
Vowel identification as influenced by vowel duration and formant track shape. 285-288 - William Goldenthal, James R. Glass:
Modelling spectral dynamics for vowel classification. 289-292 - Milan Stamenkovic, Juraj Bakran, Peter Tancig, Marijan Miletic:
Perceptive and spectral volumes of synthesized and natural vowels. 293-296 - Ryszard Gubrynowicz, Adam Wrzoskowicz:
Labeller - a system for automatic labelling of speech continuous signal. 297-300 - Ake Andersson, Holger Broman:
Towards automatic speech-to-text alignment. 301-304
Duration Modelling in HMMs
- Nelly Suaudeau, Régine André-Obrecht:
Sound duration modelling and time-variable speaking rate in a speech recognition system. 307-310 - M. Jones, Philip C. Woodland:
Using relative duration in large vocabulary speech recognition. 311-314 - Yifan Gong, William C. Treurniet:
Duration of phones as function of utterance length and its use in automatic speech recognition. 315-318 - Mark E. Forsyth, Mervyn A. Jack:
Duration modelling and multiple codebooks in semi-continuous HMMs for speaker verification. 319-322 - Mike Hochberg, Harvey F. Silverman:
Constraining model duration variance in HMM-based connected-speech recognition. 323-326
Speaker Adaptation and Normalization
- Christine Tuerk, Tony Robinson:
A new frequency shift function for reducing inter-speaker variance. 351-354 - Yoshio Ono, Hisashi Wakita, Yunxin Zhao:
Speaker normalization using constrained spectra shifts in auditory filter domain. 355-358 - Yunxin Zhao:
Self-learning speaker adaptation based on spectral variation source decomposition. 359-362 - Tetsuo Kosaka, Edward Willems, Jun-ichi Takami, Shigeki Sagayama:
A dynamic approach to speaker adaptation of hidden Markov networks for speech recognition. 363-366 - Lars Knohl, Ansgar Rinscheid:
Speaker normalization and adaptation based on feature-map projection. 367-370
Speech Analysis, Articulatory Modelling
- Marcel de Leeuw, Jean Caelen:
Pitch synchronous calculation of acoustic cues using a cochlea model. 373-376 - Steve McLaughlin, Andrew Lowry:
Nonlinear dynamical systems concepts in speech analysis. 377-380 - Arno J. Klaassen:
Grouping of acoustical events using cable neurons and the theory of neuronal group selection. 381-384 - I. R. Gransden, Steve W. Beet:
Computationally efficient methods of calculating instantaneous frequency for auditory analysis. 385-388 - Francesco Cutugno, Pietro Maturi:
Analysing connected speech with wavelets: some Italian data. 389-392 - Krzysztof Marasek:
Speech transients analysis using AR-smoothed wigner-ville distribution. 393-396 - Michel Pitermann, Jean Caelen:
Comparison of the variability of formants and formant targets using dynamic modeling. 397-400 - Jean Schoentgen, Zoubir Azami:
Pitch-synchronous formant extraction by means of a compound auto-regressive model. 401-404 - Bernard Teston:
A new air flowmeter design for the investigation of speech production. 405-408 - Emanuela Magno Caldognetto, Kyriaki Vagges, Giancarlo Ferrigno, Claudio Zmarich:
Articulatory dynamics of lips in Italian /'vpv/ and /'vbv/ sequences. 409-412 - Ahmed M. Elgendy:
Restricted distribution of pharyngeal segments: acoustical or mechanical constraints? 413-416 - Yohan Payan, Pascal Perrier:
Vowel normalization by articulatory normalization first attemps for vowel transitions. 417-420 - Nobuhiro Miki, Naohisa Kamiyama, Nobuo Nagai:
Synthesis and analysis of vocal source with vibration of larynx. 421-424 - Imad Znagui, Sami Boudelaa:
Towards an acoustic-phonetic classification of modern standard arabic vowels. 425-427 - Alain Marchal, Christine Meunier:
Divers' speech: variable encoding strategies. 429-432 - Lourdes Aguilar, Beatriz Blecua, Maria Machuca, Rafael Marín:
Phonetic reduction processes in spontaneous speech. 433-436 - N. R. Ganguli:
Spectral characteristics of fricative sound. 437-440 - Jean-François Bonastre, Henri Meloni:
Automatic speaker recognition and analytic process. 441-444