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33rd INFOCOM 2014: Toronto, Canada
- 2014 IEEE Conference on Computer Communications, INFOCOM 2014, Toronto, Canada, April 27 - May 2, 2014. IEEE 2014, ISBN 978-14799-3360-0
CC1: Cloud Computing 1
- Long Gong, Yonggang Wen, Zuqing Zhu, Tony Lee:
Toward profit-seeking virtual network embedding algorithm via global resource capacity. 1-9 - Fang Hao, Murali S. Kodialam, T. V. Lakshman, Sarit Mukherjee:
Online allocation of virtual machines in a distributed cloud. 10-18 - Yang Peng, Kai Chen
, Guohui Wang, Wei Bai
, Zhiqiang Ma, Lin Gu:
HadoopWatch: A first step towards comprehensive traffic forecasting in cloud computing. 19-27 - Lei Jiao
, Jun Li, Wei Du, Xiaoming Fu
Multi-objective data placement for multi-cloud socially aware services. 28-36
LO1: Localization 1
- Edmund Novak
, Qun Li
Near-pri: Private, proximity based location sharing. 37-45 - Yang Yang, Miao Jin, Hongyi Wu:
3D surface localization with terrain model. 46-54 - Yang Tian, Ruipeng Gao, Kaigui Bian, Fan Ye, Tao Wang, Yizhou Wang, Xiaoming Li:
Towards ubiquitous indoor localization service leveraging environmental physical features. 55-63 - Jun Liu, Zhaohui Wang, Zheng Peng
, Jun-Hong Cui, Lance Fiondella:
Suave: Swarm underwater autonomous vehicle localization. 64-72
MN1: Multimedia networking 1
- Hao Cui, Chong Luo, Chang Wen Chen
, Feng Wu:
Robust uncoded video transmission over wireless fast fading channel. 73-81 - Vinay Joseph
, Gustavo de Veciana:
NOVA: QoE-driven optimization of DASH-based video delivery in networks. 82-90 - Zhi Wang, Lifeng Sun, Chuan Wu
, Wenwu Zhu, Shiqiang Yang:
Joint online transcoding and geo-distributed delivery for dynamic adaptive streaming. 91-99 - Randeep Bhatia, T. V. Lakshman, Arun N. Netravali, Krishan K. Sabnani:
Improving mobile video streaming with link aware scheduling and client caches. 100-108
NE1: Network economics and pricing 1
- Dejun Yang
, Xiang Zhang, Guoliang Xue:
PROMISE: A framework for truthful and profit maximizing spectrum double auctions. 109-117 - Jian Zhao, Hongxing Li, Chuan Wu
, Zongpeng Li, Zhizhong Zhang, Francis C. M. Lau:
Dynamic pricing and profit maximization for the cloud with geo-distributed data centers. 118-126 - Tie Luo
, Hwee-Pink Tan
, Lirong Xia
Profit-maximizing incentive for participatory sensing. 127-135 - Xukai Zou, Huian Li, Yan Sui, Wei Peng, Feng Li:
Assurable, transparent, and mutual restraining e-voting involving multiple conflicting parties. 136-144
- Lei Xie, Hao Han, Qun Li
, Jie Wu, Sanglu Lu:
Efficiently collecting histograms over RFID tags. 145-153 - Linghe Kong, Liang He, Yu Gu, Min-You Wu, Tian He:
A Parallel Identification Protocol for RFID systems. 154-162 - Jia Liu, Bin Xiao
, Kai Bu, Lijun Chen:
Efficient distributed query processing in large RFID-enabled supply chains. 163-171 - Min Chen, Shigang Chen, Qingjun Xiao:
Pandaka: A lightweight cipher for RFID systems. 172-180
RS: Router and switch design
- Giuseppe Rossini, Dario Rossi, Michele Garetto
, Emilio Leonardi
Multi-Terabyte and multi-Gbps information centric routers. 181-189 - Tian Pan
, Ting Zhang, Junxiao Shi
, Yang Li, Linxiao Jin, Fuliang Li, Jiahai Yang, Beichuan Zhang, Bin Liu:
Towards zero-time wakeup of line cards in power-aware routers. 190-198 - Stefano Vissicchio, Laurent Vanbever, Luca Cittadini, Geoffrey G. Xie, Olivier Bonaventure:
Safe routing reconfigurations with route redistribution. 199-207 - Shu Yang, Mingwei Xu, Dan Wang
, Gautier Bayzelon, Jianping Wu:
Scalable forwarding tables for supporting flexible policies in enterprise networks. 208-216
SP1: Security and privacy 1
- Qingsi Wang, Mingyan Liu:
Learning in hide-and-seek. 217-225 - Wenhai Sun
, Shucheng Yu
, Wenjing Lou, Y. Thomas Hou, Hui Li:
Protecting your right: Attribute-based keyword search with fine-grained owner-enforced search authorization in the cloud. 226-234 - Ranjan Pal, Leana Golubchik, Konstantinos Psounis, Pan Hui:
Will cyber-insurance improve network security? A market analysis. 235-243 - Jun Shao, Rongxing Lu, Xiaodong Lin:
FINE: A fine-grained privacy-preserving location-based service framework for mobile devices. 244-252
WN1: Wireless networks 1
- Xiufeng Xie, Xinyu Zhang:
Does full-duplex double the capacity of wireless networks? 253-261 - Yang Yang, Bo Chen, Kannan Srinivasan, Ness B. Shroff:
Characterizing the achievable throughput in wireless networks with two active RF chains. 262-270 - Chunmei Han, Kaishun Wu
, Yuxi Wang, Lionel M. Ni:
WiFall: Device-free fall detection by wireless networks. 271-279 - Hyeryung Jang, Se-Young Yun, Jinwoo Shin, Yung Yi:
Distributed learning for utility maximization over CSMA-based wireless multihop networks. 280-288
CC2: Cloud Computing 2
- Qi Zhang, Mohamed Faten Zhani
, Maissa Jabri, Raouf Boutaba:
Venice: Reliable virtual data center embedding in clouds. 289-297 - Yuhong Zhao, Hong Jiang, Ke Zhou, Zhijie Huang
, Ping Huang:
Meeting service level agreement cost-effectively for video-on-demand applications in the cloud. 298-306 - Jian Li, Tongtong Li, Jian Ren:
Beyond the MDS bound in distributed cloud storage. 307-315 - Jun Li
, Baochun Li:
Cooperative repair with minimum-storage regenerating codes for distributed storage. 316-324
FC: Flow and congestion control
- Reza Banirazi, Edmond A. Jonckheere, Bhaskar Krishnamachari:
Heat-Diffusion: Pareto optimal dynamic routing for time-varying wireless networks. 325-333 - Peng-Jun Wan, Zhu Wang, Lei Wang, Zhiguo Wan, Sai Ji:
From least interference-cost paths to maximum (Concurrent) multiflow in MC-MR wireless networks. 334-342 - Georgios S. Paschos, Chih-Ping Li, Eytan H. Modiano, Kostas Choumas, Thanasis Korakis:
Multirate multicast: Optimal algorithms and implementation. 343-351 - Tobias Harks, Martin Hoefer, Kevin Schewior
, Alexander Skopalik:
Routing games with progressive filling. 352-360
LO2: Localization 2
- Wei Xi, Jizhong Zhao, Xiang-Yang Li, Kun Zhao, Shaojie Tang, Xue Liu, Zhiping Jiang:
Electronic frog eye: Counting crowd using WiFi. 361-369 - Wenchao Huang, Yan Xiong, Xiang-Yang Li, Hao Lin, XuFei Mao, Panlong Yang, Yunhao Liu:
Shake and walk: Acoustic direction finding and fine-grained indoor localization using smartphones. 370-378 - Tianci Liu, Lei Yang
, Qiongzheng Lin
, Yi Guo, Yunhao Liu:
Anchor-free backscatter positioning for RFID tags with high accuracy. 379-387 - Yuanchao Shu, Peng Cheng, Yu Gu, Jiming Chen, Tian He:
TOC: Localizing wireless rechargeable sensors with time of charge. 388-396
MN2: Multimedia networking 2
- Zhenyu Li, Gaogang Xie, Jiali Lin, Yun Jin, Mohamed Ali Kâafar
, Kavé Salamatian
On the geographic patterns of a large-scale mobile video-on-demand system. 397-405 - Vinay Joseph
, Sem C. Borst, Martin I. Reiman:
Optimal rate allocation for adaptive wireless video streaming in networks with user dynamics. 406-414 - Yang Cao, Xu Chen, Tao Jiang, Junshan Zhang:
SoCast: Social ties based cooperative video multicast. 415-423 - Munhwan Choi, Weiping Sun, Jonghoe Koo, Sunghyun Choi
, Kang G. Shin:
Reliable video multicast over Wi-Fi networks with coordinated multiple APs. 424-432
NE2: Network economics and pricing 2
- Linquan Zhang, Zongpeng Li, Chuan Wu
Dynamic resource provisioning in cloud computing: A randomized auction approach. 433-441 - Weijie Wu, Richard T. B. Ma
, John C. S. Lui:
Exploring bundling sale strategy in online service markets with network effects. 442-450 - George Iosifidis
, Lin Gao, Jianwei Huang, Leandros Tassiulas:
Enabling crowd-sourced mobile Internet access. 451-459 - Syed Hasan, Sergey Gorinsky
, Constantine Dovrolis, Ramesh K. Sitaraman
Trade-offs in optimizing the cache deployments of CDNs. 460-468
- Jinsong Han, Chen Qian, Xing Wang, Dan Ma, Jizhong Zhao, Pengfeng Zhang, Wei Xi, Zhiping Jiang:
Twins: Device-free object tracking using passive tags. 469-476 - Wei Gong, Kebin Liu, Xin Miao, Haoxiang Liu:
Arbitrarily accurate approximation scheme for large-scale RFID cardinality estimation. 477-485 - Haoxiang Liu, Wei Gong, Xin Miao, Kebin Liu, Wenbo He:
Towards adaptive continuous scanning in large-scale RFID systems. 486-494 - Yuanqing Zheng
, Mo Li
Read bulk data from computational RFIDs. 495-503
SP2: Security and privacy 2
- Jing Zhao, Taeho Jung, Yu Wang, Xiangyang Li:
Achieving differential privacy of data disclosure in the smart grid. 504-512 - Lei Yang, Xu Chen, Junshan Zhang, H. Vincent Poor
Optimal privacy-preserving energy management for smart meters. 513-521 - Qingji Zheng, Shouhuai Xu, Giuseppe Ateniese:
VABKS: Verifiable attribute-based keyword search over outsourced encrypted data. 522-530 - Daniel Luchaup, Lorenzo De Carli
, Somesh Jha, Eric Bach:
Deep packet inspection with DFA-trees and parametrized language overapproximation. 531-539
WN2: Wireless networks 2
- Wei Sun, Zheng Yang, Keyu Wang, Yunhao Liu:
Hello: A generic flexible protocol for neighbor discovery. 540-548 - Liyang Zhang, Zhangyu Guan, Tommaso Melodia
Cooperative anti-jamming for infrastructure-less wireless networks with stochastic relaying. 549-557 - XiaoHua Xu, Min Song:
Restricted coverage in wireless networks. 558-564 - Cem Boyaci, Ye Xia:
Optimal delay bound for maximum weight scheduling policy in wireless networks. 565-573
CC3: Cloud computing 3
- Jiao Zhang, Fengyuan Ren, Chuang Lin:
Delay guaranteed live migration of Virtual Machines. 574-582 - Wei Wang
, Baochun Li, Ben Liang
Dominant resource fairness in cloud computing systems with heterogeneous servers. 583-591 - Bharath Balasubramanian, Tian Lan, Mung Chiang:
SAP: Similarity-aware partitioning for efficient cloud storage. 592-600 - Sivan Albagli-Kim, Hadas Shachnai, Tami Tamir:
Scheduling jobs with dwindling resource requirements in clouds. 601-609
IM1: Internet monitoring and measurement 1
- Tatsuaki Kimura, Keisuke Ishibashi, Tatsuya Mori
, Hiroshi Sawada, Tsuyoshi Toyono, Ken Nishimatsu, Akio Watanabe, Akihiro Shimoda, Kohei Shiomoto
Spatio-temporal factorization of log data for understanding network events. 610-618 - Hao Liu, Yaoxue Zhang, Yuezhi Zhou, Di Zhang, Xiaoming Fu
, K. K. Ramakrishnan
Mining checkins from location-sharing services for client-independent IP geolocation. 619-627 - Alex X. Liu, Chad R. Meiners, Eric Torng:
Packet classification using binary Content Addressable Memory. 628-636 - Anduo Wang, Alexander J. T. Gurney, Xianglong Han, Jinyan Cao, Boon Thau Loo
, Carolyn L. Talcott, Andre Scedrov
A reduction-based approach towards scaling up formal analysis of internet configurations. 637-645
NC: Network coding
- Xunrui Yin, Zongpeng Li, Xin Wang:
A matroid theory approach to multicast network coding. 646-654 - Wei-Cheng Kuo, Chih-Chun Wang:
Robust and optimal opportunistic scheduling for downlink 2-flow inter-session network coding with varying channel quality. 655-663 - Shiyu Ji, Tingting Chen, Sheng Zhong, Subhash C. Kak:
DAWN: Defending against wormhole attacks in wireless network coding systems. 664-672 - Fei Chen, Tao Xiang
, Yuanyuan Yang
, Sherman S. M. Chow
Secure cloud storage meets with secure network coding. 673-681
NE3: Network economics and pricing 3
- Lin Gao, George Iosifidis
, Jianwei Huang, Leandros Tassiulas:
Hybrid data pricing for network-assisted user-provided connectivity. 682-690 - Zhixue Lu, Prasun Sinha, R. Srikant:
EasyBid: Enabling cellular offloading via small players. 691-699 - Liang Zhang
, Weijie Wu, Dan Wang
Time dependent pricing in wireless data networks: Flat-rate vs. usage-based schemes. 700-708 - Wei Dong, Swati Rallapalli, Lili Qiu, K. K. Ramakrishnan
, Yin Zhang:
Double auctions for dynamic spectrum allocation. 709-717
SN1: Sensor networks 1
- Xuefeng Liu, Jiannong Cao
, Shaojie Tang, Peng Guo:
A generalized coverage-preserving scheduling in WSNs: A case study in structural health monitoring. 718-726 - Haofu Han, Jiadi Yu, Hongzi Zhu, Yingying Chen
, Jie Yang, Yanmin Zhu, Guangtao Xue, Minglu Li:
SenSpeed: Sensing driving conditions to estimate vehicle speed in urban environments. 727-735 - Ahmed E. A. A. Abdulla, Zubair Md. Fadlullah
, Hiroki Nishiyama
, Nei Kato
, Fumie Ono, Ryu Miura:
An optimal data collection technique for improved utility in UAS-aided networks. 736-744 - Shibo He, Dong-Hoon Shin, Junshan Zhang, Jiming Chen:
Toward optimal allocation of location dependent tasks in crowdsensing. 745-753
SP3: Security and privacy 3
- Ben Niu, Qinghua Li, Xiaoyan Zhu, Guohong Cao, Hui Li:
Achieving k-anonymity in privacy-aware location-based services. 754-762 - Rongxing Lu, Xiaodong Lin, Zhiguo Shi, Jun Shao:
PLAM: A privacy-preserving framework for local-area mobile social networks. 763-771 - Zhengrui Qin, Shanhe Yi
, Qun Li
, Dmitry Zamkov:
Preserving secondary users' privacy in cognitive radio networks. 772-780 - Maciej Korczynski, Andrzej Duda
Markov chain fingerprinting to classify encrypted traffic. 781-789
WN3: Wireless networks 3
- Shaohe Lv, Xuan Dong, Yong Lu, Xiaoli Du, Xiaodong Wang, Yong Dou, Xingming Zhou:
3D pipeline contention: Asymmetric full duplex in wireless networks. 790-798 - Lan Zhang, Kebin Liu, Yonghang Jiang, Xiang-Yang Li, Yunhao Liu, Panlong Yang:
Montage: Combine frames with movement continuity for realtime multi-user tracking. 799-807 - Xiufeng Xie, Xinyu Zhang:
Scalable user selection for MU-MIMO networks. 808-816 - Yongjiu Du, Ehsan Aryafar, Joseph Camp
, Mung Chiang:
iBeam: Intelligent client-side multi-user beamforming in wireless networks. 817-825
CC4: Cloud computing 4
- Guanfeng Liang, Ulas C. Kozat:
TOFEC: Achieving optimal throughput-delay trade-off of cloud storage using erasure codes. 826-834 - Haiying Shen, Zhuozhao Li
New bandwidth sharing and pricing policies to achieve a win-win situation for cloud provider and tenants. 835-843 - Yu Hua, Xue Liu, Dan Feng:
Neptune: Efficient remote communication services for cloud backups. 844-852 - György Dán, Niklas Carlsson:
Dynamic content allocation for cloud-assisted service of periodic workloads. 853-861
CNE: Cooperative networking
- Kyung-Hwa Kim, Hyunwoo Nam, Henning Schulzrinne:
WiSlow: A Wi-Fi network performance troubleshooting tool for end users. 862-870 - Riheng Jia, Jinbei Zhang, Xinbing Wang, Xiaohua Tian, Qian Zhang
Scaling laws for heterogeneous cognitive radio networks with cooperative secondary users. 871-879 - Yantian Hou, Ming Li, Xu Yuan, Y. Thomas Hou, Wenjing Lou:
Cooperative cross-technology interference mitigation for heterogeneous multi-hop networks. 880-888
EE1: Energy efficiency in wireless networks 1
- Ashikur Rahman
, Nael B. Abu-Ghazaleh
On the expected size of minimum-energy path-preserving topologies for wireless multi-hop networks. 889-897 - Hang Li, Chuan Huang, Shuguang Cui
, Junshan Zhang:
Distributed opportunistic scheduling for wireless networks powered by renewable energy sources. 898-906 - Chenfei Gao, Weiyi Zhang, Jian Tang, Chonggang Wang, Shihong Zou, Sen Su:
Relax, but Do Not Sleep: A new perspective on Green Wireless Networking. 907-915 - Wenjie Hu, Guohong Cao:
Energy optimization through traffic aggregation in wireless networks. 916-924
IM2: Internet monitoring and measurement 2
- Aveek K. Das, Parth H. Pathak, Chen-Nee Chuah
, Prasant Mohapatra:
Contextual localization through network traffic analysis. 925-933 - Mehdi Malboubi, Liyuan Wang, Chen-Nee Chuah
, Puneet Sharma:
Intelligent SDN based traffic (de)Aggregation and Measurement Paradigm (iSTAMP). 934-942 - Andra Lutu, Marcelo Bagnulo
, Jesús Cid-Sueiro
, Olaf Maennel
Separating wheat from chaff: Winnowing unintended prefixes using machine learning. 943-951 - Alex X. Liu, Eric Torng:
An overlay automata approach to regular expression matching. 952-960
SN2: Sensor networks 2
- Xiaoyu Ji, Yuan He, Jiliang Wang, Wei Dong, Xiaopei Wu, Yunhao Liu:
Walking down the STAIRS: Efficient collision resolution for wireless sensor networks. 961-969 - Yitao Hu, Xinbing Wang, Xiaoying Gan:
Critical sensing range for mobile heterogeneous camera sensor networks. 970-978 - Kan Huang, Chien-Chun Ni, Rik Sarkar, Jie Gao, Joseph S. B. Mitchell:
Bounded stretch geographic homotopic routing in sensor networks. 979-987 - Stefano Basagni, Ladislau Bölöni, Petrika Gjanci, Chiara Petrioli
, Cynthia A. Phillips, Danila Turgut:
Maximizing the value of sensed information in underwater wireless sensor networks via an autonomous underwater vehicle. 988-996
WS1: Wireless security and privacy 1
- Jingchao Sun, Xu Chen, Jinxue Zhang, Yanchao Zhang, Junshan Zhang:
SYNERGY: A game-theoretical approach for cooperative key generation in wireless networks. 997-1005 - Yunchuan Guo, Lihua Yin, Licai Liu, Binxing Fang:
Utility-based cooperative decision in cooperative authentication. 1006-1014 - Hanif Rahbari
, Marwan Krunz, Loukas Lazos:
Security vulnerability and countermeasures of frequency offset correction in 802.11a systems. 1015-1023 - Fei Huo, Guang Gong:
A new efficient physical layer OFDM encryption scheme. 1024-1032
CC5: Cloud computing 5
- Liuhua Chen, Haiying Shen:
Consolidating complementary VMs with spatial/temporal-awareness in cloud datacenters. 1033-1041 - Shengbo Chen, Yin Sun, Ulas C. Kozat, Longbo Huang, Prasun Sinha, Guanfeng Liang, Xin Liu, Ness B. Shroff:
When queueing meets coding: Optimal-latency data retrieving scheme in storage clouds. 1042-1050 - Ryan Shea, Haiyang Wang, Jiangchuan Liu:
Power consumption of virtual machines with network transactions: Measurement and improvements. 1051-1059 - Yujin Li, Wenye Wang:
Can mobile cloudlets support mobile applications? 1060-1068