default search action
9th IJCAI 1985: Los Angeles, California, USA
- Aravind K. Joshi:
Proceedings of the 9th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Los Angeles, CA, USA, August 1985. Morgan Kaufmann 1985
AI and Education
- John R. Anderson, C. Franklin Boyle, Gregg Yost:
The Geometry Tutor. 1-7 - Brian J. Reiser, John R. Anderson, Robert G. Farrell:
Dynamic Student Modelling in an Intelligent Tutor for LISP Programming. 8-14 - William R. Murray:
Heuristic and Formal Methods in Automatic Program Debugging. 15-19 - Ethel Schuster:
Grammars as User Models. 20-22 - Rostam Joobbani, Sarosh Talukdar:
An Expert System for Understanding Expressions from Electric Circuit Analysis. 23-25 - Andrzej Trybulec, Howard A. Blair:
Computer Assisted Reasoning with MIZAR. 26-28
AI Architectures
AI Architectures 1
- Simon Kasif, Jack Minker:
The Intelligent Channel: A Scheme for Result Sharing in Logic Programs. 29-31 - Alan L. Davis, Shane V. Robison:
The Architecture of the FAIM-1 Symbolic Multiprocessing System. 32-38 - Vineet Singh, Michael R. Genesereth:
A Variable Supply Model for Distributing Deductions. 39-45 - Gilles M. E. Lafue, Reid G. Smith:
A Modular Tool Kit for Knowledge Management. 46-52
AI Architectures 2
- Dennis F. Kibler, John S. Conery:
Parallelism in AI Programs. 53-56 - Anita M. Flynn, John G. Harris:
Recognition Algorithms for the Connection Machine. 57-60 - David Elliot Shaw:
NON-VONs Applicability to Three AI Task Areas. 61-72 - Ruven E. Brooks, Rosalyn Lum:
Yes, An SIMD Machine Can Be Used for AI. 73-79
Automated Reasoning
Automated Reasoning 1
- Matthew L. Ginsberg:
Counterfactuals. 80-86 - Jon Doyle:
Reasoned Assumptions and Pareto Optimality. 87-90 - Jeffrey S. Rosenschein, Michael R. Genesereth:
Deals Among Rational Agents. 91-99
Automated Reasoning 2
- Erik Sandewall:
A Functional Approach to Non-Monotonic Logic. 100-106 - Matthew L. Ginsberg:
Does Probability Have a Place in Non-monotonic Reasoning? 107-110 - Didier Dubois, Henri Prade:
Combination and Propagation of Uncertainty with Belief Functions - A Reexamination. 111-113 - Tomasz Imielinski:
Results on Translating Defaults to Circumscription. 114-120 - Vladimir Lifschitz:
Computing Circumscription. 121-127
Automated Reasoning 3
- Benjamin Kuipers:
The Limits of Qualitative Simulation. 128-136 - Elisha Sacks:
Qualitative Mathematical Reasoning. 137-139 - Daniel S. Weld:
Combining Discrete and Continuous Process Models. 140-143 - David Poole:
On the Comparison of Theories: Preferring the Most Specific Explanation. 144-147 - Alan M. Frisch:
Using Model Theory to Specify AI Programs. 148-154
Automated Reasoning 4
- Myung W. Kim:
EGS: A Transformational Approach to Automatic Example Generation. 155-161 - Lawrence Davis:
Applying Adaptive Algorithms to Epistatic Domains. 162-164 - Jack Mostow, Donald Cohen:
Automating Program Speedup by Deciding What to Cache. 165-172 - Eliezer L. Lozinskii:
Evaluating Queries in Deductive Databases by Generating. 173-177
Automated Reasoning 5
- Allen L. Brown Jr.:
Modal Propositional Semantics for Reason Maintenance Systems. 178-184 - James W. Goodwin:
A Process Theory of Non-monotonic Inference. 185-187 - Vasant Dhar:
An Approach to Dependency Directed Backtracking Using Domain Specific Knowledge. 188-190 - Josh D. Tenenberg:
Taxonomic Reasoning. 191-193 - Garrison W. Cottrell:
Parallelism in Inheritance Hierarchies with Exceptions. 194-202
Automatic Programming
Automatic Programming 1
- Robert Balzer:
Automated Enhancement of Knowledge Representations. 203-207 - Nachum Dershowitz:
Synthesis by Completion. 208-214 - Douglas R. Smith:
Reasoning by Cases and the Formation of Conditional Programs. 215-218 - David Eppstein:
A Heuristic Approach to Program Inversion. 219-221 - Zohar Manna, Richard J. Waldinger:
The Origin of the Binary-Search Paradigm. 222-224
Automatic Programming 2
- David M. Steier, Elaine Kant:
Symbolic Execution in Algorithm Design. 225-231 - David R. Barstow:
Automatic Programming for Streams. 232-237
Cognitive Modelling
Cognitive Modelling 1
- David S. Touretzky, Geoffrey E. Hinton:
Symbols Among the Neurons: Details of a Connectionist Inference Architecture. 238-243 - James A. Reggia:
Virtual Lateral Inhibition in Parallel Activation Models of Associative Memory. 244-248 - James Geller:
The Teachable Letter Recognizer. 249-251 - Geoffrey E. Hinton, Kevin J. Lang:
Shape Recognition and Illusory Conjunctions. 252-259 - Helen M. Gigley:
Computational Neurolinguistics - What Is It All About? 260-266
Cognitive Modelling 2
- Derek Partridge:
Input-Expectation Discrepancy Reduction: A Ubiquitous Mechanism. 267-273 - Göran Hagert:
What's in a Mental Model? On Conceptual Models in Reasoning with Spatial Descriptions. 274-277 - Erik T. Mueller, Michael G. Dyer:
Daydreaming in Humans and Computers. 278-280 - Lawrence Birnbaum:
A Short Note on Opportunistic Planning and Memory in Arguments. 281-283 - Janet L. Kolodner, Robert L. Simpson Jr., Katia Sycara-Cyranski:
A Process Model of Cased-Based Reasoning in Problem Solving. 284-290 - Seth R. Goldman, Michael G. Dyer, Margot Flowers:
Learning to Understand Contractual Situations. 291-293 - Katia Sycara-Cyranski:
Arguments of Persuasion in Labour Mediation. 294-296
Expert Systems
Expert Systems 1
- Phyllis Koton:
Empirical and Model-based Reasoning in Expert Systems. 297-299 - Jon Sticklen, B. Chandrasekaran, John R. Josephson:
Control Issues in Classificatory Diagnosis. 300-306 - Tetsutaro Shibahara:
On Using Causal Knowledge to Recognize Vital Signals: Knowledge-based Interpretation of Arrhythmias. 307-314
Expert Systems 2
- Tim Niblett:
Judgmental Reasoning for Expert Systems. 315-317 - Naseem A. Khan, Ramesh C. Jain:
Uncertainty Management in a Distributed Knowledge Based System. 318-320 - Terence R. Thompson:
Parallel Formulation of Evidential-Reasoning Theories. 321-327 - Allan P. White:
Predictor: An Alternative Approach to Uncertain Inference in Expert Systems. 328-330 - Richard D. Ferrante:
The Characteristic Error Approach to Conflict Resolution. 331-334
Expert Systems 3
- Arthur J. Nevins:
An Architecture for Knowledge Based Deduction. 335-339 - J. Robert Ensor, John D. Gabbe:
Transactional Blackboards. 340-344 - Massimo Gallanti, Giovanni Guida, Luca Spampinato, Alberto Stefanini:
Representing Procedural Knowledge in Expert Systems: An Application to Process Control. 345-352 - Werner Dilger, Jörg Kippe:
COMODEL: A Language for the Representation of Technical Knowledge. 353-358 - Leonard Friedman:
Controlling Production Firing: The FCL Language. 359-366
Expert Systems 4
- Allen Ginsberg, Sholom M. Weiss, Peter Politakis:
SEEK2: A Generalized Approach to Automatic Knowledge Base Refinement. 367-374 - Tin A. Nguyen, Walton A. Perkins, Thomas J. Laffey, Deanne Pecora:
Checking an Expert Systems Knowledge Base for Consistency and Completeness. 375-378 - Agneta Eriksson, Anna-Lena Johansson:
Neat Explanation of Proof Trees. 379-381 - Robert Neches, William R. Swartout, Johanna D. Moore:
Explainable (and Maintainable) Expert Systems. 382-389 - Paul de Greef, Joost Breuker:
A Case Study in Structured Knowledge Acquisition. 390-392
Expert Systems 5
- Michio Kimura, Yasushi Matsumura, Takashi Matsunaga, Ryuji Hata, Hiroshi Matsumura:
RHINOS: A Consultation System for Diagnoses of Headache and Facial Pain. 393-396 - Jiwen Guan, Xu Ying, Chang Minche, Zhao Jizhi:
Model Expert System MES. 397-399 - Renee Elio, Johannes de Haan:
Knowledge Representation in an Expert Storm Forecasting System. 400-406 - Takushi Tanaka:
Parsing Circuit Topology in a Deductive System. 407-410 - Terry Cline, Wendy Fong, Steven Rosenberg:
An Expert Advisor for Photolithography. 411-413 - Ethan A. Scarl, John R. Jamieson, Carl I. Delaune:
A Fault Detection and Isolation Method Applied to Liquid Oxygen Loading for the Space Shuttle. 414-416
Expert Systems 6
- Lotfi A. Zadeh:
Syllogistic Reasoning as a Basis for Combination of Evidence in Expert Systems. 417-419 - Alexander S. Yeh:
Flexible Data Fusion (and Fission). 420-422 - Robert Milne:
Fault Diagnosis Through Responsibility. 423-425 - Pamela K. Fink:
Control and Integration of Diverse Knowledge in a Diagnostic Expert System. 426-431
Knowledge Representation
Knowledge Representation 1
- Jerry R. Hobbs:
Granularity. 432-435 - Yoav Shoham:
Naive Kinematics: One Aspect of Shape. 436-442 - Sanjaya Addanki, Ernest Davis:
A Representation for Complex Physical Domains. 443-446 - Curtis P. Langlotz, Lawrence M. Fagan, Samson W. Tu, John Williams, Branimir Sikic:
ONYX: An Architecture for Planning in Uncertain Environments. 447-449 - Tom Bylander, B. Chandrasekaran:
Understanding Behavior Using Consolidation. 450-454
Knowledge Representation 2
- Peter F. Patel-Schneider:
A Decidable First-Order Logic for Knowledge Representation. 455-458 - Witold Lukaszewicz:
Two Results on Default Logic. 459-461 - Peter Trum:
On the Descriptional Complexity of Production Systems. 462-464 - Lokendra Shastri, Jerome A. Feldman:
Evidential Reasoning in Semantic Networks: A Formal Theory. 465-474 - Michael Sullivan, Paul R. Cohen:
An Endorsement-based Plan Recognition Program. 475-479
Knowledge Representation 3
- Joseph Y. Halpern, Yoram Moses:
A Guide to the Modal Logics of Knowledge and Belief: Preliminary Draft. 480-490 - Ronald Fagin, Joseph Y. Halpern:
Belief, Awareness, and Limited Reasoning: Preliminary Report. 491-501 - Kurt Konolige:
A Computational Theory of Belief Introspection. 502-508 - Moshe Y. Vardi:
A Model-Theoretic Analysis of Monotonic Knowledge. 509-512 - Alfred Kobsa:
Using Situation Descriptions and Russellian Attitudes for Representing Beliefs and Wants. 513-515
Knowledge Representation 4
- Michael P. Georgeff, Amy L. Lansky, Pierre Bessière:
A Procedural Logic. 516-523 - Gary C. Borchardt:
Event Calculus. 524-527 - James F. Allen, Patrick J. Hayes:
A Common-Sense Theory of Time. 528-531 - Ronald J. Brachman, Victoria P. Gilbert, Hector J. Levesque:
An Essential Hybrid Reasoning System: Knowledge and Symbol Level Accounts of KRYPTON. 532-539 - Charles Rich:
The Layered Architecture of a System for Reasoning about Programs. 540-546 - Marc B. Vilain:
The Restricted Language Architecture of a Hybrid Representation System. 547-551
Learning and Acquisition
Learning and Acquisition 1
- Brian Falkenhainer:
Proportionality Graphs, Units Analysis, and Domain Constraints: Improving the Power and Efficiency of the Scientific Discovery Process. 552-554 - Bruce W. Porter, Dennis F. Kibler:
A Comparison of Analytic and Experimental Goal Regression for Machine Learning. 555-559 - Leslie G. Valiant:
Learning Disjunction of Conjunctions. 560-566 - Judea Pearl:
Learning Hidden Causes from Empirical Data. 567-572
Learning and Acquisition 2
- Tom M. Mitchell, Sridhar Mahadevan, Louis I. Steinberg:
LEAP: A Learning Apprentice for VLSI Design. 573-580 - Gary S. Kahn, Steven J. Nowlan, John P. McDermott:
MORE: An Intelligent Knowledge Acquisition Tool. 581-584 - Jonathan Schaeffer, T. Anthony Marsland:
The Utility of Expert Knowledge. 585-587 - David E. Goldberg:
Dynamic System Control Using Rule Learning and Genetic Algorithms. 588-592 - J. David Schaffer, John J. Grefenstette:
Multi-Objective Learning via Genetic Algorithms. 593-595
Learning and Acquisition 3
- Steven Minton:
Selectively Generalizing Plans for Problem-Solving. 596-599 - Charles P. Dolan, Michael G. Dyer:
Learning Planning Heuristics through Observation. 600-602 - Steven Salzberg:
Heuristics for Inductive Learning. 603-609 - Paul Thagard, Keith J. Holyoak:
Discovering the Wave Theory of Sound: Inductive Inference in the Context of Problem Solving. 610-612 - Albrecht Heeffer:
Validating Concepts from Automated Acquisition Systems. 613-615 - Sridhar Mahadevan:
Verification-based Learning: A Generalized Strategy for Inferring Problem-Reduction Methods. 616-623
Learning and Acquisition 4
- David M. Neves:
Learning Procedures from Examples and by Doing. 624-630 - Bijan Arbab, Donald Michie:
Generating Rules from Examples. 631-633 - Jakub Segen:
Learning Concept Descriptions from Examples with Errors. 634-636 - Sandra Marcus, John P. McDermott, Tianran Wang:
Knowledge Acquisition for Constructive Systems. 637-639 - Glenn A. Iba:
Learning by Discovering Macros in Puzzle Solving. 640-642
Learning and Acquisition 5
- Thomas Ellman:
Generalizing Logic Circuit Designs by Analyzing Proofs of Correctness. 643-646 - Sitaram Lanka:
Automatically Inferring Database Schemas. 647-649 - Larry A. Rendell:
Substantial Constructive Induction Using Layered Information Compression: Tractable Feature Formation in Search. 650-658 - LiMin Fu, Bruce G. Buchanan:
Learning Intermediate Concepts in Constructing a Hierarchical Knowledge Base. 659-666 - Jude W. Shavlik:
Learning about Momentum Conservation. 667-669 - Oliver G. Selfridge, Richard S. Sutton, Andrew G. Barto:
Training and Tracking in Robotics. 670-672
Learning and Acquisition 6
- Reid G. Smith, Howard A. Winston, Tom M. Mitchell, Bruce G. Buchanan:
Representation and Use of Explicit Justifications for Knowledge Base Refinements. 673-680 - Raymond J. Mooney, Gerald DeJong:
Learning Schemata for Natural Language Processing. 681-687 - Shankar A. Rajamoney, Gerald DeJong, Boi Faltings:
Towards a Model of Conceptual Knowledge Acquisition Through Directed Experimentation. 688-690 - Douglas H. Fisher, Pat Langley:
Approaches to Conceptual Clustering. 691-697 - R. I. Phelps, Peter B. Musgrove:
A Prototypical Approach to Machine Learning. 698-700
Logic Programming
Logic Programming 1
- Mitsuru Ishizuka, Naoki Kanai:
Prolog-ELF Incorporating Fuzzy Logic. 701-703 - Tadashi Kanamori, Kenji Horiuchi:
Type Inference in Prolog and Its Application. 704-707 - Hideyuki Nakashima:
Term Description: A Simple Powerful Extension to Prolog Data Structures. 708-710