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ICRA 2003: Taipei, Taiwan
- Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA 2003, September 14-19, 2003, Taipei, Taiwan. IEEE 2003
TuA1: Mobile Robot Navigation(I)
- Andres Castano, Larry H. Matthies:
Foliage Discrimination Using a Rotating Ladar. 1-6 - Kostas J. Kyriakopoulos, Nikos Skounakis:
Moving Obstacle Detection for a Skid-Steered Vehicle Endowed with a Single 2-D Laser Scanner. 7-12 - Simon X. Yang, Tiemin Hu, Xiaobu Yuan, Peter Xiaoping Liu, Max Q.-H. Meng:
A Neural Network Based Torque Controller for Collision-Free Navigation of Mobile Robots. 13-18 - Mohammad H. Rahimi, Hardik Shah, Gaurav S. Sukhatme, John S. Heidemann, Deborah Estrin:
Studying the Feasibility of Energy Harvesting in a Mobile Sensor Network. 19-24 - Aaron Morris, Raghavendra Donamukkala, Anuj Kapuria, Aaron Steinfeld, Judith T. Matthews, Jacqueline Dunbar-Jacobs, Sebastian Thrun:
A Robotic Walker that Provides Guidance. 25-30
TuA2: Control of Biped Robot (I)
- Yoonkwon Hwang, Eiichi Inohira, Atsushi Konno, Masaru Uchiyama:
An Order n Dynamic Simulator for a Humanoid Robot with a Virtual Spring-Damper Contact Model. 31-36 - Richard Altendorfer, Daniel E. Koditschek, Philip Holmes:
Towards a Factored Analysis of Legged Locomotion Models. 37-44 - Chee-Meng Chew, Gill A. Pratt:
Frontal Plane Algorithms for Dynamic Bipedal Walking. 45-50 - Tomomichi Sugihara, Yoshihiko Nakamura:
Contact Phase Invariant Control for Humanoid Robot Based on Variable Impedant Inverted Pendulum Model. 51-56 - Sang-Ho Hyon, Takashi Emura:
Aerial Posture Control for 3D Biped Running Using Compensator around Yaw Axis. 57-62
TuA3: Mobile Robot Wheel Mechanisms
- Kazuhiro Motomura, Atsushi Kawakami, Shigeo Hirose:
Development of Arm Equipped Single Wheel Rover: Effective Arm-Posture-Based Steering Method. 63-68 - Bernard Bayle, Jean-Yves Fourquet, Marc Renaud:
Kinematic Modelling of Wheeled Mobile Manipulators. 69-74 - Jonas Svennebring, Sven Koenig:
Trail-Laying Robots for Robust Terrain Coverage. 75-82 - Brian W. Albiston, Mark A. Minor:
Curvature Based Point Stabilization for Compliant Framed Wheeled Modular Mobile Robots. 83-89 - Sascha Stoeter, Ian T. Burt, Nikolaos Papanikolopoulos:
Scout Robot Motion Model. 90-95
TuA4: Agriculture and Off-Road Robotics
- Satoru Sakai, Koichi Osuka, Michihisa Iida, Mikio Umeda:
Control of a Heavy Material Handling Agricultural Manipulator Using mu-Synthesis and Robust Gain Scheduling. 96-102 - Yahya H. Zweiri, Lakmal D. Seneviratne, Kaspar Althoefer:
A Generalized Newton Method for Identification of Closed-Chain Excavator Arm Parameters. 103-108 - Kenneth J. Waldron, Ronald C. Arkin, Douglas J. Bakkum, Ernest Merrill, Muhammad E. Abdallah:
Proprioceptive Control for a Robotic Vehicle over Geometric Obstacles. 109-114 - Roland Lenain, Benoît Thuilot, Christophe Cariou
, Philippe Martinet:
Adaptive Control for Car Like Vehicles Guidance Relying on RTK GPS: Rejection of Sliding Effects in Agricultural Applications. 115-120 - Choopar Tan, Yahya H. Zweiri, Kaspar Althoefer, Lakmal D. Seneviratne:
On-Line Soil Property Estimation for Autonmous Excavator Vehicles. 121-126
TuA5: 3D Vision (I)
- Y. F. Li, Z. G. Liu:
Uncertainty-Driven Viewpoint Planning for 3D Object Measurements. 127-132 - Jordi Pagès, Joaquim Salvi, Rafael García, Carles Matabosch:
Overview of Coded Light Projection Techniques for Automatic 3D Profiling. 133-138 - Jorge Lobo
, Luís Almeida
, João Alves, Jorge Dias:
Registration and Segmentation for 3D Map Building: A Solution Based on Stereo Vision and Inertial Sensors. 139-144 - Peter K. Allen, Ioannis Stamos, Alejandro J. Troccoli, Benjamin Smith, Marius Leordeanu, Y. C. Hsu:
3D Modeling of Historic Sites Using Range and Image Data. 145-150 - Markus Vincze, Andreas Pichler, Georg Biegelbauer:
Detection of Classes of Features for Automated Robot Programming. 151-156
TuA6: Computer Aided Scheduling
- Yazid Mati, Xiaolan Xie:
A Polynomial Algorithm for a Two-Job Shop Scheduling Problem with Routing Flexibility. 157-162 - Bo-Wei Hsieh, Shi-Chung Chang, Chun-Hung Chen:
Efficient Selection of Scheduling Rule Combination by Combining Design of Experiment and Ordinal Optimization-Based Simulation. 163-168 - Hamid Reza Golmakani, James K. Mills, Beno Benhabib:
Deadlock-Free Scheduling of Flexible Manufacturing Workcells Using Automata Theory. 169-174 - D. Quelhadj, Peter I. Cowling, Sanja Petrovic:
Utility and Stability Measures for Agent-Based Dynamic Scheduling of Steel Continuous Casting. 175-180 - Chuanyu Chen, Shell-Ying Huang, Wen-Jing Hsu, Ah Cheong Toh, Chee Kit Loh:
Platform-Based AS/RS for Container Storage. 181-187
TuA7: Actuator Design
- Michael Goldfarb, Eric J. Barth, Michael A. Gogola, Joseph A. Wehrmeyer:
Development of a Hot Gas Actuator for Self-Powered Robots. 188-193 - Hitoshi Maekawa
, Kiyoshi Komoriya:
Development of a Passively Operating Load-Responsive Transmission. 194-201 - Naoyuki Takesue, Junji Furusho, Yuuki Kiyota:
Analytic and Experimental Study on Fast Response MR-Fluid Actuator. 202-207 - William R. Hamel, Sewoong Kim, Renbin Zhou, Arnold Lumsdaine:
Dynamic Modeling and Analysis of a Transmission-Based Robot Servoactuator. 208-213 - Takehito Kikuchi, Junji Furusho, Kunihiko Oda:
Development of Isokinetic Exercise Machine Using ER Brake. 214-219
TuA8: Bio-Robotics
- Han-Pang Huang, Yi-Hung Liu, Chun-Shin Wong:
Automatic EMG Feature Evaluation for Controlling a Prosthetic Hand Using a Supervised Feature Mining Method: An Intelligent Approach. 220-225 - Hiroaki Hirai, Fumio Miyazaki:
Rhythmic Movement by Neural Oscillator with Periodic Stimulus. 226-231 - Cecilia Laschi, Hiroyasu Miwa
, Atsuo Takanishi, Eugenio Guglielmelli, Paolo Dario:
Visuo-Motor Coordination of a Humanoid Robot Head with Human-like Vision in Face Tracking. 232-237 - David D. Wilkinson, Michael Vande Weghe, Yoky Matsuoka:
An Extensor Mechanism for an Anatomical Robotic Hand. 238-243 - Akihisa Okino, Takahiro Inoue, Hideaki Takanobu, Atsuo Takanishi, Kayoko Ohtsuki, Masatoshi Ohnishi, Yoshio Nakano:
A Clinical Jaw Movement Training Robot for Lateral Movement Training. 244-249
TuA9: Mobility and Manipulation
- Myung-Jin Jung, Fumihito Arai, Yasuhisa Hasegawa, Toshio Fukuda:
Mood and Task Coordination of Home Robots. 250-255 - Tetsuo Tomizawa, Akihisa Ohya
, Shin'ichi Yuta:
Remote Book Browsing System Using a Mobile Manipulator. 256-261 - Jens-Steffen Gutmann, Masaki Fukuchi, Kohtaro Sabe:
Environment Identification by Comparing Maps of Landmarks. 262-267 - B. J. W. Waarsing, Marnix Nuttin, Hendrik Van Brussel:
Behavior-Based Mobile Manipulation Inspired by the Human Example. 268-273 - Jennifer Carlson, Robin R. Murphy:
Reliability Analysis of Mobile Robots. 274-281
TuA10: Micro Robotics (I)
- Stephen A. Mascaro, H. Harry Asada:
Wet Shape Memory Alloy Actuators for Active Vasculated Robotic Flesh. 282-287 - Ho-Yin Chan
, Wen J. Li:
A Thermally Actuated Polymer Micro Robotic Gripper for Manipulation of Biological Cells. 288-293 - Yu Sun, David P. Potasek, Damrongrit Piyabongkarn, Rajesh Rajamani, Bradley J. Nelson:
Actively Servoed Multi-Axis Microforce Sensors. 294-299 - Fumihito Arai, Masahiro Nakajima, Lixin Dong
, Toshio Fukuda:
Pico-Newton Order Force Measurement Using a Calibrated Carbon Nanotube Probe by Electromechanical Resonance. 300-305 - Fumihito Arai, Kouhei Motoo, Paul G. R. Kwon, Toshio Fukuda, Akihiko Ichikawa, Tohoru Katsuragi:
Novel Touch Sensor with Piezoelectric Thin Film for Microbial Separation. 306-311
TuA11: Mechanism Design
- Satya P. Krosuri, Mark A. Minor:
A Multifunctional Hybrid Hip Joint for Improved Adaptability in Miniature Climbing Robots. 312-317 - Dhiraj R. Nahar, Thomas Sugar:
Compliant Constant-Force Mechanism with a Variable Output for Micro/Macro Applications. 318-323 - Huat Kin Low, Aiqiang Yang:
Design and Foot Contact of a Leg Mechanism with a Flexible Gear System. 324-329 - Meng Li, Tian Huang, Zhanxian Li:
Conceptual Design and Kinematic Analysis of a 3-DOF Robot Wrist. 330-335 - Paul Bosscher, Imme Ebert-Uphoff
A Novel Mechanism for Implementing Multiple Collocated Spherical Joints. 336-341
TuA12: Geometry Issues in Robotics
- Josep M. Porta, Federico Thomas, Lluís Ros, Carme Torras
A Branch-and-Prune Algorithm for Solving Systems of Distance Constraints. 342-347 - Yi-King Choi, Wenping Wang, Myung-Soo Kim:
Exact Collision Detection of Two Moving Ellipsoids under Rational Motions. 349-354 - Federico Thomas, Erika Ottaviano, Lluís Ros, Marco Ceccarelli:
Coordinate-Free Formulation of a 3-2-1 Wire-Based Tracking Device Using Cayley-Menger Determinants. 355-361 - Takafumi Matsumaru
, Hisashi Endo, Tomotaka Ito:
Examination by Software Simulation on Preliminary-Announcement and Display of Mobile Robot's Following Action by Lamp or Blowouts. 362-367 - Shigeo Hirose, Tomoyuki Ishii, Atsuo Haishi:
Float Arm V: Hyper-Redundant Manipulator with Wire-Driven Weight-Compensation Mechanism. 368-373
TuA13: Human Robot Interaction (I)
- Jindong Tan, Ning Xi, Amit Goradia, Weihua Sheng:
Coordination of human and mobile manipulator formation in a perceptive reference frame. 374-379 - Yasushi Nakauchi, Piyawat Naphattalung, Takeshi Takahashi, Takashi Matsubara, Eiichi Kashiwagi:
Proposal and evaluation of natural language human-robot interface system based on conversation theory. 380-385 - Manel Frigola, Josep Fernández, Joan Aranda:
Visual human machine interface by gestures. 386-391 - Hiroshi G. Okuno
, Kazuhiro Nakadai, Hiroaki Kitano:
Realizing personality in audio-visually triggered non-verbal behaviors. 392-397 - Kazuhiro Nakadai, Hiroshi G. Okuno
, Hiroaki Kitano:
Robot recognizes three simultaneous speech by active audition. 398-405
- Jong-Hyuk Kim, Salah Sukkarieh:
Airborne simultaneous localisation and map building. 406-411 - Juan I. Nieto, José E. Guivant, Eduardo Mario Nebot, Sebastian Thrun:
Real time data association for FastSLAM. 412-418 - John Folkesson, Henrik I. Christensen:
Outdoor exploration and SLAM using a compressed filter. 419-426 - José Neira, Juan D. Tardós, José A. Castellanos:
Linear time vehicle relocation in SLAM. 427-433 - Tom Duckett
A genetic algorithm for simultaneous localization and mapping. 434-439
TuM1: Mobile Robot Navigation (II)
- Pierre Lamon, Roland Siegwart:
3D-odometry for rough terrain - towards real 3D navigation. 440-445 - Roland Philippsen, Roland Siegwart:
Smooth and efficient obstacle avoidance for a tour guide robot. 446-451 - Roy Merrell, Mark A. Minor:
Internal posture sensing for a flexible frame modular mobile robot. 452-457 - Fernando C. Lizarralde
, Eduardo V. L. Nunes, Liu Hsu, John T. Wen:
Mobile robot navigation using sensor fusion. 458-463 - Benjamín Tovar, Steven M. LaValle, Rafael Murrieta-Cid:
Optimal navigation and object finding without geometric maps or localization. 464-470
TuM2: Control of Biped Robot (II)
- Yoshihiro Kuroki, Masahiro Fujita, Tatsuzo Ishida, Ken'ichiro Nagasaka, Jin'ichi Yamaguchi:
A small biped entertainment robot exploring attractive applications. 471-476 - Yusuke Ota, Tatsuya Tamaki, Kan Yoneda, Shigeo Hirose:
Development of walking manipulator with versatile locomotion. 477-483 - Klaus Löffler, Michael Gienger, Friedrich Pfeiffer:
Sensor and control design of a dynamically stable biped robot. 484-490 - Masafumi Okada, Tetsuya Shinohara, Tatsuya Gotoh, Shigeki Ban, Yoshihiko Nakamura:
Double spherical joint and backlash clutch for lower limbs of humanoids. 491-496
TuM3: Omnidirectional Vehicles
- Nobuhiro Ushimi, Motoji Yamamoto, Akira Mohri:
Two wheels caster type odometer for omni-directional vehicles. 497-502 - Kyung-Seok Byun, Jae-Bok Song:
CVT control of an omnidirectional mobile robot with steerable omnidirectional wheels for energy efficient drive. 503-508 - Gabriel Ramírez, Saïd Zeghloul:
Exponential control law for a multi-degree of freedom mobile robot. 509-514 - Xin Yang, Keigo Watanabe, Kiyotaka Izumi, Kazuo Kiguchi:
A common reference object concept to cooperative transportation. 515-520 - Jae Heon Chung, Byung-Ju Yi, Whee Kuk Kim, Hogil Lee:
The dynamic modeling and analysis for an onmidirectional mobile robot with three caster wheels. 521-527
TuM4: Helicopter/Air Vehicle
- Huai-yu Wu, Zhao-Ying Zhou, Dong Sun:
Autonomous hovering control and test for micro air vehicle. 528-533 - Huai-yu Wu, Dong Sun, Zhao-Ying Zhou, Shen-Shu Xiong, Xiao-hao Wang:
Micro air vehicle. architecture and implementation. 534-539 - Emmanuel Hygounenc, Philippe Souères:
Lateral path following GPS-based control of a small-size unmanned blimp. 540-546 - Jonathan M. Roberts, Peter I. Corke
, Gregg D. Buskey:
Low-cost flight control system for a small autonomous helicopter. 546-551 - Marco La Civita, George Papageorgiou, William C. Messner, Takeo Kanade:
Integrated modeling and robust control for full-envelope flight of robotic helicopters. 552-557
TuM5: Omnidirectional Vision
- Stefan Hrabar, Gaurav S. Sukhatme:
Onmidirectional vision for an autonomous helicopter. 558-563 - Yasushi Yagi, Kousuke Imai, Masahiko Yachida:
Iconic memory-based onmidirectional route panorama navigation. 564-570 - Omid Shakernia, René Vidal, Shankar Sastry:
Multibody motion estimation and segmentation from multiple central panoramic views. 571-576 - Roland Bunschoten, Ben J. A. Kröse:
Visual odometry from an onmidirectional vision system. 577-583 - René Vidal, Omid Shakernia, Shankar Sastry:
Formation control of nonholonomic mobile robots with omnidirectional visual servoing and motion segmentation. 584-589
TuM6: Diagnostics and Networked Manufacturing Systems
- Chiaming Yen
, Wujeng Li, Jui Cheng Lin:
Web-based hardware-neutral sequential controller. 590-595 - Min-Hsiung Hung, Fan-Tien Cheng
, Sze-Chien Yeh:
Development of a web-services-based e-diagnosties framework. 596-603 - Chiman Kwan, Xiaodong Zhang, Roger Xu, Leonard Haynes:
A novel approach to fault diagnostics and prognostics. 604-609 - Peng Chen, Masatoshi Taniguchi, Toshio Toyota:
Intelligent diagnosis method of multi-fault state for plant machinery using wavelet analysis, genetic programming and possibility theory. 610-615 - Chung-Hsien Kuo, Chien-Sheng Huang:
Distributed modeling and simulation of 300 mm fab intrabay automation systems using distributed agent oriented petri nets. 616-621
TuM7: Actuators and Drivers
- Sebastião Cícero Pinheiro Gomes, Vagner Santos Da Rosa:
A new approach to compensate friction in robotic actuators. 622-627 - Eric J. Barth, Michael A. Gogola, Michael Goldfarb:
Modeling and control of a monopropellant-based pneumatic actuation system. 628-633 - Alessandro De Luca, Raffaella Mattone:
Actuator failure detection and isolation using generalized momenta. 634-639 - Hidenori Ishihara, Kimihito Yukawa, Atsutoshi Ikeda:
Development on conveyance module with new power drive mechanism for thin wire production system. 640-645 - Kyu-Jin Cho, Samuel Au, H. Harry Asada:
Large-scale servo control using a matrix wire network for driving a large number of actuators. 646-651
TuM8: Medical Diagnostic Robotics
- Yoshihiko Koseki, Noriho Koyachi, Tatsuo Arai, Kiyoyuki Chinzei:
Remote actuation mechanism for mr-compatible manipulator using leverage and parallelogram - workspace analysis, workspace control, and stiffness evaluation. 652-657 - Guillaume Thomann, Maurice Bétemps, Tanneguy Redarce:
The development of a benclable colonoscopic tip. 658-663 - Makoto Kaneko, Tomohiro Kawahara, Satoshi Matsunaga, Toshio Tsuji, Shinji Tanaka:
Touching stomach by air. 664-669 - Roland Moser, Roger Gassert, Etienne Burdet, Laurent Sache, H. R. Woodtli, J. Erni, Willy Maeder, Hannes Bleuler:
An MR compatible robot technology. 670-675 - Norihiro Koizumi, Shin'ichi Warisawa, Hiroyuki Hashizume, Mamoru Mitsuishi:
Impedance controller and its clinical use of the remote ultrasound diagnostic system. 676-683
TuM9: Dexterous Hand and Control
- Steffen Haidacher, Jörg Butterfaß, Max Fischer, Markus Grebenstein, Klaus Jöhl, Klaus Kunze, Matthias Nickel, Nikolaus Seitz, Gerd Hirzinger:
DLR hand II: hard- and software architecture for information processing. 684-689 - Dong Yi, Byung-Ju Yi, Whee Kuk Kim:
Design of a new grasper having XYZ translational motions. 690-695 - Wenzeng Zhang, Qiang Chen, Zhenguo Sun, Dongbin Zhao:
Under-actuated passive adaptive grasp humanoid robot hand with control of grasping force. 696-701 - Christoph Borst, Max Fischer, Steffen Haidacher, Hong Liu, Gerd Hirzinger:
DLR hand II: experiments and experiences with an anthropomorphic hand. 702-707 - Kouji Murakami, Tsutomu Hasegawa:
Novel fingertip equipped with soft skin and hard nail for dexterous multi-fingered robotic manipulation. 708-713
TuM10: Distributed Robotic Systems
- Akiya Kamimura
, Haruhisa Kurokawa, Eiichi Yoshida, Kohji Tomita, Satoshi Murata, Shigeru Kokaji:
Automatic locomotion pattern generation for modular robots. 714-720 - Chris V. Jones, Maja J. Mataric:
From local to global behavior in intelligent self-assembly from. 721-726 - Izzet Pembeci, Gregory D. Hager:
Functional reactive programming as a hybrid system framework. 727-734 - Zhiqiang Cao, Liangjun Xie, Bin Zhang, Shuo Wang, Min Tan:
Formation constrained multi-robot system in unknown environments. 735-740 - Jennifer E. Walter, Elizabeth M. Tsai, Nancy M. Amato:
Enveloping obstacles with hexagonal metamorphic robots. 741-748