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ICRA 1998: Leuven, Belgium
- Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, ICRA-98, Leuven, Belgium, May 16-20, 1998. IEEE Computer Society 1998, ISBN 0-7803-4301-8
Mobile Robots III
- Fabrizio Mura, Isao Shimoyama:
Visual Guidance of a Small Mobile Robot using Active, Biologically-Inspired, Eye Movements. 1859-1864 - Eiji Uchibe, Minoru Asada, Koh Hosoda:
Environmental Complexity Control for Vision-Based Learning Mobile Robot. 1865-1870 - Seiji Yamada, Morimichi Murota:
Unsupervised Learning to Recognize Environments from Behavior Sequences in a Mobile Robot. 1871-1876 - Laurent Ferrière, Benoît Raucent:
ROLLMOBS, a New Universal Wheel Concept. 1877-1882
Automated Car Navigation
- Ana Pozo-Ruz, Jorge L. Martínez, Alfonso García-Cerezo:
A New Satellite Selection Criterion for DGPS Using Two Low-Cost Receivers. 1883-1888 - Frank Dellaert, Dean Pomerleau, Charles E. Thorpe:
Model-Based Car Tracking Integrated with a Road-Follower. 1889-1894 - Barry Brumitt, Martial Hebert:
Experiments in Autonomous Driving with Concurrent Goals and Multiple Vehicles. 1895-1902 - Jana Kosecka, Robert Blasi, Camillo J. Taylor, Jitendra Malik:
A Comparative Study of Vision-Based Lateral Control Strategies for Autonomous Highway Driving. 1903-1908
Force Feedback Control for Teleoperation
- Günter Niemeyer, Jean-Jacques E. Slotine:
Towards Force-Reflecting Teleoperation Over the Internet. 1909-1915 - Akihito Sano, Hideo Fujimoto, Masayuki Tanaka:
Gain-Scheduled Compensation for Time Delay of Bilateral Teleoperation Systems. 1916-1923 - Alain Micaelli, Catherine Bidard, Claude Andriot:
Decoupling Control Based on Virtual Mechanisms for Telemanipulation. 1924-1931 - Tadashi Komatsu, Toshio Akabane:
Control of a Space Flexible Master-Slave Manipulator based on Parallel Compliance Models. 1932-1937
Contact Problems
- Herman Bruyninckx, Joris De Schutter:
Modelling and Specification of Compliant Motions with Two and Three Contact Points. 1938-1943 - Li Han, Jeffrey C. Trinkle:
The Instantaneous Kinematics of Manipulation. 1944-1949 - C. Ullrich, Dinesh K. Pai:
Contact Response Maps for Real Time Dynamic Simulation. 1950-1957 - Kevin M. Lynch, Naoji Shiroma, Hirohiko Arai, Kazuo Tanie:
The Roles of Shape and Motion in Dynamic Manipulation: the Butterfly Example. 1958-1963
Parallel Mechanisms
- Damien Chablat, Philippe Wenger:
Working Modes and Aspects in Fully Parallel Manipulators. 1964-1969 - Damien Chablat, Philippe Wenger, Jorge Angeles:
The Isoconditioning Loci of A Class of Closed-Chain Manipulators. 1970-1975 - Jean-Pierre Merlet:
Efficient Computation of the Extremum of the Articular Velocities of a Parallel Manipulator in a Translation Workspace. 1976-1981 - Jean-Pierre Merlet:
Efficient Estimation of the Extremal Articular Forces of a Parallel Manipulator in a Translation Workspace. 1982-1987 - Éric Marchand, Gregory D. Hager:
Dynamic Sensor Planning in Visual Servoing. 1988-1993
Dynamic Problems in Visual Servoing
- Armel Crétual, François Chaumette:
Image-Based Visual Servoing by Integration of Dynamic Measurements. 1994-2001 - Vicente A. Mut, Oscar Nasisi, Ricardo O. Carelli, Benjamín R. Kuchen:
Tracking Adaptive Impedance Robot Control with Visual Feedback. 2002-2007 - Jacques Gangloff, Michel de Mathelin, Gabriel Abba:
DOF High Speed Dynamic Visual Servoing Using GPC Controllers. 2008-2013
Control Issues of Bipedal Walkers
- Jerry E. Pratt, Gill A. Pratt:
Intuitive Control of a Planar Bipedal Walking Robot. 2014-2021 - Jin'ichi Yamaguchi, Daisuke Nishino, Atsuo Takanishi:
Realization of Dynamic Biped Walking Varying Joint Stiffness Using Antagonistic Driven Joints. 2022-2029 - Yasutaka Fujimoto, Satoshi Obata, Atsuo Kawamura:
Robust Biped Walking with Active Interaction Control between Foot and Ground. 2030-2035 - L. Roussel, Carlos Canudas-de-Wit, Ambarish Goswami:
Generation of Energy Optimal Complete Gait Cycles for Biped Robots. 2036-2041
Neural and Self-Organizing Control
- Meliksah Ertugrul, Okyay Kaynak:
Neural Computation of the Equivalent Control in Sliding Mode For Robot Trajectory Control Applications. 2042-2047 - M. Dapper, R. Maass, Volker Zahn, Rolf Eckmiller:
Neural Force Control (NFC) Applied to Industrial Manipulators in Interaction with Moving Rigid Objects. 2048-2053 - Jörg A. Walter:
PSOM Network: Learning with Few Examples. 2054-2059 - Roy M. Turner, Elise H. Turner:
Organization and Reorganization of Autonomous Oceanographic Sample Networks. 2060-2067
Multifinger Hand Design
- Jai Hoon Lee, Byung-Ju Yi, Sang-Rok Oh, Il Hong Suh:
Optimal Design of a Five-Bar Finger with Redundant Actuation. 2068-2074 - Andrea Caffaz, Giorgio Cannata:
The Design and Development of the DIST-hand Dextrous Gripper. 2075-2080 - Jörg Butterfaß, Gerd Hirzinger, S. Knoch, Hong Liu:
DLR's Multisensory Articulated Hand - Part I: Hard- and Software Architecture. 2081-2086 - Hong Liu, Peter Meusel, Jörg Butterfaß, Gerd Hirzinger:
DLR's Multisensory Articulated Hand - Part II: The Parallel Torque/Position Control System. 2087-2093
Manipulative Robots in Non-Manufacturing Fields
- Marcel Honegger, Alain Codourey:
Redundancy Resolution of a Cartesian Space Operated Heavy Industrial Manipulator. 2094-2098 - Raffaella Mattone, Linda Adduci, Andreas Wolf:
On-line Scheduling Algorithms for Improving Performance of Pick-and-Place Operations on a Moving Conveyor Belt. 2099-2105 - Jérôme Perret:
Service Robots for Nuclear Safety: New Developments by Cybernetix. 2106-2109 - Luis F. Peñín, Rafael Aracil, Manuel Ferre, E. Pinto, Miguel Hernando, Antonio Barrientos:
Telerobotic System for Live Power Lines Maintenance: ROBTET. 2110-2115
Multi Agents in Manufacturing
- Fan-Tien Cheng, Eric Shen, Jun-Yan Deng, Kevin Nguyen:
Development of a Distributed Object-Oriented System Framework for the Computer-Integrated Manufacturing Execution System. 2116-2121 - Yung-Yu Chen, Li-Chen Fu, Yu-Chien Chen:
Multi-agent Based Dynamic Scheduling for a Flexible Assembly System. 2122-2127 - Djamila Ouelhadj, Chihab Hanachi, Brahim Bouzouia:
Multi-Agent System for Dynamic Scheduling and Control in Manufacturing Cells. 2128-2133 - Sung-Hahn Liu, Li-Chen Fu, Jung-Hua Yang:
Multi-Agent Based Control Kernel for Flexible Automated Production System. 2134-2139
Actuators and Sensors
- Tokuji Okada, Kuniyasu Kimura, Nobuharu Mimura:
Basic Study on a Magnetic Measurement for Balance Utilizing a Spherical Vessel. 2140-2146 - Roy Kornbluh, Ron Pelrine, Joseph Eckerle, Jose Joseph:
Electrostrictive Polymer Artificial Muscle Actuators. 2147-2154 - Satoshi Tadokoro, Satoshi Fuji, Mitsuaki Fushimi, Ryu Kanno, Tetsuya Kimura, Toshi Takamori, Keisuke Oguro:
Development of a Distributed Actuation Device Consisting of Soft Gel Actuator Elements. 2155-2160 - R. B. Gorbet, David W. L. Wang, Kirsten A. Morris:
Preisach Model Identification of a Two-Wire SMA Actuator. 2161-2167
- Getachew Hailu, Gerald Sommer:
Learning by Biasing. 2168-2173 - Enrique Cervera, Angel P. del Pobil:
Eliminating Sensor Ambiguities via Recurrent Neural Networks in Sensor-B. 2174-2179 - Toru Omata:
Learning with Assistance based on Evolutionary Computation. 2180-2185 - Teruo Fujii, Yoshikazu Arai, Hajime Asama, Isao Endo:
Multilayered Reinforcement Learning for Complicated Collision Avoidance Problems. 2186-2191
Mobile Robot Trajectory Planning
- Qiang Huang, Shigeki Sugano, Kazuo Tanie:
Motion Planning for a Mobile Manipulator Considering Stability and Task Constraints. 2192-2198 - Victor F. Muñoz-Martínez, Ana María Cruz, Alfonso García-Cerezo:
Speed Planning and Generation Approach Based on the Path-Time Space for Mobile Robots. 2199-2204 - Juan C. Álvarez, Andrei M. Shkel, Vladimir J. Lumelsky:
Accounting for Mobile Robot Dynamics in Sensor-Based Motion Planning: Experimental Results. 2205-2210 - B. J. Choi, S. V. Sreenivasan:
Motion Planning of a Wheeled Mobile Robot with Slip-Free Motion Capability on a Smooth Uneven Surface. 3727-3732
- G. E. Hovland, Brenan J. McCarragher:
Controlling Sensory Perception for Indoor Navigation. 2211-2216 - Steve Scheding, Eduardo Mario Nebot, Hugh F. Durrant-Whyte:
The Detection of Faults in Navigation System. A Frequency Domain Approach. 2217-2222 - Stergios I. Roumeliotis, Gaurav S. Sukhatme, George A. Bekey:
Fault Detection and Identification in a Mobile Robot Using Multiple-Model Estimation. 2223-2228 - Toru Kamada, Koichi Oikawa:
AMADEUS: Mobile, Autonomous Decentralized Utility System for Indoor Transportation. 2229-2236
Human Task Models II
- Michael C. Nechyba, Yangsheng Xu:
On Discontinuous Human Control Strategies. 2237-2243 - Luis F. Peñín, A. Caballero, Rafael Aracil, Antonio Barrientos:
Human Behavior Modeling in Master-Slave Teleoperation with Kinesthetic Feedback. 2244-2249 - Jingyan Song, Yangsheng Xu, Michael C. Nechyba, Yeung Yam:
Two Performances Measures for Evaluating Human Control Strategy. 2250-2255 - Qi Wang, Joris De Schutter:
Towards Real-Time Robot Programming by Human Demonstration for 6D Force Controlled Actions. 2256-2261
Experiments on Tactile Sensing
- Davide Taddeucci, Paolo Dario:
Experiments in Synthetic Psychology for Tactile Perception in Robots: Step Towards Implementing Humanoid Robots. 2262-2267 - Kinkwan Choi, Shilong Jiang, Zexiang Li:
Multifingered Robotic Hands: Contact Experiments using Tactile Sensors. 2268-2273 - Fabio Leoni, Massimo Guerrini, Cecilia Laschi, Davide Taddeucci, Paolo Dario, Antonina Starita:
Implementing Robotic Grasping Tasks Using a Biological Approach. 2274-2280 - Yukiko Hoshino, Masayuki Inaba, Hirochika Inoue:
Model and Processing of Whole-body Tactile Sensor Suit for Human-Robot Contact Interaction. 2281-2286
Parallel Manipulators
- Clément Gosselin, Jiegao Wang:
On the Design of Gravity-Compensated Six-Degree-Of-Freedom Parallel Mechanisms. 2287-2294 - Sönke Kock, Walter Schumacher:
A Parallel x-y Manipulator with Actuation Redundancy for High-Speed and Active-Stiffness Applications. 2295-2300 - Katsu Yamane, Masafumi Okada, N. Komine, Yoshihiko Nakamura:
Parallel Dynamics Computation and H-infinity Acceleration Control of Parallel Manipulators for Acceleration Display. 2301-2308 - Lotfi Beji, Azgal Abichou, M. Pascal:
Tracking Control of a Parallel Robot in the Task Space. 2309-2314
Visual Servoing Performance
- Peter Krautgartner, Markus Vincze:
Performance Evaluation of Vision-Based Control Tasks. 2315-2320 - Koichi Hashimoto, Toshiro Noritsugu:
Performance and Sensitivity in Visual Servoing. 2321-2326 - Fernando Reyes-Cortés, Rafael Kelly:
Experimental Evaluation of Fixed-Camera Direct Visual Controllers on a Direct-Drive Robot. 2327-2332 - Yoshihiro Nakabo, Masatoshi Ishikawa:
Visual Impedance Using 1ms Visual Feedback System. 2333-2338
Mechanics of Simple Bipedal Walkers
- Richard Quint van der Linde:
Active Leg Compliance for Passive Walking. 2339-2344 - Adam C. Smith, Matthew D. Berkemeier:
The Motion of a Finite-Width Rimless Wheel in 3D. 2345-2350 - Mariano García, Anindya Chatterjee, Andy Ruina:
Speed, Efficiency and Stability of Small-Slope 2-D Passive Dynamic Bipedal Walking. 2351-2356 - Meifen Cao, Atsuo Kawamura:
A Design Method of Neural Oscillatory Networks for Generation of Humanoid Biped Walking Patterns. 2357-2362
Intelligent Control
- M. N. Varvatsoulakis, George N. Saridis, Paraskevas N. Paraskevopoulos:
A Model for the Organization Level of Intelligent Machines. 2363-2368 - Miguel A. Llama, Victor Santibañez, Rafael Kelly, Jesus Flores:
Stable Fuzzy Self-Tuning Computed-Torque Control of Robot Manipulators. 2369-2374 - Manabu Motegi, Takao Kakizaki, Shin-yo Muto:
Sensor-Enhanced Robotic Cell Collaboration Using Shared Task Error Information. 2375-2382 - Kirill Chernyshov, Fedor F. Pashchenko:
An Expert Opinion Approach to Tune Analytical Models of Nonlinear Systems. 2383-2388
Grasping Formulation
- Tsuneo Yoshikawa:
Virtual Truss Model for Characterization of Internal Forces for Multiple Finger Grasps. 2389-2395 - Herman Bruyninckx, Sabine Demey, Vijay Kumar:
Generalized Stability of Compliant Grasps. 2396-2402 - Chien-Chern Cheah, Hyun-Yong Han, Sadao Kawamura, Suguru Arimoto:
Grasping and Position Control for Multi-Fingered Robot Hands with Uncertain Jacobian Matrices. 2403-2408 - Kensuke Harada, Makoto Kaneko:
Enveloping Grasp for Multiple Objects. 2409-2415
Construction and Field Robotics
- Jun-ichi Takiguchi, Kiyoshi Iwama, Hiroshi Sugie, Masanori Kato, Takayuki Kiyonaga, Takumi Hashizume, Fumihiro Inoue, Kyoji Yoshino, Yutaro Omote:
A Study of Autonomous Mobile System in Outdoor Environment (Part 2: Sign Guided Autonomous Transportation System). 2416-2421 - Luc-Henri Pampagnin, François Peyret, Gaëtan Garcia:
Architecture of a GPS-based Guiding System for Road Compaction. 2422-2427 - Koji Hamada, Noriyuki Furuya, Yasuo Inoue, Tatsuya Wakisaka:
Development of Automated Construction System for High-Rise Reinforced Concrete Buildings. 2428-2433 - F. Carre, Laurent Gallo, B. Mazar, F. Megel, B. Serra:
MONAI: An autonomous Navigation System for Mobile Robots. 2434-2445
- M. Inui, H. Terakado:
Fast Evaluation of Geometric Constraints for Bending Sequence Planning. 2446-2451 - Naoki Asakawa, Kenji Toda, Yoshimi Takeuchi:
Automation of Chamfering by an industrial Robot, for the Case of Machined Hole on a Cylindrical Workpiece. 2452-2457 - Tian-Soon Lee, Yueh-Jaw Lin:
An Improved Sculptured Part Surface Design with Jerk Continuity for a Smooth Machining. 2458-2463 - Abbas Vafaeesefa, Hoda A. ElMaraghy:
Accessibility Analysis in 5-Axis Machining of Sculptured Surfaces. 2464-2469
Actuator Control
- Naoyuki Takesue, Guoguang Zhang, Junji Furusho, Masamichi Sakaguchi:
Precise Position Control of Robot Arms using a Homogeneous ER Fluid. 2470-2475 - Jianjun Li, William A. Gruver:
An Electrorheological Fluid Damper for Vibration Control. 2476-2481 - Fumihito Arai, Akiko Kawaji, Toshio Fukuda, Hideo Matsuura, Hiroshi Ota:
Safety Oriented Mechanism and Control Using ER Fluid in the Joint. 2482-2487 - Arthur E. Quaid, Ralph L. Hollis:
3-DOF Closed-Loop Control for Planar Linear Motors. 2488-2493
Fuzzy Systems
- Ming C. Leu, Tea-Quin Kim:
Cell Mapping Based Fuzzy Control of Car Parking. 2494-2499 - Mohammad Reza Emami, Andrew A. Goldenberg, I. Burhan Türksen:
A Robust Model-Based Fuzzy-Logic Controller for Robot Manipulators. 2500-2505 - Y. H. Fung, Shiu Kit Tso:
Analysis of Linguistic Fuzzy Control for Curved-path-following Autonomous Vehicles. 2506-2511 - Mohammad Reza Emami, Andrew A. Goldenberg, I. Burhan Türksen:
Fuzzy-Logic Dynamics Modeling of Robot Manipulators. 2512-2517
Mobile Robot Localization I
- Artur Dubrawski, Barbara Siemiatkowska:
A Method for Tracking Pose of a Mobile Robot Equipped with a Scanning Laser Range Finder. 2518-2523 - Shinji Kotani, Ken'ichi Kaneko, Tatsuya Shinoda, Hideo Mori:
Mobile Robot Navigation Based on Vision and DGPS Information. 2524-2529 - Hemant D. Tagare, Drew V. McDermott, Hong Xiao:
Visual Place Recognition for Autonomous Robots. 2530-2535 - I. A. Kaliaev:
Homogeneous Neurolike Structures in Control Systems of Intelligent Mobile Robots. 2536-2540
Mobile Robot Map Building
- Ldyla Cahut, Kimon P. Valavanis, Hakan Deliç:
Sonar Resolution-Based Environment Mapping. 2541-2547 - Shih-Chieh Wei, Yasushi Yagi, Masahiko Yachida:
Building Local Floor Map by Use of Ultrasonic and Omni-Directional Vision Sensor. 2548-2553 - Rui Araújo, Anibal T. de Almeida:
Map Building using Fuzzy ART, and Learning to Navigate a Mobile Robot on an Unknown World. 2554-2559 - Laurent Delahoche, Claude Pégard, El Mustapha Mouaddib, Pascal Vasseur:
Incremental Map Building for Mobile Robot Navigation in an Indoor Environment. 2560-2565
Haptic Devices II
- Hitoshi Maekawa, John M. Hollerbach:
Haptic Display for Object Grasping and Manipulating in Virtual Environment. 2566-2573 - Sooyong Lee, Sangmin Park, Munsang Kim, Chong-Won Lee:
Design of a Force Reflecting Master Arm and Master Hand Using Pneumatic Actuators. 2574-2579 - Yuichi Tsumaki, Hitoshi Naruse, Dragomir N. Nenchev, Masaru Uchiyama:
Design of a Compact 6-DOF Haptic interface. 2580-2585 - Masamichi Sakaguchi, Junji Furusho:
Force Display System Using Particle-Type Electrorheological Fluids. 2586-2591
Scccer Robots
- Takayuki Nakamura:
Development of Self-Learning Vision-Based Mobile Robots for Acquiring Soccer Robots Behaviors. 2592-2598 - Sukhan Lee, Javier Bautista:
Motion Control for Micro-Robots Playing Soccer Games. 2599-2604 - Hiroaki Kitano, Masahiro Fujita, Stéphane Zrehen, Koji Kageyama:
Sony Legged Robot for RoboCup Challenge. 2605-2612 - Wei-Min Shen, Jafar Adibi, Rogelio Adobbati, Bonghan Cho, Ali Erdem, Hadi Moradi, Behnam Salemi, Sheila Tejada:
Building integrated Mobile Robots for Soccer Competition. 2613-2618