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ICPR 1998: Brisbane, Australia
- Anil K. Jain, Svetha Venkatesh, Brian C. Lovell:
Fourteenth International Conference on Pattern Recognition, ICPR 1998, Brisbane, Australia, 16-20 August, 1998. IEEE Computer Society 1998, ISBN 0-8186-8512-3 - John A. Williams
, Mohammed Bennamoun
A non-linear filtering approach to image matching. 1-3 - Julian Magarey, Anthony R. Dick:
Multiresolution stereo image matching using complex wavelets. 4-7 - Gustavo Olague
, Roger Mohr:
Optimal camera placement to obtain accurate 3D point positions. 8-10 - Kari Pulli, Habib Abi-Rached, Tom Duchamp, Linda G. Shapiro, Werner Stuetzle:
Acquisition and visualization of colored 3D objects. 11-15 - Xiaoyi Jiang, Peter Kühni:
Search-based contour closure in range images. 16-18 - Makoto Maeda, Kousuke Kumamaru, Katsuhiro Inoue, Hongbin Zha:
Surface recovery by using regularization theory and its application to multiresolution analysis. 19-23 - Zhanyi Hu, Yi Yang, Hung-Tat Tsui:
In defense of the Hough transform. 24-26 - Thomas Kämpke, Rudolf Kober:
Nonparametric optimal binarization. 27-29 - Jasjit S. Suri, Robert M. Haralick, Florence H. Sheehan:
Automatic quadratic calibration for correction of pixel classification boundaries to an accuracy of 2.5 millimeters: an application in cardiac imaging. 30-33 - Jinhai Cai, Zhi-Qiang Liu:
A new thresholding algorithm based on all-pole model. 34-36 - Venu Govindu, Chandra Shekhar, Rama Chellappa:
Using geometric properties for correspondence-less image alignment. 37-41 - Maria Carmen Aranda-Garrido
, Jose A. García, J. Fdez-Valdivia:
Representing 2D digital images through a normalized measure of redundancy. 42-46 - Anders Heyden, Fredrik Kahl:
Reconstruction from affine cameras using closure constraints. 47-50 - Quang-Tuan Luong:
Sketching natural terrain from uncalibrated imagery. 51-55 - Fredrik Kahl, Anders Heyden:
Robust self-calibration and Euclidean reconstruction via affine approximation. 56-58 - Kuntal Sengupta, Jun Ohya:
A new camera projection model and its application in reprojection. 59-63 - César Silva, José Santos-Victor:
Egomotion estimation on a topological space. 64-66 - Changjiang Yang, Zhanyi Hu:
An intrinsic parameters self-calibration technique for active vision system. 67-69 - Olaf Munkelt, Christof Ridder, David Hansel, Walter Hafner:
A model driven 3D image interpretation system applied to person detection in video images. 70-73 - Akihiko Iketani, Atsushi Nagai, Yoshinori Kuno, Yoshiaki Shirai:
Detecting persons on changing background. 74-76 - Ismail Haritaoglu, David Harwood, Larry S. Davis:
Ghost: a human body part labeling system using silhouettes. 77-82 - Haiyuan Wu, Tadayoshi Shioyama, Hirotomo Kobayashi:
Spotting recognition of head gestures from color image series. 83-85 - Jakub Segen, Senthil Kumar:
Fast and accurate 3D gesture recognition interface. 86-91 - Dadet Pramadihanto
, Yoshio Iwai, Masahiko Yachida:
A flexible feature matching for automatic face and facial feature points detection. 92-95 - Florence Huet, Sylvie Philipp:
A multi-scale fuzzy classification by knn. Application to the interpretation of aerial images. 96-98 - Mitsuru Sakai, Masaaki Yoneda, Hiroyuki Hase:
A new robust quadratic discriminant function. 99-102 - Sameer Singh, Elizabeth Stuart:
A pattern matching tool for time-series forecasting. 103-105 - Carl Frélicot, Frank Lebourgeois:
A pretopology-based supervised pattern classifier. 106-109 - Weimin Huang, Qibin Sun, Chian-Prong Lam, Jian-Kang Wu:
A robust approach to face and eyes detection from images with cluttered background. 110-113 - Horst Bischof, Ales Leonardis, Florian Pezzei:
A robust subspace classifier. 114-116 - Jukka Iivarinen, Ari Visa:
An adaptive texture and shape based defect classification. 117-122 - Tim Wark, Sridha Sridharan, Vinod Chandran:
An approach to statistical lip modelling for speaker identification via chromatic feature extraction. 123-125 - Björn Krebs, Friedrich M. Wahl:
Automatic generation of Bayesian nets for 3D object recognition. 126-128 - Huiping Li, David S. Doermann:
Automatic identification of text in digital video key frames. 129-132 - Pascal Bamford, Brian C. Lovell
Bayesian analysis of cell nucleus segmentation by a Viterbi search based active contour. 133-135 - Hiroyuki Mizutani:
Discriminative learning for minimum error and minimum reject classification. 136-140 - Tsuyoshi Kawaguchi, Ryo-ichi Nagata:
Ellipse detection using a genetic algorithm. 141-145 - Chandra Shekhar, Rama Chellappa:
Experimental evaluation of two criteria for pattern comparison and alignment. 146-153 - Jeffrey Huang, Xuhui Shao, Harry Wechsler:
Face pose discrimination using support vector machines (SVM). 154-156 - Minoru Maruyama, Satoru Asano, Yasuaki Nakano:
Face recognition by bidirectional view synthesis. 157-159 - Shigeo Morishima, Takahiro Ishikawa, Demetri Terzopoulos:
Facial muscle parameter decision from 2D frontal image. 160-162 - Yuan Qi, Jie Tian, Ruwei Dai:
Fingerprint classification system with feedback mechanism based on genetic algorithm. 163-165 - Fumitaka Kimura, Satoshi Inoue, Tetsushi Wakabayashi, Shinji Tsuruoka, Yasuji Miyake:
Handwritten numeral recognition using autoassociative neural networks. 166-171 - Robert Sablatnig, Paul Kammerer, Ernestine Zolda:
Hierarchical classification of paintings using face- and brush stroke models. 172-174 - Yi Li, Songde Ma, Hanqing Lu:
Human posture recognition using multi-scale morphological method and Kalman motion estimation. 175-177 - Ulrich Büker, Björn Kalkreuter:
Learning in an active hybrid vision system. 178-181 - Scott D. Connell, Anil K. Jain:
Learning prototypes for online handwritten digits. 182-184 - Wenyi Zhao, Nagaraj Nandhakumar:
Linear discriminant analysis of MPF for face recognition. 185-188 - Imants D. Svalbe, Carolyn J. Evans:
Localisation of image features using measures of rank distribution. 189-191 - Thomas Hofmann, Jan Puzicha:
Mixture models for co-occurrence and histogram data. 192-194 - Lucia Sardo, Josef Kittler:
Model complexity validation for PDF estimation using Gaussian mixtures. 195-197 - Fubito Toyama, Kenji Shoji, Juichi Miyamichi:
Model-based pose estimation using genetic algorithm. 198-201 - Michael L. Schauf, Selim Aksoy, Robert M. Haralick:
Model-based shape recognition using recursive mathematical morphology. 202-204 - Hiroshi Matsuo, Masataka Kimura, Akira Iwata:
Multi-scale and hierarchical description using energy controlled active balloon model. 205-209 - Mark R. Stevens, J. Ross Beveridge:
Multisensor occlusion reasoning. 210-214 - Martijn van Breukelen, Robert P. W. Duin:
Neural network initialization by combined classifiers. 215-218 - Wei Shu, David Zhang:
Palmprint verification: an implementation of biometric technology. 219-221 - Antonio Colmenarez, Thomas S. Huang:
Pattern detection with information-based maximum discrimination and error bootstrapping. 222-224 - Masafumi Tominaga, Kunihito Kato, Kazuhito Murakami, Hiroyasu Koshimizu:
Realization of an efficient line detection by askant glance camera vision system using extended Hough transform. 225-228 - Tadayoshi Shioyama, Haiyuan Wu, Tatsuya Nojima:
Recognition algorithm based on wavelet transform for handprinted Chinese characters. 229-232 - Tsuyoshi Kawaguchi, Makoto Nagao:
Recognition of occluded objects by a genetic algorithm. 233-237 - Binay K. Bhattacharya, Damon Kaller:
Reference set thinning for the k-nearest neighbor decision rule. 238-242 - Irving Hofman, Ray A. Jarvis:
Robust and efficient cluster analysis using a shared near neighbours approach. 243-247 - Per-Erik Danielsson, Qingfen Lin, Qin-Zhong Ye:
Segmentation of 3D volumes using second derivatives. 248-251 - John (Juyang) Weng, Wey-Shiuan Hwang:
Sensorimotor action sequence learning with application to face recognition under discourse. 252-254 - James Tin-Yau Kwok:
Support vector mixture for classification and regression problems. 255-258 - Seung Kee Han, Won Sup Kim, Hyungtae Kook, Seong-Whan Lee:
Temporal segmentation and selective attention in the stochastic oscillator neural network. 259-261 - Guy Smith, Dennis Longstaff:
Texture segmentation using zero crossings information. 262-264 - Nicu Sebe, Michael S. Lew, Dionysius P. Huijsmans:
Which ranking metric is optimal? With applications in image retrieval and stereo matching. 265-271 - Jing Peng, Bir Bhanu
Local reinforcement learning for object recognition. 272-274 - Jane You, Prabir Bhattacharya, Suresh Hungenahally:
Real-time object recognition: hierarchical image matching in a parallel virtual machine environment. 275-277 - Keiji Yanai, Koichiro Deguchi:
An architecture of object recognition system for various images based on multi-agents. 278-281 - Minoru Etoh:
Promotion of block matching: parametric representation for motion estimation. 282-285 - Francesc J. Ferri, Jesús Malo
, Jesús V. Albert, J. Soret:
Variable-size block matching algorithm for motion estimation using a perceptual-based splitting criterion. 286-288 - Prithiraj Tissainayagam, David Suter:
Visual tracking and motion determination using the IMM algorithm. 289-291 - Kim Vang Hansen, Martin Stumpf Eskildsen, Ole Vilhelm Larsen:
Region-of-interest based finite element modelling of the brain-an approach to brain surgery simulation. 292-296 - Keven Weber, Svetha Venkatesh, Mandyam V. Srinivasan:
An insect-based approach to robotic homing. 297-299 - Ela Claridge:
A boundary localisation algorithm consistent with human visual perception. 300-304 - Alfred M. Bruckstein, Robert J. Holt, Thomas S. Huang, Arun N. Netravali:
New devices for 3D pose estimation: mantis eyes, Agann paintings, sundials, and other space fiducials. 305-309 - Ingo Ahrns, Heiko Neumann:
Real-time monocular fixation control using the log-polar transformation and a confidence-based similarity measure. 310-315 - Mark W. Peters, Arcot Sowmya:
A real-time variable sampling technique: DIEM. 316-321 - Atsushi Sato, Keiji Yamada:
A formulation of learning vector quantization using a new misclassification measure. 322-325 - Shishir Shah, Jake K. Aggarwal:
A hybrid architecture for performance reasoning in classification systems. 326-330 - Yukinori Suzuki, Norio Konno, Junji Maeda:
Associative memory system using fuzzy sets. 331-333 - Phongsuphap Sukanya, Ryo Takamatsu, Makoto Sato:
Image classification using the surface-shape operator and multiscale features. 334-337 - Ali Hojjatoleslami, Josef Kittler:
Strategies for weighted combination of classifiers employing shared and distinct representations. 338-340 - V. Lashkia, S. Aleshin:
Test feature classifiers: performance and application. 341-343 - Thomas Martin Lehmann:
A two-stage algorithm for model-based registration of medical images. 344-351 - Juha Röning, Marcel Riech:
Registration of nevi in successive skin images for early detection of melanoma. 352-357 - Lars Floreby, Katarina Sjögreen
, Leif Sörnmo, Michael Ljungberg:
Deformable Fourier surfaces for volume segmentation in SPECT. 358-360 - Yoshiki Kawata, Noboru Niki, Hironobu Ohmatsu, Ryutaro Kakinuma, Kensaku Mori, Kenji Eguchi, Masahiro Kaneko, Noriyuki Moriyama:
Curvature based analysis of pulmonary nodules using thin-section CT images. 361-363 - Esther de Ves, Richard C. Wilson, Edwin R. Hancock:
Matching blood vessel patterns with the generalised EM algorithm. 364-367 - Yasuo Watanabe, Katsutoshi Takahashi:
An analysis system for two-dimensional gel electrophoresis images of genomic DNA. 368-371 - Jianming Hu, Donggang Yu, Hong Yan:
Algorithms for partitioning path construction of handwritten numeral strings. 372-374 - Kil-Taek Lim, Sung-Il Chien:
Neural network based feature space generation for multiple databases of handwritten numerals. 375-377 - Jinhai Cai, Zhi-Qiang Liu:
Integration of structural and statistical information for unconstrained handwritten numeral recognition. 378-380 - Lionel Prevost, Maurice Milgram:
Automatic allograph selection and multiple expert classification for totally unconstrained handwritten character recognition. 381-383 - Toru Wakahara, Kenji Ogura:
Extended mean shift in handwriting clustering. 384-388 - Leila De Floriani, Paola Magillo, Enrico Puppo:
Managing the level of detail in 3D shape reconstruction and representation. 389-391 - Zixin Zhang, Michael Braun:
A deformable model-based image segmentation algorithm for shapes with corners. 392-394 - I-Pin Chen, Zen Chen:
Recursive representation and progressive display of binary objects for efficient network browsing. 395-399 - Gunilla Borgefors, Giuliana Ramella, Gabriella Sanniti di Baja:
Coarse-to-fine skeletons from grey-level pyramids. 400-402 - Antoine Ting, Maylor K. H. Leung:
Linear layout processing. 403-405 - Karl Tombre, Christian Ah-Soon, Philippe Dosch, Adlane Habed, Gérald Masini:
Stable, robust and off-the-shelf methods for graphics recognition. 406-408 - Michel van Klink, Michael S. Lew:
Decimation of visible surfaces. 409-411 - Philip L. Worthington, Benoit Huet, Edwin R. Hancock:
Appearance-based object recognition using shape-from-shading. 412-416 - Yiwu Lei, Kok Cheong Wong:
A novel method for detecting and localising of reflectional and rotational symmetry under weak perspective projection. 417-419 - Ge Cong, Bahram Parvin:
Shape from interference patterns. 420-424 - Ales Ude:
Nonlinear least squares optimisation of unit quaternion functions for pose estimation from corresponding features. 425-427 - Martin A. Kraaijveld:
An experimental comparison of nonparametric classifiers for time-constrained classification tasks. 428-435 - Prasun Sinha, Jianchang Mao:
Combining multiple OCRs for optimizing word recognition. 436-438 - Dariu M. Gavrila:
Multi-feature hierarchical template matching using distance transforms. 439-444 - Robert P. W. Duin:
Relational discriminant analysis and its large sample size problem. 445-449 - Mayer Aladjem:
Training of a ML neural network for classification via recursive reduction of the class separation. 450-452 - Il-Seok Oh, Jin-Seon Lee, Ching Y. Suen:
Using class separation for feature analysis and combination of class-dependent features. 453-455 - Jiankang Wang, Xiaobo Li:
A system for segmenting ultrasound images. 456-461 - Sabine Kröner, Andreas D. Lattner:
Authentication of free hand drawings by pattern recognition methods. 462-464 - Lars Floreby, Leif Sörnmo, Katarina Sjögreen
Boundary finding using Fourier surfaces of increasing order [simulated medical images]. 465-467 - Paul Stefan Williams, Michael D. Alder:
Segmentation of natural images for CBIR. 468-470 - Luigi Cinque, Raniero Romagnoli, Stefano Levialdi, P. T. A. Nguyen, Ling Guan:
Self-organizing map for segmenting 3D biological images. 471-473