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15th ICMI 2013: Sydney, NSW, Australia
- Julien Epps, Fang Chen, Sharon L. Oviatt, Kenji Mase, Andrew Sears, Kristiina Jokinen, Björn W. Schuller:
2013 International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, ICMI '13, Sydney, NSW, Australia, December 9-13, 2013. ACM 2013, ISBN 978-1-4503-2129-7
Keynote 1
- James M. Rehg:
Behavior imaging and the study of autism. 1-2
Oral session 1: personality
- Subramanian Ramanathan, Yan Yan, Jacopo Staiano, Oswald Lanz, Nicu Sebe:
On the relationship between head pose, social attention and personality prediction for unstructured and dynamic group interactions. 3-10 - Oya Aran, Daniel Gatica-Perez:
One of a kind: inferring personality impressions in meetings. 11-18 - Gelareh Mohammadi, Sunghyun Park, Kenji Sagae, Alessandro Vinciarelli, Louis-Philippe Morency:
Who is persuasive?: the role of perceived personality and communication modality in social multimedia. 19-26 - Kyriaki Kalimeri, Bruno Lepri, Fabio Pianesi:
Going beyond traits: multimodal classification of personality states in the wild. 27-34
Oral session 2: communication
- Yukiko I. Nakano, Naoya Baba, Hung-Hsuan Huang, Yuki Hayashi:
Implementation and evaluation of a multimodal addressee identification mechanism for multiparty conversation systems. 35-42 - Iolanda Leite, Hannaneh Hajishirzi, Sean Andrist, Jill Fain Lehman:
Managing chaos: models of turn-taking in character-multichild interactions. 43-50 - Iwan de Kok, Dirk Heylen, Louis-Philippe Morency:
Speaker-adaptive multimodal prediction model for listener responses. 51-58 - Jussi Rantala, Sebastian Müller, Roope Raisamo, Katja Suhonen, Kaisa Väänänen-Vainio-Mattila, Vuokko Lantz:
User experiences of mobile audio conferencing with spatial audio, haptics and gestures. 59-66
Demo session 1
- Anne Loomis Thompson, Dan Bohus:
A framework for multimodal data collection, visualization, annotation and learning. 67-68 - Philip R. Cohen, M. Cecelia Buchanan, Edward C. Kaiser, Michael J. Corrigan, Scott Lind, Matt Wesson:
Demonstration of sketch-thru-plan: a multimodal interface for command and control. 69-70 - Jacqueline M. Kory, Sooyeon Jeong, Cynthia Breazeal:
Robotic learning companions for early language development. 71-72 - Graham Wilcock, Kristiina Jokinen:
WikiTalk human-robot interactions. 73-74
Poster session 1
- Peng Liu, Michael Reale, Xing Zhang, Lijun Yin:
Saliency-guided 3D head pose estimation on 3D expression models. 75-78 - Ryo Ishii, Kazuhiro Otsuka, Shiro Kumano, Masafumi Matsuda, Junji Yamato:
Predicting next speaker and timing from gaze transition patterns in multi-party meetings. 79-86 - Kenneth Alberto Funes Mora, Laurent Son Nguyen, Daniel Gatica-Perez, Jean-Marc Odobez:
A semi-automated system for accurate gaze coding in natural dyadic interactions. 87-90 - Nanxiang Li, Carlos Busso:
Evaluating the robustness of an appearance-based gaze estimation method for multimodal interfaces. 91-98 - Catharine Oertel, Giampiero Salvi:
A gaze-based method for relating group involvement to individual engagement in multimodal multiparty dialogue. 99-106 - Samira Sheikhi, Vasil Khalidov, David Klotz, Britta Wrede, Jean-Marc Odobez:
Leveraging the robot dialog state for visual focus of attention recognition. 107-110 - Davide Maria Calandra, Antonio Caso, Francesco Cutugno, Antonio Origlia, Silvia Rossi:
CoWME: a general framework to evaluate cognitive workload during multimodal interaction. 111-118 - Joan-Isaac Biel, Vagia Tsiminaki, John Dines, Daniel Gatica-Perez:
Hi YouTube!: personality impressions and verbal content in social video. 119-126 - Oya Aran, Daniel Gatica-Perez:
Cross-domain personality prediction: from video blogs to small group meetings. 127-130 - Rada Mihalcea, Verónica Pérez-Rosas, Mihai Burzo:
Automatic detection of deceit in verbal communication. 131-134 - Stefan Scherer, Giota Stratou, Louis-Philippe Morency:
Audiovisual behavior descriptors for depression assessment. 135-140 - Young Chol Song, Henry A. Kautz, James F. Allen, Mary D. Swift, Yuncheng Li, Jiebo Luo, Ce Zhang:
A Markov logic framework for recognizing complex events from multimodal data. 141-148 - Chreston A. Miller, Francis K. H. Quek, Louis-Philippe Morency:
Interactive relevance search and modeling: support for expert-driven analysis of multimodal data. 149-156 - Alexander Neumann, Christian Schnier, Thomas Hermann, Karola Pitsch:
Interaction analysis and joint attention tracking in augmented reality. 165-172 - Julie R. Williamson, Stephen A. Brewster, Rama Vennelakanti:
Mo!Games: evaluating mobile gestures in the wild. 173-180 - Benjamin Inden, Zofia Malisz, Petra Wagner, Ipke Wachsmuth:
Timing and entrainment of multimodal backchanneling behavior for an embodied conversational agent. 181-188 - David Antonio Gómez Jáuregui, Léonor Philip, Céline Clavel, Stéphane Padovani, Mahin Bailly, Jean-Claude Martin:
Video analysis of approach-avoidance behaviors of teenagers speaking with virtual agents. 189-196 - Lorenzo Lucignano, Francesco Cutugno, Silvia Rossi, Alberto Finzi:
A dialogue system for multimodal human-robot interaction. 197-204 - Qasem T. Obeidat, Tom A. Campbell, Jun Kong:
The zigzag paradigm: a new P300-based brain computer interface. 205-212 - Lode Hoste, Beat Signer:
SpeeG2: a speech- and gesture-based interface for efficient controller-free text input. 213-220
Oral session 3: intelligent & multimodal interfaces
- Sharon L. Oviatt:
Interfaces for thinkers: computer input capabilities that support inferential reasoning. 221-228 - Antti Ajanki, Markus Koskela, Jorma Laaksonen, Samuel Kaski:
Adaptive timeline interface to personal history data. 229-236 - Yale Song, Louis-Philippe Morency, Randall Davis:
Learning a sparse codebook of facial and body microexpressions for emotion recognition. 237-244
Keynote 2
- Stefan Kopp:
Giving interaction a hand: deep models of co-speech gesture in multimodal systems. 245-246
Oral session 4: embodied interfaces
- Daniel Tetteroo, Iris Soute, Panos Markopoulos:
Five key challenges in end-user development for tangible and embodied interaction. 247-254 - Mary Ellen Foster, Andre Gaschler, Manuel Giuliani:
How can i help you': comparing engagement classification strategies for a robot bartender. 255-262 - Manuel Giuliani, Ronald P. A. Petrick, Mary Ellen Foster, Andre Gaschler, Amy Isard, Maria Pateraki, Markos Sigalas:
Comparing task-based and socially intelligent behaviour in a robot bartender. 263-270 - Imène Jraidi, Maher Chaouachi, Claude Frasson:
A dynamic multimodal approach for assessing learners' interaction experience. 271-278
Oral session 5: hand and body
- Radu-Daniel Vatavu, Lisa Anthony, Jacob O. Wobbrock:
Relative accuracy measures for stroke gestures. 279-286 - Xiang Xiao, Teng Han, Jingtao Wang:
LensGesture: augmenting mobile interactions with back-of-device finger gestures. 287-294 - Ryan Stedman, Michael A. Terry, Edward Lank:
Aiding human discovery of handwriting recognition errors. 295-302 - Shogo Okada, Mayumi Bono, Katsuya Takanashi, Yasuyuki Sumi, Katsumi Nitta:
Context-based conversational hand gesture classification in narrative interaction. 303-310
Demo session 2
- Jong-uk Lee, Jeong-Mook Lim, Heesook Shin, Ki-Uk Kyung:
A haptic touchscreen interface for mobile devices. 311-312 - Laurence Devillers, Mariette Soury:
A social interaction system for studying humor with the Robot NAO. 313-314 - Aduén Darriba Frederiks, Dirk Heylen, Gijs Huisman:
TaSST: affective mediated touch. 315-316 - Omar Mubin, Joshua Henderson, Christoph Bartneck:
Talk ROILA to your Robot. 317-318 - Syaheerah Lebai Lutfi, Fernando Fernández Martínez, Jaime Lorenzo-Trueba, Roberto Barra-Chicote, Juan Manuel Montero:
NEMOHIFI: an affective HiFi agent. 319-320
Poster session 2: doctoral spotlight
- Sunghyun Park:
Persuasiveness in social multimedia: the role of communication modality and the challenge of crowdsourcing annotations. 321-324 - Kyriaki Kalimeri:
Towards a dynamic view of personality: multimodal classification of personality states in everyday situations. 325-328 - Chien-Ming Huang:
Designing effective multimodal behaviors for robots: a data-driven perspective. 329-332 - Sean Andrist:
Controllable models of gaze behavior for virtual agents and humanlike robots. 333-336 - Jamy Li:
The nature of the bots: how people respond to robots, virtual agents and humans as multimodal stimuli. 337-340 - Iván Gris Sepulveda:
Adaptive virtual rapport for embodied conversational agents. 341-344 - Kenneth Alberto Funes Mora:
3D head pose and gaze tracking and their application to diverse multimodal tasks. 345-348 - Catharine Oertel:
Towards developing a model for group involvement and individual engagement. 349-352 - Bin Liang:
Gesture recognition using depth images. 353-356 - Erina Ishikawa:
Modeling semantic aspects of gaze behavior while catalog browsing. 357-360 - Shyam Sundar Rajagopalan:
Computational behaviour modelling for autism diagnosis. 361-364
Grand challenge overviews
- Sergio Escalera, Jordi Gonzàlez, Xavier Baró, Miguel Reyes, Isabelle Guyon, Vassilis Athitsos, Hugo Jair Escalante, Leonid Sigal, Antonis A. Argyros, Cristian Sminchisescu, Richard Bowden, Stan Sclaroff:
ChaLearn multi-modal gesture recognition 2013: grand challenge and workshop summary. 365-368 - Abhinav Dhall, Roland Goecke, Jyoti Joshi, Michael Wagner, Tom Gedeon:
Emotion recognition in the wild challenge (EmotiW) challenge and workshop summary. 371-372 - Louis-Philippe Morency, Sharon L. Oviatt, Stefan Scherer, Nadir Weibel, Marcelo Worsley:
ICMI 2013 grand challenge workshop on multimodal learning analytics. 373-378
Keynote 3
- Mark Billinghurst:
Hands and speech in space: multimodal interaction with augmented reality interfaces. 379-380
Oral session 6: AR, VR & mobile
- Klen Copic Pucihar, Paul Coulton, Jason Alexander:
Evaluating dual-view perceptual issues in handheld augmented reality: device vs. user perspective rendering. 381-388 - Kazuhiro Otsuka, Shiro Kumano, Ryo Ishii, Maja Zbogar, Junji Yamato:
MM+Space: n x 4 degree-of-freedom kinetic display for recreating multiparty conversation spaces. 389-396 - Reina Aramaki, Makoto Murakami:
Investigating appropriate spatial relationship between user and ar character agent for communication using AR WoZ system. 397-404 - Trinh Minh Tri Do, Kyriaki Kalimeri, Bruno Lepri, Fabio Pianesi, Daniel Gatica-Perez:
Inferring social activities with mobile sensor networks. 405-412
Oral session 7: eyes & body
- Ichiro Umata, Seiichi Yamamoto, Koki Ijuin, Masafumi Nishida:
Effects of language proficiency on eye-gaze in second language conversations: toward supporting second language collaboration. 413-420 - Ryo Yonetani, Hiroaki Kawashima, Takashi Matsuyama:
Predicting where we look from spatiotemporal gaps. 421-428 - Marwa Mahmoud, Louis-Philippe Morency, Peter Robinson:
Automatic multimodal descriptors of rhythmic body movement. 429-436 - Laurent Son Nguyen, Alvaro Marcos-Ramiro, Marta Marrón Romera, Daniel Gatica-Perez:
Multimodal analysis of body communication cues in employment interviews. 437-444
ChaLearn challenge and workshop on multi-modal gesture recognition
- Sergio Escalera, Jordi Gonzàlez, Xavier Baró, Miguel Reyes, Oscar Lopes, Isabelle Guyon, Vassilis Athitsos, Hugo Jair Escalante:
Multi-modal gesture recognition challenge 2013: dataset and results. 445-452 - Jiaxiang Wu, Jian Cheng, Chaoyang Zhao, Hanqing Lu:
Fusing multi-modal features for gesture recognition. 453-460 - Immanuel Bayer, Thierry Silbermann:
A multi modal approach to gesture recognition from audio and video data. 461-466 - Xi Chen, Markus Koskela:
Online RGB-D gesture recognition with extreme learning machines. 467-474 - Karthik Nandakumar, Kong-Wah Wan, Siu Man Alice Chan, Wen Zheng Terence Ng, Jian-Gang Wang, Wei-Yun Yau:
A multi-modal gesture recognition system using audio, video, and skeletal joint data. 475-482 - Simon Ruffieux, Denis Lalanne, Elena Mugellini:
ChAirGest: a challenge for multimodal mid-air gesture recognition for close HCI. 483-488 - Ying Yin, Randall Davis:
Gesture spotting and recognition using salience detection and concatenated hidden markov models. 489-494 - Víctor Ponce-López, Sergio Escalera, Xavier Baró:
Multi-modal social signal analysis for predicting agreement in conversation settings. 495-502 - Jordi Abella, Raúl Alcaide, Anna Sabaté, Joan Mas, Sergio Escalera, Jordi Gonzàlez, Coen Antens:
Multi-modal descriptors for multi-class hand pose recognition in human computer interaction systems. 503-508
Emotion recognition in the wild challenge and workshop
- Abhinav Dhall, Roland Goecke, Jyoti Joshi, Michael Wagner, Tom Gedeon:
Emotion recognition in the wild challenge 2013. 509-516 - Karan Sikka, Karmen Dykstra, Suchitra Sathyanarayana, Gwen Littlewort, Marian Stewart Bartlett:
Multiple kernel learning for emotion recognition in the wild. 517-524 - Mengyi Liu, Ruiping Wang, Zhiwu Huang, Shiguang Shan, Xilin Chen:
Partial least squares regression on grassmannian manifold for emotion recognition. 525-530 - Matthew Day:
Emotion recognition with boosted tree classifiers. 531-534 - Timur R. Almaev, Anil Yüce, Alexandru Ghitulescu, Michel François Valstar:
Distribution-based iterative pairwise classification of emotions in the wild using LGBP-TOP. 535-542 - Samira Ebrahimi Kahou, Christopher J. Pal, Xavier Bouthillier, Pierre Froumenty, Çaglar Gülçehre, Roland Memisevic, Pascal Vincent, Aaron C. Courville, Yoshua Bengio, Raul Chandias Ferrari, Mehdi Mirza, Sébastien Jean, Pierre Luc Carrier, Yann N. Dauphin, Nicolas Boulanger-Lewandowski, Abhishek Aggarwal, Jeremie Zumer, Pascal Lamblin, Jean-Philippe Raymond, Guillaume Desjardins, Razvan Pascanu, David Warde-Farley, Atousa Torabi, Arjun Sharma, Emmanuel Bengio, Kishore Reddy Konda, Zhenzhou Wu:
Combining modality specific deep neural networks for emotion recognition in video. 543-550 - Sascha Meudt, Dimitri Zharkov, Markus Kächele, Friedhelm Schwenker:
Multi classifier systems and forward backward feature selection algorithms to classify emotional coloured speech. 551-556 - Tarun Krishna, Ayush K. Rai, Shubham Bansal, Shubham Khandelwal, Shubham Gupta, Dushyant Goyal:
Emotion recognition using facial and audio features. 557-564
Multimodal learning analytics challenge
- Sharon L. Oviatt, Adrienne Cohen, Nadir Weibel:
Multimodal learning analytics: description of math data corpus for ICMI grand challenge workshop. 563-568 - Sharon L. Oviatt:
Problem solving, domain expertise and learning: ground-truth performance results for math data corpus. 569-574 - Saturnino Luz:
Automatic identification of experts and performance prediction in the multimodal math data corpus through analysis of speech interaction. 575-582 - Xavier Ochoa, Katherine Chiluiza, Gonzalo Méndez, Gonzalo Luzardo, Bruno Guamán, James Castells:
Expertise estimation based on simple multimodal features. 583-590 - Kate Thompson:
Using micro-patterns of speech to predict the correctness of answers to mathematics problems: an exercise in multimodal learning analytics. 591-598 - Sharon L. Oviatt, Adrienne Cohen:
Written and multimodal representations as predictors of expertise and problem-solving success in mathematics. 599-606
Workshop overview
- Kim Hartmann, Ronald Böck, Christian Becker-Asano, Jonathan Gratch, Björn W. Schuller, Klaus R. Scherer:
ERM4HCI 2013: the 1st workshop on emotion representation and modelling in human-computer-interaction-systems. 607-608 - Roman Bednarik, Hung-Hsuan Huang, Yukiko I. Nakano, Kristiina Jokinen:
Gazein'13: the 6th workshop on eye gaze in intelligent human machine interaction: gaze in multimodal interaction. 609-610 - Manuel Kretzer, Andrea Minuto, Anton Nijholt:
Smart material interfaces: "another step to a material future". 611-612
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