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20th ICMC 1994: Aarhus, Denmark
- Proceedings of the 1994 International Computer Music Conference, ICMC 1994, Aarhus, Denmark, September 12-17, 1994. Michigan Publishing 1994
- Stephen Travis Pope:
Panel: Touched by Machine? Composition and Performance in the Digital Age. - Miller S. Puckette:
Is There Life After MIDI? - Sever Tipei:
MPI Revisited: Aga Matter for Piano and Tape. - Yayoi Uno, Roland Hübscher:
Temporal-Gestalt Segmentation - Extensions for Compound Monophonic and Simple Polyphonic Musical Contexts: Appl. to Works by Boulez, Cage, Xenakis, and Ligeti. - Claude Cadoz, Annie Luciani, Jean-Loup Florens:
Physical Models for Music and Animated Image: The Use of CORDIS-ANIMA in "ESQUISSES"; a Music Film by ACROE. - Evan K. Chambers:
The Computer Music World View: Sketch of an Ethnomusicalogical and Aesthetic Approach. - John Young:
The Extended Environment. - Jeff Pressing:
Novelty, Progress and Research Method in Computer Music Composition. - Simon Emmerson:
'Local/field': towards a typology of live electroacoustic music. - Niall Griffith:
Modelling the Influence of Pitch Duration on the Induction of Tonality from Pitch-Use. - René Quesnel:
Computer-Assisted Training of Timbre Perception Skills. - Piero Cosi, Giovanni De Poli, Paolo Prandoni:
Timbre Characterization with Mel-Cepstrum and Neural Nets. - Jan Chomyszyn:
Loudness of musical sounds in a reverberant environment. - Enrique Moreno:
A Visual Model for Embedded Chroma Spaces: Theory and Software Applications. - Carlos Agón, Gérard Assayag, Joshua Fineberg, Camilo Rueda:
Kant: a Critique of Pure Quantification. - Robert Rowe, Tang-Chun Li:
Pattern Processing in Music. - Lorin Grubb, Roger B. Dannenberg:
Automating Ensemble Performance. - Wataru Inoue, Shuji Hashimoto, Sadamu Ohteru:
Adaptive Karaoke System: Human Singing Accompaniment Based on Speech Recognition. - Peter Desain, Henkjan Honing:
Foot-tapping: a brief intoduction to beat induction. - Peter Desain, Henkjan Honing:
Rulebased models of initial beat induction and an analysis of their behavior. - Richard Parncutt:
A Model of Beat Induction Accounting for Perceptual Ambiguity by Continuously Variable Parameters. - David Rosenthal, Masataka Goto, Yoichi Muraoka:
Rhythm Tracking Using Multiple Hypotheses. - Neil P. McAngus Todd, Chris Lee:
An Auditory-Motor Model of Beat Induction. - Edward W. Large:
The Resonant Dynamics of Beat Tracking and Meter Pereception. - Peter Desain, Henkjan Honing:
Advanced issues in beat induction modeling: syncopation, tempo and timing. - Gerhard Widmer:
Learning Expression at Multiple Structural Levels. - Guerino Mazzola, Oliver Zahorka:
The RUBATO Performance Workstation on NeXTSTEP. - Roberto Bresin, Giovanni De Poli, Giovanni U. Battel, Alvise Vidolin:
Neural Networks vs. Rules System: Evaluation of Test of Automatic Performance. - Ian J. Taylor, Mike Greenhough:
Evaluations of Artificial-Neural-Network Types for the Determination of Pitch. - Johannes Feulner, Dominik Hörnel:
Melonet: Neural Networks that Learn Harmony-Based Melodic Variations. - Simon C. Roberts, Mike Greenhough:
The Detection of Rhythmic Repetition Using a Self-Organising Neural Network. - Ken-ichi Ohya:
A Rhythm Perception Model by Neural Rhythm Generators. - John A. Biles:
GenJam: A Genetic Algorithm for Generating Jazz Solos. - Ichiro Fujinaga, Jason Vantomme:
Genetic Algorithms as a Method for Granular Synthesis Regulation. - Damon Horowitz:
Generating Rhythms with Genetic Algorithms. - Mon-Chu Chen:
Toward a new model of performance. - Jonathan Impett:
A Meta Trumpet(er). - Pitoyo Hartono, Kazumi Asano, Wataru Inoue, Shuji Hashimoto:
Adaptive Timbre Control System Using Gesture. - Roed Vetegaal, Barry Eaglestone:
An evaluation of input devices for use in the ISEE human-synthesizer interface. - Brad Cariou:
The aXi0 MIDI Controler. - Brent Gillespie:
The Virtual Piano Action: Design and Implementation. - Bert Bongers:
The use of active tactile and force feedback in timbre controlling electronic instruments. - Stuart Favilla:
Live Performance and Virtuosic Pitch-blend Technique for the Synthesizer. - Stuart Favilla:
The LDR Controller. - Bruce W. Pennycook, Dale Stammen:
The MIDI Time Clip: A Performer/Machine Synchronization System for Life Performance. - Tim Anderson, Debbie Hearn:
Using HyperInstruments for the Redistribution of the Performance Control Interface. - Roger Munck-Fairwood:
Dynamic Intonation for Keyboard Instruments. - Peter Rajka, Tamas Ungvary:
Motographicon: a system for computer choreography. - Tamas Ungvary:
Nuntius: a transmedial communication system for computer music and computer choreography. - David A. Jaffe, Andrew Schloss:
A Virtual Piano Concerto - Coupling of the Mathews/Boie Radio Drum and the Yamaha Disklavier Grand Piano in the "The Seven Wonders of the Ancience World". - Haruhiro Katayose, Tsutomu Kanamori, Satoshi Shimura, Seiji Inokuchi:
Demonstration of Gesture Sensors for the Shakuhachi. - Steve Curtin:
The SoundLab: a wearable computer music instrument. - Agostino Di Scipio:
Formal Processes of Timbre Composition Challenging the Dualistic Paradigm of Computer Music. - James Harley:
Algorithms Adapted from Chaos Theory: Compositional Consideration. - Daniel Teruggi:
The Morpho Concepts: Trends in a Software for Acousmatic Music Composition. - Thomas Hummel:
A Common Lisp Interface for Dynamic Patching with the IRCAM Signal Processing Workstation. - Philipp Ackermann:
Design and Implementation of an object-oriented Media Composition Framework. - Amnon Wolman, Canton Becker:
The Communal Groove Machine. - François Déchelle, Maurizio De Cecco, Miller S. Puckette, David Zicarelli:
The IRCAM "Real-Time Platform" - Evolutions and Perspectives. - Fabio Armani, Andrea Paladin, Claudio Rosati:
MARS Application Using APPLI20 Development Tools: A Case Study. - Enzo Maggi, Fabio Armani:
The MARS Station: Algorithm Design and Real Time Performance. - Isidoro Pérez:
MacMusic, the MUSIC N Environment for Macintosh: Algorithmic Synthesis and Composition Made Easy. - Stephen Travis Pope:
The Musical Object Development Environment: MODE (Ten years of music software in Smalltalk). - Yann Orlarey, Dominique Fober, Stéphane Letz, Mark Bilton:
Lambda Calculus and Music Calculi. - Roger B. Dannenberg:
Abstract Time Warping of Compound Events and Signals. - Daniel Oppenheim:
Blending "Traditional" off-line Algorithmic Textual Input with Realtime Interaction and Graphics. - Gerhard Eckel, Ramon Gonzales-Arroyo:
Musically Salient Control Abstractions for Sound Synthesis. - Ioannis Zannos:
Music Space: A Metaphor for Music Representation and Music Generation. - Heinrich Taube:
Complex Musical Pattern Description in Common Music. - Peter Lundén:
Soundmodels: A language for description of sound and sonic structures based on a taxonomy. - David Rossiter, David M. Howard:
A Graphical Environment for Electroacoustic Music Composition. - Youichi Horry:
A graphical user interface for MIDI Signal Generation and sound synthesis. - John F. Whitehead:
The Audio Browser - An Audio Database Navigation Tool in a Virtual Environment. - Bernhard Feiten, Markus Spitzer:
A Modular Construction Set for Time-Domain Editors. - Guy E. Garnett, Annick Leroy, Giovanni Müller:
The Design of a Pen-based Music Notation System. - Amnon Wolman, Tad Yaeger:
Optical Music Recognition - progress report. - Greg Watkins:
A Fuzzy Syntactic Approach to Recognising Hand-written Music. - Keith Hamel:
NoteAbility: A Music Notation System that Combines Musical Intelligence with Graphical Flexibility. - Francisco Javier Casajús-Quirós, Pablo Fernandez-Cid:
DSP Based Reliable Pitch-to-MIDI Converter by Harmonic Matching. - Mamoru Ueda, Shuji Hashimoto:
Blind Decomposition of Concurrent Sounds. - Gary S. Kendall:
The Effects of Multi-Channel Signal Decorrelation in Audio Reproduction. - Gordon Monro, Jon Drummond:
Geometic Sound Transformations. - Bryan Holloway, Edwin Tellman, Lippold Haken:
Timbre Morphing Using the Lemur Representation. - Charles W. Therrien, Roberto Cristi, Olav E. Kjono:
Analysis/Synthesis of Sound Using a Time-Varying Linear Model. - Michael Goodwin, Xavier Rodet:
Efficient Fourier Synthesis of Nonstationary Sinusoids. - Timothy Bartoo, David Murphy, Russell Ovans, Barry Truax:
Granulation and Time-Shifting of Sampled Sounds in Real-Time with a QUAD DSP Audio Computer System. - Zack Settel, Cort Lippe:
Realtime Musical Applications using FFT based Resynthesis. - Jonathan Berger, Maxim J. Goldberg, Ronald R. Coifman:
A Method of Denoising and Reconstructing Audio Signals. - Xavier Serra:
Sound hybridization based on a deterministic plus stochastic decomposition model. - Jonathan Berger, Charles Nichols:
Using Wavelet Based Analysis and Resynthesis to Uncover the Past. - Peter Pabon:
A real time singing voice analysis/synthesis system. - Philippe Depalle, Guillermo García, Xavier Rodet:
A Virtual Castrato (!?). - Peter Pabon:
Real-time Spectrum/cepstrum games. - Adrian Freed, Mark Goldstein, Michael Goodwin, Michael Lee, Keith A. McMillen, Xavier Rodet, David Wessel, Matthew Wright:
Real-Time Additive Synthesis Controlled by a Mixture of Neural-Networks and Direct Manipulation of Physical and Perceptual Attributes. - Desmond Phillips, Alan Purvis, Simon Johnson:
A Multirate Optimisation for Real-time Additive synthesis. - Roberto Bresin, Alessandro Vedovetto:
Neural Networks for Musical Tones Compression, Control and Synthesis. - Frode Holm:
Control of Frequency and Decay in Oscillating Filters using Multirate Techniques. - Julius O. Smith III, Davide Rocchesso:
Connections between Feedback Delay Networks and Waveguide Networks for Digital Reverberation. - Davide Rocchesso, Julius O. Smith III:
Circulant Feedback Delay Networks for Sound Synthesis and Processing. - Takebumi Itagaki, Alan Purvis, Peter D. Manning:
Real-time Synthesis on a Multi-processor Network. - Xavier Rodet:
Stability/Instability of Periodic Solutions and Chaos in Physical Modles of Musical Instruments. - Michael Hamman:
Dynamically Configurable Feedback/Delay Networks: A Virtual Instrument Composition Model. - Bernhard Feiten, Gerhard Behles:
Organizing the parameter space of physical models with sounds feature maps. - Zoltán Jánosy, Matti Karjalainen, Vesa Välimäki:
Intelligent Synthesis Control with Applications to a Physical Model of Acoustic Guitar. - Scott A. Van Duyne, Julius O. Smith III:
A Simplified Approach to Modeling Dispersion Caused by Stiffness in Strings and Plates. - Scott A. Van Duyne, John R. Pierce, Julius O. Smith III:
Traveling Wave Implementation of a Lossless Mode-coupling Filter and the Wave Digital Hammer. - David P. Berners:
On the Use of Schrodinger's Equation in the Analytic Determination of Horn Reflectance. - Vesa Välimäki, Matti Karjalainen:
Digital Waveguide Modeling of Wind Instrument Bores constructed of Truncated Cones. - Andrew Horner, James W. Beauchamp:
Synthesis of Trumpet Tones Using a Fixed Wavetable and a Centroid-Controlled Second Order Filter. - Gary P. Scavone, Perry R. Cook:
Combined Linear and Nonlinear Periodic Prediction in Calibrating Models of Musical Instruments to Recordings. - Adrian Freed:
The Rebirth of Computer Music by Analog Signal Processing. - David Wessel, Keith A. McMillen, Matthew Wright, David Simon:
A New Network and Communications Protocol for Electronic Musical Devices. - Dominique Fober:
Real-time MIDI data flow on Ethernet and the software architecture of MidiShare. - Ole Nielsen:
MIDI and Audio via ISDN. - Jyri Huopaniemi, Matti Karjalainen, Vesa Välimäki, Tommi Huotilainen:
Virtual Instruments in Virtual ooms - A Real-Time Binaural Room Simulation Environment for Physical Models of Musical Instruments. - Lauri Savioja, Timo J. Rinne, Tapio Takala:
Simulation of Room Acoustics with a 3-D Finite Difference Mesh. - Gavin R. Starks, Ken Linton:
sndSpace: A Graphical 3-D Stereo Software Tool. - Robin Bargar, Insook Choi, Sumit Das, Camille Goudeseune:
Model based interactive sound for an immersive virtual environment. - Davide Rocchesso, Oscar Ballan, Luca Mozzoni:
Sound Spatializations in Real Time By First-Reflection Simulation. - Dale Stammen, Gilbert A. Soulodre:
Sound Utilities 2.0: A Software System for Creating Virtual Acoustic Spaces. - Fernando Lopez-Lezcano:
A Dynamic Spatial Sound Movement Toolkit. - Robert Bell:
PITCH: the Percussion Instruments' Tinbral Classification Hierarchy. - David Rossiter, David M. Howard:
Voice Source and Acoustic Output Qualities for Singing Synthesis. - Laura Bazzanella, Giovanni B. Debiasi:
Analysis of "Touch Effect" on the Transient of Pipe Organs with Mechanical Transmission. - Antonio Camurri, Giovanni De Poli, Roger B. Dannenberg, Julius O. Smith III:
Instruction of Computer Music for Computer Engineering Students and Professionals. - Fernando Lopez-Lezcano:
Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA). - Evan Chambers:
Integrated Arts Technology: New Facilities at the University of Michigan. - Andre Smirnov:
The Theremin Center for Electro-Acoustic Music. - Mara Helmuth:
Computer Music at Texas A & M University. - Leigh Landy, Paschall de Paor:
University College Bretton Hall - Studio Report. - Sever Tipei, James W. Beauchamp:
Computer Music Project of the University of Illinois Experimental Music Studios. - David Jameson:
The IBM Computer Music Centre: Studio Report. - Kai Lassfolk, Kalev Tiits:
University of Helsinki Electronic Music Studio. - Johannes Goebel:
The Making of an All-Digital Facility for Artistic Production and Research under the Label "avantgarde". - Giuseppe Di Giugno:
IRIS Studio Report.

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