12th ICLP 1995, Workshop W1: Abstract Interpretation of Logic Languages

Saturday 17th June 1995

Organizers: Maria Garcia de la Banda, Gerda Janssens, Peter J. Stuckey


Abstract interpretation is a generic approach to data flow analysis. Its central concept is to approximate the concrete execution of a program using an abstract version of the execution. The importance of abstract interpretation comes from its ability to allow systematic design of correct data-flow analysis. Considerable research has been undertaken investigating the use of abstract interpretation for logic-based languages, in particular for (constraint) logic programming. Abstract interpretation is believed to be an essential part in developing efficient implementations which are able to bridge the gap between the high-level language and the machine. Most new logic-based language developments incorporate some form of abstract interpretation based data-flow analysis.

The main purpose of this workshop is to bring together researchers using abstract interpretation in different areas of logic languages, and give the logic programming community an integrated idea of recent advances in the field. We would also like to encourage papers with a practical orientation. We take this to mean not only papers showing practical uses of abstract interpretation, but also those papers with an explicitly practical impact, e.g., those allowing an improvement in efficiency or accuracy, broadening the possibilities of abstract interpretation, defining new domains interesting for new applications.

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