ICCAD 2006: San Jose, California, USA

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Parasitic simulation and modeling

Post-placement optimization techniques

Variation modeling

Embedded tutorial: from dual to multi to many core - opportunities and challenges for supporting the new exponential

Embedded tutorial: UML and SystemC for industrial ESL design - basic principles and applications

Efficient delay test generation

Power grid analysis and design

Optimization techniques for different target technologies

Placement and floorplanning

Digital and RF test and reliability

Statistical timing analysis

Power and performance optimizations on system level design

Analog simulation and verification

Self adaptation and physical awareness in high-level synthesis

Advances in performance modeling for interconnect and memory

Embedded tutorial: design and CAD challenges in 45nm CMOS and beyond - from front to back

Analog design automation techniques

Challenges on system level interconnection

Placement optimization: timing, noise, and power

Timing and power analysis

Thermal and variability issues in architectures

Embedded tutorial: automation in mixed-signal design - reality check and the nano challenge

Global routing

Emerging topics in signal integrity and reliability

Fault-tolerant energy minimization techniques for real-time embedded systems

Emerging issues in contemporaneous system level design

Clock and buffer synthesis

Thermal analysis for the nano scale

Advances in embedded system design

Architectural design techniques for high performance and robustness

Manufacturability and power in layout

Embedded tutorial: emerging nanoelectronics - prospects, state of the art and opportunities for CAD

Technology driven layout methodologies

Novel FPGA architectures, techniques and designs

Specification and architecture challenges in high-level synthesis

Defect tolerance for nanoscale architectures

Dynamic power management

Advances in model checking

Novel interconnect methodologies

Embedded tutorial: integrating nanoelectronics, biotechnology and MEMS/NEMS

Embedded tutorial: variability and yield improvement: rules, models, and characterization

Accelerating verification

Model order reduction and parametric analysis

Design and modeling of molecular-scale systems