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17th EnviroInfo 2003: Cottbus, Germany
- Albrecht Gnauck, Ralph Heinrich:
17th International Conference Informatics for Environmental Protection, EnviroInfo 2003, Cottbus, Germany, September 24-26, 2003. Metropolis, Marburg 2003, ISBN 3-89518-440-3
Part 1
Key Notes
- Wolfgang Birthler:
Umweltvorsorge und Zukunftssicherung im Informationszeitalter - Herausforderung an Umweltpolitik und Informatik. 25-30 - Erwin Staudt:
Unsere Chancen in der Informationsgesellschaft. 31-34 - Jürgen Wernstedt, Thomas Rauschenbach:
Forecast, Control of Water Level/Flow and Flood Prevention in River Basins and Water Reservoirs - Cybernetical Aspects. 35-50 - Jürgen W. Einax:
Chemometrics in the Environmental Sciences - Challenges and New Methods. 51-57 - Olgierd Hryniewicz, Jan Studzinski:
Application of Systems Analysis Tools in Environmental Engineering. 58-68 - Michael Angrick:
A Sustainable Information Society Within the Enlarged European Community - Reflections on the Infrastructure of the Information Society. 69-77
Information Society and Enlargement of the European Union - New Tasks for the Information Society
- Werner Pillmann, Elisabeth Mrakotsky:
The Importance of Being Environmentally Conscious. 78-85 - Jerome Simpson, Gabor Heves:
The Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe: Its Contribution Past, Present and Future to the Environmental Information Society, in the Context of Enlargement. 86-93
Information Society and Enlargement of the European Union - Information Society and Sustainable Development
- Rudolph Braun, Valentin Nicolescu, Helmut Krcmar, Werner F. Schulz, Martin Kreeb:
Modern Communication Instruments for the Imparting of Sustainable Management - By the Example of an Avatar. 94-101 - Peter Jakob, Gustav Schneiter, Erik Rösler, Christian Hug, Flurin Sutter:
IT-Replacement Investments and Sustainability Within Swiss Forest Ecosystem Research: The Broad and the Narrow Strategy. 102-109 - Imran S. Khalid:
Implementing Environmental Management at the Village Community Level: A Case Study Based on Pakistani Experience. 110-116
Information Society and Enlargement of the European Union - Sustainable Development and Information Exchange
- Jirí Hrebícek, Tomás Pitner, Vladimír Benko:
Standardization of Environmental Data and Information Management in the Czech and Slovak Republic. 117-124 - Miroslav Lacuska, Dana Lapesová, Jirí Hrebícek:
Basel Convention Regional Centre for Training and Technology Transfer, Slovakia in the Process of EU Enlargement. 125-132 - Ulrich Eimer:
"Virtual Environmental Office" for Municipalities in Central and Eastern Europe. 133-138 - Gergely Lukács:
Decision Support for Consumers - Information Services for a More Sustainable World. 139-145
Environmental Informatics - Concepts of Environmental Informatics
- Kostas D. Karatzas:
Environmental Informatics: Concepts and Definitions. 146-151 - Gergely Lukács, Arnd Otterstätter, Claus Hofmann, Marcus Briesen, Gunter Vogt, Gerhild Lienau, Hans Neumann, Volker Schuchardt, Dirk Weber:
Data Warehouse for Water Management - Geographic Data and ETL Processes. 152-159
Environmental Informatics - Web Technology
- Michael Haase, Jörg Westbomke, Thomas Schütz, Roland Mayer-Föll, Burkhard Schneider, Michael Bilo:
An Approach Towards an Unified View on Environmental Data- The Environmental Markup Language. 160-164 - Rudolph Braun, Markus Russ, Werner F. Schulz, Helmut Krcmar, Martin Kreeb:
An Open-Source Community for Building Ecological Tools. 165-170 - Érica Bezerra Queiroz Ribeiro, Hugo Cesar Hoeschl, Filipe Corrêa da Costa:
Web Portals for Environmental Information Dissemination - Artificial Intelligence Use Cases. 171-176 - Sonja Bec, Jadranka Pecar-Ilic, Ivica Ruzic:
Architecture of River Information System with Automatic XML Processing. 177-184 - Jörg Westbomke, Thomas Dombeck, Michael Haase, Renate Ebel, Dieter Lehne:
WAP-Based Environmental Information Services. 185-192 - Harry Storch:
Mobile Portals for Community-Based Collaborative Environmental Monitoring. 193-200 - Herwig Zeiner, Alexander Almer, Harald Stelzl, Iris Frech, Werner Haas:
Virtual Environmental Scenarios Applied ina Geo-Multimedia System. 201-207
Environmental Informatics - Modelling and Simulation
- Ekkehard Holzbecher:
What is a Coupled Model? 208-215 - Christoph Horner, Ekkehard Holzbecher, Bernd Wiese, Gunnar Nützmann:
A Coupled Model for Transport, Geochemistry and Redox Processes. 216-222 - Christian Fischer, Andra Hirsemann, Heidrun Matejka, Tobias Riekeberg:
Rule-Based Modelling of Soil-Water Interactions Influenced by Subsidence Caused by Mining Activities. 223-230 - François Sarradin, Daniel Siret, Jacques Teller:
Visual Urban Space Assessment from Sky Shape Analysis. 231-238 - Erik Löfving, Anders Grimvall:
Data Models for Physical Flow. 239-245 - Rüdiger Schaldach:
A GIS-Based Integrated Simulation Environment for Linking Land Use Patterns to Ecosystem Processes. 246-252 - Nguyen-Xuan Thinh:
Contemporary Spatial Analysis and Simulation of the Settlement Development of the Dresden City Region. 253-261 - Johannes Rosen, Dominik Möst, Wolf Fichtner, Otto Rentz:
Use of the PERSEUS Models to Analyse the Effects of Large-Scale Renewable Energy Production. 262-269
Environmental Management - Environmental Risk Management
- Gabriele Vierhuff:
Computer-Based Risk Assessment Using Structure-Activity Relationship Calculation. 270-273 - Charlotte Kämpf, Jürgen Ihringer, Anusch Daemi-Ahwazi, Jacques Calmet:
Agent-Based Expert Information Retrieval for Flood-Risk Management. 274-281
Environmental Management - Environmental Management and Climate Change
- Martin C. Maguire:
Meeting User Needs in the Development of the EUROCLIM Climate Information System. 282-289 - Heinrich Humer, Wilfried Winiwarter, Gerald Schimak:
Multiple Dependencies and Scenario Management in Emission Inventories. 290-296 - Rostyslav Stolyarchuk, Lubomyra Kujii:
Greenhouse Gas Inventory Analysis in the Energy Sector of Ukraine. 297-304
Environmental Management - Logistics
- Lorenz M. Hilty, André J. Rogger, Frank A. Hartmann:
Assessment of Telecommunication-Supported Dynamic Vehicle Routing Strategies. 305-311 - Stefan Naumann, Kerstin Schäfer:
Reducing Traffic and Enhancing Communication by Computer-Supported Mobility-Coops. 312-317 - Nicolas Knaak, Ruth Meyer, Bernd Page:
Agent-Based Simulation of Sustainable Logistic Strategies for Large City Courier Services. 318-325
Environmental Management - Life Cycle Analysis
- Andreas Ciroth:
A Model to Dynamically Change Settings in a Life Cycle Assessment for Packaging Systems. 326-333 - Daniel Heubach, Uwe Rey:
Implementation of Corporate Material Flow Management in Automotive Suppliers - Development of Methods. 334-341 - Silke Prötzsch, Claus Rautenstrauch:
Approaches to Remove Data Defects from Material Flow Networks. 342-348
Environmental Management - Water Management
- Jørgen Würtz:
Development of an Environmental Management System Based on Agent Technology for Inland Water Data in the European Union. 349-356 - Josef Hejzlar, Paul Boers, Brian Kronvang, Feza Karaer:
Nutrient Retention - A Key Element in Evaluating Reference Conditions of Lakes and Reservoirs for the EU Water Framework Directive. 357-364 - Thomas Petzoldt, Ronny Peters, Katja Siemens:
Construction of Simplified Lake Water Quality Modules (SWQM) Using Monte Carlo Simulation and Artificial Neural Networks. 365-372 - Albrecht Gnauck, Bernhard Luther, Thomas Wiedemann, Wilfried Krug:
Coupling of Simulators for Optimal Control of Water Quality. 373-380
Environmental Information Systems - Environmental Information and Data Management
- Jan Sluka, Jirí Hrebícek:
Model of the Object-Oriented Environmental Information - A New Approach in the Environmental Data and Information Management. 381-388 - Ulrich Hussels, Matthias Lüttgert, Janet Nagel:
Developing Different Environmental Database Applications Using a Generic Software. 389-395
Environmental Information Systems - Knowledge and Information Management Systems
- Klaus Tochtermann, Konrad Zirm, Stefanie N. Lindstaedt:
Introducing Knowledge Management in the Federal Environmental Agency of Austria. 396-403 - Thomas Usländer, Holger Schmid, Martin Schmieder, Jörg Stumpp:
Thematic User Environment for Water Body Information Systems and Beyond. 404-411 - Weihua Zeng, Han Shi, Rongchang Chen, Yongjun Zhang:
Analysis and Designing of System on Sharing EST Information. 412-419
Environmental Information Systems - Environmental Information Systems
- Thomas Schütz, Gerrit Vonkeman, Andreas Lippke:
E-CUISINE - European Competence Centre for Users of Information Systems on the Environment. 420-424 - Jaroslav Solc, Tereza Votocková:
Prague Environmental Information System (IOZIP). 425-430 - Markus U. Müller, Birgit Augstein, Mathias Bock, Reiner Glowinski:
Development of an Environmental Data Infrastructure for Hamburg. 431-437 - Petra Köhler:
Development of an Open Information Infrastructure for Disaster Research: Results and Prospects from DFNK and CEDIM. 438-445 - Petra Jahnke, Matthias Menger:
GSBL - Concept + Software Suite of an Information System for Chemical Substances. 446-453 - Hans-Martin Mulisch, Mirko Filetti:
Construction of the Expert Database Environment and Health www.umweltdaten-online.de (UDO). 454-461
Environmental Information Systems - Environmental Standardisation
- Grigor Boyadjiyski:
Main Accents in the Standard ISO 14001 Concerning the Information Resources Management. 462-467 - Wassilios Kazakos, Alexei Akhounov, Heiko Paoli, Sven Behrens, Hugo Niesing, Stephane Lombardo:
Editing ISO 19115 Compliant Metadata in EUROSION. 468-474 - Oliver Karschnick, Fred A. Kruse, Stefanie Töpker, Thomas Riegel, Marco Eichler, Sven Behrens:
The UDK and ISO 19115 Standard. 475-481
Environmental Information Systems - Environmental Metadata
- Marion Wilde, Manfred Lange, Hardy Pundt, Nicole Ostländer, Krzysztof Janowicz:
An Environmental Metadata Profile in the EU Project MEDIS. 482-489 - Michael Haase, Thomas Dombeck, Matthias Neidlinger, Günter Barnikel, Fred A. Kruse, Oliver Karschnick:
Comparison of the Different Instances of the German Environmental Data Catalogue. 490-497 - Fred A. Kruse, Oliver Karschnick, Stefanie Töpker, Thomas Riegel:
gein - Planning the Next Generation. 498-504
Part 2
Applications - Environmental Data Representation
- Uwe Rammert, Friedhelm Hosenfeld:
Dynamic and Interactive Presentation of Environmental Information. 517-524 - Dirk Görtzen, Stefan Schneberger, Uwe Rammert:
Schleswig-Holsteins Environmental Atlas as Content Management System for Environmental Geographical Data? 525-532
Applications - Environmental Reporting
- Ralf Isenmann, Jan Brosowski, Christian Lenz:
Target Group Tailored Corporate Environmental Reporting - Stereotyping, Individualisation, Personalisation. 533-540 - Jorge Marx Gómez, Claus Rautenstrauch, Ralf Isenmann:
A Case Study on an Automated Generation of Environmental Reports. 541-549 - Ralf Isenmann, Jan Brosowski, Jorge Marx Gómez, Hans-Knud Arndt:
Going Ahead in Harmonising XML-Based DTDs for Corporate Environmental Reporting. 550-557 - Erich Weihs, Artur Kawicki, Piotr Wezyk:
Compliance With the Reporting Requirements With Regard to Environmental Impact Assessment(EIA)in Poland Within the Scope of theEUDirective. 558-566
Applications - Knowledge Management and Transfer
- K.-Peter Holz, Gerald Hildebrandt, Frank Molkenthin:
Virtual Laboratories for Projects in Environment-Water. 567-574 - Miguel A. Barrientos, Ari Fainchtein, Natan Zaidenweber:
Web-Based Application for Implementing Triple-Bottom Line Search Process. 575-583 - Antje Dietrich, Renate Ebel, Klaus Zetzmann:
Evaluation of a Content Management System (CMS) for the Ministry of Environment and TransportationBaden-Württemberg (UVM). 584-590 - Ulrich Bosler, Thorsten Bell, Elwin R. Savelsbergh:
The New Modelling Environment Co-Lab: Survey on the Design of Software and Learning Materials. 591-598
Applications - Data Management
- Simon Wood, Christoph Roenick, Michael Natschke:
Requirements of a Modern Hydrological Workbench Illustrated by the Integrated Data Management Information System WISKI and its Implementation at the Environment Agency of England and Wales. 599-608 - Peter T. Strobl, Albin Blaschka, Paul Heiselmayer:
BISxml 1.0: An Open Framework for Management and Interchange of Ecological Data. 609-612
Applications - Environmental Statistics
- Kristina Voigt:
Evaluation of Environmental Chemicals in Databases: An Example for the Interdisciplinarity between Environmental Informatics and Environmetrics/Chemometrics. 613-620 - Nadine Hölzinger, Andreas Ciroth:
RFM2 - Calculating Qualitative Information. 621-628 - Mohamed Hussian, Anders Grimvall:
A Generic Procedure for Simultaneous Estimation of Monotone Trends and Seasonal Patterns in Time Series of Environmental Data. 629-634 - Sascha Koch, Jürgen Meister, Martin Rohde:
MUSTANG - A Framework for Statistical Analyses of Multidimensional Data in Public Health. 635-642 - Anders Nordgaard:
Impact of Sampling Frequency on the Power of Nonparametric Tests for Water Quality Trends. 643-651
Applications - Pilot Projects
- Nicolas Moussiopoulos, Kostas D. Karatzas, Geir Endregard, Kurt Fedra, Rainer Friedrich, Per Henrik Johansen, Liana Kalognomou, Ari Karppinen, Per Haavard Kraggerud, Jaakko Kukkonen, Steinar Larssen, Frank A. A. M. de Leeuw, Achim Lohmeyer, Christos Naneris, Daniel Nicklass, Giannis Papaioannou, Gertraud Peinel, Tinus Pulles, Stefan Reis, Thomas Rose, Martin Sedlmayr, K. Dick van den Hout:
Environmental Services and Data Brokerage Portal: ENV-e-CITY in Action. 652-659 - Gijs van den Dool, Teemu Mustonen, Kousta Sirvio, Mikko Kolehmainen, Juliani Ruuskanen:
Intelligent Waste Management. 660-668 - Felipe Omar Tapia Silva, Nikolaus Model:
Measurement and Model Supported Alternative Rain Water Management in Urban Areas of Berlin Using Trackbed Naturation for Railway Tracks. 669-676
Applications - Software Tools
- Nikolay Tsanov:
A CORBA-Based Polymorph Software Architecture for Applications Serving the Quality and Environmental Management Systems. 677-683 - Gregor Dürrenberger, Christoph Hartmann:
ECO2 Regio: A New Software Tool for Regional Energy and CO2 Modelling. 684-691 - Jens Finke, Frank Köster, Karin Frank, Michael Sonnenschein:
A Software Tool for Assessing the Effect of Traffic on Wildlife Populations. 692-699
Applications - Geographical Information Systems
- Nelley Kovalevskaya, Elena Mitrophanova:
Environmental Mapping Based on Spatial Variability and Computational Vision Models. 700-707 - Désirée Hilbring, Burkhard Schneider:
Visualisation of Digital Elevation Models in Different Resolutions With Interactive Reloading of New Parts in a 3D-GIS-Viewer. 708-715 - Rudolf Orthofer, Peter Kutschera, Heinrich Humer, Wolfgang Loibl:
EnviroMap Austria - A Novel Web-Based Environmental Atlas. 716-721 - Gotthard Meinel, Michael Winkler:
Provision of Recreational Areas in Urban Spaces - An International Long-Term Comparison of the Development s of Selected European Cities. 722-729 - Rainer Roosmann, Wolfgang Busch, Julita Gorczyk, Frank Mauersberger, Stefan Nickel, Peter Vosen:
Geographic Information Systems Support for Monitoring Environmental Impacts Caused by Deep Hard Coal Mining. 730-738 - Uwe Rüppel, Gerrit Seewald, Michael Petersen:
Geographical Framework for the Network-Based Management of Duds. 739-745 - Stefan Fuest:
Online - Visualization of Water Level Data in North Rhine-Westfalia (NRW). 746-749 - Uwe Rüppel, Thomas Gutzke, Michael Petersen, Gerrit Seewald:
Online-Processing of 21⁄2 - Dimensional Groundwater Maps. 750-756 - Wim Mol:
Coupling of AIRBASE With the EEA Map Service Tool. 757-764 - Rostyslav Bun, Mykola Gusti, Volodymyr Dachuk, Bohdan Oleksiv, Yaroslav Tsybrivskyy:
Geoinformation System for Greenhouse Gas Inventories as a Practical Tool for Decision Makers. 765-772 - Matthias Horn, Volkmar Triestram, Jo van Nouhuys:
Data Evaluation Using the Generic Selection Component of the New IMIS System. 773-780
Workshops - Disturbed Landscapes
- Reinhard F. Hüttl:
Disturbed Landscapes: Case Study Lusatian Lignite Mining District. 781-791 - Hubert Hasenauer:
Concepts Within Forest Ecosystem Modelling and Their Application. 792-801 - Michael Hauhs:
The Harz as a Historic Mining Landscape: A Case Study Based on Interactive Visualisations of Forest Growth. 802-803 - Rüdiger Grote, Katja Patzner, Thomas Seifert:
Modelling Water Availability in Individual Trees - a Contribution of Process-Based Simulation to the Prediction of Developments in Heterogeneous Stands. 804-812
Workshops - Chemometrics
- Armin Aulinger, Simone Wiegel, Wolf von Tümpling, Heinz Harms, Burkhard Stachel:
Multivariate Statistical Analysis of Drug Concentrations Measured in the River Saale. 813-820 - Jörg Kraft, Corinna Kowalik, Jürgen W. Einax:
The Extractable Information Depending on the Scale of the Investigated River Catchment Area. 821-829 - Wolf von Tümpling, Franziska Horst, Martin Schultze:
A Method to Optimise Sampling Strategies - Key Study Goitsche, Bitterfeld, Germany. 830-833 - Michael Winterstein:
How to Use Information From Measured Values Between Lower Level of Quantification and Detection Limit? 834-839
Workshops - Simulation in Environmental Informatics
- Jochen Wittmann:
Trends in Environmental Modeling and Simulation. 840-847 - Thomas Clemen:
Environmental Modeling and Simulation - Bridging the Gap Between Theory, Experiment, and Application. 848-852 - Albrecht Gnauck:
Theoretical Concepts Applied on Environmental Data and Decision Problems. 853-863
Workshops - The New Modelling Environment Co-Lab
- Thorsten Bell, Ulrich Bosler, Elwin R. Savelsbergh:
The New Modelling Environment Co-Lab: Design of Software and Learning Materials. 864-872
Workshops - Environmental Information Systems as Components in Twinning Projects
- Anja Jenichen, Michael Schmidt, Claus Heuberger:
Incorporating Environmental Information Technologies into "Capacity-Building" Projects - Examples and Experiences of Twinning Projects in CEE - Countries. 873-874 - Anja Jenichen:
Short Introduction of Twinning - An Institution Partnership Between Member Countries and Candidate Countries. 875-878