24th SD&A 2013: Burlingame, CA, USA

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Front Matter: Volume 8648

Visual Comfort

SD&A Keynote Session I

3D Image Quality I: Displays

3D Content and Coding

Autostereo I: Paths to Large-Scale Display

Multi-Layer 3D Displays

Human Factors: 3D User Studies

Autostereo II: Display, Computation, and Capture

2D to 3D Conversion and Depth Mapping/Remapping

3D Image Quality II: Content

3D Games and 3D Audio

Accommodation and 3D Display

3D Developments I

Applications and Volumetric Displays

3D Developments II

3D Cinema

Interactive Paper Session: 3D Displays

Interactive Paper Session: Human Factors

Interactive Paper Session: 3D Camera Systems

Interactive Paper Session: Applications of 3D Displays

Interactive Paper Session: 3D Image Quality

Interactive Paper Session: Image Processing and Coding