Mobile Devices and Multimedia (MOBMU)

Multimedia Content and Mobile Devices

Venue statistics

records by year

document access 

    frequent authors

      Venue Information

      MOBMU 2023: San Francisco, CA, USA

      MOBMU 2022 [virtual]

      MOBMU 2021 [virtual]

      MOBMU 2020: Burlingame, CA, USA

      MOBMU 2018: Burlingame, CA, USA

      MOBMU 2017: Burlingame, CA, USA

      MOBMU 2016: San Francisco, CA, USA

      MOBMU 2015: San Francisco, CA, USA

      MOBMU 2014: San Francisco, CA, USA

      Multimedia Content and Mobile Devices 2013: Burlingame, CA, USA

      Multimedia Content and Mobile Devices / 6th Multimedia Content Access: Algorithms and Systems 2012: Burlingame, CA, USA

      Multimedia Content and Mobile Devices / 5th Multimedia Content Access: Algorithms and Systems 2011: San Francisco, CA, USA