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DH 2023: Graz, Austria
- Anne Baillot, Toma Tasovac, Walter Scholger, Georg Vogeler:
Annual International Conference of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations, DH 2022, Graz, Austria, July 10-14, 2023, Conference Abstracts. 2023 - Julien Antoine Raemy, Tanya Gray, Alwyn Collinson, Kevin R. Page:
Enabling Participatory Data Perspectives for Image Archives through a Linked Art Workflow. - Julien Antoine Raemy, Tanya Gray, Alwyn Collinson, Kevin R. Page:
Enabling Participatory Data Perspectives for Image Archives through a Linked Art Workflow. - Julien Antoine Raemy, Tanya Gray, Alwyn Collinson, Kevin R. Page:
Enabling Participatory Data Perspectives for Image Archives through a Linked Art Workflow. - Nicholas Andrew Budak, Gian Duri Rominger:
Transhistorical Resonance: Medieval Chinese Scholarship as Data. - Jean-Baptiste Camps, Benedetta Salvati:
On Burgundian (di)vine orators and other impostors: Stylometry of Late Medieval Rhetoricians. - Minghui Hu, Xiao Li, Jeffrey D. Weekley:
Machine Learning and Digital Classical Chinese Texts: Collaboration between the UC Computing Platform and Peking University's Big-Data databases. - Pieter van den Heede, Milan van Lange, Ralf Futselaar:
Finding Fascists, Efficiently! Comparing methods for mapping attitudes in Dutch and Belgian historical newspaper corpora (1920-1940). - Christina Kamposiori:
New pathways to research and library collaboration through remote technologies. - Timo Frühwirth, Massimiliano Carloni, Dimitra Grigoriou, Sandra Mayer, Daniel Stoxreiter:
How to Be Non-Assertive in the 'Assertive Edition':Encoding Doubt in the Auden Musulin Papers. - Lynn Rother, Fabio Mariani, Max Koss:
Linking (In)Completeness: A Collaborative Approach to Representing People in Art Provenance Data. - Simone Rebora, Massimo Salgaro, Paul Sopcak:
Are Ret Marut and B. Traven the same person? Fine tuning the impostors method. - Sixing Chen, Keli Du, Jin Li:
Re-navigating the Vernacular Language Movement and Chinese Translation Literature, 1898-1938: An Examination of Prefaces Using Topic Modeling. - Diane K. Jakacki, Susan Brown, James Cummings, Mihaela Ilovan, Rachel Milio:
LEAF: Developing Streamlined Digital Scholarly Workflows with the Linked Editing Academic Framework. - Milan Mikolaj van Lange, Annelies van Nispen, Carlijn Keijzer:
Digitization as an opportunity for collaboration: digitizing personal correspondence from World War II at the intersection of history, archival science, and the digital humanities. - C. Annemieke Romein, Sara Veldhoen:
Normative texts in the City-State of Bern (1528-1795). Testing a Simple Knowledge Organisation System (SKOS) and Automatic Meta Data on a Handwritten Corpus. Normative texts in the City-State of Bern (1528-1795). - Vincent Alamercery, Francesco Beretta, François-Joseph Favey, Djamel Ferhod, David Knecht, Gaétan Muck, Alexandre Perraud, Morgane Pica, Jonas Schneider, Andreas Stebler:
Open Research Practices with the OntoME-Geovistory environment. - Gernot Howanitz, Magdalena Kaltseis:
Kaleidoscopic Patterns of Protest: Qualifying and Quantifying Visual and Textual (Self-)Representations in Eastern European Protest Cultures. - Kalle Westerling, David Beavan, Kaspar Beelen, Mariona Coll Ardanuy, Timothy Hobson, Christina Last, Nilo Pedrazzini, Griffith Reese, Luke Hare:
Metadata Enrichment in the Living with Machines Project: User-focused Collaborative Database Development in a Digital Humanities Context. - Wouter Haverals, Mike Kestemont:
Handwritten text recognition applied to the manuscript production of the Carthusian Monastery of Herne in the Fourteenth Century. - Vered Silber-Varod, Evyatar Cohen, Inbar Strull, Evan-Gary Cohen:
A Catalogue of the Hebrew Sounds. - Andreas Niekler, Magdalena Wolska, Marvin Thiel, Matti Wiegmann, Benno Stein, Manuel Burghardt:
Marco Polo's Travels Revisited: From Motion Event Detection to Optimal Path Computation in 3D Maps. - Inna Kizhner, Yael Netzer, Daniil Skorinkin, Melissa Terras, Moshe Lavee:
Observing semantic change in the representation of ethnic minorities through distant reading of museum catalogues. - Julien Antoine Raemy, Tanya Gray, Alwyn Collinson, Kevin R. Page:
Enabling Participatory Data Perspectives for Image Archives through a Linked Art Workflow. - Torsten Roeder, Yannik Herbst, Johannes Leitgeb, Madlin Marenec, Tomash Shtohryn:
Preserving the Early Born-Digital Heritage of Floppy Disk Magazines. - Ludovica Mastrobattista, Motasem Alrahabi, Valentina Fedchenko, Oussama Jomaa, James Gawley, Johanna Cordova, Glenn Roe:
Using text summarization models to improve digital reading of scientific papers. - Cameron Jones, Evan Witulski, Foaad Khosmood:
African Californios: Uncovering the African past of Spanish and Mexican California using Data Science Methods. - Parham Aledavood, Michael Eberle-Sinatra, Dominic Forest:
Migration Novel as a Conversional Genre. - Yaming Fu, Simon Mahony:
Shanghai Memory as a case study of ideological impact on storytelling: the interplay between memory, language, and stories. - Jun Ogawa, Ikki Ohmukai, Satoru Nakamura, Asanobu Kitamoto:
Collecting Pieces of Historical Knowledge from Documents: Introduction of HIMIKO (Historical Micro Knowledge and Ontology). - Jens Aurich:
Collecting Strike Data from Historical Newspapers (19th Century): A Digital Workflow. - Matt Applegate, Sarah Evans, Katherine Schmidt:
Student-Focused Digital Projects in Short-Term Study Abroad Experiences. - Valentina Pasqual, Carlo Teo Pedretti, Andrea Schimmenti, Francesca Tomasi, Fabio Vitali:
Non-representational approaches to visualise complex information in the Cultural Heritage domain. - Katherine Bode, Galen Cuthbertson, Roger Osborne:
Read All About It: Digital Participation in Australian Literary History. - Itay Marienberg-Millikowsky, Dan Vilenchick:
Word2Vec-Based Literary Networks - Challenges and Opportunities. - Emilie Blotière, Leonie Disch, Gert Breitfuss, Drahomira Cupar, Jadranka Stojanovski:
A Gateway to Science: Fostering Access, Exchange, and Use of Social Science and Humanities Research Through a Digital Discovery Platform. - Paul Arthur, Isabel Smith, Jane Lydon, Jeremy Martens, Zoë Laidlaw:
Using Digital Tools to Map the Movement of Capital, People and Culture from Slave-owning Britain to Western Australia. - James Cummings, Alexandra Healey, Diane Jakacki, Valentina Flex, Evie Jeffrey, Carrie Pirmann, Ian Johnson:
Documenting Workflows for HTR to TEI Conversions for Cultural Institutions: The Evolving Hands Project. - Max Renner, Sarah Evans, Matt Applegate:
VR in the Classroom: From Immersion Experiences to Creating 360º Video. - Leticia Tobalina Pulido:
The use of digital tools for the characterisation of archaeological sites by surface archaeological survey. - Sébastien Barré, Marlene Helias-Baron, Dominique Stutzmann, Niklas Tscherne, Georg Vogeler, Jacqueline Schindler:
How to detect institutional and regional feature clusters in late medieval charters? Collaboration between more and less digital humanists in the project BeCoRe. - Dinara Gagarina:
Russian-Ukrainian War Art: Data Collection and Analysis. - Francesca Rebasti, Serge Heiden:
Making Hobbes's Bible in the English Political Works Machine-Readable: A TXM-Based Workflow. - Janos Borst, Lino Wehrheim, Manuel Burghardt:
"Money Can't Buy Love?" Creating a Historical Sentiment Index for the Berlin Stock Exchange, 1872-1930. - Alix Chagué, Thibault Clérice, Jade Norindr, Maxime Humeau, Baudouin Davoury, Elsa Van Kote, Anaïs Mazoue, Margaux Faure, Soline Doat:
Manu McFrench, from zero to hero: impact of using a generic handwriting model for smaller datasets. - Yumeng Hou:
Co-encoding embodied knowledge in Southern Chinese martial arts: a collaboration between computists, experts, and digital models. - Bernhard Bauer:
Gloss-ViBe: Early Medieval Glosses and the Digital Humanities. - Thibault Clérice, Alix Chagué:
Workshop HTR-United: metadata, quality control and sharing process for HTR training data. - Elena Mattei:
Investigating multisemiotic persuasive practices by integrating computational methods and complementary theoretical frameworks. A Data-driven Approach to Digital Tourism Discourse Based on Systemic Functional Linguistics and Empirical Multimodality. - Charlotte Knorr, Andreas Niekler, Marius Behret, Christian Pentzold:
Cultural Motifs on #bigdata - A Semi-Automated Topic Modeling from a Socio-Cultural Constructionist Perspective. - Daniel Kinitz, Thomas Efer:
Towards a Dynamic Knowledge Graph of a Non-Western Book Tradition. - Luca Giovannini, Daniil Skorinkin, Peer Trilcke, Ingo Börner, Frank Fischer, Julia Dudar, Carsten Milling, Petr Porízka:
Distributed Corpus Building in Literary Studies: The DraCor Example. - Evelyn Gius, Christof Schöch, Peer Trilcke, Dominik Gerstorfer, Svenja Guhr, Elodie Ripoll, Henny Sluyter-Gäthje:
The Journal of Computational Literary Studies (JCLS): Community, review, and editorial workflow in an Open Access Journal. - Serenity Sutherland, David Ragnar Nelson, Christopher Ohge, Joanne Bernardi, Candis Haak:
Collaborative Visualizations and Visualizing Collaboration. - Jennifer Edmond:
Where do they go? 10 years of professional choices by Digital Humanities Masters graduates (and what we might learn from them). - Berit Janssen, Mees Stiphout, Luka van der Plas:
I-Analyzer: a flexible interface for full-text search, filtering and visualization. - Jagoda Marszalek, Krzysztof Nowak, Iwona Krawczyk:
Towards Diachronic Corpus of Polish Latin. - Anna Sollazzo:
Towards a computationally aware approach to humanistic data interfaces. - Tara Lee Andrews:
Graph schema validation at last? Revisiting the Stemmarest data model with Neo4J and SHACL. - Simone Rebora:
Short texts with fewer authors. Revisiting the boundaries of stylometry. - Alie Lassche, Ruben Ros:
Innovators of the Past: Modelling Novelty and Resonance in Dutch Historical Language Records. - Sofie Dobbener:
Publication networks in Romanian-German journals. - Michael Kurzmeier, James O'Sullivan, Mike Pidd, Órla Murphy, Bridgette Wessels, Sophie Whittle:
Building a digital edition from archived social media content. - Livio Bioglio, Giacomo Cerretini, Giulia D'Agostino, Elisabetta Magnanti, Roberto Rosselli Del Turco:
Three Is the Charm: A New Architecture, New Features and New Projects in EVT 3. - Sayan Bhattacharyya:
Making Digital Humanities teaching responsive to specificity of local context. - Ortal-Paz Saar, Joris van Eijnatten:
Computing Angel Names in Jewish Magic. - Linda Freyberg:
Visualization as an epistemic tool for multimodal sources in the history of education. - Nabeel Siddiqui:
An Undue Burden: Race, Gender, and Mobility in Digital Humanities Conferences. - Fabio Ciotti, Alberto Baldi:
Reading Machines: promoting reading with computational text analysis. - Ellen Charlesworth, Andrew M. Beresford, Claire Warwick, Leonardo Impett:
Misrepresentations of online engagement: re-examining online audiences in the UK museum sector. - Sinai Rusinek, Tomer Sagi, Moran Zaga, Efraim Lev, Lavee Moshe:
MEHDIE: The Middle East Heritage Data Integration Endeavor. - Moritz Schepp, Thorsten Wübbena:
Quick TEI (QTEI) - a lightweight tool for TEI documents. - Alexandra Ortolja-Baird, Geoffrey Rockwell, Julianne Nyhan, John Bradley, Ariana Ciula, Dauvit Broun:
On Making in the Digital Humanities: The scholarship of digital humanities development in honour of John Bradley. - Gabriel Dias Cantareira, Nicholas Cole, Alfie Abdul-Rahman:
Visualizing and Analyzing Voting Records from Historical Documents. - Dez Mary Miller, Henry Alexander Wermer-Colan, SaraGrace Stefan, Megan Kane:
Modeling Eco-Poetics and Eco-Politics in 20th Century Anglophone Climate Fiction: Toxic Water. - Enes Türkoglu, Andreas Mertgens:
Maze of Garfinkel: Making sense of formulations in ethnomethodology. - Qun Che, Nungyao Lin, Shih-Pei Chen, Calvin Yeh:
Link Visions Together: Visualizing Geographies of Late Qing and Republican China. - Barbara Heinisch:
Collaboration with citizens and its revolutionary potential in the digital humanities. - Ryan Dubnicek, Ted Underwood:
Piloting A Machine Learning Approach to Identify English-Language Fiction in the HathiTrust Digital Library. - Dirk Goldhahn, Peter Mühleder, Franziska Naether:
There is no "I" in "Infrastructure": Creating a shared data-centric DH Infrastructure for Cultural Heritage Research in Saxony/Germany. - Vojtech Malínek, Tomasz Umerle, Mikko Tolonen, Agnieszka Karlinska, Matteo Romanello, Giovanni Colavizza, Silvio Peroni, Dorota Siwecka, Jakub Lubocki, Nanette Rißler-Pipka, David Lindemann, Penny Labropoulou, Christiane Klaes:
Fostering Collaboration to Enable Bibliodata-driven Research in the Humanities. - Setsuko Yokoyama, Sai Sathiesh Rajan, Sudipta Chattopadhyay:
Accented DH: Assessing Fairness of Multilingual Speech Recognition Systems. - David Zbíral, Robert L. J. Shaw, Tomás Hampejs, Adam Mertel:
Maximising the Power of Semantic Textual Data: CASTEMO Data Collection and the InkVisitor Application. - Tanya Clement, Zoe Bursztajn-Illingworth, Trent Wintermeier, Vera Burrows:
AudiAnnotate Workshop with Radio Venceremos, Rebel Radio Station and SpokenWeb: Using IIIF with AV to Build Editions and Exhibits. - Grisel Terrón Quintero, Eritk Guerra Figueredo, Alaina Solernou Ferrer, Bryan Echarri Ramirez:
Cuban digital collections: an approach for collaboration and innovation. - Thomas O'Connor, Stavros Angelis, Richard Fitzpatrick:
Digital Prosopography and Global Irish Networks. - Oliver Streiter, Yaqing Zhang, Yoann Goudin:
Localizing Community Resilience within the Digital Humanities: Examples from the Penghu Archipelago. - Bernhard Oberreither:
Data Modeling as a High-Wire Act. Balancing Requirements, Juggling Vocabularies, and not Falling (Short of Established Best Practice). - Roman Bleier, Laura Cleaver, Franz Fischer, Patrick Sahle, Andrea Worm, Sina Krottmaier, Agnese Macchiarelli, Elisa Cugliana, Eleanor Goerss, Maria Streicher, Lennart Rouxel:
History as a visual concept: editing Peter of Poitiers' "Compendium historiae in genealogia Christi". - Anna Foka, Elton T. E. Barker, Kyriaki Konstantinidou, Brady Kiesling:
Mapping Antiquity in Collaboration: The Digital Periegesis Project. - Erik Ketzan, Kim Nayyer, Quinn Dombrowski, Lauren Tilton, Koenraad De Smedt, Pawel Kamocki, Benito Trollip, Kiyonori Nagasaki:
Legal Issues in Digital Humanities: Analysis of Recent Advocacy and Continuing and Emerging Issues. - Peter Boot, Marijn Koolen, Ole Mussmann, Carsten Schnober, Willem Van Hage, Joris van Zundert:
Putting to test the Affective-Aesthetic Potential. - Roman Bleier, Luise Borek, Alberto Campagnolo, Franz Fischer, Tessa Gengnagel, Tobias Hodel:
20 Years of Digital Medievalist - A Reflection on the Development of a Community. - Michela Vignoli, Doris Gruber, Rainer Simon:
Revolution or Evolution? AI-Driven Image Classification of Historical Prints. - Konrad Krzysztof Nicinski, Agnieszka Maria Zalotynska:
Deep mapping in digital literary studies - polish experience. - Ernesto Priego, Linda Berube, Francisco de la Mora, Ian Cooke, Stephann Makri, Stella Wisdom:
UK Digital Comics: Challenges and Opportunities of a Collaborative Doctoral Partnership. A Co-designed Comic Poster. - Rongqian Ma:
Revisiting connotations of digital humanists: Exploration based on semi-structured interviews and survey. - Rosamond Elizabeth Thalken, Matthew Wilkens, David Mimno:
Large Language Models and NER: better results with less work. - Toma Tasovac, Natalia Ermolaev, Andrew Janco, David Lassner, Nick Budak:
Humanistic NLP: Bridging the Gap Between Digital Humanities and Natural Language Processing. - Jacob Hart, Clarisse Bardiot, David Rouquet:
MemoRekall-IIIF, an open source and versatile web application for video and digital document annotation. - Bojan Evkoski, Zarko Lazarevic, Andrej Pancur, Darja Fiser:
The Yugoslavian Interwar Business Network. - Bärbel Kröger, Johanna Sophia Störiko, Jörg Wettlaufer:
Semantic Web and Linked Open Data in Historical Sciences. - Katrina Fenlon, Alia Reza, Jessica H. Grimmer, Travis L. Wagner:
Community-centric factors in sustaining digital scholarship. - Clarisse Bardiot, Bernard Jacquemin, Alexandre Michaan, Jeanne Westeel, Oudom Southammavong, Daniel Koskowitz:
Eulalie: a documentary system for the collaborative preservation of electroacoustic music based on the Doremus ontology. - Jean-Baptiste Camps, Chahan Vidal-Gorène:
They're veGAN but they almost taste the same: generating simili-manuscripts with artificial intelligence. - Lars Dickmann, Anna Reimann, Ina Serif:
Digital Pathways Through Newspaper Advertisements: Workflows from Printed Page to Digital Analysis with the Avisblatt-R-Package. - Yuri Ishida, Kensuke Baba, Takahiro Baba:
Named Entity Recognition in Pre-modern Arabic Biographical Texts. - Cezary Rosinski, Agnieszka Karlinska, Marek Kubis, Patryk Hubar, Jan Wieczorek:
Towards Metadata-enriched Literary Corpora in Line with FAIR Principles: 19/20MetaPNC. - Daniel Jettka, Ulrike Henny-Krahmer, Anne Ferger, Fernanda Alvares Freire:
Software Citation in the Digital Humanities. - Rennie Mapp, Eveline Wandl-Vogt, Roberto Therón:
Frameworks for User-Focused Digital Humanities Projects: Half-day workshop proposal. - Matthew J. Lavin, Melanie Walsh, Maria Antoniak, Yuerong Hu, Ted Underwood, David Bishop, Liza Senatorova, Wenyi Shang:
Reception History in Many Dimensions: New Research on Book Reviews. - Elena Spadini, José Luis Losada Palenzuela:
Scholarly Digital Editions: APIs and Reuse Scenarios. - Luise Borek, Sarah Lang, Quinn Dombrowski, Domenico Fiormonte, Daniele Metilli, Padmini Ray Murray, Dibyadyuti Roy, Melissa Terras:
Exploring the borderlands. A revolutionary potential for DH. - Giulia Osti, Amber L. Cushing, Suzanne Little:
More than Meets the (Artificial) Eye: Exploring Historical Photographs from Ireland with Computer Vision Methods. - Coen Van Galen, Thunnis van Oort, Montserrat Prats Lopez, Ganzevoort Wessel, Rick Mourits:
Creating user profiles based on citizen scientists' engagement patterns. - Jasmine Tiffany Mulliken, Ilya Kreymer:
Creating, storing, and sharing your own web archives with open source Webrecorder tools. - Leonard Konle, Merten Kröncke, Fotis Jannidis, Simone Winko:
Factors of Literary History: The Case of German-language Poetry (1850-1920). - Rabea Kleymann:
Investigating Constructivist Paradigms in Digital Humanities Scholarship.