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CVPR 2015: Boston, MA, USA
- IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR 2015, Boston, MA, USA, June 7-12, 2015. IEEE Computer Society 2015, ISBN 978-1-4673-6964-0
- Christian Szegedy, Wei Liu, Yangqing Jia, Pierre Sermanet, Scott E. Reed, Dragomir Anguelov, Dumitru Erhan
, Vincent Vanhoucke
, Andrew Rabinovich:
Going deeper with convolutions. 1-9 - Jen-Hao Rick Chang, Yu-Chiang Frank Wang:
Propagated image filtering. 10-18 - Yunchao Gong, Marcin Pawlowski, Fei Yang, Louis Brandy, Lubomir D. Bourdev, Rob Fergus:
Web scale photo hash clustering on a single machine. 19-27 - Alina Kuznetsova, Sung Ju Hwang, Bodo Rosenhahn, Leonid Sigal:
Expanding object detector's Horizon: Incremental learning framework for object detection in videos. 28-36 - Fumin Shen, Chunhua Shen, Wei Liu
, Heng Tao Shen:
Supervised Discrete Hashing. 37-45 - Mihir Jain, Jan C. van Gemert, Cees G. M. Snoek:
What do 15, 000 object categories tell us about classifying and localizing actions? 46-55 - Rahaf Aljundi, Rémi Emonet, Damien Muselet, Marc Sebban:
Landmarks-based kernelized subspace alignment for unsupervised domain adaptation. 56-63 - Wei-Sheng Lai, Jian-Jiun Ding, Yen-Yu Lin
, Yung-Yu Chuang:
Blur kernel estimation using normalized color-line priors. 64-72 - Nikhil Naik, Achuta Kadambi, Christoph Rhemann, Shahram Izadi, Ramesh Raskar, Sing Bing Kang:
A light transport model for mitigating multipath interference in Time-of-flight sensors. 73-81 - Simone Frintrop, Thomas Werner, Germán Martín García:
Traditional saliency reloaded: A good old model in new shape. 82-90 - Patrick Snape, Yannis Panagakis
, Stefanos Zafeiriou:
Automatic construction Of robust spherical harmonic subspaces. 91-100 - Min-Gyu Park, Kuk-Jin Yoon:
Leveraging stereo matching with learning-based confidence measures. 101-109 - Yao Qin, Huchuan Lu, Yiqun Xu, He Wang
Saliency detection via Cellular Automata. 110-119 - Jonas Wulff, Michael J. Black:
Efficient sparse-to-dense optical flow estimation using a learned basis and layers. 120-130 - Carlo Ciliberto, Lorenzo Rosasco, Silvia Villa
Learning multiple visual tasks while discovering their structure. 131-139 - Zhiwu Huang, Ruiping Wang, Shiguang Shan
, Xilin Chen:
Projection Metric Learning on Grassmann Manifold with Application to Video based Face Recognition. 140-149 - Tianzhu Zhang, Si Liu, Changsheng Xu, Shuicheng Yan, Bernard Ghanem
, Narendra Ahuja, Ming-Hsuan Yang:
Structural Sparse Tracking. 150-158 - HyeokHyen Kwon, Yu-Wing Tai
, Stephen Lin:
Data-driven depth map refinement via multi-scale sparse representation. 159-167 - Feng Lu, Imari Sato, Yoichi Sato:
Uncalibrated photometric stereo based on elevation angle recovery from BRDF symmetry of isotropic materials. 168-176 - Ran Tao, Arnold W. M. Smeulders, Shih-Fu Chang:
Attributes and categories for generic instance search from one example. 177-186 - Mostafa Abdelrahman, Aly A. Farag, David Swanson, Moumen T. El-Melegy
Heat diffusion over weighted manifolds: A new descriptor for textured 3D non-rigid shapes. 187-195 - Christopher Zach, Adrián Peñate Sánchez, Minh-Tri Pham:
A dynamic programming approach for fast and robust object pose recognition from range images. 196-203 - Zhen-Zhong Lan, Ming Lin, Xuanchong Li, Alexander G. Hauptmann, Bhiksha Raj:
Beyond Gaussian Pyramid: Multi-skip Feature Stacking for action recognition. 204-212 - Dongping Li
, Kaiming He, Jian Sun, Kun Zhou:
A geodesic-preserving method for image warping. 213-221 - Shaoxin Li, Junliang Xing, Zhiheng Niu, Shiguang Shan
, Shuicheng Yan:
Shape driven kernel adaptation in Convolutional Neural Network for robust facial trait recognition. 222-230 - Marko Ristin, Juergen Gall, Matthieu Guillaumin, Luc Van Gool:
From categories to subcategories: Large-scale image classification with partial class label refinement. 231-239 - Yunsheng Jiang, Jinwen Ma:
Combination features and models for human detection. 240-248 - Yuting Zhang, Kihyuk Sohn, Ruben Villegas, Gang Pan, Honglak Lee:
Improving object detection with deep convolutional networks via Bayesian optimization and structured prediction. 249-258 - Spyridon Leonardos, Roberto Tron, Kostas Daniilidis:
A metric parametrization for trifocal tensors with non-colinear pinholes. 259-267 - Benjamin Allain, Jean-Sébastien Franco, Edmond Boyer:
An efficient volumetric framework for shape tracking. 268-276 - Chun-Guang Li, René Vidal:
Structured Sparse Subspace Clustering: A unified optimization framework. 277-286 - Yin Li, Zhefan Ye, James M. Rehg
Delving into egocentric actions. 287-295 - Sebastian Kaltwang
, Sinisa Todorovic, Maja Pantic:
Latent trees for estimating intensity of Facial Action Units. 296-304 - Hui Wu, Richard Souvenir:
Robust regression on image manifolds for ordered label denoising. 305-313 - Francesco Pittaluga, Sanjeev J. Koppal:
Privacy preserving optics for miniature vision sensors. 314-324 - Junlin Hu
, Jiwen Lu
, Yap-Peng Tan:
Deep transfer metric learning. 325-333 - Julian Straub, Trevor Campbell, Jonathan P. How
, John W. Fisher III
Small-variance nonparametric clustering on the hypersphere. 334-342 - Richard A. Newcombe, Dieter Fox, Steven M. Seitz:
DynamicFusion: Reconstruction and tracking of non-rigid scenes in real-time. 343-352 - Yang Li
, Jianke Zhu, Steven C. H. Hoi
Reliable Patch Trackers: Robust visual tracking by exploiting reliable patches. 353-361 - Nian Liu, Junwei Han, Dingwen Zhang, Shifeng Wen, Tianming Liu:
Predicting eye fixations using convolutional neural networks. 362-370 - Long Mai, Feng Liu:
Kernel fusion for better image deblurring. 371-380 - Christian Hane, Lubor Ladicky, Marc Pollefeys
Direction matters: Depth estimation with a surface normal classifier. 381-389 - George Papandreou, Iasonas Kokkinos, Pierre-André Savalle:
Modeling local and global deformations in Deep Learning: Epitomic convolution, Multiple Instance Learning, and sliding window detection. 390-399 - Yezhou Yang, Cornelia Fermüller, Yi Li, Yiannis Aloimonos:
Grasp type revisited: A modern perspective on a classical feature for vision. 400-408 - Sheng Huang
, Mohamed Elhoseiny, Ahmed M. Elgammal
, Dan Yang:
Learning Hypergraph-regularized Attribute Predictors. 409-417 - Roozbeh Mottaghi, Yu Xiang, Silvio Savarese:
A coarse-to-fine model for 3D pose estimation and sub-category recognition. 418-426 - Anh Mai Nguyen, Jason Yosinski, Jeff Clune:
Deep neural networks are easily fooled: High confidence predictions for unrecognizable images. 427-436 - Ross B. Girshick, Forrest N. Iandola, Trevor Darrell, Jitendra Malik:
Deformable part models are convolutional neural networks. 437-446 - Bharath Hariharan, Pablo Andrés Arbeláez
, Ross B. Girshick, Jitendra Malik:
Hypercolumns for object segmentation and fine-grained localization. 447-456 - Johannes Hofmanninger, Georg Langs
Mapping visual features to semantic profiles for retrieval in medical imaging. 457-465 - Stephan Schraml, Ahmed Nabil Belbachir, Horst Bischof:
Event-driven stereo matching for real-time 3D panoramic vision. 466-474 - Daniel Prusa
Graph-based simplex method for pairwise energy minimization with binary variables. 475-483 - Hangfan Liu
, Ruiqin Xiong, Jian Zhang, Wen Gao:
Image denoising via adaptive soft-thresholding based on non-local samples. 484-492 - Mingsong Dou, Jonathan Taylor, Henry Fuchs, Andrew W. Fitzgibbon, Shahram Izadi:
3D scanning deformable objects with a single RGBD sensor. 493-501 - Jeffrey Byrne:
Nested motion descriptors. 502-510 - Gottfried Graber, Jonathan Balzer, Stefano Soatto, Thomas Pock:
Efficient minimal-surface regularization of perspective depth maps in variational stereo. 511-520 - Alexander Shekhovtsov
, Paul Swoboda, Bogdan Savchynskyy:
Maximum persistency via iterative relaxed inference with graphical models. 521-529 - Abhishek Sharma, Oncel Tuzel, David W. Jacobs:
Deep hierarchical parsing for semantic segmentation. 530-538 - Xiaolong Wang, David F. Fouhey, Abhinav Gupta:
Designing deep networks for surface normal estimation. 539-547 - Deqing Sun, Erik B. Sudderth
, Hanspeter Pfister
Layered RGBD scene flow estimation. 548-556 - Miguel Á. Carreira-Perpiñán, Ramin Raziperchikolaei:
Hashing with binary autoencoders. 557-566 - Shuran Song, Samuel P. Lichtenberg, Jianxiong Xiao:
SUN RGB-D: A RGB-D scene understanding benchmark suite. 567-576 - Chen Fang, Hailin Jin, Jianchao Yang, Zhe Lin:
Collaborative feature learning from social media. 577-585 - Xiaochun Cao, Changqing Zhang, Huazhu Fu
, Si Liu, Hua Zhang:
Diversity-induced Multi-view Subspace Clustering. 586-594 - Grant Van Horn, Steve Branson, Ryan Farrell, Scott Haber, Jessie Barry, Panos Ipeirotis
, Pietro Perona, Serge J. Belongie
Building a bird recognition app and large scale dataset with citizen scientists: The fine print in fine-grained dataset collection. 595-604 - Miaojing Shi, Yannis Avrithis, Hervé Jégou:
Early burst detection for memory-efficient image retrieval. 605-613 - Wei Zhuo, Mathieu Salzmann, Xuming He, Miaomiao Liu
Indoor scene structure analysis for single image depth estimation. 614-622 - Juliet Fiss, Brian Curless, Richard Szeliski:
Light field layer matting. 623-631 - Qian-Yi Zhou, Vladlen Koltun:
Depth camera tracking with contour cues. 632-638 - Zuzana Kukelova
, Jan Heller, Martin Bujnak, Tomás Pajdla:
Radial distortion homography. 639-647 - Jonathan Tompson, Ross Goroshin, Arjun Jain, Yann LeCun, Christoph Bregler:
Efficient object localization using Convolutional Networks. 648-656 - Jianping Shi, Li Xu, Jiaya Jia:
Just noticeable defocus blur detection and estimation. 657-665 - De-An Huang, Minghuang Ma, Wei-Chiu Ma, Kris M. Kitani:
How do we use our hands? Discovering a diverse set of common grasps. 666-675 - Junho Yim, Heechul Jung, ByungIn Yoo, Changkyu Choi, Du-Sik Park, Junmo Kim:
Rotating your face using multi-task deep neural network. 676-684 - Maxime Oquab, Léon Bottou, Ivan Laptev, Josef Sivic:
Is object localization for free? - Weakly-supervised learning with convolutional neural networks. 685-694 - Xiao-Yuan Jing, Xiaoke Zhu, Fei Wu, Xinge You, Qinglong Liu, Dong Yue, Ruimin Hu, Baowen Xu
Super-resolution Person re-identification with semi-coupled low-rank discriminant dictionary learning. 695-704 - (Withdrawn) Dual domain filters based texture and structure preserving image non-blind deconvolution. 705-713
- Xuan Dong, Boyan Bonev, Yu Zhu, Alan L. Yuille
Region-based temporally consistent video post-processing. 714-722 - Shaoqing Ren, Xudong Cao, Yichen Wei, Jian Sun:
Global refinement of random forest. 723-730 - Yi-Hsuan Tsai, Onur C. Hamsici, Ming-Hsuan Yang:
Adaptive region pooling for object detection. 731-739 - Mohammad Rastegari, Hannaneh Hajishirzi, Ali Farhadi:
Discriminative and consistent similarities in instance-level Multiple Instance Learning. 740-748 - Zhibin Hong, Zhe Chen
, Chaohui Wang, Xue Mei, Danil V. Prokhorov
, Dacheng Tao:
MUlti-Store Tracker (MUSTer): A cognitive psychology inspired approach to object tracking. 749-758 - Georgia Gkioxari, Jitendra Malik:
Finding action tubes. 759-768 - Jian Sun, Wenfei Cao, Zongben Xu, Jean Ponce:
Learning a convolutional neural network for non-uniform motion blur removal. 769-777 - Yao Xiao
, Cewu Lu, Efstratios Tsougenis, Yongyi Lu, Chi-Keung Tang:
Complexity-adaptive distance metric for object proposals generation. 778-786 - Xiangyu Zhu, Zhen Lei, Junjie Yan, Dong Yi, Stan Z. Li:
High-fidelity Pose and Expression Normalization for face recognition in the wild. 787-796 - Masaki Saito, Takayuki Okatani:
Transformation of Markov Random Fields for marginal distribution estimation. 797-805 - Baoyuan Liu, Min Wang, Hassan Foroosh, Marshall F. Tappen, Marianna Pensky:
Sparse Convolutional Neural Networks. 806-814 - Florian Schroff, Dmitry Kalenichenko, James Philbin:
FaceNet: A unified embedding for face recognition and clustering. 815-823 - Xiao Sun, Yichen Wei, Shuang Liang
, Xiaoou Tang, Jian Sun:
Cascaded hand pose regression. 824-832 - Cong Zhang, Hongsheng Li
, Xiaogang Wang, Xiaokang Yang:
Cross-scene crowd counting via deep convolutional neural networks. 833-841 - Tianjun Xiao, Yichong Xu, Kuiyuan Yang, Jiaxing Zhang, Yuxin Peng, Zheng Zhang:
The application of two-level attention models in deep convolutional neural network for fine-grained image classification. 842-850 - Li Wan, David Eigen, Rob Fergus:
End-to-end integration of a Convolutional Network, Deformable Parts Model and non-maximum suppression. 851-859 - Kuan-Chuan Peng, Tsuhan Chen
, Amir Sadovnik
, Andrew C. Gallagher:
A mixed bag of emotions: Model, predict, and transfer emotion distributions. 860-868 - Edgar Simo-Serra, Sanja Fidler, Francesc Moreno-Noguer, Raquel Urtasun:
Neuroaesthetics in fashion: Modeling the perception of fashionability. 869-877 - Anton van den Hengel
, Chris Russell
, Anthony R. Dick
, John W. Bastian, Daniel Pooley, Lachlan Fleming, Lourdes Agapito
Part-based modelling of compound scenes from images. 878-886 - Olga Veksler:
Efficient parallel optimization for potts energy with hierarchical fusion. 887-895 - Michael S. Ryoo, Brandon Rothrock, Larry H. Matthies:
Pooled motion features for first-person videos. 896-904 - Artiom Kovnatsky, Michael M. Bronstein, Xavier Bresson, Pierre Vandergheynst:
Functional correspondence by matrix completion. 905-914 - Eunwoo Kim, Minsik Lee
, Songhwai Oh:
Elastic-net regularization of singular values for robust subspace learning. 915-923 - Da Kuang, Alex Gittens, Raffay Hamid:
Hardware compliant approximate image codes. 924-932 - Avishek Chatterjee, Venu Madhav Govindu:
Photometric refinement of depth maps for multi-albedo objects. 933-941 - Christoph H. Lampert:
Predicting the future behavior of a time-varying probability distribution. 942-950 - Anna Khoreva, Fabio Galasso
, Matthias Hein, Bernt Schiele
Classifier based graph construction for video segmentation. 951-960 - Fabian Caba Heilbron, Victor Escorcia, Bernard Ghanem
, Juan Carlos Niebles
ActivityNet: A large-scale video benchmark for human activity understanding. 961-970 - Yao Li, Lingqiao Liu
, Chunhua Shen, Anton van den Hengel
Mid-level deep pattern mining. 971-980 - Hosnieh Sattar, Sabine Müller
, Mario Fritz, Andreas Bulling
Prediction of search targets from fixations in open-world settings. 981-990 - Karel Lenc, Andrea Vedaldi:
Understanding image representations by measuring their equivariance and equivalence. 991-999 - Dongliang Cheng, Brian L. Price, Scott Cohen, Michael S. Brown:
Effective learning-based illuminant estimation using simple features. 1000-1008 - Johannes L. Schönberger, Alexander C. Berg, Jan-Michael Frahm:
PAIGE: PAirwise Image Geometry Encoding for improved efficiency in Structure-from-Motion. 1009-1018 - Jiaolong Yang
, Hongdong Li
Dense, accurate optical flow estimation with piecewise parametric model. 1019-1027 - Pedro Rodrigues
, João Pedro Barreto
Single-image estimation of the camera response function in near-lighting. 1028-1036 - Soonmin Hwang
, Jaesik Park
, Namil Kim
, Yukyung Choi
, In So Kweon:
Multispectral pedestrian detection: Benchmark dataset and baseline. 1037-1045 - Jimmy Addison Lee, Jun Cheng
, Beng Hai Lee, Ee Ping Ong
, Guozhen Xu, Damon Wing Kee Wong
, Jiang Liu
, Augustinus Laude, Tock Han Lim:
A low-dimensional step pattern analysis algorithm with application to multimodal retinal image registration. 1046-1053 - Yu Kong, Yun Fu:
Bilinear heterogeneous information machine for RGB-D action recognition. 1054-1062 - Wonsik Kim, Kyoung Mu Lee:
MRF optimization by graph approximation. 1063-1071 - Ming Jiang
, Shengsheng Huang, Juanyong Duan, Qi Zhao:
SALICON: Saliency in Context. 1072-1080 - Hakan Bilen
, Marco Pedersoli, Tinne Tuytelaars
Weakly supervised object detection with convex clustering. 1081-1089 - Hoo-Chang Shin, Le Lu
, Lauren Kim, Ari Seff, Jianhua Yao
, Ronald M. Summers:
Interleaved text/image Deep Mining on a large-scale radiology database. 1090-1099 - Vignesh Ramanathan, Congcong Li,