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3rd CSEDU 2011: Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands
- Alexander Verbraeck, Markus Helfert, José Cordeiro, Boris Shishkov:
CSEDU 2011 - Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Computer Supported Education, Volume 1, Noordwijkerhout, Netherlands, 6-8 May, 2011. SciTePress 2011, ISBN 978-989-8425-49-2
Invited Speakers
Keynote Speakers
- Ivan Ivanov:
Cloud Computing in Education - The Intersection of Challenges and Opportunities. CSEDU (1) 2011: 05 - Rachelle S. Heller:
Computer Education Journals - Leading or Following Research Trends. CSEDU (1) 2011: 07 - Lauri Malmi:
Why, What and How are We doing Our Research? CSEDU (1) 2011: 09 - Friedrich W. Hesse:
Augmented Knowledge Communication Spaces. CSEDU (1) 2011: 013
Information Technologies Supporting Learning
Full Papers
- Ian H. Witten, Shaoqun Wu, Xiaofeng Yu:
Linking Digital Libraries to Courses - … with Particular Application to Language Learning. CSEDU (1) 2011: 5-14 - Olga Lucía Giraldo, Olga Lucero Vega, Juan Erasmo Gómez:
Learning Environment for Organizations IT Management Supported by a Simulation Game. CSEDU (1) 2011: 15-24 - Ron Chi-Wai Kwok, Hokling Cheung, Josephine Chen Yingjun, Thadani Dimple, Bandyopadhyay Rupa, Tania Lau Yuenkei, Anthony Wong Man Chun:
Positive Effects of Reflective ePortfolio on Overseas Exchange Learning Experience. CSEDU (1) 2011: 25-35 - Robert James Tucker:
Runaway - A Web-based, Visual Programming System and Extensible Framework for 3D Animation. CSEDU (1) 2011: 36-45 - Madeth May, Sébastien George:
Using Learning Tracking Data to Support Students' Self-monitoring. CSEDU (1) 2011: 46-55 - Vladimir Estivill-Castro, Brendan Bartlett:
Image Capture for Concrete Programming - Building Schemata for Problem Solving. CSEDU (1) 2011: 56-68 - Nguyen Thai-Nghe, Lucas Drumond, Tomás Horváth, Alexandros Nanopoulos, Lars Schmidt-Thieme:
Matrix and Tensor Factorization for Predicting Student Performance. CSEDU (1) 2011: 69-78 - Gözde Özbal, Carlo Strapparava:
Automatized Memory Techniques for Vocabulary Acquisition in a Second Language. CSEDU (1) 2011: 79-87 - Héctor Martínez, David Abadía-Gallego, Luis Miguel Sanagustín, Isabelle Hupont, Rafael Del Hoyo, Carlos Sagüés:
A Novel Tutor-guided Platform for Interactive Augmented Reality Learning. CSEDU (1) 2011: 88-93 - Hiroyuki Nagataki, Koji Noguchi, Ryo Katsuma, Yukiko Yamauchi, Naoki Shibata, Keiichi Yasumoto, Minoru Ito:
A Distance Learning System with Customizable Screen Layouts for Multiple Learning Situations. CSEDU (1) 2011: 94-102 - Efthymios Alepis, Maria Virvou, Katerina Kabassi:
Combining Two Decision Making Theories for Affective Learning in Programming Courses. CSEDU (1) 2011: 103-109 - Harald P. E. Vranken, Jens Haag, Tobias Horsmann, Stefan Karsch:
A Distributed Virtual Computer Security Lab. CSEDU (1) 2011: 110-119 - Tanja Buttler, Stephan G. Lukosch, Alexander Verbraeck:
Frozen Stories - Capturing and Utilizing Frozen Stories for Teaching of Project Managers. CSEDU (1) 2011: 120-129 - André Schulz, Merlin Becker:
Old School Meets New School: The Adaptive School Book Approach - Adaptivity Extends Conventional School Books with Digital Media. CSEDU (1) 2011: 130-139 - John L. Nietfeld, Lucy R. Shores, Kristin F. Hoffmann:
Learning and Gender Differences in a Narrative-centered Learning Environment. CSEDU (1) 2011: 140-144
Short Papers
- Jacques Lonchamp:
Deixis in Synchronous CSCL Systems - A Collection of Socio-technical Patterns. CSEDU (1) 2011: 147-152 - Lynette van Zijl, Wessel Venter:
An Embodied Conversational Agent with Asperger Syndrome. CSEDU (1) 2011: 153-158 - Bénédicte Talon, Dominique Leclet:
Towards a Computer Aided Pedagogical Engineering - Aided Production of Pedagogical Devices based on MAETIC Method. CSEDU (1) 2011: 159-164 - Isabela Gasparini, Ana Marilza Pernas, Amel Bouzeghoub, José Palazzo M. de Oliveira, José Valdeni de Lima, Marcelo Soares Pimenta:
Taking Rich Context and Situation in Account for Improving an Adaptive e-Learning System. CSEDU (1) 2011: 165-172 - Hsiang Hui Lek, Danny Chiang Choon Poo:
Knowledge Community - Moving Beyond Conventional Learning Management Systems. CSEDU (1) 2011: 173-178 - Janis Kapenieks:
Collaboration Trends during Action Research in an e-Learning Environment for Developing and Acquiring Effective Personal Knowledge. CSEDU (1) 2011: 179-186 - Noury Khayat, Michael Mock, Jörg Kindermann:
Towards Automatic Behavior Analysis of Learners in a Technology-enhanced Learning Environment. CSEDU (1) 2011: 187-192 - Abdrah Abuzaid, Xiaohong Yuan, Huiming Yu, Bill Chu:
The Design and Implementation of a Cryptographic Education Tool. CSEDU (1) 2011: 193-198 - Daniela Blanke, Georg Schneider:
TOM - A Multi-touch System for Learning Math. CSEDU (1) 2011: 199-206 - Clifford Randell, Ben J. C. Clayton, Tarim, Tom Bennett:
If Only... - Designing Novel Games for Collaborative Learning with Smartphones and Sensors. CSEDU (1) 2011: 207-212 - Tassawar Iqbal, Klaus Hammermüller, A Min Tjoa:
Adaptivity in 3D Virtual Environments for Multi-users and Its Application in Adult Basic Education. CSEDU (1) 2011: 213-218 - Viktor Wendel, Stefan Göbel, Ralf Steinmetz:
Seamless Learning in Serious Games - How to Improve Seamless Learning-content Integration in Serious Games. CSEDU (1) 2011: 219-224 - Grami Mohammad A. Grami, Basem Y. Alkazemi:
Towards a Framework for Building a Tool to Assist L2 Writing based on Search Engines Capabilities - The Case of English Phrases and Collocations. CSEDU (1) 2011: 225-230 - Amar Balla, Nabila Bousbia:
An Open Learning Environment based on Generic Course. CSEDU (1) 2011: 231-236 - Ron Coleman, Jeff Bass, Chris Pryslopski, James Johnson, Don Fraser, Melodye Moore:
The Digital Pathfinder - A Plug-and-Play Approach to Local History Instruction in the Field. CSEDU (1) 2011: 237-245 - Aarij Mahmood Hussaan, Karim Sehaba:
A System for Generating Pedagogical Scenarios for Serious Games. CSEDU (1) 2011: 246-251 - Heide K. Lukosch, Pieter de Vries:
A Knowledge based Platform to Support Informal Learning in Do-it-yourself Retail Stores. CSEDU (1) 2011: 252-257 - M. Dolores Redel-Macías, Pilar Martínez Jiménez, Antonio J. Cubero-Atienza:
E-Learning Applied for Training on Safety and Hygiene in Electronics Engineers Degree. CSEDU (1) 2011: 258-263 - Mikulás Gangur:
Automatic Generation of Cloze Questions. CSEDU (1) 2011: 264-269 - Franck Gechter, Stéphane Galland:
Interactive Whiteboard for Collaborative Work - A Multi-agent based Solution. CSEDU (1) 2011: 270-278 - John McCaffery, Alan Miller, Colin Allison:
Extending the Use of Virtual Worlds as an Educational Platform - Network Island: An Advanced Learning Environment for Teaching Internet Routing Algorithms. CSEDU (1) 2011: 279-284 - Thomas Markus, Eline Westerhout:
Hidden Patterns in Learner Feedback - Generalizing from Noisy Self-assessment during Self-directed Learning. CSEDU (1) 2011: 285-290 - Xesternou Maria, Melina Iliopoulou, Despina Ino Pagoni:
A Small Town's Street as an Educational Project - A Case Study: Asynchronus Interdisciplinary Education between a Greek University and Two Secondary Schools. CSEDU (1) 2011: 291-296 - Andrés Redchuk, Javier M. Moguerza, Javier Cano-Montero:
VRTUOSI - A Pioneer Virtual Exchange Program between Five European Universities. CSEDU (1) 2011: 297-303 - Jean-Christophe Sakdavong, Franck Amadieu, Nathalie Huet, Caroline Dupeyrat:
Help Design and Help Use in a Computer based Learning Environment. CSEDU (1) 2011: 304-311 - El Amine Ouraiba, Christophe Choquet, Philippe Cottier:
Opening TEL Systems for Teachers - A Domain-specific Modeling & Model-driven Engineering Approach. CSEDU (1) 2011: 312-317 - Takehiko Murakawa, Masaru Nakagawa:
Comprehension Support of SQL Statement using Double-tree Structure. CSEDU (1) 2011: 318-323 - Suzan Badri, James Denholm-Price, James Orwell:
Layout for Learning - Designing an Interface for Students Learning to Program. CSEDU (1) 2011: 324-332 - Omar Álvarez-Xochihua, Riccardo Bettati, Lauren Cifuentes, René Mercer:
A Mixed-initiative Intelligent Tutoring System - Based on Learning from Demonstration. CSEDU (1) 2011: 333-339 - Stefano Federici:
User-centered Computer Science - High-ceiling and Low-floor Approaches to Programming Languages and Algorithms. CSEDU (1) 2011: 340-348 - Essam Zaneldin, Bilal El-Ariss:
A Dynamic Teaching System to Support the Design of Structural Steel Members. CSEDU (1) 2011: 349-354 - Stephen Bodnar, Catia Cucchiarini, Helmer Strik:
Computer-assisted Grammar Practice for Oral Communication. CSEDU (1) 2011: 355-361
- Ayodeji Adesina, Derek Molloy:
A Business Process Management based Virtual Learning Environment - Customised Learning Paths. CSEDU (1) 2011: 365-368 - Tomasz Müldner, Christopher Fry, Jan Krzysztof Miziolek:
Updateable Educational Applications based on Compressed XML Documents. CSEDU (1) 2011: 369-371 - Shanshan Yang, Mike Joy, Teemu Henrikki Laine:
An Educational Services Architecture to Share e-Learning Resources . CSEDU (1) 2011: 372-375 - Peggy Lynn MacIsaac:
Maximizing Library Presence While Minimizing Online Maintenance. CSEDU (1) 2011: 376-381 - Antonio Martí Campoy, José Carlos Campelo, Juan José Serrano, Marina Alonso, Salvador Coll:
Practical Student Teaching through Integrated True, Virtual and Remote Laboratories. CSEDU (1) 2011: 382-385 - Hanae Yamazoe, Takashi Kawai, Masutomo Miyao:
A Visual Training Device for Learning Chinese Character of Children with Developmental Dyslexia. CSEDU (1) 2011: 386-389 - Miro Puhek, Andrej Sorgo:
Virtual Biology Exercise for the Active Learning of Mendelian Genetics and Development of Key Competences. CSEDU (1) 2011: 390-393 - Marilisa Amoia, Claire Gardent, Laura Perez-Beltrachini:
A Serious Game for Second Language Acquisition. CSEDU (1) 2011: 394-397 - Aymen Abedmouleh, Pierre Laforcade, Lahcen Oubahssi, Christophe Choquet:
A Model-driven and External Approach for Learning Design upon Learning Management Systems. CSEDU (1) 2011: 398-401 - Annika Wolff, Paul Mulholland, Zdenek Zdráhal:
Character-eyes - Story-driven Inquiry from a Character's Viewpoint. CSEDU (1) 2011: 402-407 - Patrice Thiriet, Christophe Batier, Olivier Rastello, Emmanuel Sylvestre, Nora Van Reeth, Aymeric Guillot, Christian Collet, Nady El Hoyek:
3D Human Anatomy Learning - Demonstration of 3D Tools used in Teaching: 3D Videos, Podcasts, PDF. CSEDU (1) 2011: 408-411 - Jan Chudoba, Jan Faigl, Miroslav Kulich, Tomás Krajník, Karel Kosnar, Libor Preucil:
A Technical Solution of a Robotic e-Learning System in the SyRoTek Project. CSEDU (1) 2011: 412-417 - Klaus P. Jantke, André Schulz:
Adaptivity in Moodle beyond the Limits of Adaptivity in Moodle. CSEDU (1) 2011: 418-421 - Emily Bagarukayo, Theo P. van der Weide, Jude T. Lubega:
An Evaluation Strategy for the Moodle Learning Environment based on Blooms Taxonomy. CSEDU (1) 2011: 422-426 - Proscovia Olango, Gosse Bouma, Henny Klein:
Easy Educational Literature Comprehension - Applying TermPedia to Information Retrieval Knowledge Domain. CSEDU (1) 2011: 427-432 - Jun Fujima, Andrea Hofmann:
On-demand Help Systems based on Webble Technology. CSEDU (1) 2011: 433-436 - Debora Ramalho Barros, Carlo Emmanoel Tolla de Oliveira, Carla Verônica M. Marques, Cláudia Lage Rebello da Motta:
The Newspaper Game - Automatic Identification of Text Genres to Enhance Language Learning. CSEDU (1) 2011: 437-444 - Bart M. ter Haar Romeny, Mark L. C. M. Bruurmijn, Laurens E. O. Leeuwis, Y. Kang:
Life Sciences Viewing Room. CSEDU (1) 2011: 445-448 - Keita Nabeta, Hirotsugu Ishida, Masaomi Kimura, Michiko Ohkura, Fumito Tsuchiya:
A Proposed Method for Generating Question Tests based on Prescription Drug Name Similarity. CSEDU (1) 2011: 449-452 - Dimo Boyadzhiev:
The Ultimate Repository System in the Educational World - Larger Number of Repository Systems Can only Waste Users' Time and Cause Distractions. CSEDU (1) 2011: 453-455 - Yasmín Hernández, Guillermo Rodríguez:
Learning Styles Theory for Intelligent Learning Environments - Adapting the Instruction. CSEDU (1) 2011: 456-459

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