CSCW 2016: San Francisco, CA, USA

Refine list

showing all ?? records

Museums and Public Spaces

Modeling Social Media

Crowd Workers

Towards Physical and Social Wellness

Digital Learning Environments

Distributed Teams

Distance, Coordination, and Motivation

Relationships and Romance

Co-present and Remote Media Use

Credibility and Social Media

Managing Personal Data

Internatonal Insights

Computer-Mediated Communication

Newcomers in Peer Production


Online Communities

Healthcare Providers

Engaging the Crowd

Education in the Classroom and Beyond

Ethics and Policy

Hospital Work

Crowd-Powered Applications

Social Network Methods

Hacking, Making, and Discovering

Food and Health

Crowd Innovation and Crowdfunding

Non-Profits and Humanitarian Responses

Work and Work Environments

Parents and Children

Multimedia Creation and Remixing