International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Modeling and Using Context (CONTEXT)

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      Venue Information

      • has part: International Workshop on Contexts and Ontologies: Representation and Reasoning (C&O:RR)
      • has part: Workshop on Context-Based Information Retrieval (CIR)
      • has part: Workshop on Context for Web Services (CWS)
      • has part: Workshop on Representation Models and Techniques for Improving E-Learning (ReTIeL)

      11th CONTEXT 2019: Trento, Italy

      10th CONTEXT 2017: Paris, France

      9th CONTEXT 2015: Lanarca, Cyprus

      8th CONTEXT 2013: Annecy, France

      7th CONTEXT 2011: Karlsruhe, Germany

      6th CONTEXT 2007: Roskilde, Denmark

      5th CONTEXT 2005: Paris, France

      4th CONTEXT 2003: Stanford, CA, USA

      3rd CONTEXT 2001: Dundee, UK

      2nd CONTEXT 1999: Trento, Italy