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21st CONIELECOMP 2011: Cholula, Puebla, Mexico
- CONIELECOMP 2011, 21st International Conference on Electrical, Communications, and Computers, 28 February - 2 March 2011, Cholula, Puebla, Mexico. IEEE Computer Society 2011, ISBN 978-1-4244-9558-0
- Rubén Alejos Palomares:
Welcome. 1 - J. Alfredo Sánchez, Daniel García Vallejo:
Foreword. 1 - M. H. Rashid:
Keynote speakers. 1-3 - David Báez-López:
Tutorial sessions. 1-6 - Geovanni Martinez, Jan-Gerd Frerichs, Thomas Scheper:
Bubble segmentation based on Shape From Shading for in-situ microscopy. 1-4 - Geovanni Martinez, Patrick Lindner, Thomas Scheper:
Foreground segmentation of human insulin crystal images for in-situ microscopy. 5-9 - Asa T. Furman, M. H. Rashid:
Solar feasibility- Can solar energy compete economically? 10-13 - M. H. Leak, M. H. Rashid:
Feasibility of off-grid residential power. 14-17 - Jorge Martínez-Carballido, Ruben Alfonso-Lopez, Juan Manuel Ramírez-Cortés:
License plate digit recognition using 7×5 binary templates at an outdoor parking lot entrance. 18-21 - Alexander Zemliak, Ricardo Peña, Eduardo Rios, Fernando Reyes-Cortés:
Generalized optimization methodology of second level for system design. 22-27 - Antonio Michua, Alexander Zemliak:
Analysis of Lyapunov function for different strategies of network optimization using parallel computing. 28-33 - Luis Hernandez-Quintanar, Suren Stolik Isakina, José Manuel de la Rosa-Vázquez:
Development of an irradiation system for photodynamic therapy with dosimetric control. 34-38 - Eric Hernández, Juan Manuel Ibarra, José Neira, Rafael Cisneros, Jorge E. Lavín:
Visual SLAM with oriented landmarks and partial odometry. 39-45 - A. Baylón-Fuentes, Pablo Hernández-Nava, Ignacio E. Zaldívar-Huerta, Jorge Rodríguez-Asomoza, Alejandro García-Juárez, Gustavo Aguayo-Rodríguez:
Microwave signal generation based on optical heterodyne and its application in optical telecommunication system. 334-338 - Luis Moreno-Ahedo, Carlos Vázquez:
Periodic stabilizing matrices: A monodromy matrix approach. 46-49 - Paola Berenice Alvarado-Velazco, Víctor Ayala-Ramírez:
Methodology for modular automation system design. 50-54 - R. G. Moreno-Alvarado, Mauricio Martínez-García:
DCT-Compressive sampling applied to speech signals. 55-59 - Ricardo Serrato Barrera, Gustavo Rodríguez Gómez, Aurelio López-López:
Design patterns in multi-agent system simulation. 60-65 - Viviana Yarel Rosales-Morales, Giner Alor-Hernández, Ulises Juárez-Martínez:
An overview of multimedia support into JavaScript-based Frameworks for developing RIAs. 66-70 - Armando Serrato Barrera, Aurelio López-López, Gustavo Rodríguez Gómez:
Self-organization of agents for collective movement based on particle swarm optimization: A qualitative analysis. 71-76 - Antonio Garibay Espinosa, Arturo Castellanos García, Carlos Pérez Aguirre:
Design and construction of a composter for domestic use. 77-81 - Juan Carlos Castrejón, Rosa López-Landa, Rafael Lozano:
Model2Roo: A model driven approach for web application development based on the Eclipse Modeling Framework and Spring Roo. 82-87 - Rosendo Vargas Valle, Maria Guadalupe López López, Enrique Quintero-Marquez:
Control of an azeotropic distillation process for anhydrous ethanol production. 88-93 - Cinda Luz Sandoval Torres, Márquez Enrique Quintero-Mármol, Guadalupe López López, José Cervantes H.:
Virtual process lab. 94-99 - Juan Manuel Ibarra Zannatha, Rafael Cisneros Limón, Ángel David Gómez Sánchez, Eric Hernández Castillo, L. E. Figueroa Medina, Felipe J. K. Lara Leyva:
Monocular visual self-localization for humanoid soccer robots. 100-107 - Alfredo Cristóbal-Salas, Silverio Pérez-Cáceres, T. Zárate-Martínez:
Interactive software for training in mechanical vibrations using 3D simulations. 108-112 - Mario Alberto Garcia Martinez, Rubén Posada-Gómez, German López-Andrade, Giner Alor-Hernández:
Acceleration of biological algorithms using reconfigurable logic. 113-118 - Godofredo R. Garay, Julio Ortega Lopera, Vicente Alarcón Aquino:
Comparing Real-Time Calculus with the existing analytical approaches for the performance evaluation of network interfaces. 119-124 - Santiago Omar Caballero Morales:
Structure optimization of metamodels to improve speech recognition accuracy. 125-130 - Jorge Salvador Valdez Martinez, Pedro Guevara López, Juan Carlos García Infante:
Execution time Validation of the mathematical models of a electric motor in Soft Real Time simulation. 131-136 - Artemio Sotomayor-Olmedo, Marco Antonio Aceves-Fernández, Efrén Gorrostieta Hurtado, Jesús Carlos Pedraza-Ortega, José Emilio Vargas Soto, Juan Manuel Ramos-Arreguín, Ubaldo Geovanni Villasenor-Carillo:
Evaluating trends of airborne contaminants by using support vector regression techniques. 137-141 - Ezequiel Martinez-Ayala, Víctor Ayala-Ramírez, Raúl Enrique Sánchez-Yáñez:
Noisy signal parameter identification using Particle Swarm Optimization. 142-146 - Uriel Haile Hernández Belmonte, Víctor Ayala-Ramírez, Raúl Enrique Sánchez-Yáñez:
Pushing boxes with a mobile robot in Sokoban-like scenarios. 147-151 - Ma. Guadalupe Lopez P., Herón Molina Lozano, Luis P. Sanchez F., Luz Noé Oliva-Moreno:
Blind Source Separation of audio signals using independent component analysis and wavelets. 152-157 - Julio Cesar Perez Sansalvador, Gustavo Rodríguez Gómez, Saúl E. Pomares Hernández:
Pattern object-oriented architecture for Multirate Integration Methods. 158-163 - Juan Manuel Ibarra Zannatha, L. E. Figueroa Medina, Rafael Cisneros Limón, Pedro Mejía-Alvarez:
Behavior control for a humanoid soccer player using Webots. 164-170 - Jesus Robles-Castro, Gonzalo Duchen-Sanchez, Haruhisa Takahashi:
Improving object position estimation based on non-linear mapping using Relevance Vector Machine. 171-176 - M. E. Hunter Sanchez, Felipe J. K. Lara Leyva, Rafael Cisneros Limón, Juan Manuel Ibarra Zannatha:
Mechanical design and kinematic analysis of the AH1N1 humanoid robot. 177-183 - Roberto Cabrera-Cosetl, J. M. David Báez-López:
Voice Stress Detection: A method for stress analysis detecting fluctuations on Lippold microtremor spectrum using FFT. 184-189 - Lancelot Garcia-Leyva, Antonio Calomarde, Francesc Moll, Antonio Rubio:
A new probabilistic design methodology of nanoscale digital circuits. 190-193 - Luis J. Morales-Mendoza, Yuriy S. Shmaliy, R. F. Vázquez-Bautista, R. Ramirez-Carpio, O. M. Justo-Martinez:
An analysis of key points of p-lag median hybrid FIR Filters in applications to image processing. 194-199 - Felipe Trujillo-Romero, Gabriel Rojas Villanueva, Ivor Acevedo Bautista:
Robotic system for reactive navigation in dynamic environments. 200-205 - Humberto Lobato-Morales, Alonso Corona-Chavez, José Luis Olvera-Cervantes, D. V. B. Murthy:
Multi-pole microstrip directional filters for multiplexing applications. 344-349 - Denis-Eduardo Hernandez-Garcia, José-Joel González-Barbosa, Juan-Bautista Hurtado-Ramos, Francisco-Javier Ornelas-Rodriguez, Eduardo Castillo Castañeda, Alfonso Ramirez-Pedraza, Angel Ivan Garcia, Ricardo Gonzalez-Barbosa, Juan Gabriel Aviña-Cervantes:
3D city models: Mapping approach using LIDAR technology. 206-211 - Marco Antonio Aceves-Fernández, Artemio Sotomayor-Olmedo, Efrén Gorrostieta Hurtado, Jesús Carlos Pedraza-Ortega, Saúl Tovar-Arriaga, Juan Manuel Ramos-Arreguín:
Performance assessment of fuzzy clustering models applied to urban airborne pollution. 212-216 - Jorge Martínez-Carballido, Jorge Guevara-Escobedo, Juan Manuel Ramírez-Cortés, Rubén Alejos Palomares:
FPGA design and implementation for vertex extraction of polygonal shapes. 217-221 - Daniel Fidel Cruz-Lunagomez, Oscar Alonso-Ramírez, Antonio Marín-Hernández, Fernando M. Montes González, Luis Felipe Marin-Urias:
Floor plane recovery from monocular vision for autonomous mobile robot on indoor environments. 222-226 - Imran Ahmed, Sonia Sadeque, Suraiya Pervin:
Margin adaptive resource allocation for multiuser OFDM systems by modified Particle Swarm Optimization and Differential Evolution. 227-231 - Julio Cesar Rosas-Caro, Jonathan Carlos Mayo-Maldonado, Jesus Elias Valdez-Resendiz, Rubén Salas-Cabrera, Aarón González-Rodríguez, Eduardo Nacu Salas-Cabrera, Hermenegildo Cisneros-Villegas, J. G. Gonzalez-Hernandez:
Multiplier SEPIC converter. 232-238 - Rubén Salas-Cabrera, Jonathan Carlos Mayo-Maldonado, Jose Genaro Gonzalez-Hernandez, Eduardo Nacu Salas-Cabrera, F. A. Garcia-Santiago, Jose Eduardo Martinez-Bernal, Rafael Castillo-Gutiérrez:
An experimental setup for teaching dynamic systems. 239-243 - Claudia Zepeda, José Luis Carballido, J. Manuel Amezcua, Oscar De Leon, Javier A. Martinez, Mauricio Osorio:
Modeling production of resources using Answer Set Planning. 244-249 - Raquel Vásquez-Ramírez, Giner Alor-Hernández, Rubén Posada-Gómez:
A hybrid architecture for developing an educational Content Management System. 250-255 - Mian Shahzad Iqbal, Muhammad Javid Asad, Adeel Akram:
Short backfire antenna excited by H-slot truncated patch. 256-259 - Antonio Benítez, Ignacio Huitzil, Azgad Casiano-Ramos, Ma. Auxilio Medina, Jorge de la Calleja:
A 3D simulation environment for kinematic task of the PUMA 560 robot. 260-265 - Roque Nimrod Cruz Gomez, Amparo Palomino Merino, Sergio Vergara-Limón, M. Aurora Vargas, Luz del Carmen Gomez, Fernando Reyes-Cortés:
Object recognition from a micro helicopter. 266-270 - Omar Cruz, Erik Ramos, Moises Ramirez:
3D indoor location and navigation system based on Bluetooth. 271-277 - Teresa R. Granados-Luna, Ismael Araujo-Vargas, Alejandro Tapia-Hernández, L. Hernández:
A piece-wise linear model of a Zero-Voltage Transition DC-DC Converter. 278-283 - Rubén Posada-Gómez, Oscar Osvaldo Sandoval-Gonzalez, Erika Sanchez-Muniz:
Development of a motion analysis system and human-machine interaction through digital image processing and virtual reality. 284-288 - Rafael Ordoñez-Flores, Roberto Morales-Caporal, Haydee Martinez, Crispin Hernandez:
Analysis of the fourth leg command of a three-phase active filter inverter. 289-294 - Edson Estrada, Homer Nazeran, Gustavo Sierra, Farideh Ebrahimi, Seyed Kamaledin Setarehdan:
Wavelet-based EEG denoising for automatic sleep stage classification. 295-298 - Jorge Alberto Seseña-Osorio, Alejandro Aragón Zavala, Jorge Rodríguez-Asomoza, Ignacio E. Zaldívar-Huerta, José Luis Cuevas-Ruíz:
Indoor propagation measurements for radiating cable in the UHF band 800MHz - 2500 MHz. 299-303 - Daniel Pedraza Arcega, Ofelia Cervantes Villagómez, J. M. David Báez-López:
Mobile orientation system access in private spaces. 304-309 - Abhinav Valada, David Kohanbash, George Kantor:
DSRP: Distributed SensorWeb Routing Protocol. 310-315 - C. A. Díaz-Rodríguez, Miguel A. Olivares-Robles, Arturo Juárez:
An overview of quantum cryptography: Simulation. 316-321 - Tadeusz Majewski, Ruben Alejos:
Oscillatory locomotion. 322-327 - Pedro Bañuelos Sánchez, Andres Valle-Rodriguez, José Mariano Fernández Nava, Rubén Alejos Palomares, José Luis Vázquez-González:
Low power-low cost horizontal axis wind turbine for 350 W applications. 328-333
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