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Complex Adaptive Systems 2014: Philadelphia, PA, USA
- Cihan H. Dagli:
Proceedings of the Complex Adaptive Systems 2014 Conference - Conquering Complexity: Challenges and Opportunities, Philadelphia, PA, USA, November 3-5, 2014. Procedia Computer Science 36, Elsevier 2014 - Cihan H. Dagli:
Conquering Complexity: Challenges and Opportunities. 1 - Cihan H. Dagli:
Conquering Complexity: Challenges and Opportunities Preface. 9-10 - Nil Ergin:
Part I: System Modeling and Design Preface. 11-12 - Nil H. Kilicay-Ergin:
Improving Collaboration in Search and Rescue System of Systems. 13-20 - R. Millham:
Context-Aware Systems: A More Appropriate Response System to Hurricanes and Other Natural Disasters. 21-26 - Misagh Faezipour, Susan Ferreira:
Assessing Water Sustainability Related to Hospitals Using System Dynamics Modeling. 27-32 - Corey Lofdahl, Martin Voshell, Samuel Mahoney:
Designing Future Processing, Exploitation, and Dissemination Support Systems Using Simulation. 33-40 - Joseph W. Marvin, Robert K. Garrett Jr.:
Quantitative SoS Architecture Modeling. 41-48 - Charles O. Adler, Cihan H. Dagli:
Study of the Use of a Genetic Algorithm to Improve Networked System-of-Systems Resilience. 49-56 - Siddhartha Agarwal, Louis E. Pape, Cihan H. Dagli:
A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm and Particle Swarm Optimization with Type-2 Fuzzy Sets for Generating Systems of Systems Architectures. 57-64 - Dinçer Konur
, Hadi Farhangi, Cihan H. Dagli:
On the Flexibility of Systems in System of Systems Architecting. 65-71 - Mike Mekkanen, Erkki Antila, Reino Virrankoski, Mohammed S. Elmusrati
Using OPNET to Model and Evaluate the MU Performance based on IEC 61850-9-2LE. 72-79 - Darío J. Delgado, Rodrigo Torres-Sáez
, Ricardo Llamosa-Villalba:
Develop an Executable Architecture for a System of Systems: A Teaching Management Model. 80-86 - Andrés Bueno Barajas, Luz Torres Carreño, Darío J. Delgado, Ricardo Llamosa-Villalba:
Executable Architecture based on System Dynamics: An Integrated Methodology Composed by Standard System Dynamics Modelling and DoDAF Operational View Models. 87-92 - Ben Khayut, Lina Fabri, Maya Avikhana:
Modeling of Intelligent System Thinking in Complex Adaptive Systems. 93-100 - Babak Heydari:
Part II: System of Systems Preface. 101-103 - Divya Vohra Behl, Susan Ferreira:
Systems Thinking: An Analysis of Key Factors and Relationships. 104-109 - Vernon Ireland:
SoS Benefiting from Complex Systems Research. 110-117 - Brian J. Phillips, Mark R. Blackburn:
Verification Points for Self-adaptive Systems. 118-123 - Paul Brous, Irene Overtoom, Paulien M. Herder
, Arie Versluis, Marijn Janssen
Data Infrastructures for Asset Management Viewed as Complex Adaptive Systems. 124-130 - Sibel McGee, Robert Edson:
Challenges of Governance in Complex Adaptive Systems: A Case Study of U.S. Public Education. 131-139 - Gennaro J. Avvento:
Applying Advanced 21st Century Systems Engineering and Integration (SEI) Methods to Address and Manage Risks within a CAS Environment. 140-144 - Peter Ludlow, Babak Heydari:
The Scalpel or the Shotgun? A Study of Strategies for Boosting New Technology Adoption in Social Network Environments. 145-151 - Omar ElTayeby
, Peter Molnar, Roy George:
Measuring the Influence of Mass Media on Opinion Segregation through Twitter. 152-159 - Aleksey Panasyuk, Edmund Szu-Li Yu, Kishan G. Mehrotra:
Controversial Topic Discovery on Members of Congress with Twitter. 160-167 - Jinhong K. Guo, David Van Brackle, Martin O. Hofmann:
Enhancing a Rule-based Event Coder with Semantic Vectors. 168-174 - Fred Highland:
Part III: Computational Complexity Preface. 175-176 - Carlos Eduardo Maldonado
, Nelson Alfonso Gómez-Cruz
Synchronicity among Biological and Computational Levels of an Organism: Quantum Biology and Complexity. 177-184 - David M. Curry, Cihan H. Dagli:
Computational Complexity Measures for Many-objective Optimization Problems. 185-191 - Gürsel Serpen
, Zhenning Gao:
Complexity Analysis of Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network Embedded into a Wireless Sensor Network. 192-197 - Fred Highland:
Modeling Complexity in Multi-modal Adaptive Survey Systems. 198-203 - Kristin Giammarco, Mikhail Auguston, W. Clifton Baldwin, Ji'on Crump, Monica Farah-Stapleton:
Controlling Design Complexity with the Monterey Phoenix Approach. 204-209 - Ángel Hernández-Bravo, Jesús Carretero
Approach to Manage Complexity in Internet of Things. 210-217 - David Enke:
Part IV: Business and Financial Analytics Preface. 218-219 - Hiroyuki Mori, Kaoru Nakano:
Application of Gaussian Process to Locational Marginal Pricing Forecasting. 220-226 - Anthony Joseph, Maurice Larrain, Claude Turner:
The Treasury Bill Rate, the Great Recession, and Neural Networks Estimates of Real Business Sales. 227-233 - Phoebe S. Wiles, David Enke:
Nonlinear Modeling Using Neural Networks for Trading the Soybean Complex. 234-239 - Ugur Sahin, A. Murat Ozbayoglu
TN-RSI: Trend-normalized RSI Indicator for Stock Trading Systems with Evolutionary Computation. 240-245 - Soheil Almasi Monfared, David Enke:
Volatility Forecasting Using a Hybrid GJR-GARCH Neural Network Model. 246-253 - David Enke, Nijat Mehdiyev:
A Hybrid Neuro-fuzzy Model to Forecast Inflation. 254-260 - Ayhan Demiriz
Demand Forecasting based on Pairwise Item Associations. 261-268 - Harish Nair, Anand Kumar, Osman Ahmed:
Neural Network Modelling, Simulation and Prediction of Innovation Growth in United Arab Emirates (UAE). 269-275 - Mika Sato-Ilic:
Part V: Data Science and Analytics Preface. 276-277 - Mika Sato-Ilic, Peter Ilic
On a Multidimensional Cluster Scaling. 278-284 - Siddhartha Agarwal, Hamid R. Saferpour, Cihan H. Dagli:
Adaptive Learning Model for Predicting Negotiation Behaviors through Hybrid K-means Clustering, Linear Vector Quantization and 2-Tuple Fuzzy Linguistic Model. 285-292 - Irenea L. Corporal-Lodangco, Michael B. Richman
, Lance M. Leslie, Peter J. Lamb:
Cluster Analysis of North Atlantic Tropical Cyclones. 293-300 - Fatemah Al-Duoli, Ghaith Rabadi:
Data Mining based Hybridization of Meta-RaPS. 301-307 - Iveta Mrázová
, Peter Zvirinsky:
Mining the Czech Insolvency Proceedings Data. 308-313 - Wee Wee Sim
, Peggy S. Brouse:
Towards an Ontology-based Persona-driven Requirements and Knowledge Engineering. 314-321 - Anutosh Maitra, K. M. Annervaz, Tom Geo Jain, Madhura Shivaram, Shubhashis Sengupta
A Novel Text Analysis Platform for Pharmacovigilance of Clinical Drugs. 322-327 - Sina Khanmohammadi
, Mandana Rezaeiahari:
AHP based Classification Algorithm Selection for Clinical Decision Support System Development. 328-334 - Gokhan Egri, Coskun Bayrak:
The Role of Search Engine Optimization on Keeping the User on the Site. 335-342 - Gürsel Serpen
Part VI: Cyber Physical Systems Preface. 343-344 - Charles O. Adler, Cihan H. Dagli:
A Study of the Effect of Basic Network Characteristics on System-of-System Failure Propagation. 345-352 - Gürsel Serpen
, Zhenning Gao:
Empirical Model Development for Message Delay and Drop in Wireless Sensor Networks. 353-358 - Chandru Mirchandani:
Cloud Computing as a Debug Tool. 359-366 - Bahram Lotfi Sadigh, F. Arikan, A. Murat Özbayoglu
, Hakki Özgür Ünver
, Sadik Engin Kilic:
A Multi-agent System Model for Partner Selection Process in Virtual Enterprise. 367-372 - Mehmet Toy:
Self-managed Networks with Fault Management Hierarchy. 373-380 - Syed Rizvi, Katie Cover, Christopher Gates:
A Trusted Third-party (TTP) based Encryption Scheme for Ensuring Data Confidentiality in Cloud Environment. 381-386 - Corey B. Hart:
Towards a Compiler for a Polychronous Wavefront Computer: Programming by Optimization. 387-392 - Phillip H. Griffin
Telebiometric Authentication Objects. 393-400 - Pedro N. Safier
, Ira S. Moskowitz:
Network Traffic Anomalies, Natural Language Processing, and Random Matrix Theory. 401-408 - Kato Mivule, Claude Turner:
Applying Moving Average Filtering for Non-interactive Differential Privacy Settings. 409-415 - Douglas A. Bodner:
Part VII: Socio-technical Systems Preface. 416-417 - Michael Jensen, José M. Gutiérrez López, Jens Myrup Pedersen
Location Intelligence Application in Digital Data Activity Dimensioning in Smart Cities. 418-424 - Douglas A. Bodner:
Enterprise Modeling Framework for Counterfeit Parts in Defense Systems. 425-431 - Bonnie W. Young, John M. Green:
Achieving a Decision Paradigm for Distributed Warfare Resource Management. 432-439 - M. R. Zoolfakar
, R. Norman, E. Mesbahi, W. M. Dahalan, M. K. Puteri Zarina:
Holistic Study of Liquefied Natural Gas Carrier Systems. 440-445 - Hiroki Kakuta, Hiroyuki Mori:
An Efficient Multi-objective Meta-heuristic Method for Probabilistic Transmission Network Planning. 446-453 - Abdoul Karim Mbodji
, Mamadou L. Ndiaye
, Mounirou Ndiaye, Papa A. Ndiaye:
Operation Optimal Dynamics of a Hybrid Electrical System: Multi-agent Approach. 454-461 - Cihan H. Dagli:
Part VIII: Health Care Analytics Preface. 462-463 - George Georgiev, Iren Valova, Natacha Gueorguieva, David Brady:
Simulating Influence of Channel Kinetics and Temperature on Hodgkin-Huxley Threshold Dynamics. 464-469 - William S. Ford, Walker H. Land Jr.:
A Latent Space Support Vector Machine (LSSVM) Model for Cancer Prognosis. 470-475 - Yuri Cantor, Bilal Khan, Kirk Dombrowski:
Towards a Formal Understanding of Bateson's Rule: Chromatic Symmetry in Cyclic Boolean Networks and its Relationship to Organism Growth and Cell Differentiation. 476-483 - Mamadou L. Ndiaye
, Idy Diop
, Abdoul Karim Mbodji
Interictal Epileptic Activity Rate in Relation with Seizure Occurrence and Sleep Stages: A Stereo-EEG Study. 484-489 - Rana Uday Singh, Shruti Gujral:
Assessment of Disc Damage Likelihood Scale (DDLS) for Automated Glaucoma Diagnosis. 490-497 - Iren Valova:
Part IX: Intelligent and Adaptive Systems Preface. 498-499 - Abhijit Gosavi
How to Rein in the Volatile Actor: A New Bounded Perspective. 500-507 - Anna T. Lawniczak, Jason B. Ernst, Bruno N. Di Stefano:
Biomimicry based Learning Outcomes of Simple Cognitive Agents. 508-514 - Tadaaki Niwa, Keitaro Naruse, Ryosuke Ooe, Masahiro Kinoshita, Tamotsu Mitamura, Takashi Kawakami:
An Associative Memorization Architecture of Extracted Musical Features from Audio Signals by Deep Learning Architecture. 515-522 - Justin Lovinger
, Iren Valova, MacKenzie Rogers, Ryan Nadeau, Natacha Gueorguieva:
Harnessing Mother Nature: Optimizing Genetic Algorithms for Adaptive Systems. 523-528 - Chris Gorman, Iren Valova:
Optimizations of the Gravitationally Organized Related Mapping ANN through Genetic Algorithms. 529-534 - Iren Valova, Andrew Embry, MacKinley Trudeau, Gueorgui Gueorguiev:
Evolving Vacation Packages: Genetic Algorithms for Entertainment. 535-540 - Wen-Li Wang, Mei-Huei Tang:
Simulated Annealing Approach to Solve Nonogram Puzzles with Multiple Solutions. 541-548 - Mark J. Balas, Susan A. Frost:
Direct Adaptive Control for Infinite-dimensional Symmetric Hyperbolic Systems. 549-555 - Issam Abu-Mahfouz, Amit Banerjee:
Drill Wear Feature Identification under Varying Cutting Conditions Using Vibration and Cutting Force Signals and Data Mining Techniques. 556-563 - Mohamed M. El Rayes, Tamer M. Nassef
Computer Assisted System to Help in Developing Capacitive Touch Sensing Applications. 564-570 - Xin-Chang Hao, Lin Lin, Mitsuo Gen:
An Effective Multi-objective EDA for Robust Resource Constrained Project Scheduling with Uncertain Durations. 571-578 - Anand Balasubramanian, Shreyamsh Kamate, Nuri Yilmazer:
Utilization of Robust Video Processing Techniques to Aid Efficient Object Detection and Tracking. 579-586 - Wenqiang Zhang
, Weitao Xu, Mitsuo Gen:
Hybrid Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm for Assembly Line Balancing Problem with Stochastic Processing Time. 587-592 - Andrew Mercer, Jamie L. Dyer
A New Scheme for Daily Peak Wind Gust Prediction Using Machine Learning. 593-598 - Rajan Gupta
, Chaitanya Pathak:
A Machine Learning Framework for Predicting Purchase by Online Customers based on Dynamic Pricing. 599-605 - Tamjid Rahman, Abul L. Haque:
A Fuzzy-neuro based Weather Prediction System for Bangladesh. 606-611 - Michael B. Richman
, Lance M. Leslie:
Attribution and Prediction of Maximum Temperature Extremes in SE Australia. 612-617 - Hakan Yasarer, Yacoub Najjar:
Assessing the Auto Associative Network Approach for Prediction in Civil Engineering Databases. 618-622 - Ahmad Alzahrani
, Jonathan W. Kimball
, Cihan H. Dagli:
Predicting Solar Irradiance Using Time Series Neural Networks. 623-628 - David M. Curry:
An Algorithm for Clustering Animals by Species based upon Daily Movement. 629-636 - Adamu M. Ibrahim, Brandon Bennett:
The Assessment of Machine Learning Model Performance for Predicting Alluvial Deposits Distribution. 637-642 - Stephen H. Anderson, D. J. Heinze, R. L. Peyton:
Computed Tomography-estimated Transport Velocity and Chemical Dispersivity in Undisturbed Geomedia. 643-648 - Stephen H. Anderson:
Tomography-measured Macropore Parameters to Estimate Hydraulic Properties of Porous Media. 649-654 - Srinivasan Radhakrishnan, Rohit Jacob, Arjun Duvvuru, Sagar V. Kamarthi:
Organizing Patterns and Evolution of Indian Movie Industry. 655-659

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