7th CollaborateCom 2011: Orlando, FL, USA

Refine list

showing all ?? records

Collaborative Architectures and Systems

Data-Driven Services

Online Social Networks

Distributed Networking and Systems (I)

Distributed Networking and Systems (II)

Privacy and Collaboration

Cloud and Middleware

Security in Collaborative Systems (I)

Collaborative Systems (I)

Modeling and Application

Collaborative Systems (II)

Security in Collaborative Systems (II)

Trust and Information Quality


Collaborative, Autonomic, and Resilient Defenses for Cyber Physical Systems (CyPhyCARD 2011)

Collaborative Communities for Social Computing (CCSocialComp 2011)

Trusted Collaboration (TrustCo12011)

Poster Session

a service of  Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz Center for Informatics