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17th CAMAD 2012: Barcelona, Spain
- 17th IEEE International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design of Communication Links and Networks, CAMAD 2012, Barcelona, Spain, September 17-19, 2012. IEEE 2012, ISBN 978-1-4673-3123-4
- Julien Guillet, Loïc Brunel, Nicolas Gresset:
Downlink femto-macro ICIC with location-based long-term power setting. 1-5 - Wael Guibène, Dirk T. M. Slock:
A compressive sampling approach for spectrum sensing and terminals localization in cognitive radio networks. 6-10 - Du Yang, Joaquim Bastos
, Christos V. Verikoukis, Jonathan Rodriguez
Location-aided round robin scheduling for fractional frequency reused LTE-A relay network. 11-15 - Jimmy Jessen Nielsen
, Rasmus L. Olsen, Tatiana K. Madsen, Bernard Uguen, Hans-Peter Schwefel:
Model-based evaluation of location-based relaying policies in a realistic mobile indoor scenario. 16-20 - Mariano García Otero
, Adrián Población-Hernández:
Detection of wormhole attacks in wireless sensor networks using range-free localization. 21-25 - Victor Sucasas
, Senka Hadzic, Hugo Marques
, Jonathan Rodriguez
, Rahim Tafazolli:
Performance evaluation of RSS based localization systems in mobile environments. 26-30
- Moshe T. Masonta, Yoram Haddad, Luca De Nardis
, Adrian Kliks
, Oliver Holland:
Energy efficiency in future wireless networks: Cognitive radio standardization requirements. 31-35 - Heli Sarvanko, Miia Mustonen, Marja Matinmikko, Marko Höyhtyä, Javier Del Ser
Spectrum band and RAT selection for infrastructure governed opportunistic networks. 36-40 - Pero Latkoski
, Milan Zahariev, Bisera Jankuloska, Jovan Karamacoski
, Liljana Gavrilovska:
Opportunistic usage of TV band for multiple secondary WLAN users. 41-45 - Agapi Mesodiakaki, Ferran Adelantado
, Luis Alonso, Christos V. Verikoukis:
Energy-efficient contention-aware channel selection in Cognitive Radio Ad-Hoc Networks. 46-50 - Athina Bourdena
, George Mastorakis
, Evangelos Pallis
, Antonis Arvanitis, Georgios Kormentzas:
A dynamic spectrum management framework for efficient TVWS exploitation. 51-55 - Dimitris Tsolkas, Eirini Liotou, Nikos I. Passas, Lazaros F. Merakos
A graph-coloring secondary resource allocation for D2D communications in LTE networks. 56-60
- Pilar García-Díaz, Sancho Salcedo-Sanz, Javier Plaza-Laina, Antonio Portilla-Figueras
, Javier Del Ser
A discrete Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Mobile Network Deployment Problems. 61-65 - Antonio Jesús Yuste-Delgado
, Manuel-Ángel Gadeo-Martos
, Jose-Ángel Fernández-Prieto, Joaquín Cañada Bago
A fuzzy balancing load system to improve hybrid ad hoc networks. 66-69 - Hani H. Alyazidi, Ivica Kostanic:
OFDMA feedback optimization in 4G-LTE systems. 70-74 - Zhijiat Chong, Nizar Zorba, Eduard A. Jorswieck
Energy-efficient modulation selection and feedback quantization. 75-79 - Diana Manjarres
, Itziar Landa-Torres, Sergio Gil-Lopez
, Javier Del Ser
, Sancho Salcedo-Sanz:
A heuristically-driven multi-criteria tool for the design of efficient open WiFi access networks. 80-84 - Itziar Landa-Torres, Diana Manjarres
, Sergio Gil-Lopez
, Javier Del Ser
, Sancho Salcedo-Sanz:
A preliminary approach to near-optimal multi-hop capacitated network design using grouping-dandelion encoded heuristics. 85-89
- Lei Lei, Vangelis Angelakis, Di Yuan:
Performance analysis of chunk-based resource allocation in wireless OFDMA systems. 90-94 - Manolis Ploumidis, Nikolaos Pappas
, Vasilios A. Siris
, Apostolos Traganitis:
Evaluating forwarding schemes exploiting path diversity and degrees of redundancy in a realistic wireless environment. 95-99 - Marium Jalal Chaudhry, Michela Iezzi, Marco Di Renzo, Fabio Graziosi
Joint channel network decoding for the two-source two-relay network. 100-104 - Giuseppe Rossini, Dario Rossi:
A dive into the caching performance of Content Centric Networking. 105-109 - Abbas Bradai, Toufik Ahmed
Differenciated bandwidth allocation in P2P layered streaming. 110-114 - Joaquim Bastos
, Jonathan Rodriguez
, Christos V. Verikoukis:
Mobile terminal interfaces management for energy efficiency. 115-119
Energy Efficiency
- Konstantinos Ntontin
, Marco Di Renzo, Ana I. Pérez-Neira, Christos V. Verikoukis:
Towards the performance and energy efficiency comparison of spatial modulation with conventional single-antenna transmission over generalized fading channels. 120-124 - Saud Althunibat, Sandeep Narayanan, Marco Di Renzo, Fabrizio Granelli
On the Energy Consumption of the Decision-Fusion Rules in Cognitive Radio Networks. 125-129 - Sandeep Narayanan, Marco Di Renzo, Fabio Graziosi
, Harald Haas:
Distributed space shift keying for the uplink of relay-aided cellular networks. 130-134 - Vasileios Miliotis
, Luis Alonso, Christos V. Verikoukis:
Multicast performance bounds exploiting cooperative Physical Layer Network Coding. 135-139 - Felipe Pontes Guimarães, Eduardo Hideo Kuroda, Daniel Macêdo Batista:
Performance Evaluation of Choreographies and Orchestrations with a New Simulator for Service Compositions. 140-144 - Dereje A. Wassie, Dimitrios Loukatos
, Lambros Sarakis, Kimon P. Kontovasilis, Charalabos Skianis:
On the energy requirements of vertical handover operations: Measurement-based results for the IEEE 802.21 framework. 145-149
Work in Progress and Demo Session
- Bego Blanco
, Fidel Liberal
, Amaia Aguirregoitia Martínez
Glocal adaptive routing intelligence for self-organizing ad hoc networks. 150-152 - Joan Bas
Encoding and decoding for turbo-like codes. 153-155 - Albena Mihovska
, Ramjee Prasad, Elias Z. Tragos, Vangelis Angelakis:
Design considerations for a cognitive radio trust and security framework. 156-158 - Muhammad Zeeshan Asghar
, Seppo Hämäläinen, Tapani Ristaniemi:
Self-healing framework for LTE networks. 159-161 - Zheng Chang
, Tapani Ristaniemi:
Reducing energy consumption via cooperative OFDMA mobile clusters. 162-164 - Xavier Pons Masbernat, Christophe Gruet, Frédéric Fraysse, Serge Contal, Lirida A. B. Naviner
Green solutions for future LTE PMR networks. 165-167 - Javier Del Ser
, Asier Alonso, Sergio Gil-Lopez
, Mikel Garay, Uli Kretzschmar, Armando Astarloa
On the design of an heuristically optimized multiband spectrum sensing approach for cognitive radio systems. 168-169 - Mohammad Javad Salehi, Babak Hossein Khalaj, Marcos D. Katz, Ghazal Fazelnia, Parishad Karimi, Javier Del Ser
Mobile clouds: How to find opportunities. 170-172 - Fariborz Entezami, Tipu Arvind Ramrekha, Christos Politis
An enhanced routing metric for ad hoc networks based on real time testbed. 173-175
- Antonio Manzalini, Noël Crespi:
Mitigating systemic risks in future networks. 176-180 - Vânia Gonçalves
, Sander Spek, Gerasimos Stamatelatos, Christian Destré, Markus Gruber, Simon Delaere:
Analysis of future internet business scenarios supported by autonomic management. 181-185 - Evangelos A. Kosmatos, Nikolaos Tzavalas, Alexandros Kaloxylos
, Nancy Alonistioti:
Network and service co-management addressing QoE and optimised resource allocation. 186-190 - Aristi Galani, Kostas Tsagkaris
, Panagiotis Demestichas
, Gérard Nguengang, Imen Grida Ben Yahia, Gerasimos Stamatelatos, Evangelos A. Kosmatos, Alexandros Kaloxylos
, Laurent Ciavaglia:
Core functional and network empower mechanisms of an operator-driven, framework for unifying autonomic network and service management. 191-195 - Eleni Patouni, Beatriz Fuentes, Nancy Alonistioti:
A network and service governance framework: Case study for efficient load balancing. 196-200 - Alfonso Phocco Diaz, Daniel M. Batista:
A methodology to define QoS and SLA requirements in service choreographies. 201-205
- Angelos Antonopoulos
, Joan Bas
, Marcos D. Katz, Henrik Lundqvist
, Tiago Moreira, Konstantinos Ntontin
, Francisco Vázquez, Nizar Zorba:
Green-T: Enabling techniques for energy efficient mobile terminals. 206-210 - Joan Bas
, Francisco Vazquez Gallego, Ciprian Gavrincea
, Jesús Alonso-Zárate
Flexible physical layer design subject to delay and energy constraints. 211-215 - Raúl Palacios, Fabrizio Granelli
, Danica Gajic, Andreas Foglar:
An energy-efficient MAC protocol for infrastructure WLAN based on modified PCF/DCF access schemes using a bidirectional data packet exchange. 216-220 - Ville Syrjälä
, Mikko Valkama
Flexible adjacent channel interference and phase noise suppression in energy-efficient OFDMA receivers. 221-225 - Tatjana Predojev, Jesus Alonso-Zarate
, Mischa Dohler:
Energy analysis of cooperative and duty-cycled systems in shadowed environments. 226-230 - Athanasios Stavridis, Sinan Sinanovic
, Marco Di Renzo, Harald Haas, Peter M. Grant:
An energy saving base station employing spatial modulation. 231-235
- Panagis Magdalinos, Gerasimos Stamatelatos, Nancy Alonistioti:
A proof-of-concept testbed for cooperative and self-growing, energy aware networks. 236-240 - Lieven Tytgat, Opher Yaron, Ingrid Moerman
, Piet Demeester:
Energy awareness in self-growing sensor networks. 241-245 - Anand Kishore Raju, Sven Lindmark
, Gunnar Hedby, Simon Delaere, Pieter Ballon:
Economic feasibility of powering on/off cells in heterogeneous networks. 246-250 - Georgios P. Koudouridis, Gunnar Hedby:
On the application of self-growing networks for capacity and energy-saving improvements. 251-255 - Alexandra Bousia, Elli Kartsakli
, Luis Alonso, Christos V. Verikoukis:
Energy efficient base station maximization switch off scheme for LTE-advanced. 256-260 - Xiping Wu, Sinan Sinanovic
, Marco Di Renzo, Harald Haas:
Base station energy consumption for transmission optimised spatial modulation (TOSM) in correlated channels. 261-265
Experimental Facilities
- Vincent Autefage
, Damien Magoni
Network emulator: A network virtualization testbed for overlay experimentations. 266-270 - Robert Murawski, Kul Bhasin, David Bittner, Aaron Sweet, Rachel Coulter, Devin Schwab:
Hardware and software integration to support real-time space-link emulation. 271-275 - Mohamed Laaraiedh, Bernard Uguen, Julien Stephan, Yoann Corre, Yves Lostanlen, Marios Raspopoulos
, Stavros Stavrou:
Ray tracing-based radio propagation modeling for indoor localization purposes. 276-280 - Francesco Guidolin, Leonardo Badia
, Michele Zorzi:
Implementation of 2 × 2 MIMO in an LTE module for the ns3 simulator. 281-285 - Achuthan Paramanathan, Ulrik Wilken Rasmussen, Martin Hundeboll, Stephan Rein, Frank H. P. Fitzek
, Gergo Ertli:
Energy consumption model and measurement results for network coding-enabled IEEE 802.11 meshed wireless networks. 286-291 - Nikos Petroulakis
, Elias Z. Tragos, Ioannis G. Askoxylakis:
An experimental investigation on energy consumption for secure life-logging in smart environments. 292-296
- Dionysia Triantafyllopoulou
, Tao Guo, Klaus Moessner
Energy efficient ANDSF-assisted network discovery for non-3GPP access networks. 297-301 - Muhammad Alam, Ayman Radwan
, Jonathan Rodriguez
On the significance of context information in node discovery. 302-306 - Christer Qvarfordt, Peter Legg:
Evaluation of LTE HetNet deployments with realistic traffic models. 307-311 - Georgios P. Koudouridis, Hong Li:
Distributed power on-off optimisation for heterogeneous networks - A comparison of autonomous and cooperative optimisation. 312-317 - Nikolaos Nomikos
, Prodromos Makris, Dimitrios N. Skoutas
, Demosthenes Vouyioukas
, Charalabos Skianis:
A cooperation framework for LTE femtocells' efficient integration in cellular infrastructures based on femto relay concept. 318-322 - Woon Hau Chin:
Energy efficiency and performance of shorten-and-forward bi-directional relaying in long channels. 323-327
- Laurent Dussopt, Manouan Aka Constant Niamien, Alexandre Giry, Anissa Chebihi, Serge Contal, Frédéric Fraysse, Sami Aissa, Olivier Perrin, Christophe Delaveaud:
Enhanced-efficiency front-end module with multi-standard impedance-tunable antenna. 328-332 - Pan Cao, Zhijiat Chong, Zuleita Ka Ming Ho, Eduard A. Jorswieck
Energy-efficient power allocation for amplify-and-forward MIMO relay channel. 333-337 - Alexander Jaschke, Tessema Mengistu, Mario Schühler, Rainer Wansch:
Digitally tunable bandpass filter for cognitive radio applications. 338-342 - Ahmed Maan Abdulkhaleq
, Khalil H. Sayidmarie
, Raed A. Abd-Alhameed, E. Almahdi Elkhazmi:
Effects of elements distribution in near focused arrays. 343-347 - Ogbonnaya O. Anoh, Nazar T. Ali
, Raed A. Abd-Alhameed, Steve M. R. Jones, Yousef A. S. Dama
On the performance of DWT and WPT modulation for multicarrier systems. 348-352 - Issa T. E. Elfergani
, Abubakar Sadiq Hussaini
, Raed A. Abd-Alhameed, Jonathan Rodriguez
Capacitively loaded compact slot antenna. 353-357
- Achuthan Paramanathan, Janus Heide, Peyman Pahlevani, Martin Hundeboll, Stephan Rein, Frank H. P. Fitzek
, Gergo Ertli:
Energy and data throughput for asymmetric inter-session network coding. 358-363 - Konstantinos Birkos
, Christos Tselios, Tasos Dagiuklas, Stavros Kotsopoulos:
A study on cooperative SVC Video streaming over hybrid residential and wireless networks. 364-367 - Eleni Trouva, Eduard Grasa
, John Day, Steve Bunch:
Layer discovery in RINA networks. 368-372 - Kosuke Hashizume, Tuan Phung-Duc
, Shoji Kasahara
, Yutaka Takahashi:
Queueing analysis of internet-based call centers with interactive voice response and redial. 373-377 - Firooz B. Saghezchi
, Ayman Radwan
, Alberto Nascimento, Jonathan Rodriguez
An incentive mechanism based on coalitional game for fair cooperation of mobile users in HANETs. 378-382 - Hisain Elshaafi
, Dmitri Botvich:
Aggregation of trustworthiness properties of BPMN-based composite services. 383-387 - Syed Wajid Ali Shah, Hassan Saleh Okleh, Abubakar Sadiq Hussaini
, Raed A. Abd-Alhameed, Jim M. Noras, Jonathan Rodriguez
FPGA implementation of modern wireless communication system. 388-392

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