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66th ASIST 2003: Long Beach, CA, USA
- Humanizing Information Technology: From Ideas to Bits and Back - Proceedings of the 66th ASIS&T Annual Meeting, ASIST 2003, Long Beach, CA, USA, October 19-22, 2003. Proc. Assoc. Inf. Sci. Technol. 40(1), Wiley 2003
Bibliometric & Related Research
- Meng Yang, Barbara M. Wildemuth, Gary Marchionini, Todd Wilkens, Gary Geisler, Anthony Hughes, Richard Gruss, Curtis Webster:
Measuring user performance during interactions with digital video collections. 3-12 - Jeppe Nicolaisen:
The social act of citing: Towards new horizons in citation theory. 12-20 - Gregory H. Leazer, Jonathan Furner, Rachel Napper:
Three social distance measures for film rankings. 21-27
Biological/Medical/Pharmaceutical Informatics
- Laura Slaughter, Dagobert Soergel:
How physicians' answers relate to health consumers' questions. 28-39 - Sílvia Barcellos Southwick:
Digital intermediation: An exploration of user and intermediary perspectives. 40-51 - Debra Revere, Sherrilynne S. Fuller, Paul F. Bugni, George M. Martin:
A new system to support knowledge discovery: Telemakus. 52-58 - Jeffrey Demaine, Joel D. Martin, Berry de Bruijn:
Haystacks and hypotheses. 59-64 - Miguel E. Ruiz, Padmini Srinivasan:
Hybrid hierarchical classifiers for categorization of medical documents. 65-70 - Kazuhiro Seki, Javed Mostafa:
An approach to protein name extraction using heuristics and a dictionary. 71-77
Business and Management Informatics
- Sandra G. Hirsh, Jamie Dinkelacker:
Impact of a corporate merger on the information seeking behaviors of research practitioners. 78-84 - Maureen L. Mackenzie:
Information gathering revealed within the social network of line-managers. 85-94 - Anil Singh, Glynn Harmon:
Measuring profitability impacts of information technology: Use of risk adjusted measures. 95-100 - Elisabeth Davenport, Martin Graham, Jessie Kennedy, Katharine Taylor:
Managing social capital as knowledge management - some specification and representation issues. 101-108 - Hong (Iris) Xie:
Dimensions of human-work domain interaction: A preliminary analysis for the design of a corporate digital library. 109-118 - Chyan Yang, Ching-Yu Wu:
Perception difference between users and information professionals: A case study of TaiPower. 119-127 - Terrence A. Maxwell:
Homeland security and information control: A model of asymmetric information flows. 128-134
Design for Children
- Dania Bilal:
Draw and tell: Children as designers of web interfaces. 135-141 - Andrew Large, Jamshid Beheshti, Valerie Nesset, Leanne Bowler:
Children as designers of web portals. 142-149
Digital and Brick Library Management
- Debal C. Kar, Subrata Deb, Satish Kumar:
Electronic library: A TERI experiment. 150-157 - Ethel Auster, Donna C. Chan:
The library as a learning organization and the climate for updating in a period of rapidly changing technologies. 158-164
Information Organization
- Elizabeth Figa, Paul Tarau:
Lexical inference mechanisms for text understanding and classification. 165-173 - Tony Tse, Dagobert Soergel:
Procedures for mapping vocabularies from non-professional discourse a case study: "Consumer medical vocabulary". 174-183 - Nina Wacholder, Lu Liu, Mark Sharp, Xiaojun Yuan, Peng Song:
Experimental study of index terms and information access. 184-192 - Stephanie W. Haas, Maria Cristina Pattuelli, Ron T. Brown:
Understanding statistical concepts and terms in context: The GovStat ontology and the statistical interactive glossary. 193-199 - Timothy B. Patrick, John C. Reid, MaryEllen C. Sievert, Frances Ellis Rice, James W. Gigantelli, Jade S. Schiffman, Mark E. Shelton:
A text corpus approach to an analysis of the shared use of core terminology. 200-205 - Martin Thellefsen:
The role of special language in relation to knowledge organization. 206-212
Information Retrieval
- Rong Tang, Kwong Bor Ng, Tomek Strzalkowski, Paul B. Kantor:
Toward machine understanding of information quality. 213-220 - Kwong Bor Ng, Rong Tang, Sharon G. Small, Tomek Strzalkowski, Paul B. Kantor, Robert Rittman, Peng Song, Ying Sun, Nina Wacholder:
Identification of effective predictive variables for document qualities. 221-229 - Shiyan Ou, Christopher S. G. Khoo, Dion Hoe-Lian Goh:
Multi-document summarization of dissertation abstracts using a variable-based framework. 230-239
Information Seekers, Historical Resources
- Madjid Ihadjadene, Stéphane Chaudiron, Daniel Martins:
The effect of individual differences on searching the web. 240-246 - Jannica Heinström:
Fast surfers, broad scanners and deep divers as users of information technology - Relating information preferences to personality traits. 247-254 - Soo Young Rieh:
Investigating Web searching behavior in home environments. 255-264 - Joan Lussky:
Indexed ideational shifts in the Index-Catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon-General's Office of the United States Army. 265-270 - Charles Cole, John E. Leide, Emeka Nwakamma, Jamshid Beheshti, Andrew Large:
Structure of domain novice users' queries to a history database. 271-279 - Kathi Martin, Xia Lin, Lois F. Lunin:
User centric design and implementation of a digital historic costume collection. 280-290
Information Seeking and Use
- Carol Tenopir, Richard Pollard, Peiling Wang, Dan Greene, Elizabeth Kline, Julia Krummen, Rachel Kirk:
Undergraduate science students and electronic scholarly journals. 291-297 - Karen E. Fisher, Kenton T. Unruh, Joan C. Durrance:
Information communities: Characteristics gleaned from studies of three online networks. 298-305 - Bethany Lynn Letalien, Hsin-Liang Chen:
Fitting users' needs into Web-based area studies resources: A study of the Latin American Network Information Center (LANIC). 306-315
Searching/Use of New Information Technologies
- Xiangming Mu, Gary Marchionini:
Enriched video semantic metadata: Authorization, integration, and presentation. 316-322 - Todd Wilkens, Anthony Hughes, Barbara M. Wildemuth, Gary Marchionini:
The role of narrative in understanding digital video: An exploratory analysis. 323-329 - Jinmook Kim, Douglas W. Oard, Dagobert Soergel:
Searching large collections of recorded speech: A preliminary study. 330-339 - Hsiao-Tieh Pu:
An analysis of Web image queries for search. 340-348 - Corinne Jörgensen, Peter Jörgensen:
Image querying by image professionals. 349-356 - Ayse Göker, Daqing He:
Personalization via collaboration in Web retrieval systems: A context based approach. 357-365 - Yang-Woo Kim:
Typology of ambiguity on representation of information problem: An exploratory study. 366-380 - Elaine G. Toms, Luanne Freund:
Priming the query specification process. 381-388 - Mike Alexander, Hsin-Liang Chen:
Perceptions and effects of a system's usability by experience level. 389-397
User-Centered Design
- Boryung Ju, Myke Gluck:
Developing a user-process model for designing menu-based interfaces: An exploratory study. 398-406 - Rich Gazan, Gregory H. Leazer, Christine L. Borgman, Anne J. Gilliland-Swetland, Laura J. Smart, Dan Ancona, Rachel Michael Nilsson:
Use scenarios in the development of the Alexandria Digital Earth Prototype (ADEPT). 407-415 - Seda Özmutlu, H. Cenk Özmutlu, Amanda Spink:
Multitasking Web searching and implications for design. 416-421
- Laurie J. Bonnici, Jonathan Furner, Alexander Justice, Kathryn La Barre, Shawne D. Miksa, Helen Plant:
Pioneering women in information science. Sponsored by SIG HFIS. 425-426 - Peiling Wang, Katriina Byström, Colleen Cool, Stefano Mizzaro, Tefko Saracevic, Pertti Vakkari, Marilyn Domas White:
Advancing relevance research: Theory integration, methodological progress, and critical questions. Sponsored by SIG CRS, USE. 427-428 - Howard Rosenbaum, Elisabeth Davenport, Leah A. Lievrouw, Ronald E. Day:
The death of the user. Sponsored by SIG HFIS, CRIT. 429-430 - Marjorie M. K. Hlava, Shahla Bahavar, Amy Wallace, Denise Bedford:
Show me the money. Sponsored by ASIST Leadership Development Committee. 431 - Randolph G. Bias, Barbara M. Wildemuth, Allison Druin, Sandra G. Hirsh:
Usability in practice: Avoiding pitfalls and seizing opportunities. Sponsored by SIG USE. 432-433 - Bill Edgar, Julie Hersberger, Anu MacIntosh-Murray, Maureen L. Mackenzie:
Management and information studies: Exploring the connections. Sponsored by SIG MGT. 434 - Julie Arnold, Jiangping Chen, Jennifer Edelman, Jeffrey Pomerantz, Diane Kresh:
Subject-based virtual reference: Avenues, attitudes, and vehicles for success. Sponsored by SIG STI. 435-436 - Shelly Warwick, Nadia Caidi, Pierrette Bergeron, Christine Dufour, Jesus Cortes, John Rumble:
Transborder data flow: Implications for information dissemination and policies between the U.S., Canada and Mexico. Sponsored by SIG IFP, III. 437-438 - Anita Coleman, Shawne D. Miksa, Julian Warner, Concepción S. Wilson, Jonathan Furner:
A science of public knowledge? Theoretical foundations of LIS. Sponsored by SIG HFIS. 439-440 - Joette Stefl-Mabry, Nicholas J. Belkin, Andrew Dillon, Gary Marchionini:
User-centered design: Science or window dressing?. Sponsored by SIG HCI. 441 - Colleen Cuddy, Mark Needleman, Donna Dinberg:
New standards for networked reference services. Sponsored by SIG LT & ASIST Standards Committee. 442 - Gail Hodge, Paul Uhlir, Subbiah Arunachalam, Tom Moritz:
The public domain under pressure. Sponsored by SIG IFP, III, STI. 443-444 - Barbara M. Wildemuth:
Student award-winning papers. Sponsored by SIG ED. 445 - Deborah Barreau, Gary Marchionini, Stephanie W. Haas, David Mendonça:
The organizational layer of the user interface. Sponsored by SIG HCI. 446 - Matthew L. Saxton, Joseph Janes, Lorri Mon, Lydia Eato Harris:
Getting your money's worth: Samuelson's general equilibrium model applied to participation in cooperative virtual reference services. 447 - Efthimis N. Efthimiadis, Jens-Erik Mai, Paul E. Burrows, Edrolfo Leones, Dan Kniesner:
Metadata for the description of broadcast assets. Sponsored by SIG CR, DL, HCI. 448-449 - Nadia Caidi, Michel J. Menou:
2nd Global Information Village Plaza - Connecting multi-cultural, multi-lingual and multi-media universes. Sponsored by SIG III, IFP. 450-451 - Aimée Dorr, Virginia A. Walter:
Who will teach the next generation of information professionals? Sponsored by ALISE, SIG ED. 452 - Mikel Breitenstein, Marija Dalbello, Ron Day, Ann Simonds, Muh-Chyun (Morris) Tang:
Visual containment of cultural forms: An examination of visual epistemologies and scopic regimes. Sponsored by SIG HFIS, CR, VIS. 453-456 - Liwen Vaughan, Mike Thelwall, Shaoyi He, Gregory M. Shreve, Marcia Zeng, Yin Zhang:
Sharing and accessing Internet resources across barriers of nation, language, and collection. Sponsored by SIG III, MGT. 457-458 - Heidi Fogelberg, Peter Scott, Marjorie M. K. Hlava, Alan Pannell:
E-commerce in libraries. Sponsored by SIG LT. 459 - Jack Andersen, Charles Bazerman, Mats Dahlström, Rune Dalgaard:
Genres and knowledge organization. Sponsored by SIG CR, HFIS. 460-461 - Sue O'Neill Johnson, Kazanka Comfort, P. R. Goswami, P. K. Jain:
New information models for rural populations in developing countries. Sponsored by SIG III, MGT. 462-463 - Karen E. Fisher, Lynda M. Baker, Christine Brown:
Information behavior in everyday life: Research on street-level sex workers, new immigrants, and hair stylists. Sponsored by SIG USE. 464 - Dania Bilal, Allison Druin, Claire McInerney, Linda Z. Cooper, June Abbas:
Designing digital information technologies for children. Sponsored by SIG USE, DL. 465-466 - Jonathan Furner, Jack Andersen, Michael K. Buckland, Birger Hjørland:
The revival of the concept of documents in the theoretical foundation of information science. Sponsored by SIG HFIST. 467 - Nathalie Leroy, Julian Warner, Tran Ngoc Ca:
World Summit on the Information Society. Sponsored by SIG III. 468 - Cokie Anderson, Tony Bremholm, Bradley M. Hemminger, Cecelia M. Brown, K. T. L. Vaughan:
The impact of digitization of scientific information on the scholarly communication of scientists. Sponsored by SIG TI, DL. 469-470 - Mary Durham, Frank Bianchetti, JoAnne Sparks, Skip Boettger:
Maturity models and benchmarks in knowledge management. Sponsored by SIG KM, MGT. 471 - Richard P. Smiraglia, Allyson Carlyle, Edward T. O'Neill, Patrick LeBoeuf, Anita Coleman:
Humanizing information retrieval: Organizing "works." Sponsored by SIG CR. 472-473 - Theodore A. Morris, Victor Rosenberg, Thomas J. Froehlich, Robert Guthrie, Martha M. Smith:
Exploring the dark side: Ethical implications of information technologies. Sponsored by SIG IFP, TIS, MED, ED. 474 - Wonsik Shim, Lynn Silipigni Connaway, Carol Tenopir, Peiling Wang, Dongming Zhang:
What can we learn from usage data? Sponsored by SIG USE. 475-476 - Samantha Hastings, Elise Lewis, Shuleyman Ozeren, Paul Roy, Bill McDonald:
3D images: From theory to applications. Sponsored by SIG VIS. 477 - Scott Nicholson, San-Yih Hwang, Paula Keezer, Edward T. O'Neill:
The bibliomining process: Data warehousing and data mining for libraries. Sponsored by SIG LT. 478-479 - Sarita Nair, Sundra Flansburg, Katherine Hanson:
Leveraging the power of diversity to create effective and empowering technology. 480-485 - Linda S. Marion, Eugene Garfield, Lowell L. Hargens, Leah A. Lievrouw, Howard D. White, Concepción S. Wilson:
Social network analysis and citation network analysis: Complementary approaches to the study of scientific communication. Sponsored by SIG MET. 486-487 - Philip E. Schreur, Claude Vogel, Hitomi Ohkawa, Mary Chitty:
Biomedical taxonomies/ontologies. Sponsored by SIG MED, CR. 488-489 - Vicki L. Gregory, Diane Austin, Tom Terrell, Richard Austin:
From anytime, anywhere to all-the-time, everywhere: Learning objects, broadband and wireless reshape digital libraries for learning and research. Sponsored by SIG STI, DL, VIS. 490 - William Jones, Harry Bruce, Deborah Barreau, Marcia J. Bates, Nicholas J. Belkin, Gary Marchionini:
Now do you know where your information is? Perspectives on the present and future of personal information management. 491-492 - Barbara H. Kwasnik, Francis Miksa, David Crabbe:
Classification across disciplines: The same, only different. Sponsored by SIG CR, STI, MED, HFIS. 493 - Hong Xu, Bin Li, Sílvia Barcellos Southwick, Anita Komlodi, Tracy Haidar:
Cultural variations of Internet development and use. Sponsored by SIG III. 494-495 - Abby Goodrum, Samantha Hastings, Vika Kravchyna, Tom Terrell, Ahmet Yayla:
Architecture for access: Multimedia digital libraries and museum applications. Sponsored by SIG DL. 496 - Neil R. Smalheiser, Carole L. Palmer, Don R. Swanson, Padmini Srinivasan, Marti A. Hearst:
Literature-based discovery: New trends and techniques. Sponsored by SIG HCI. 497 - Luz Marina Quiroga, José Arias, Alberto Cabezas Bellemore, Roberto Pacheco, Abel Laerte Packer, Issac Vivas, Juan Voutssas, Suzanne L. Allard, Deborah Barreau:
Digital libraries in action: The Latin American and Caribbean experience. Sponsored by SIG DL. 498-499 - Hari Ramachandran, Sridhar Obilisetty, Sanjay Bajaj:
The impact of HIPAA on the development of Electronic Medical Record Systems. Sponsored by SIG CR, DL, HCI. 500 - Joe M. Williams, Laura M. Osegueda:
New library handheld programs and services. Sponsored by SIG III, IFP. 501 - Daniel Gelaw Alemneh, Cathy Nelson Hartman, Samantha Kelly Hastings:
Targeted access for varied audiences to integrated, heterogeneous digital information resources. 505-506 - Laura M. Bartolo, Cathy S. Lowe:
Preliminary study examining experts and novices using Dublin Core metadata to describe scientific laboratory data. 507-508 - Ofer Bergman, Rafi Nachmias, Ruth Beyth-Marom:
The use of subjective attributes in personal information management systems - Initial results. 509-510 - Howard Besser, Sheila Afnan-Manns, Dale Ann Stieber, Bryan Griest, Dominique Turnbow, Aimée Dorr:
Finding aid as interface? Enhancing K-12 access to digitized cultural heritage resources through adaptive systems technology: An exploratory study. 511-513 - Michael K. Buckland:
The Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative. 514-515 - Trine Fjordback Søndergaard, Jack Andersen, Birger Hjørland:
Documents and the communication of scientific and scholarly information: Revising and updating the UNISIST model. 516 - Luanne Freund, Elaine G. Toms:
Understanding the brevity of Web queries. 517-518 - Anne J. Gilliland-Swetland, Robin L. Chandler, Layna White:
MOAC II user evaluation: Making museum content useful. 519-520 - Timothy P. Hogan, Carole L. Palmer:
Information in the HIV+ community. 521-522 - Ray R. Larson:
Approaches and effectiveness of distributed searching for digital libraries. 523 - Ying-Hsang Liu:
Scholars' information evaluation strategies in the digital environment. 524-525 - W. John MacMullen:
PROMIS: An XML-based metadata framework for proteomics. 526-527 - Theodore A. Morris:
An alternative perspective on medical informatics structure: EMBASE vs. MEDLINE. 528 - Kathleen R. Murray, William E. Moen:
Understanding resource discovery design requirements for a statewide virtual library: Application of a technology adoption indicator. 529-530 - Sarita Nair, Sundra Flansburg, Katherine Hanson:
Leveraging the power of diversity to create effective and empowering technology. 531-536 - Carlo Nuss, H. Florence Chang, Dorothy Moore, George C. Fonger:
Automated indexing of the hazardous substances data bank. 537-539 - Carole L. Palmer, Melissa H. Cragin, Timothy P. Hogan:
Information and discovery in Neuroscience. 540-541 - Mark Ridgway, Mark Ratcliffe, Wayne Ellis:
VorteX - Enhancing the pedagogy in software development education. 542 - Elaine G. Toms, Luanne Freund, Joan C. Bartlett, Rick Kopak:
The role of context in search: Examining the effect of subject domain on the search interface. 543-544 - Ye Diana Wang, Henry H. Emurian:
In search of an optimal e-commerce interface that induces online trust. 545