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3. AMS 2009: Bandung, Bali, Indonesia
- David Al-Dabass, Robertus Triweko, Sani Susanto, Ajith Abraham:
Third Asia International Conference on Modelling & Simulation, AMS 2009, Bandung, Bali, Indonesia, May 25-29, 2009. IEEE Computer Society 2009, ISBN 978-0-7695-3648-4
Plenary Abstracts
- Osamu Ono:
DNA Computing Models and Practice. 1-2 - Eduard Babulak
Future Cyberspace and 3D Telepresence Collaborative Environments. 3-4 - Agostino G. Bruzzone, Yuri Merkuryev:
Advances in Supply Chain Simulation. 5-6
Intelligent Systems
- Zuzana Oplatková
, Jiri Holoska, Ivan Zelinka, Roman Senkerik
Detection of Steganography Inserted by OutGuess and Steghide by Means of Neural Networks. 7-12 - Amir Talaei-Khoei, Pradeep Kumar Ray
, Nandan Parameswaran:
A Proposed Research for Conceptual Modeling of Policy-Based Mobile Agent Groups. 13-18 - Xiangfeng Zhang, Jun Liu, Zhijie Wang:
An Immune Bidirectional Regulation-Based Decoupling Control in Single Shift Gas Turbine Plant. 19-24 - Siti Zaiton Mohd Hashim, Kurniawan Eka Permana:
Fitting Membership Function with PSO Inertia Weight for Truck Backer-Upper Problem. 25-28 - Umi Kalsom Yusof
, Safaai Deris:
Constraint-Based Genetic Algorithms for Machine Requirement of Semiconductor Assembly Industry: A Proposed Framework. 29-34 - Azlan Mohd Zain
, Habibollah Haron, Safian Sharif:
Review of ANN Technique for Modeling Surface Roughness Performance Measure in Machining Process. 35-39 - Poh Lee Wong, Mohd Azam Osman
, Maziani Sabudin:
Design of an Intelligent Route Planning System Using an Enhanced A*-search Algorithm. 40-44 - Ku Ruhana Ku-Mahamud
, Norharyani Zakaria, Norliza Katuk
, Mohamad Shbier:
Flood Pattern Detection Using Sliding Window Technique. 45-50 - Farzad Peyravi, Amin Keshavarzi
Agent Based Model for Call Centers Using Knowledge Management. 51-56 - Zuraini Sukimin, Habibollah Haron:
Extraction and Recognition Algorithm in 3D Object Features. 57-60 - Akil Elkamel
, Mariem Gzara
, Salma Jamoussi
, Hanêne Ben-Abdallah
Artificial Ants for Clustering with Adaptive Aggregation Conditions: Application to Image Clustering. 61-66 - Ali Hajipour, Yasaman Heydarzadeh, Abolfazl Toroghi Haghighat, Azam Bastanfard
An Efficient Method for Logging Strategy Using Case Based Reasoning in Soccer Simulation. 67-72 - Shirin Hasanzadeh, Amin Keshavarzi
Application of Query Sensitive Similarity Measure in IR systems. 73-78 - Sani Susanto
, David Al-Dabass, Arijit Bhattacharya
Optimised Cell Formation Algorithm Considering Sequence of Operations, Alternative Routing and Part-Volume. 79-84
Hybrid Intelligent Systems and Hybrid Soft Computing
- Mohit Garg, Joydip Dhar
Subspace Extracting Adaptive Cellular Network for Layered Architectures with Circular Boundaries. 85-90 - Siti Nurkhadijah Aishah Ibrahim
, Ali Selamat, Md. Hafiz Selamat:
Query Optimization in Relevance Feedback Using Hybrid GA-PSO for Effective Web Information Retrieval. 91-96 - Raja Mohd Taufika Raja Ismail
, Mohd Ashraf Ahmad
, Mohd Syakirin Ramli
Speed Control of Buck-converter Driven Dc Motor Based on Smooth Trajectory Tracking. 97-101 - Rela Puteri Pamungkas, Siti Mariyam Hj. Shamsuddin:
Weighted Central Moment for Pattern Recognition: Derivation, Analysis of Invarianceness, and Simulation Using Letter Characters. 102-106 - Tutut Herawan
, Mustafa Mat Deris:
Rough Set Theory for Topological Spaces in Information Systems. 107-112 - Omar Al Jadaan
, C. Raghavendra Rao, Lakshmi Rajamani:
Solving Constrained Multi-objective Optimization Problems Using Non-dominated Ranked Genetic Algorithm. 113-118 - Tutut Herawan
, Mustafa Mat Deris:
A Direct Proof of Every Rough Set is a Soft Set. 119-124 - Mohamad Firdaus Ab Aziz, Siti Mariyam Hj. Shamsuddin, Razana Alwee:
Enhancement of Particle Swarm Optimization in Elman Recurrent Network with Bounded Vmax Function. 125-130 - Hossein Moeinzadeh
, Ehsan Asgarian, Mohammad Zanjani, Abdolazim Rezaee, Mojtaba Seidi:
Combination of Harmony Search and Linear Discriminate Analysis to Improve Classification. 131-135 - Sarina Sulaiman, Siti Mariyam Hj. Shamsuddin, Fadni Bin Forkan, Ajith Abraham, Shahida Sulaiman:
Intelligent Web Caching for E-learning Log Data. 136-141 - Hossein Moeinzadeh
, Mehdi Mohammadi, Hossein Pazhoumand-dar
, Arman Mehrbakhsh, Navid Kheibar, Nasser Mozayani
Evolutionary-Reduced Ordered Binary Decision Diagram. 142-145 - Raja Noor Ainon, Adel Lahsasna
, Ying Wah Teh
A Transparent Classification Model Using a Hybrid Soft Computing Method. 146-151
Methodologies, Tools, and Operations Research
- Hamed Ahmadi, Arman Mehrbakhsh, Ehsan Asgarian:
Towards an Efficient Method for Spreading Information in Social Network. 152-157 - Junseok Hwang, Irfan Syamsuddin
Information Security Policy Decision Making: An Analytic Hierarchy Process Approach. 158-163 - Atif Farid Mohammad:
An Achievable Service-Oriented Architecture. 164-169 - Atif Farid Mohammad:
Object-Process Methodology: A Hidden Secret for SOA Service Design. 170-175 - Achmad Basuki, Tri Harsono, Kohei Arai:
Modeling and Simulation of Hot Mudflow Movement Prediction Using Cellular Automata. 176-181 - Jirí Kunovsky, Vlastimil Kaluza, Michal Kraus, Vaclav Satek
Initial Problems with Polynomials on Right-hand Sides. 182-187 - Azlan Mohd Zain
, Habibollah Haron, Safian Sharif:
Application of Regression and ANN Techniques for Modeling of the Surface Roughness in End Milling Machining Process. 188-193 - Peter Brunmayr, Jan Haase
, Florian Schupfer:
Late Hardware/Software Partitioning by Using SystemC Functional Models. 194-199 - Ferdinand Murni Hamundu, Lelyzar Siregar, Rahmat Budiarto
Evaluating the Best of Knowledge Management Technology for Small Medium Enterprise Based on Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process. 200-205 - Jirí Kunovsky, Martina Drozdová, Jan Kopriva, Milan Pindryc:
Methodology of the Taylor Series Based Computations. 206-211 - Matthias R. Brust
, Carlos H. C. Ribeiro
A Model-free Mobility Metric Based on Node Affiliation for Simulation of Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks. 212-217 - Mohammad Dib, Alexandre Caminada, Hakim Mabed:
Nogood Recording with Tabu Search for CSP (Application to FAP). 218-223 - Tri Harsono, Achmad Basuki, Kohei Arai:
Monte Carlo Simulation of Micro Traffic with Unpredictable Disturbance. 224-229 - Modjtaba Khalidji, Mohammad Zeiaee, Ali Taei, Mohammad Reza Jahed-Motlagh, Hamid Khaloozadeh
Dynamically Weighted Continuous Ant Colony Optimization for Bi-Objective Portfolio Selection Using Value-at-Risk. 230-235
Bio-informatics and Bio-Medical Simulation
- Marzuki Khalid, Hamam Mokayed, Rubiyah Yusof, Osamu Ono:
Online Signature Verification with Neural Networks Classifier and Fuzzy Inference. 236-241 - Zakaria Hussain
, Mohammad Osman Tokhi, Rozita Jailani
, Salmiah Ahmad, Babul Salam Ksm Kader Ibrahim
Effect of Inclined Rowing Machine on FES-Assisted Indoor Rowing Exercise Performance. 242-245 - Tri Basuki Kurniawan
, Zuwairie Ibrahim, Noor Khafifah Khalid, Marzuki Khalid:
A Population-Based Ant Colony Optimization Approach for DNA Sequence Optimization. 246-251 - Muhammad Faiz Mohamed Saaid, Zuwairie Ibrahim, Marzuki Khalid, Nor Haniza Sarmin:
Automation of DNA Computing Readout Method Implemented on LightCycler System. 252-257 - Hesham Awadh Abdallah Bahamish, Rosni Abdullah, Rosalina Abdul Salam
Protein Tertiary Structure Prediction Using Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm. 258-263 - Emansa Hasri Putra, Eko Supriyanto, Jafri bin Din, Haikal Satria:
Cross Layer Design of Wireless LAN for Telemedicine Application. 264-269 - S. K. Badreddin Giuma, Kahar Osman, Mohamed Rafiq Abdul Kadir:
Numerical Modeling of Fusiform Aneurysm with High and Normal Blood Pressure. 270-275 - Indra Hardian Mulyadi
, Eko Supriyanto, Norlaili Mat Safri, Muhammad H. Satria:
Wireless Medical Interface Using ZigBee and Bluetooth Technology. 276-281 - Muhannad A. Abu-Hashem
, Nur'Aini Abdul Rashid:
Enhancing N-Gram-Hirschberg Algorithm by Using Hash Function. 282-286
Discrete Event and Real Time Systems
- Meysam Asadi, Mohammad B. Menhaj
, Ehsan Yavari:
A Modified BCE Algorithm for Fault-Tolerance Scheduling of Periodic Tasks in Hard Real-Time Systems. 287-291 - Liza Abdul Latiff
, Norsheila Fisal, Sharifah Hafizah Syed Ariffin
Simulation of Position-Based Routing Protocol in Wireless Mobile Ad Hoc Network. 292-297 - Nilton Freixo Nagem, Antonio Jose da Silva, João Viana da Fonseca Neto:
Characterization of Electrolytic Pot Signal by Autoregressive Model with Exogenous Input. 298-303
Image, Speech, and Signal Processing
- Reza Amiri, Mohammad Alaee-Kerahroodi, Hussein Rahmani, Mohsen Firoozmand:
Chirplet Based Denoising of Reflected RADAR Signals. 304-308 - B. Sandhya, Arun Agarwal
, C. Raghavendra Rao, Rajeev Wankar
Automatic Gap Identification towards Efficient Contour Line Reconstruction in Topographic Maps. 309-314 - Hamidreza Pooshfam, Rosni Abdullah:
A Proposed Method for Brain Medical Image Registration by Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm. 315-319 - M. Uma Devi
, Arun Agarwal
, C. Raghavendra Rao:
Gaussian Variogram Model for Printing Technology Identification. 320-325 - Helmi Adly Mohd. Noor
, Rosziati Ibrahim
Image Processing Using Eyelid Blinking and Mouth Yawning to Measure Human's Fatigue Level. 326-331 - Mohammad Reza Zare, Raja Noor Ainon, Chaw-Seng Woo
Content-Based Image Retrieval for Blood Cells. 332-335 - Reem Sabah, Raja Noor Ainon:
Isolated Digit Speech Recognition in Malay Language Using Neuro-Fuzzy Approach. 336-340 - D. Balasubramaniam, D. Nedumaran:
Doppler Spectrogram Calculation Using CFFT Algorithm in a Digital Signal Processor Based System. 341-344 - N. S. Sreekanth, Supriya N. Pal, Girish Arunjith, N. K. Narayanan:
Phase Space Point Disribution Parameter for Speech Recognition. 345-347 - Zaini Arifah Othman, Zaidi Razak, Nor Aniza Abdullah
, Mohd. Yakub Zulkifli Bin Mohd. Yusoff
Jawi Character Speech-to-Text Engine Using Linear Predictive and Neural Network for Effective Reading. 348-352 - N. A. Lili:
Hidden Markov Model for Content-Based Video Retrieval. 353-358 - K. G. Subramanian, T. Robinson
, Atulya K. Nagar
Tile Pasting P System Model for Pattern Generation. 359-362 - Fadzilah Siraj, Mohd Yusof Shahrul Azmi
, Murugesa Pandiyan Paulraj, Sazali Yaacob:
Malaysian Vowel Recognition Based on Spectral Envelope Using Bandwidth Approach. 363-368
Industry, Business, and Management
- Masarat Ayat, Mohammad Sharifi
, Shamsul Sahibuddin, Suhaimi Ibrahim
Adoption Factors and Implementation Steps of ITSM in the Target. 369-374 - Okfalisa, Rose Alinda Alias, Naomie Salim
The Design of Knowledge Management for Strategy Execution. 375-380 - Masarat Ayat, Mohammad Sharifi
, Suhaimi Ibrahim
, Shamsul Sahibuddin:
CMDB Implementation Approaches and Considerations in SME/SITU's Companies. 381-385 - Mohammad Hasan Sebt
, Amir Akrami, Mohammad Tagi Banki, Vahid Shahhosseini
Optimized Allocation of Expert Human Resources to Project. 386-391 - Arijit Bhattacharya
, John Geraghty
, Paul Young
On the Analytical Framework of Resilient Supply-Chain Network Assessing Excursion Events. 392-397 - Kamran Rezaie, M. Byat, Salman Nazari Shirkouhi
Evaluating Effective Factors of Implementing Knowledge Management Based on FAHP Method. 398-403 - Yingnan Zhang, Haozhi Wang, Shengkai Fang, Yiwei Cheng, Xiaolong Mao:
A Positive Study on the Correlations between Debt Ratio of Chinese Enterprises and Economic Growth and Inflation. 404-406 - Siti Shafrah Shahawai, Rosnah Idrus:
Research Methodology for Assessing Malaysian SMEs Perspective on ERP. 407-412 - Fadzilah Siraj, Mansour Ali Abdoulha:
Uncovering Hidden Information Within University's Student Enrollment Data Using Data Mining. 413-418 - Zirawani Baharum
, Mohd. Salihin Ngadiman, Habibollah Haron:
Critical Factors to Ensure the Successful of OS-ERP Implementation Based on Technical Requirement Point of View. 419-424 - Agostino G. Bruzzone, Enrico Bocca, Simonluca Poggi:
Renovating Intelligent Operations in Supermarket Chains. 425-430
Engineering: Civil, Mechanical, Chemical, Industrial, Manufacturing, and Control
- Mohd Ashraf Ahmad
, Haszuraidah Ishak, Ahmad Nor Kasruddin Nasir
, Mohd Syakirin Ramli
Comparison of Active Sway Control of a Gantry Crane System. 431-435 - Vasilis N. Tsoulkas, Athanasios A. Pantelous
An Educational Approach to Design and Evaluate Descriptor Systems. 436-441 - Prabhakar Mishra, H. N. Shankar, Jayesh Sudhir Bhat, Sumanth R. Kubair, Sameera Bharadwaja H, Anudhan S, Divya Kamath Hundi, Goutham Kamath
Multi-sensor Autonomous Robot Based Manipulation of Valves for Process Control. 442-447 - Ali Reza Tavakolpour
, Intan Z. Mat Darus
, Musa Mailah:
Modeling and Simulation of an Active Vibration Control System for a Flexible Structure Using Finite Difference Method. 448-453 - Salmiah Ahmad, M. Osman Tokhi, Zakaria Hussain:
Rejection of Yaw Disturbance in a Two-Wheeled Wheelchair System. 454-459 - Kamran Rezaie, Salman Nazari Shirkouhi
, Seyed Mostafa Alem:
Evaluating and Selecting Flexible Manufacturing Systems by Integrating Data Envelopment Analysis and Analytical Hierarchy Process Model. 460-464 - Ali Mansour, Houssem Jerbi
An Exact Differential Flatness Control for a Non Minimum Phase Model of an Inverted Pendulum. 465-469 - A. H. Ahmad, Z. Leman, M. A. Azmir, K. F. Muhamad, Wan Sharuzi Wan Harun
, A. Juliawati, A. B. S. Alias:
Optimization of Warpage Defect in Injection Moulding Process Using ABS Material. 470-474 - Indrawanto, Anindito Santoso:
Design and Control of the Stewart Platform Robot. 475-480 - Kamran Rezaie, B. Manouchehrabadi, Salman Nazari Shirkouhi
Duration Estimation, a New Approach in Critical Chain Scheduling. 481-484 - Ign. Suharto, Arenst Andreas
, Maria Inggrid:
Simulation and Mathematical Modelling in Ethanol Fermentation by A. aceti into Acetic Acid Product. 485-490 - Paulus Karta Wijaya:
Boundary Element Model Coupled with Finite Element Model for Dynamic Soil-Pile Interaction. 491-496
Energy, Power Generation, and Distribution
- Akihiro Oi, Makbul Anwari
, Mohammad Taufik:
Modeling and Simulation of Photovoltaic Water Pumping System. 497-502 - Emili Schaefer, Makbul Anwari
, Mohammad Taufik:
Performance Analysis of Shunt Reactive Power Compensators. 503-507 - Suwarno
, F. Pratomosiwi:
Computer Simulation of Leakage Current on Ceramic Insulator under Clean Fog Condition. 508-513 - Aziah Khamis
, Matthew Armstrong, Marizan Sulaiman
The Impact of Embedded Generation Due to Harmonic Performance. 514-519
Transport, Logistics, Harbour, Shipping, and Marine Simulation
- Siamak Sarmady
, Fazilah Haron, Abdullah Zawawi Hj. Talib
Modeling Groups of Pedestrians in Least Effort Crowd Movements Using Cellular Automata. 520-525 - Yuri Merkuryev
, Galina Merkuryeva
, Roel De Haes, Bram Desmet, An De Wispelaere, Jonas Hatem:
Supply Chain Simulation in the ECLIPS Project: Real-life Benefit. 526-532 - (Withdrawn) A Method to Extract Future Warships in Complex Sea-Sky Background which May Be Virtually Invisible. 533-536
- Teruaki Ito:
Simulation-Based Study Using a Stair Climbing Wheelchair. 537-542 - Agostino G. Bruzzone, Alberto Tremori, Marina Massei, Federico Tarone:
Modeling Green Logistics. 543-548
Virtual Reality, Visualization, and Computer Games
- Kuldeep Pandey, Gary J. Grimes, David C. Schwebel:
A Low Cost Approach to Pediatric Pedestrian Safety in Virtual Reality. 549-554 - Pan Zheng, Bahari Belaton
, Iman Yi Liao:
Isosurface Extraction of Volumetric Data Using Implicit Surface Polygonization. 555-559 - Megat Norulazmi Megat Mohamed Noor
, Shaidah Jusoh
Visualizing the Yield Pattern for Multi Class Classification. 560-565 - Norhazlan Abd Hamid, Habibollah Haron, Muhammad Ikhwan Jambak, Zuraini Sukimin:
An Overview of Robotic Simulation E-learning. 566-571
Parallel and Distributed Architectures and Systems
- Zulfakar Aspar, Mohamed Khalil Hani:
Modeling of a Ladder Logic Processor for High Performance Prgrammable Logic Controller. 572-577 - Eliana Valenzuela Andrade, Manuel Rodiguez-Martinez:
Autonomic Ranking. 578-583 - Mohammed Rebbah, Mokhtari Chakir, Souane Naima, Ghezal Kheira:
PGS: Pervasive Grid Simulator Library. 584-589 - Nitin
, Ruchi Verma:
On a Stable Matching Problem of Hybrid Multi. 590-595 - Foad Lotfifar, Hadi Shahriar Shahhoseini
A Low-Complexity Task Scheduling Algorithm for Heterogeneous Computing Systems. 596-601 - Ling Lin, Chao Chu, Tingtao Sun, Alei Liang, Haibing Guan:
DistriBit: A Distributed Dynamic Binary Execution Engine. 602-607 - T. P. Dampahala, H. D. D. D. Premadasa, P. W. W. Ranasinghe, J. N. P. Weerasinghe, K. A. D. N. K. Wimalawarne:
Efficient High Performance Computing Framework for Short Rate Models. 608-613 - Arshin Rezazadeh
, Mahmood Fathy, Amin Hassanzadeh:
A Performance-Enhancing Fault-Tolerant Routing Algorithm for Network-on-Chip in Uniform Traffic. 614-619 - Jérémie Chevalier, Stéphane Mouton:
A Lightweight Specialized Meta-scheduler for Business-Oriented Applications. 620-625 - Mohd Yamani Idna Bin Idris, Suraya Abu Bakar
, Emran Mohd Tamil
, Zaidi Razak, Noorzaily Mohamed Noor:
High-Speed Shortest Path Co-processor Design. 626-631
Internet Modelling, Semantic Web, and Ontologies
- Alexander P. Kamyshanov:
Meta-model Design for Internet Multimedia Neurophysiology Interface. 632-636 - Chang Choi
, Miyoung Cho, Junho Choi, Myunggwon Hwang, Jong-An Park, Pankoo Kim:
Travel Ontology for Intelligent Recommendation System. 637-642 - M. Alade Rahman, H. O. D. Longe, Falak Nawaz, Hafiz Farooq Ahmad
Supply Chain Model for Personalized Car Web Services Discovery. 643-648
Performance Engineering of Computer and Communication Systems
- H. Nornikman, Ping Jack Soh
, Abdullah Al-Hadi Azremi
, M. S. Anuar:
Performance Simulation of Pyramidal and Wedge Microwave Absorbers. 649-654