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ACC 2009: St. Louis, Missouri, USA
- American Control Conference, ACC 2009. St. Louis, Missouri, USA, June 10-12, 2009. IEEE 2009, ISBN 978-1-4244-4523-3
- Yongsheng Ou, Eugenio Schuster:
Model predictive control of parabolic PDE systems with dirichlet boundary conditions via Galerkin model reduction. 1-7 - George C. Verghese:
Getting to the gray box: Some challenges for model reduction. 5-6 - Panos J. Antsaklis:
From hybrid to networked cyber-physical systems. 6-7 - Asuman E. Ozdaglar:
Learning and dynamics in social networks. 8 - Lina Fu, Ümit Özgüner:
Variable structure extremum seeking control based on sliding mode gradient estimation for a class of nonlinear systems. 8-13 - Amin Nobakhti, Hong Wang, Tianyou Chai:
Algorithm for very fast computation of Least Absolute Value regression. 14-19 - Pengfei Li, Yaoyu Li, John E. Seem:
Extremum seeking control for efficient and reliable operation of air-side economizers. 20-25 - David W. Hutchison, James C. Spall:
Stopping small-sample stochastic approximation. 26-31 - Masako Kishida, Richard D. Braatz:
Optimal spatial field control of distributed parameter systems. 32-37 - Haitham A. Hindi, Lara S. Crawford:
Control in printing systems: Modular reconfigurable media paths. 38-52 - Martin Krucinski, Marina Tharayil:
Control of non-linear and non-holonomic sheet registration devices. 53-58 - Antonella Ferrara, Matteo Rubagotti:
A sub-optimal second order sliding mode controller for current-fed induction motors. 59-64 - Luis T. Aguilar, Igor Boiko, Leonid M. Fridman, Leonid B. Freidovich:
Inducing oscillations in an inertia wheel pendulum via two-relays controller: Theory and experiments. 65-70 - Tiago Roux Oliveira, Alessandro Jacoud Peixoto, Antonio C. Leite, Liu Hsu:
Sliding mode control of uncertain multivariable nonlinear systems applied to uncalibrated robotics visual servoing. 71-76 - Simon Baev, Yuri B. Shtessel:
Causal output tracking in nonminimum phase boost DC/DC converter using sliding mode techniques. 77-82 - Michael V. Basin, Darío Calderon-Alvarez:
Sliding mode regulator as solution to optimal control problem for nonlinear polynomial systems. 83-88 - John Michael Daly, David W. L. Wang:
Bilateral teleoperation using unknown input observers for force estimation. 89-95 - Frédéric Mazenc, Michael Malisoff:
Lyapunov functions under LaSalle conditions with an application to Lotka-Volterra systems. 96-101 - Mircea Lazar:
Flexible control Lyapunov functions. 102-107 - Alessandro Arsie, Christian Ebenbauer:
Refining LaSalle's invariance principle. 108-112 - Donatello Materassi, Murti V. Salapaka:
Less conservative absolute stability criteria using Integral Quadratic Constraints. 113-118 - Changan Jiang, Mingcong Deng, Akira Inoue:
Sensitivity of operator-based nonlinear feedback control systems. 119-120 - Matthew C. Turner, Murray Kerr, Ian Postlethwaite:
On the existence of stable, causal multipliers for systems with slope-restricted nonlinearities. 121-126 - Michael A. Demetriou:
Centralized and decentralized policies for the containment of moving source in 2D diffusion processes using sensor/actuator network. 127-132 - Jinfeng Liu, David Muñoz de la Peña, Benjamin James Ohran, Panagiotis D. Christofides, James F. Davis:
A two-tier control architecture for nonlinear process systems with continuous/asynchronous feedback. 133-140 - Stevan Dubljevic:
Optimal boundary control of Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation. 141-147 - Rahul Gandhi, Prashant Mhaskar:
A Safe-parking framework for plant-wide fault-tolerant control. 148-153 - Yulei Sun, Nael H. El-Farra:
Resource-aware quasi-decentralized control of nonlinear plants over communication networks. 154-159 - Zhiwen Chong, Christopher L. E. Swartz:
Model-based control of multi-unit systems under partial shutdown conditions. 160-165 - Lieboud Van den Broeck, Moritz Diehl, Jan Swevers:
Performant design of an input shaping prefilter via embedded optimization. 166-171 - Yiannis (John) Stergiopoulos, Anthony Tzes:
H∞ Closed-Loop Control for Unstable Uncertain Discrete Input-Shaped Systems. 172-177 - Joshua Vaughan, William Singhose:
Input shapers for reducing overshoot in human-operated flexible systems. 178-183 - Joshua Vaughan, William Singhose:
Reducing vibration and providing robustness with multi-input shapers. 184-189 - Brian P. Rigney, Lucy Y. Pao, Dale A. Lawrence:
Adaptive inverse control for settling performance improvements. 190-197 - Hua Zhong, Lucy Y. Pao:
Regulating web tension in tape systems with time-varying radii. 198-203 - Subhadeep Chakraborty, Chinmay Rao, Eric Keller, Asok Ray, Murat Yasar:
Data-driven estimation of multiple fault parameters in permanent magnet synchronous motors. 204-209 - Dheeraj S. Singh, Abhishek Srivastav, Shalabh Gupta, Eric Keller, Asok Ray:
Ultrasonic measurement of crack opening load for life-extending control of mechanical structures. 210-215 - Soumik Sarkar, Chinmay Rao, Asok Ray:
Estimation of multiple faults in aircraft gas-turbine engines. 216-221 - Nastaran Nayebpanah, Luis Rodrigues, Youmin Zhang:
Fault-tolerant controller synthesis for piecewise-affine systems. 222-226 - Jorge R. Chavez-Fuentes, Oscar R. González, W. Steven Gray:
Transformations of Markov processes in fault tolerant interconnected systems. 227-232 - Neng Eva Wu, Jong-Yeob Shin, Kun Huang:
Sensor maneuver design for microwave source localization. 233-239 - Feng Dan Dong, Masayoshi Tomizuka:
An Iterative Learning Control design for Self-Servowriting in Hard Disk Drives using L1 optimal control. 240-245 - Kiyonori Inaba, Chun-Chih Wang, Masayoshi Tomizuka, Andrew K. Packard:
Design of iterative learning controller based on frequency domain linear matrix inequality. 246-251 - Chris T. Freeman, Zhonglun Cai, Paul L. Lewin, Eric Rogers:
Objective-driven ilc for point-to-point movement tasks. 252-257 - Maarten Steinbuch, Kees van Berkel, George A. L. Leenknegt, Tom Oomen, Jeroen van de Wijdeven:
Reading of cracked optical discs using Iterative Learning Control. 258-263 - Kira Barton, Andrew G. Alleyne:
Norm optimal ILC with time-varying weighting matrices. 264-270 - Tom Oomen, Jeroen van de Wijdeven, Okko H. Bosgra:
Low-order system identification and optimal control of intersample behavior in ILC. 271-276 - Saeid Bashash, Reza Saeidpourazar, Nader Jalili:
Tracking control of time-varying discontinuous trajectories with application to probe-based imaging and nanopositioning. 277-282 - Marcel Heertjes, George Leenknegt, Bram van Goch, Henk Nijmeijer:
Improved noise sensitivity under high-gain feedback in nano-positioning motion systems. 283-288 - Andrew J. Fleming, Sumeet S. Aphale, S. O. Reza Moheimani:
A new robust damping and tracking controller for SPM positioning stages. 289-294 - Yan Yan, Qingze Zou, Zhiqun Lin:
A control approach to high-speed probe-based nanofabrication. 295-300 - Yingfeng Shan, Kam K. Leang:
Repetitive control with Prandtl-Ishlinskii hysteresis inverse for piezo-based nanopositioning. 301-306 - Mohammad Al Janaideh, Ying Feng, Subhash Rakheja, Chun-Yi Su, Camille Alain Rabbath:
Hysteresis compensation for smart actuators using inverse generalized Prandtl-Ishlinskii model. 307-312 - Sarah L. Noble, Ann E. Rundell:
Targeting a fixed percentage of granulocyte differentiation using experiments designed via nonlinear model predictive control. 313-318 - Fiona Chandra, Gentian Buzi, John C. Doyle:
Linear control analysis of the autocatalytic glycolysis system. 319-324 - Sehoon Oh, Yoichi Hori:
Development of two-degree-of-freedom control for robot manipulator with biarticular muscle torque. 325-330 - Adriana Salinas-Avila, Javier Moreno-Valenzuela:
Switched control of mechanical systems by using musculotendon actuators. 331-336 - Huibing Yin, Charles L. Cox, Prashant G. Mehta, Uday V. Shanbhag:
Bifurcation analysis of a thalamic relay neuron model. 337-342 - Thanura R. Elvitigala, Himadri B. Pakrasi, Bijoy K. Ghosh:
Modeling and simulation of diurnal biological processes in cyanobacteria. 343-348 - Saurabh A. Deshpande, Benoît Chachuat, Dominique Bonvin:
Parametric sensitivity of path-constrained optimal control: Towards selective input adaptation. 349-354 - Peda V. Medagam, Farzad Pourboghrat:
Optimal control of nonlinear systems using RBF neural network and adaptive extended Kalman filter. 355-360 - Keith Dupree, Parag M. Patre, Zachary D. Wilcox, Warren E. Dixon:
Optimal control of uncertain nonlinear systems using a neural network and RISE feedback. 361-366 - Christophe Tricaud, YangQuan Chen:
Optimal mobile actuator/sensor network motion strategy for parameter estimation in a class of cyber physical systems. 367-372 - Sourabh Bhattacharya, Seth Hutchinson, Tamer Basar:
Game-theoretic analysis of a visibility based pursuit-evasion game in the presence of obstacles. 373-378 - Fabrizio Dabbene, Chao Feng, Constantino M. Lagoa:
Robust and chance-constrained optimization under polynomial uncertainty. 379-384 - Efstathios Bakolas, Panagiotis Tsiotras:
On the generation of nearly optimal, planar paths of bounded curvature and bounded curvature gradient. 385-390 - Josep M. Rossell, Francisco Palacios-Quiñonero:
Design of guaranteed cost overlapping controllers for a class of uncertain state-delay systems. 391-393 - Javad Lavaei, Richard M. Murray:
On quantized consensus by means of gossip algorithm - Part I: Convergence proof. 394-401 - Lyall Jonathan Di Trapani, Tamer Inanc:
NTGsim: A graphical user interface for the Nonlinear Trajectory Generation algorithm. 402-407 - Taeyoung Lee, Melvin Leok, N. Harris McClamroch:
Dynamics of connected rigid bodies in a perfect fluid. 408-413 - Raghvendra V. Cowlagi, Panagiotis Tsiotras:
Shortest distance problems in graphs using history-dependent transition costs with application to kinodynamic path planning. 414-419 - Xidong Tang:
Driving skill recognition: New approaches and their comparison. 420-425 - Håvard Fjær Grip, Lars Imsland, Tor Arne Johansen, Jens Kalkkuhl, Avshalom Suissa:
Estimation of road inclination and bank angle in automotive vehicles. 426-432 - Rajesh Rajamani, Damrongrit Piyabongkarn, Vasilis Tsourapas, Jae Y. Lew:
Real-time estimation of roll angle and CG height for active rollover prevention applications. 433-438 - Vasilios Tsourapas, Damrongrit Piyabongkarn, Alexander C. Williams, Rajesh Rajamani:
New method of identifying real-time Predictive Lateral load Transfer Ratio for rollover prevention systems. 439-444 - Ahmed H. El-Shaer, Sumio Sugita, Masayoshi Tomizuka:
Robust fixed-structure controller design of electric power steering systems. 445-450 - Timothy J. Gordon:
Nonlinear crossover model of vehicle directional control. 451-456 - John Swigart, Sanjay Lall:
Spectral factorization of non-classical information structures under feedback. 457-462 - Runmin Zou, Michel Malabre:
Almost Disturbance Decoupling: Static state feedback solutions with maximal pole assignment. 463-468 - Martin Corless, Robert Shorten:
A correct characterization of strict positive realness for MIMO systems. 469-475 - Hiroyuki Ichihara, Hitoshi Katayama:
Finite-time control for linear systems with input constraints. 476-481 - Alejandro J. Rojas:
Closed-form solution for a class of discrete-time algebraic Riccati equations. 482-487 - Yigang Wang, Kevin C. Chu, Tsu-Chin Tsao:
An analysis and synthesis of internal model principle type controllers. 488-493 - S. Ahmad Hajimolana, Masoud Soroush:
Dynamic behavior and control of a tubular solid-oxide fuel cell system. 494-499 - Li Xie, Huizhong Yang, Jie Ding, Feng Ding:
Gradient-based iterative solutions for general matrix equations. 500-505 - Michael V. Basin, Peng Shi, Darío Calderon-Alvarez:
Central suboptimal H∞ filter design for nonlinear polynomial systems. 506-511 - Mauro Franceschelli, Andrea Gasparri:
Decentralized centroid estimation for multi-agent systems in absence of any common reference frame. 512-517 - Vahid Hassani, A. Pedro Aguiar, Michael Athans, António M. Pascoal:
Multiple Model Adaptive Estimation and model identification usign a Minimum Energy criterion. 518-523 - Yoav Sharon, John Wright, Yi Ma:
Minimum sum of distances estimator: Robustness and stability. 524-530 - Yu-Long Wang, Guang-Hong Yang:
Output tracking control for continuous-time networked control systems with communication constraints. 531-536 - Reza Ghaemi, Jing Sun, Ilya V. Kolmanovsky:
Robust control of ship fin stabilizers subject to disturbances and constraints. 537-542 - Kazunobu Yoshida, Itaru Matsumoto:
Stabilizing control for an inverted pendulum with restricted travel. 543-548 - Dipak M. Adhyaru, Indra Narayan Kar, Madan Gopal:
Constrained controller design for a class of nonlinear discrete-time uncertain systems. 549-554 - Yannick Aoustin, Alexander Formalskii:
Beam-and-Ball System under Limited Control: Stabilization with large basin of attraction. 555-560 - Luke M. Wachter, Laura E. Ray:
GPS-INS state estimation for multi-robot systems with computational resource constraints. 561-567 - Jianming Lian, Jianghai Hu, Stanislaw H. Zak:
Adaptive robust control: A piecewise Lyapunov function approach. 568-573 - Boris M. Mirkin, Per-Olof Gutman, Yuri B. Shtessel:
Continuous model reference adaptive control with sliding mode for a class of nonlinear plants with unknown state delay. 574-579 - Chenguang Yang, Shi-Lu Dai, Shuzhi Sam Ge, Tong Heng Lee:
Adaptive asymptotic tracking control of a class of discrete-time nonlinear systems with parametric and nonparametric uncertainties. 580-585 - Shuzhi Sam Ge, Chenguang Yang, Shi-Lu Dai, Tong Heng Lee:
Adaptive control of a class of strict-feedback discrete-time nonlinear systems with unknown control gains and preceded by hysteresis. 586-591 - Jiaxing Guo, Yu Liu, Gang Tao:
Multivariable MRAC with state feedback for output tracking. 592-597 - Maryam Bitaraf, Luciana R. Barroso:
Structural performance improvement using MR dampers with adaptive control method. 598-603 - Marco Pavone, Stephen L. Smith, Francesco Bullo, Emilio Frazzoli:
Dynamic multi-vehicle routing with multiple classes of demands. 604-609 - Darren Pais, Ming Cao, Naomi Ehrich Leonard:
Formation shape and orientation control using projected collinear tensegrity structures. 610-615 - Daniel J. Klein, Emmett Lalish, Kristi A. Morgansen:
On controlled sinusoidal phase coupling. 616-622 - Sonia Hernandez, Derek A. Paley:
Stabilization of collective motion in a time-invariant flowfield on a rotating sphere. 623-628 - Jing Zhou, Qian Wang:
Characterizing convergence speed for consensus seeking over dynamically switching directed random networks. 629-634 - Hiroki Kawakami, Toru Namerikawa:
Cooperative target-capturing strategy for multi-vehicle systems with dynamic network topology. 635-640 - Michael Baldea, Monica Zanfir, Prodromos Daoutidis:
Optimal design and observation of counter-current autothermal reactors for the production of hydrogen. 641-646 - Sujit S. Jogwar, Prodromos Daoutidis:
Vapor recompression distillation: Multi-scale dynamics and control. 647-652 - Yulei Sun, Sathyendra Ghantasala, Nael H. El-Farra:
Networked control of Distributed Energy Resources: Application to solid oxide fuel cells. 653-658 - Yongyou Hu, Donald J. Chmielewski:
Nonlinear multivariable predictive control of an autothermal reforming reactor for fuel cell applications. 659-664 - Johannes Jäschke, Helge Smedsrud, Sigurd Skogestad, Henrik Manum:
Optimal operation of a waste incineration plant for district heating. 665-670 - Jeffrey Kantor, Patrick Mousaw:
Models for the optimization and risk management of energy conversion networks. 671-676 - Mathieu Gerard, Michel Verhaegen:
Global and local chassis control based on load sensing. 677-682 - Willem-Jan Evers, Igo Besselink, Arjan Teerhuis, Albert van der Knaap, Henk Nijmeijer:
Controlling active cabin suspensions in commercial vehicles. 683-688 - Junmin Wang, Ming Feng Hsieh:
Vehicle yaw inertia and mass independent adaptive control for stability and trajectory tracking enhancements. 689-694 - Hai Yu, Wei Liang, Ming Kuang, Ryan McGee:
Vehicle handling assistant control system via independent rear axle torque biasing. 695-700 - Jing Zhou, Jianbo Lu, Huei Peng:
Vehicle stabilization in response to exogenous impulsive disturbances to the vehicle body. 701-706 - Adam J. Dean, Sean N. Brennan:
Terrain-based road vehicle localization on multi-lane highways. 707-712 - Brian D. Ewald, Jeffrey Humpherys,