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ACC 2005, Portland, OR, USA
- American Control Conference, ACC 2005, Portland, OR, USA, 8-10 June, 2005. IEEE 2005, ISBN 0-7803-9098-9
- Hai Lin, Guisheng Zhai, Panos J. Antsaklis:
Asymptotic disturbance attenuation property analysis for discrete-time uncertain switched linear systems. 1-6 - Suhada Jayasuriya:
Welcome from general chair. 3-4 - Zhijian Ji, Long Wang:
Robust H∞ control and quadratic stabilization of uncertain discrete-time switched linear systems. 24-29 - Qi Fu, Guangming Xie, Long Wang:
Stability analysis and stabilization synthesis for periodically switched linear systems with uncertainties. 30-35 - 2005 ACC technical program. 38-43
- Marten Völker, Sebastian Engell:
Multiobjective controllability assessment by finite dimensional approximation. 39-44 - Giovanni Marro, Elena Zattoni:
Exact decoupling with preview in the geometric context. 45-50 - Giovanni Marro, Elena Zattoni:
Self-bounded controlled invariant subspaces in model following by output feedback: minimal-order solution for nonminimum-phase systems. 51-56 - Ciann-Dong Yang, Chia-Hung Wei:
Root-locus dynamics. 63-68 - Yingzi Shi, Jiangang Lu:
A framework for distributed fieldbus remote supervisory control system. 69-72 - Xinbin Li, Zhisheng Duan, Lin Huang:
Nonlinear interconnected systems described by integrodifferential equations. 153-158 - Guy Gauthier, Benoit Boulet:
Convergence analysis of terminal ILC in the z domain. 184-189 - Jay D. Schwartz, Daniel E. Rivera, Karl G. Kempf:
Towards control-relevant forecasting in supply chain management. 202-207 - Benjamin P. Loop, Scott D. Sudhoff, Stanislaw H. Zak, Edwin L. Zivi:
An optimization approach to estimating stability regions using genetic algorithms. 231-236 - Mathew Mithra Noel, Thomas C. Jannett:
A new continuous optimization algorithm based on sociological models. 237-242 - Sebastien Gros, Bala Srinivasan, Dominique Bonvin:
Static optimization via tracking of the necessary conditions of optimality using neighboring extremals. 251-255 - Hua Deng, Han-Xiong Li:
Hybrid spectral/neural model based integrated control and supervision of a distributed thermal process in IC packaging. 256-261 - Dong Jia, Bruce H. Krogh:
Min-max feedback model predictive control with state estimation. 262-267 - Chris T. Freeman, Paul L. Lewin, Eric Rogers:
Discrete predictive optimal ILC implemented on a non-minimum phase experimental test-bed. 282-287 - Sung Jin Yoo, Jin Bae Park, Yoon Ho Choi:
Direct adaptive control using self recurrent wavelet neural network via adaptive learning rates for stable path tracking of mobile robots. 288-293 - Stacy D. Hill, László Gerencsér, Zsuzsanna Vágó:
Discrete stochastic approximation via simultaneous difference approximations. 307-308 - Danchi Jiang:
A finite step scheme for general near-optimal stochastic control. 321-326 - Rick Hindman, William M. Shell:
Design of a missile autopilot using adaptive nonlinear dynamic inversion. 327-332 - Weihai Zhang, Jun-e Feng, Bor-Sen Chen, Zhaolin Cheng:
On spectral assignment and detectability of linear stochastic systems. 386-387 - Vijay Shilpiekandula, Kamal Youcef-Toumi:
Modeling and control of a programmable filter for separation of biologically active molecules. 394-399 - Wenxue Wang, Bijoy K. Ghosh, Philip S. Ulinski:
Localization of point targets from cortical waves using ARMA models. 400-404 - Wonshik Chee:
Yaw rate estimation using two 1-axis accelerometers. 423-428 - Sohel Anwar:
Yaw stability control of an automotive vehicle via generalized predictive algorithm. 435-440 - Phanindra Garimella, Bin Yao:
Model based fault detection of an electro-hydraulic cylinder. 484-489 - Hiroshi Ohtake, Kazuo Tanaka, Hua O. Wang:
Fuzzy model-based control for dynamic variable structure systems. 496-500 - Mohamed Mahmoud Gouda:
Fuzzy ventilation control for zone temperature and relative humidity. 507-512 - Erika Biediger, Jason Lawrence, William Singhose:
Improving trajectory tracking for systems with unobservable modes using command generation. 513-518 - Benjamin Jordan, Dhanakorn Iamratanakul, Santosh Devasia:
Optimal output transitions for dual-stage systems: disk drive example. 519-526 - John Stergiopoulos, Stamatis Manesis, Anthony Tzes, George Nikolakopoulos:
Control via input shaping of a pneumatic crane system. 545-550 - Ricardo G. Sanfelice, Rafal Goebel, Andrew R. Teel:
Results on convergence in hybrid systems via detectability and an invariance principle. 551-556 - Mircea Lazar, W. P. M. H. Heemels, Siep Weiland, Alberto Bemporad:
On the stability of quadratic forms based model predictive control of constrained PWA systems. 575-580 - Won-jong Kim, Kun Ji, Ajit Ambike:
Networked real-time control strategies dealing with stochastic time delays and packet losses. 621-626 - Melih Çakmakci, A. Galip Ulsoy:
Bi-directional communication among "smart" components in a networked control system. 627-632 - Junxia Mu, Guo-Ping Liu
, David Rees:
Design of robust networked predictive control systems. 638-643 - Shumei Mu, Tianguang Chu, Long Wang
Impulsive control of networked systems with communication delays. 650-655 - Alexander Hildebrandt, Oliver Sawodny, Rüdiger Neumann, A. Hartmann:
Cascaded control concept of a robot with two degrees of freedom driven by four artificial pneumatic muscle actuators. 680-685 - Christian Ebenbauer, Tobias Raff, Frank Allgöwer
A duality-based LPV approach to polynomial state feedback design. 703-708 - Prashant Mhaskar
, Nael H. El-Farra, Panagiotis D. Christofides:
Stabilization of nonlinear systems with state and control constraints using Lyapunov-based predictive control. 828-833 - Jing Sun, Shuhao Chen, Ilya V. Kolmanovsky
A stable block model predictive control with variable implementation horizon. 834-839 - Wei Wu, Jing Yuan, Li Cheng:
Self-tuning sub-optimal control of time-invariant systems with bounded disturbance. 876-882 - Borislav Penev, Nikolai D. Christov
A fast time-optimal control synthesis algorithm for a class of linear systems. 883-888 - Hashem Ashrafiuon, Richard Scott Erwin:
Shape change maneuvers for attitude control of underactuated satellites. 895-900 - Dan Shi, Prashant Mhaskar
, Nael H. El-Farra, Panagiotis D. Christofides:
Predictive control of particle size distribution in protein crystallization. 943-948 - Erik I. Verriest, Florent Delmotte, Magnus Egerstedt:
Control of epidemics by vaccination. 985-990 - Theo Hofman, Roëll van Druten:
Concept design for hybrid vehicle power systems. 1016-1020 - Samuel O. Owusu, Qing Li, R. Russell Rhinehart:
Run length-based control performance monitors: a comparison between two techniques. 1042-1047 - Cheng Shao, Dimitrios Hristu-Varsakelis
Bio-inspired optimal control via intermittent cooperation. 1060-1065 - Zhihua Qu, Jing Wang, Richard A. Hull:
Products of row stochastic matrices and their applications to cooperative control for autonomous mobile robots. 1066-1071 - Georgios C. Chasparis
, Jeff S. Shamma:
Linear-programming-based multi-vehicle path planning with adversaries. 1072-1077 - Xiefu Jiang, Qing-Long Han, Xinghuo Yu:
Robust H∞ control for uncertain Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy systems with interval time-varying delay. 1114-1119 - Xinghui Huang, Roberto Horowitz, Yunfeng Li:
Design and analysis of robust track-following controllers for dual-stage servo systems with an instrumented suspension. 1126-1131 - Aaron D. Ames, Shankar Sastry:
Characterization of Zeno behavior in hybrid systems using homological methods. 1160-1165 - Jongwoo Kim, Joel M. Esposito:
Adaptive sample bias for rapidly-exploring random trees with applications to test generation. 1166-1172 - ShiNung Ching, Edward J. Davison:
Control of plants which change using switching controllers. 1181-1185 - Lei Miao, Christos G. Cassandras:
Optimality of static control policies in some discrete event systems. 1186-1191 - Lee H. Keel, S. P. Bhattacharyya:
Direct synthesis of first order controllers from frequency response measurements. 1192-1196 - Aitor Bilbao-Guillerna, Manuel de la Sen
, Santiago Alonso-Quesada
On a root locus-based analysis of the limiting zeros of plants of nominal order at most two under FROH-discretization. 1205-1207 - Hideaki Ishii, Tamer Basar:
Robust identification over networks. 1233-1238 - Venkatesh K. Madyastha, Anthony J. Calise:
An adaptive filtering approach to target tracking. 1269-1274 - Songhwai Oh, Shankar Sastry:
A polynomial-time approximation algorithm for joint probabilistic data association. 1283-1288 - Mustafa Unel, Bijoy K. Ghosh:
Motion estimation of plane polynomial curves. 1289-1294 - Yushan Li, Sesh Commuri, John Y. Cheung, Pramode K. Verma:
A robust controller for uncertain nonlinear systems and its application to a motor-driven system. 1307-1312 - Salvatore Monaco, Dorothée Normand-Cyrot:
Quadratic feedback linearization and normal forms for two-input discrete-time systems. 1319-1324 - Eiji Mizutani, Stuart E. Dreyfus:
Stagewise Newton, differential dynamic programming, and neighboring optimum control for neural-network learning. 1331-1336 - Zaeem A. Khan, Sunil K. Agrawal:
Force and moment characterization of flapping wings for micro air vehicle application. 1515-1520 - Wenguo Liu, Jie Chen:
Probabilistic model validation problems with H∞ type uncertainties. 1539-1544 - Jing Zhang, Fang Chu, Nizamuddin Mohammed:
DSP controller based signal processing of physiological hand tremor. 1569-1574 - D. Subbaram Naidu, Vidya K. Nandikolla:
Fusion of hard and soft control strategies for left ventricular ejection dynamics arising in biomedicine. 1575-1580 - P. Gupta, Andrew G. Alleyne:
Centralized and decentralized powertrain controllers for an earthmoving vehicle. 1613-1618 - Derek B. Kingston, Wei Ren, Randal W. Beard:
Consensus algorithms are input-to-state stable. 1686-1690 - Zhisheng Duan, Jin-Zhi Wang, Lin Huang:
Special decentralized control problems and effectiveness of parameter-dependent Lyapunov function method. 1697-1702 - Feipeng Da, Shumin Fei, Xianzhong Dai:
Sliding mode adaptive output feedback control of nonlinear systems using neural networks. 1721-1726 - Guang Ren, Zhihong Xiu:
Analytical design of Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy control systems. 1733-1738 - Guohong Huang, Zhihua Xiong, Huihe Shao:
Face recognition based on constructive neural networks covering learning algorithm. 1739-1744 - R. Galindo:
Mixed sensitivity H∞ control of a three-tank-system. 1764-1769 - Luis Rodrigues:
State feedback control of piecewise-affine systems with norm bounded noise. 1793-1798 - Takehito Azuma, Hiyoyuki Naito, Masayuki Fujita
Experimental verification of stabilizing congestion controllers using the network testbed. 1841-1846 - Chengnian Long, Bin Zhao, Xinping Guan, Bo Yang:
Stability analysis and filter design for LRED algorithm. 1847-1852 - Lei Fang, Panos J. Antsaklis:
Information consensus of asynchronous discrete-time multi-agent systems. 1883-1888 - Chee-Fai Yung, Jenq-Lang Wu:
Controller synthesis for a class of second-order nonlinear systems. 1921-1922 - Zhihua Xiong, Jie Zhang
, Xiong Wang, Yongmao Xu:
An integrated batch-to-batch iterative learning control and within batch control strategy for batch processes. 1935-1940 - Joel Shields, Richard Bailey, Brent Lytle, Jeff Schroeder, Boris Lurie, Ahmet Behçet Açikmese, Guru Singh, Jason Keim, Asif Ahmed:
System design, modelling, and tracking filter for bearings only analog camera. 1981-1986 - W. Ren, L. Qian, Y. Liu, Michael Steurer, David A. Cartes:
Real time digital simulations augmenting the development of functional reconfiguration of PEBB and universal controller. 2005-2010 - Nikolaos I. Xiros, Vasilios Tsourapas:
From neural state-space description of marine powerplants to reduced-order Volterra models. 2017-2022 - Sumedh P. Puranik, Jitendra K. Tugnait:
Multisensor tracking of multiple maneuvering targets using multiscan JPDA and IMM filtering. 2058-2063 - Anton A. Stoorvogel, Jasmine Minteer, Ciprian Deliu:
Decentralized control with input saturation: a first step toward design. 2082-2087 - Xiaodong Zhao, Li Chai, Anke Xue:
Output regulation of linear systems with input constraints. 2088-2092 - Michael J. Robertson, William E. Singhose:
Closed-form deflection-limiting commands. 2104-2109 - Jianjun Shi, Atul G. Kelkar, Don Soloway:
Reconfigurable GPC with application to flight control. 2116-2121 - Henrik Niemann
Fault tolerant control based on active fault diagnosis. 2224-2229 - Craig G. Rieger, D. Subbaram Naidu:
Implementation of a hybrid controller for ventilation control using soft computing. 2245-2250 - Apostolos Kotsialos, Markos Papageorgiou:
A hierarchical ramp metering control scheme for freeway networks. 2257-2262 - Venkatram Padmanabhan, R. Russell Rhinehart:
A novel termination criterion for optimization. 2281-2286 - Michihiro Kawanishi, Yuu Ikuyama:
BMI optimization based on unimodal normal distribution crossover GA with relaxed LMI convex estimation. 2299-2304 - Wallace E. Larimore:
Maximum likelihood subspace identification for linear, nonlinear, and closed-loop systems. 2305-2319 - Ben C. Juricek, Dale E. Seborg, Wallace E. Larimore:
Process control applications of subspace and regression-based identification and monitoring methods. 2341-2346 - Yong Liu, Marwan A. Simaan:
Competitive team strategies for routing control in parallel-link communication networks. 2347-2352 - Reza Olfati-Saber:
Ultrafast consensus in small-world networks. 2371-2378 - Louis Breger, Jonathan P. How, Arthur Richards:
Model predictive control of spacecraft formations with sensing noise. 2385-2390 - Isaac Miller, Mark E. Campbell
Validation of simplified formation models at L2. 2397-2404 - Hong Wong, Vikram Kapila:
Spacecraft formation flying near sun-earth L2 Lagrange point: trajectory generation and adaptive output feedback control. 2411-2418 - Ilya A. Shkolnikov, Yuri B. Shtessel, Sergey Plekhanov:
Multi-rate digital design for sliding-mode-observer-based feedback control. 2427-2432 - Kalyana C. Veluvolu, Yeng Chai Soh, Wen-Jun Cao, Z. Y. Liu:
Observer with multiple sliding modes for a class of nonlinear uncertain systems. 2445-2450 - Ji Xiang, Hongye Su, Jian Chu:
On the design of Walcott-Zak sliding mode observer. 2451-2456 - Paul C.-P. Chao, Jeng-Sheng Huang, C.-W. Chiu, Chien-Yu Shen:
Design and experimental study of an observer-based controller for a three-DOF four-wire type optical pickup head. 2457-2462 - Xiaobo Tan, Alireza Modafe, Reza Ghodssi:
An empirical model for dynamic friction in microfabricated linear microball bearings. 2463-2468 - Sean B. Andersson, Jiwoong Park:
Tip steering for fast imaging in AFM. 2469-2474 - Mariateresa Napoli, Craig Olroyd, Bassam Bamieh, Kimberly Turner:
A novel sensing scheme for the displacement of electrostatically actuated microcantilevers. 2475-2480 - R. Palamakumbura, Wijesuriya P. Dayawansa, D. H. Sanjeeva Maithripala, Hiroshi Inaba:
Control of travelling pulses in MEMS arrays: numerical evidence of practical asymptotic stabilization. 2481-2486 - Guchuan Zhu, Jean Lévine, Laurent Praly:
On the differential flatness and control of electrostatically actuated MEMS. 2493-2498 - John Leavitt, Faryar Jabbari, James E. Boborw:
Optimal control and performance of variable stiffness devices for structural control. 2499-2504 - Kazuhiko Hiramoto, Karolos M. Grigoriadis:
Integrated design of structural and control systems with a homotopy like iterative method. 2510-2515 - Laura Menini, Antonio Tornambè:
Input-output decoupling with asymptotic stability of linear mechanical systems through connection with another mechanical system. 2528-2533 - Constantinos I. Siettos, Ioannis G. Kevrekidis, Nikolaos Kazantzis
Equation-free, coarse-grained feedback linearization. 2554-2558 - Lubomír Bakule:
Complexity-reduced guaranteed cost control design for delayed uncertain symmetrically connected systems. 2590-2595 - Sugathevan Suranthiran, Suhada Jayasuriya:
Use of non-convex optimization to recover signals distorted by memoryless non-invertible sensor nonlinearities. 2634-2639 - Mac Schwager, Anuradha M. Annaswamy, Eugene Lavretsky:
Adaptation-based reconfiguration in the presence of actuator failures and saturation. 2640-2645 - Yoshiaki Kuwata, Jonathan P. How:
Receding horizon implementation of MILP for vehicle guidance. 2684-2685 - Ashvin Lakshmikantha, Carolyn L. Beck, R. Srikant:
On the use of SoS methods for analysis of connection-level stability in the Internet. 2705-2708 - Kaiyu Wang, John N. Chiasson, Marc Bodson, Leon M. Tolbert:
An on-line method for tracking the rotor time constant of an induction machine. 2739-2744