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AFIPS NCC 1973: New York, NY, USA
- American Federation of Information Processing Societies: 1973 National Computer Conference, 4-8 June 1973, New York, NY, USA. AFIPS Conference Proceedings 42, AFIPS Press/ACM 1974, ISBN 978-1-4503-7916-8
Delegate society session: the Association for Computational Linguistics
- David G. Hays:
Linguistics and the future of computation. 1-7 - Jane J. Robinson:
Syntax and computation. 8 - Sally Yeates Sedelow:
Literary text processing. 8 - Donald E. Walker:
Speech understanding. 8
Delegate society session: Society for Information Display
- Douglas C. Engelbart, Richard W. Watson, James C. Norton:
The augmented knowledge workshop. 9-21 - R. M. Dunn:
Graphics, problem solving and virtual systems. 23-30
Delegate society session: Association for Computing Machinery
- Thomas E. Bell:
Performance determination: the selection of tools, if any. 31-38 - Anthony Ralston:
Computing societies: resource or hobby? 38
Delegate society session: Special Libraries Association
- E. A. Strable:
The special libraries association today. 39 - B. H. Weil:
Copyright problems in information processing. 39 - Logan C. Cowgill, David L. Weisbrod:
Standards for library information processing. 39
Delegate society session: Association for Educational Data Systems
- Bruce K. Alcorn:
A network for computer users. 40 - Thomas J. McConnell Jr.:
Uses of the computer in large school districts. 40 - Duane E. Richardson:
Training of teachers in computer usage. 41 - Donald R. Thomas:
How schools can use consultants. 41
Delegate society session: society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
- John R. Rice:
NAPSS-like systems: problems and prospects. 43-47 - Thomas E. Hull:
The correctness of programs for numerical computation. 48
Delegate society session: the Society for Computer Simulation
- John McLeod:
The changing role of simulation and the simulation councils. 49 - Thomas H. Naylor:
Up, up and away. 50 - Peter W. House:
Policy models: concepts and rules-of-thumb. 50 - George S. Fishman:
On validation of simulation models. 51
Delegate society session: IEEE Computer Society
- Howard Campaigne:
In the beginning. 52 - William F. Simon:
Factors affecting commercial computers system design in the seventies. 52 - George M. Sokol:
Factors impacting on the evolution of military computers. 52
Delegate society session: Instrument Society of America
- Cecil L. Smith, Armando B. Corripio, Raymond Goldstein:
Modeling and simulation in the process industries. 53-56 - Theodore J. Williams, Kirwin A. Whitman:
Needs for industrial computer standards: as satisfied by ISA's programs in this area. 57-61
Performance evaluation
- T. F. McFadden, Jon C. Strauss:
Quantitative evaluation of file management performance improvements. 63-68 - M. A. Diethelm:
A method of evaluating mass storage effects on system performance. 69-74 - Richard E. Fryer:
The memory bus monitor: a new device for developing real-time systems. 75-79 - Katsuya Hakozaki, Masahiro Yamamoto, Takaki Ono, Naoya Ohno, Mamoru Umemura:
Design and evaluation system for computer architecture. 81-86 - M. A. Sencer, C. L. Sheng:
An analysis of multiprogrammed time-sharing computer systems. 87-91 - Jack M. Schwartz, Donald S. Wyner:
Use of the SPASM software monitor to evaluate the performance of the Burroughs B6700. 93-100 - Gregory R. Lloyd, Richard E. Merwin:
Evaluation of performance of parallel processors in a real-time environment. 101-108 - Peter H. Hughes, Geir Moe:
A structural approach to computer performance analysis. 109-120
Network computers---economic considerations---problems and solutions
- Edward K. Bowdon Sr., Sandra A. Mamrak, Fred R. Salz:
Simulation: a tool for performance evaluation in network computers. 121-131 - Michael L. Coleman:
ACCNET: a corporate computer network. 133-140 - Theodore D. Friedman:
A system of APL functions to study computer networks. 141-148 - Harvey Z. Kriloff:
A high-level language for use with multi-computer networks. 149-153 - Robert H. Thomas:
A resource sharing executive for the ARPANET. 155-163 - Richard M. Van Slyke, Wushow Chou, Howard Frank:
Avoiding simulation in simulating computer communication networks. 165-169
Associative processors
- Richard Moulder:
An implementation of a data management system on an associative processor. 171-176 - H. R. Downs:
Aircraft conflict detection in an associative processor. 177-180 - Casper R. DeFiore, P. Bruce Berra:
A data management system utilizing an associative memory. 181-185 - Richard R. Linde, Roy Gates, Te-Fu Peng:
Associative processor applications to real-time data management. 187-195
Automated project management systems
- Rohi Chauhan:
A computer graphics assisted system for management. 197-202
Tutorial on resource utilization in the computing process
- William Gorman:
On the use of generalized executive system software. 203-210 - Maurice H. Halstead:
Language selection for applications. 211-214
Information networks---international communication systems
- Jack E. Brown:
A national scientific and technical information system for Canada. 215 - Kjell Samuelson:
Global networks for information, communications and computers. 215
Intelligent terminals
- Ira W. Cotton:
Panel session on intelligent terminals: a position paper---chairman's introduction. 217-218 - M. Zane Thornton:
Electronic point-of-sale terminals: a position paper. 219 - Douglas C. Engelbart:
Design considerations for knowledge workshop terminals. 221-227 - Andries van Dam, George M. Stabler:
Intelligent satellites for interactive graphics. 229-238
Trends in data base management
- Kevin M. Whitney:
Fourth generation data management systems. 239-244 - Stuart T. Byrom, Walter T. Hardgrave:
Representation of sets on mass storage devices for information retrieval systems. 245-250 - Richard G. Casey:
Design of tree networks for distributed data. 251-257 - Jay F. Nunamaker Jr., Donald Eugene Swenson, Andrew B. Whinston:
Specifications for the development of a generalized data base planning system. 259-270 - Paul F. King, Arthur J. Collmeyer:
Database sharing: an efficient mechanism for supporting concurrent processes. 271-275 - Peter P. S. Chen:
Optimal file allocation in multi-level storage systems. 277-282 - J. D. Krinos:
Interaction statistics from a database management system. 283-290
Conversion problems
- William E. Hanna Jr.:
EDP conversion consideration. 290
Virtual machines
- Jeffrey P. Buzen, Ugo O. Gagliardi:
The evolution of virtual machine architecture. 291-299 - Ronald J. Srodawa, Lee A. Bates:
An efficient virtual machine implementation. 301-308 - Robert P. Goldberg:
Architecture of virtual machines. 309-318
Computer-based integrated design systems
- Thomas R. Rhodes:
The computer-aided design environment project (COMRADE). 319-324 - Jack Brainin:
Use of COMRADE in engineering design. 325-329 - Robert W. Tinker, Ira L. Avrunin:
The COMRADE executive system. 331-337 - Stanley E. Willner, Ann Ellis Bandurski, William C. Gorham Jr., Michael A. Wallace:
COMRADE data management system. 339-345 - Bernard M. Thomson:
PLEX data structure for integrated ship design. 347-352 - Ann Ellis Bandurski, Michael A. Wallace:
COMRADE data management system storage and retrieval techniques. 353-357 - C. Michael Chernick:
COMRADE design administration system. 359-363
Academic computing at the junior/community college---programs and problems
- Donald A. Davidson:
A business data processing curriculum for community colleges. 365-366 - Harold Joseph Highland:
Computing at the junior/community college: programs and problems. 367-369 - John Maniotes:
The two year and four year computer technology programs at Purdue University. 371-377 - Charles B. Thompson:
Computing studies at Farmingdale. 379-380 - Robert G. Bise:
Computer education at Orange Coast College: problems and programs in the fourth phase. 381-384 - Alton W. Ashworth Jr.:
Computing at Central Texas College. 385
Storage systems
- Allan L. Scherr:
The design of IBM OS/VS2 release 2. 387-394 - T. F. Wheeler Jr.:
IBM OS/VS1: an evolutionary growth system. 395-400 - W. A. Schwomeyer:
Verification of a virtual storage architecture on a microprogrammed computer. 401-406 - Eiji Yodokawa:
On a mathematical model of magnetic bubble logic. 407-412 - H. Chang, Tien Chi Chen, C. Tung:
The realization of symmetric switching functions using magnetic bubble technology. 413-420 - W. C. Hohn, P. D. Jones:
The control data STAR-100 paging station. 421-426
Natural language processing
- Ralph Grishman, Naomi Sager, Carol Raze, B. Bookchin:
The linguistic string parser. 427-434 - Ronald M. Kaplan:
A multi-processing approach to natural language. 435-440 - William A. Woods:
Progress in natural language understanding: an application to lunar geology. 441-450 - Gary R. Martins:
Experiments in sophisticated content analysis. 451 - Robert F. Simmons:
Modelling English conversations. 451
Discrete algorithms---applications and measurement
- John E. Savage:
The efficiency of algorithms and machines: a survey of the complexity theoretic approach. 452 - Frank K. Hwang, Shen Lin:
Hypergeometric group testing algorithms. 452 - Peter Weiner:
The file transmission problem. 453 - C. L. Liu:
Analysis of sorting algorithms. 453 - William R. Pulleyblank:
Min-max relations and combinatorial algorithms. 453 - J. Ian Munro:
In search of the fastest algorithm. 453
Applications of automatic pattern recognition
- Edward A. Patrick, Leon Y. L. Shen, Frank P. Stelmack:
Introduction to the theory of medical consulting and diagnosis. 455-461 - Robert S. Ledley:
Pattern recognition with interactive computing for a half dozen clinical applications of health care delivery. 463-477 - Edward J. Simmons Jr.:
Interactive pattern recognition: a designer's tool. 479-483 - David L. Shipman, Clarence R. Fulmer:
Auto scan: techinque for scanning masses of data to determine potential areas for detailed analysis. 485-488
Ingredients of pattern recognition
- Robert S. Ledley, H. K. Huang, Thomas J. Golab, Yeshwant G. Kulkarni, Gerard Pence, Louis S. Rotolo:
SPIDAC: specimen input to digital automatic computer. 489-496 - Ranan B. Banerji:
A method for the easy storage of discriminant polynomials. 497-501 - Michael F. Dacey:
A non-associative arithmetic for shapes of channel networks. 503-508 - Leonard Uhr:
The description of scenes over time and space. 509-517
Advanced hardware
- Ronald Brody:
Tuning the hardware via a high level language (ALGOL). 518 - John C. Davis:
10-5-10-7 cent/bit storage media, what does it mean? 518 - Gary Huckell:
Computer on a chip and a network of chips. 518
The growing potential of mini/small systems
- Paul Constantine Anagnostopoulos, M. J. Michel, Gary H. Sockut, George M. Stabler, Andries van Dam:
Computer architecture and instruction set design. 519-527 - Frank E. Heart, Severo M. Ornstein, William R. Crowther, W. B. Barker:
A new minicomputer/multiprocessor for the ARPA network. 529-537 - Thomas J. Harrison, Thomas J. Pierce:
System integrity in small real-time computer systems. 539-543 - Michael J. Lutz:
The design and implementation of a small scale stack processor system. 545-553 - John E. Stockenberg, Paul Constantine Anagnostopoulos, R. E. Johnson, Robert G. Munck, George M. Stabler, Andries van Dam:
Operating system design considerations for microprogrammed mini-computer satellite systems. 555-562
A graduate program in computer science
- Michel A. Melkanoff:
Another attempt to define computer science. 563 - Michel A. Melkanoff, Bruce H. Barnes, Gerald L. Engel:
The masters degree program in computer science. 563
Cryptology in the age of automation
- Fred A. Stahl:
A homophonic cipher for computational cryptography. 565-568 - Greg E. Mellen:
Cryptology, computers, and common sense. 569-579 - Irving S. Reed:
Information theory and privacy in data banks. 581-587 - Rein Turn:
Privacy transformations for databank systems. 589-601 - Carl H. Meyer:
Design considerations for cryptography. 603-606
Design and development of application packages for users
- Wayne B. Nelson, Mary Phillips, Linda Thumhart:
More effective computer packages for applications. 607-614 - Allen B. Tucker:
EASYSTAT: an easy-to-use statistics package. 615-619 - R. A. Baker, T. A. Jones:
ACID: a user-oriented system of statistical programs. 621-623
A day with graphics: graphics applications I
- Lara H. Baker Jr., Edwin K. Tucker:
Graphics and engineering: computer generated color sound movies. 625-627 - Ronald E. Notestine:
Graphics and computer-aided design in aerospace. 629-633 - Charles M. Williams:
Graphics and digitizing automatic transduction of drawings into data bases. 635-637 - Carol M. Newton:
Graphics in medicine and biology. 639-642
A day with graphics: graphic applications II
- Ronald D. Resch:
The topological design of sculptural and architectural systems. 643-650 - William M. Newman:
An informal graphics system based on the LOGO language. 651-655 - Robert C. Gammill, David Robertson:
Graphics and interactive systems: design considerations of a software system. 657-662 - Nicholas Negroponte:
Recent advances in sketch recognition. 663-675