International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies (Ada-Europe)

Venue statistics

records by year

document access 

    frequent authors

      Ada-Europe 2018: Lisbon, Portugal

      Ada-Europe 2017: Vienna, Austria

      Ada-Europe 2016: Pisa, Italy

      Ada-Europe 2015: Madrid, Spain

      Ada-Europe 2014: Paris, France

      Ada-Europe 2013: Berlin, Germany

      Ada-Europe 2012: Stockholm, Sweden

      Ada-Europe 2011: Edinburgh, UK

      Ada-Europe 2010: Valencia, Spain

      Ada-Europe 2009: Brest, France

      Ada-Europe 2008: Venice, Italy

      Ada-Europe 2007: Geneva, Switzerland

      Ada-Europe 2006: Porto, Portugal

      Ada-Europe 2005: York, UK

      Ada-Europe 2004: Palma de Mallorca, Spain

      Ada-Europe 2003: Toulouse, France

      Ada-Europe 2002: Vienna, Austria

      Ada-Europe 2001: Leuven, Belgium

      Ada-Europe 2000: Potsdam, Germany

      Ada-Europe 1999: Santander, Spain

      Ada-Europe 1998: Uppsala, Sweden

      Ada-Europe 1997: London, UK

      Ada-Europe 1996: Montreux, Switzerland

      Ada-Europe 1995: Frankfurt/Main, Germany

      Ada-Europe 1994: Copenhagen, Denmark

      Ada-Europe 1993: Paris, France

      Ada-Europe 1992: Zandvoort, The Netherlands

      Ada-Europe 1991: Athens, Greece

      System Development and Ada 1986: Capri, Italy

      Ada Software Tools Interfaces 1983: Bath, UK