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42nd ACSCC 2008: Pacific Grove, CA, USA
- 42nd Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, ACSSC 2008, Pacific Grove, CA, USA, October 26-29, 2008. IEEE 2008, ISBN 978-1-4244-2940-0
- Arye Nehorai:
Session MA1: Waveform design methods. 1-2 - Simon Haykin, Yanbo Xue
, Timothy N. Davidson
Optimal waveform design for cognitive radar. 3-7 - John J. Benedetto, Jeffrey J. Donatelli
Frames and a vector-valued ambiguity function. 8-12 - Shahzada B. Rasool, Mark R. Bell:
Novel waveform and processing techniques for monostatic and bistatic radar. 13-20 - Rani Daher, Raviraj Adve:
Analysis of random radar networks. 21-25 - Michael D. Zoltowski, Tariq R. Qureshi, A. Robert Calderbank, William Moran:
Unitary design of radar waveform diversity sets. 26-30 - Jun Zhang, Bhavana B. Manjunath, Ghassan Maalouli, Antonia Papandreou-Suppappola, Darryl Morrell:
Dynamic waveform design for target tracking using MIMO radar. 31-35 - Martin Hurtado
, Arye Nehorai:
Bat-inspired adaptive design of waveform and trajectory for radar. 36-40 - Chun-Yang Chen, P. P. Vaidyanathan:
Compressed sensing in MIMO radar. 41-44 - Jean-Christophe Olivo-Marin:
Session MA2: Advances in bioimaging and analysis. 45-46 - Dirk Ryan Padfield, Jens Rittscher
, Badrinath Roysam:
Methods for monitoring cellular motion and function. 47-50 - Alexandre Dufour
, Jean-Christophe Olivo-Marin:
Tracking live cells in 4D microscopy: From active surfaces to active meshes. 51-55 - Shann-Ching Chen, Gaudenz Danuser:
Quantitative analysis of border cell migration. 56-60 - Willy Supatto
, Amy McMahon, Scott E. Fraser
, Angelike Stathopoulos:
Quantitative imaging of the collective cell movements shaping an embryo. 61-63 - Sripad Ram, Prashant Prabhat, Jerry Chao, Anish V. Abraham
, E. Sally Ward
, Raimund J. Ober
Localizing single molecules in three dimensions - A brief review. 64-66 - Yingbin Liang:
Session MA3a: Relaying and cooperation I. 67-68 - Bobak Nazer, Michael Gastpar:
Compute-and-forward: A novel strategy for cooperative networks. 69-73 - Yijia Fan, Furuzan Atay Onat, Halim Yanikomeroglu
, H. Vincent Poor
Threshold based distributed detection that achieves full diversity in wireless sensor networks. 74-79 - V. Sreekanth Annapureddy, Venugopal V. Veeravalli, Sriram Vishwanath:
On the sum capacity of MIMO interference channel in the low interference regime. 80-84 - Osvaldo Simeone
, Oren Somekh, Gerhard Kramer
, H. Vincent Poor, Shlomo Shamai
Three-user Gaussian multiple access channel with partially cooperating encoders. 85-89 - Qing Zhao:
Session MA3b: Stochastic control and decision theory for cognitive radio networks. 90-92 - Keqin Liu, Qing Zhao:
Channel probing for opportunistic access with multi-channel sensing. 93-97 - Lifeng Lai, Hai Jiang
, H. Vincent Poor
Medium access in cognitive radio networks: A competitive multi-armed bandit framework. 98-102 - Jayakrishnan Unnikrishnan
, Venugopal V. Veeravalli:
Dynamic spectrum access with learning for cognitive radio. 103-107 - Jeff Andrews:
Session MA4: Multiuser MIMO networks. 108-110 - Christopher Hunter, Ashutosh Sabharwal:
Random access cooperative communication. 111-115 - Osvaldo Simeone
, Oren Somekh, H. Vincent Poor, Shlomo Shamai
Enhancing uplink throughput via local base station cooperation. 116-120 - Kyeongyeon Kim, Il Han Kim, David J. Love:
Utilizing temporal correlation in multiuser MIMO feedback. 121-125 - Tiangao Gou, Syed Ali Jafar
Degrees of freedom of the K user MIMO interference channel. 126-130 - Kaibin Huang, Robert W. Heath Jr.
, Jeffrey G. Andrews, Dongning Guo, Randall A. Berry
Spatial interference cancelation for mobile ad hoc networks: Imperfect CSI. 131-135 - Hooman Shirani-Mehr, Daniel N. Liu, Giuseppe Caire:
Channel state prediction, feedback and scheduling for a multiuser MIMO-OFDM downlink. 136-140 - Peter Hammarberg, Pierluigi Salvo Rossi, Fredrik Tufvesson
, Ove Edfors
, Veli-Matti Kolmonen, Peter Almers, R. R. Muller, Andreas F. Molisch:
On the performance of iterative receivers for interfering MIMO-OFDM systems in measured channels. 141-145 - Sana Sfar, Gerard J. Foschini, Reinaldo A. Valenzuela, Laurence Mailaender, Dmitry Chizhik, Kemal Karakayali, Rick S. Blum:
Is relayed collaborative communication worth it? 146-150 - Süleyman Sirri Demirsoy:
Session MA5: Programmable and reconfigurable architectures. 151-152 - Martin Langhammer:
High performance matrix multiply using fused datapath operators. 153-159 - Chris Dick, Kiarash Amiri, Joseph R. Cavallaro
, Raghu Mysore Rao:
Design and architecture of spatial multiplexing MIMO decoders for FPGAs. 160-164 - Anh Thien Tran, Dean Nguyen Truong, Bevan M. Baas:
A complete real-time 802.11a baseband receiver implemented on an array of programmable processors. 165-170 - Shuang Wang, Samuel Cheng, Qiang Wu:
A parallel decoding algorithm of LDPC codes using CUDA. 171-175 - Gary J. Upperman, Teresa L. O. Upperman, Douglas J. Fouts, Phillip E. Pace:
Efficient time-frequency and bi-frequency signal processing on a reconfigurable computer. 176-180 - Rabinder Madan:
Session MA6: MIMO radar and sensor fusion. 181-182 - Fred Daum, Jim Huang:
MIMO radar: Snake oil or good idea? 183-187 - P. P. Vaidyanathan, Piya Pal, Chun-Yang Chen:
MIMO radar with broadband waveforms: Smearing filter banks and 2D virtual arrays. 188-192 - Wenshu Zhang, Liuqing Yang:
Communication-inspired sensing. 193-197 - M. A. Haleem, Alex Haimovich:
On the distribution of ambiguity levels in MIMO radar. 198-202 - Athina P. Petropulu, Yao Yu, H. Vincent Poor
Distributed MIMO radar using compressive sampling. 203-207 - Murat Akçakaya, Martin Hurtado
, Arye Nehorai:
MIMO radar detection of targets in compound-Gaussian clutter. 208-212 - Christian R. Berger, Shengli Zhou, Peter Willett
, Bruno Demissie, Jörg Heckenbach:
Compressed sensing for OFDM/MIMO radar. 213-217 - Daniel R. Fuhrmann:
Adaptive sensing of target signature with unknown amplitude. 218-222 - Jean-Yves Tourneret:
Session MA7: Adaptive filtering: Theory and applications. 223-224 - Leilei Li, Yonggang Zhang, Jonathon A. Chambers:
Variable length adaptive filtering within incremental learning algorithms for distributed networks. 225-229 - José Carlos M. Bermudez
, Neil J. Bershad, Jean-Yves Tourneret:
An affine combination of two NLMS adaptive filters - Transient mean-square analysis. 230-235 - Renato Candido
, Magno T. M. Silva, Vítor H. Nascimento
Affine combinations of adaptive filters. 236-240 - Bob L. Sturm
, John J. Shynk:
Interference-driven adaptation in sparse approximation. 241-245 - Paul Honeine
, Cédric Richard, José Carlos M. Bermudez
, Hichem Snoussi:
Distributed prediction of time series data with kernels and adaptive filtering techniques in sensor networks. 246-250 - Federico S. Cattivelli, Ali H. Sayed:
Diffusion LMS algorithms with information exchange. 251-255 - Kevin T. Wagner, Milos I. Doroslovacki:
Analytical analysis of transient and steady-state properties of the proportionate NLMS algorithm. 256-260 - C. Radhakrishnan, William K. Jenkins:
Fault tolerant adaptive filters based on number theoretic transforms. 261-265 - Brian Evans:
Session MA8a1: Array processing and source localization. 266-268 - Jean-Jacques Fuchs:
On the use of the global matched filter for DOA estimation in the presence of correlated waveforms. 269-273 - Da Xie, Tingting Niu, Jianguo Huang
, Hongya Ge:
Hybrid Cramér-Rao bound for moving array. 274-277 - Tarik Yardibi, Jian Li, Petre Stoica:
Nonparametric and sparse signal representations in array processing via iterative adaptive approaches. 278-282 - Colin W. Jemmott, R. Lee Culver, N. K. Bose:
Passive sonar target localization using a histogram filter with model-derived priors. 283-287 - Goran Ivkovic, Predrag Spasojevic
, Ivan Seskar:
Localization of packet based radio transmitters in space, time, and frequency. 288-292 - Hung Lai, Kristine L. Bell, Henry Cox:
DOA estimation using vector sensor arrays. 293-297 - Pasi Pertilä:
Array steered response time-alignment for propagation delay compensation for acoustic localization. 298-302 - Brian Stein, Yang You, Terry J. Brudner, Brian L. Evans:
Advanced sonar processing techniques for underwater acoustic multi-input multi-output communications. 303-307 - James R. Zeidler:
Session MA8a2: Multiuser MIMO. 308-310 - Zhilan Xiong, Ranaji Krishna, Sangarapillai Lambotharan, Jonathon A. Chambers:
A GMD-based precoding scheme for downlink multiuser multistream MIMO channels. 311-315 - Raphaël Hunger, David A. Schmidt, Michael Joham:
A combinatorial approach to maximizing the sum rate in the MIMO BC with linear precoding. 316-320 - Patricia Layec, Pablo Piantanida, Raphaël Visoz, Antoine O. Berthet
Transceiver design for sum-MSE optimization in MIMO-MAC with imperfect channel estimation. 321-325 - Adam L. Anderson
, James R. Zeidler, Michael A. Jensen:
Instantaneous and average rate maximization in MIMO multiple-access channels (MAC) with linear processing. 326-330 - Roland Tresch, Christian Mehlführer, Maxime Guillaud
LMMSE channel estimation for MIMO W-CDMA with out-of-cell interference mitigation. 331-335 - Christian Guthy, Wolfgang Utschick
, Guido Dietl, Pedro Tejera:
Efficient linear successive allocation for the MIMO broadcast channel. 336-340 - Chinmay S. Vaze, Mahesh K. Varanasi:
Dirty Paper Coding for fading channels with partial transmitter side information. 341-345 - Jörg Wagner, Armin Wittneben:
On capacity scaling of (long) MIMO amplify-and-forward multihop networks. 346-350 - Hyun Jong Yang, Bang Chul Jung
, Joohwan Chun:
Zero-forcing-based two-phase relaying with multiple mobile stations. 351-355 - Luca Venturino
, Narayan Prasad, Xiaodong Wang:
Coordinated linear beamforming in downlink multi-cell wireless networks. 356-360 - Jian Li:
Session MA8a3: Beamforming. 361-362 - Lin Du, Tarik Yardibi, Jian Li, Petre Stoica:
Review of user parameter-free robust adaptive beamforming algorithms. 363-367 - Sheng-Luen Wei, John J. Shynk:
A semiblind adaptive antenna for WCDMA using a least-squares constant-modulus formulation. 368-371 - David Gutiérrez
Designing a spatial filter to improve SNR in two-class discrimination problems for BCI applications. 372-377 - K. Cumanan, Ranaji Krishna, V. Sharma, Sangarapillai Lambotharan:
Robust interference control techniques for multiuser cognitive radios using worst-case performance optimization. 378-382 - Bryan A. Yocom, Thomas W. Yudichak, Brian R. La Cour
Passive beamforming enhancements in relation to active-passive data fusion. 383-387 - Ryuhei Takahashi, Kazufumi Hirata, Hisakazu Maniwa:
Preprocessing by eigenbeams and Doppler filters to improve performance of detection of signal number. 388-392 - Kyungchul Kim, Jungwoo Lee
Antenna grouping techniques for MIMO beamforming systems. 393-397 - Alessio Medda, Victor E. DeBrunner:
Sensibility study for the near-field sub-band beamforming method for damage detection in bridges. 398-401 - Hung Lai, Henry Cox, Kristine L. Bell:
Adaptive factored beamforming for vector sensor arrays. 402-406 - Jungtai Kim, Hyun Jong Yang, Joohwan Chun:
Sidelobe suppressing beamforming using linearly constrained adaptive arrays for low angle tracking. 407-410 - Todd Moon:
Session MA8b1: Topics in communications. 411-412 - James Caldwell, Clark Robertson:
Long block length reed solomon coded M-ary hyper phase-shift keying. 413-417 - Douglas J. Hermes, Frank E. Kragh, Clark Robertson:
A bandwidth efficient constant envelope modulation with binary convolutional coding. 418-422 - Rami N. Khal, Yuriy V. Zakharov
, Junruo Zhang:
Joint channel and frequency offset estimators for frequency-flat fast fading channels. 423-427 - Johannes Maurer, Joakim Jaldén
, Gerald Matz
Multi-threshold top - full-diversity vector perturbation precodingwith finite-rate feedforward. 428-432 - Chantri Polprasert, James A. Ritcey:
Performance of the bit-interleaved frequency domain turbo equalization over experimental underwater acoustic channels. 433-437 - Alexander Kocian
, Bin Hu, Bernard H. Fleury:
Joint Bayesian soft multiuser decoding and multichannel estimation based on the variational IEM algorithm. 438-442 - Clemens Novak, Gottfried Lechner
, Gerald Matz
MIMO-BICM with imperfect channel state information: EXIT chart analysis and LDPC code optimization. 443-447 - Tinoosh Mohsenin, Pascal Urard, Bevan M. Baas:
A thresholding algorithm for improved Split-Row decoding of LDPC codes. 448-451 - Yenming Chen, Robert A. Scholtz:
Theoretical models of oscillators, phase noise and the effects of nonlinearity. 452-456 - David Boutte, Balu Santhanam:
ISI effects in a hybrid ICA-SVM modulation recognition algorithm. 457-460 - Jake Gunther, Todd K. Moon:
Generalized minimum probability of symbol error adaptive equalization. 461-465 - Z. H. Cai, J. Hao, Ubolthip Sethakaset:
Efficient early stopping method for LDPC decoding based on check-node messages. 466-469 - Junruo Zhang, Yuriy V. Zakharov
, Vladimir M. Baronkin:
Optimal detection in MIMO Rayleigh fast fading channels with imperfect channel estimation. 470-474 - Moritz Wiese, Anastasios Giovanidis
, Gerhard Wunder:
Optimal power allocation policies for the reliable transmission of a single packet via ARQ protocols. 475-479 - Mehdi Bennis
, Mérouane Debbah, Jorma Lilleberg:
Opportunistic power allocation for point-to-point communication in self-organized networks. 480-484 - Pu Wang, Hongbin Li, Braham Himed:
Parameter estimation of linear frequency-modulated signals using integrated cubic phase function. 487-491 - Thierry Michel, Scott Hensley:
Wavenumber domain focusing of squinted SAR data with a curved orbit geometry. 492-496 - Nick Marechal:
A terrain elevation error model for stereometric SAR systems engineering. 497-504 - Nicholas O'Donoughue, José M. F. Moura, Yuanwei Jin:
Signal-domain registration for change detection in Time-Reversal SAR. 505-509 - Stephen J. Searle
, Stephen D. Howard, Bill Moran:
The use of complementary sets in MIMO radar. 510-514 - Louis B. Fertig:
Retrodirective airborne radar for urban surveillance. 515-517 - Tuomas Aittomäki, Visa Koivunen:
MIMO radar direction finding performance using Swerling model. 518-522 - Hyun Jeong Cho, David C. Munson:
Overcoming polar-format issues in multichannel SAR Autofocus. 523-527 - Donald Day:
Nonlinear decision rules for robust noncoherent integration. 528-532 - Rui Fa, Rodrigo C. de Lamare
, Danilo Zanatta-Filho:
Reduced-rank STAP algorithm for adaptive radar based on joint iterative optimization of adaptive filters. 533-537 - Peter Stoica:
Session MA8b3: Multi-rate and digital signal processing. 538-540 - Gerald L. Fudge
, Ross E. Bland, Mark A. Chivers, Sujit Ravindran, Jarvis Haupt, Phillip E. Pace:
A Nyquist folding analog-to-information receiver. 541-545 - Byung Wook Jung, Hyung Jong Yang, Joohwan Chun:
Finite wordlength digital filter design using simulated annealing. 546-550 - Christopher M. Teixeira:
Performance analysis of post-Doppler STAP. 551-555 - Sourav R. Dey, Alan V. Oppenheim:
Coefficient dither in fixed-point fir digital filters. 556-560 - Prabhu Babu, Erik Gudmundson, Petre Stoica:
Optimal preconditioning for interpolation of missing data in a band-limited sequence. 561-565 - Michael Cerna, Bryan Marker, Jim Nagle, Lothar Wenzel:
Fixed-point filter design and Riemannian geometry. 566-569 - Michael Cerna, Bryan Marker, Jim Nagle, Lothar Wenzel:
Shortest paths in spaces of certain IIR-filters. 570-573 - Anjana Punchihewa, Octavia A. Dobre
, Q. Zhang, Sreeraman Rajan
, Robert J. Inkol:
The nth-order cyclostationarity of OFDM signals in time dispersive channels. 574-580 - Thong T. Do, Lu Gan, Nam H. Nguyen, Trac D. Tran:
Sparsity adaptive matching pursuit algorithm for practical compressed sensing. 581-587 - Vahid Raissi Dehkordi, Fabrice Labeau
, Benoit Boulet:
Piece-wise linear DFT interpolation for IIR systems: Performance and error bound computation. 588-592