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7th ACRI 2006: Perpignan, France
- Samira El Yacoubi, Bastien Chopard, Stefania Bandini:
Cellular Automata, 7th International Conference on Cellular Automata, for Research and Industry, ACRI 2006, Perpignan, France, September 20-23, 2006, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4173, Springer 2006, ISBN 3-540-40929-7
Invited Lectures
- Raffaello D'Andrea:
Distributed Sensing, Actuation, Communication, and Control in Emerging Industrial Applications. 1 - Paolo De Los Rios:
Models of Complex Networks and How Diseases Spread on Them. 2 - Michael A. Saum, Sergey Gavrilets:
CA Simulation of Biological Evolution in Genetic Hyperspace. 3-12 - Moshe Sipper
Attaining Human-Competitive Game Playing with Genetic Programming. 13 - Marco Tomassini:
Generalized Automata Networks. 14-28 - Andrew Wuensche:
On Spiral Glider-Guns in Hexagonal Cellular Automata: Activator-Inhibitor Paradigm. 29
Tools and Theory
CA Theory and Implementation
- Ramón Alonso-Sanz, Margarita Martín:
A Structurally Dynamic Cellular Automaton with Memory in the Hexagonal Tessellation. 30-40 - Olga L. Bandman:
Parallel Simulation of Asynchronous Cellular Automata Evolution. 41-47 - Abdelaâziz Bel Fekih, Abdelhaq El Jai:
Regional Analysis of a Class of Cellular Automata Models. 48-57 - Nan Chen, James A. Glazier
, Mark S. Alber:
A Parallel Implementation of the Cellular Potts Model for Simulation of Cell-Based Morphogenesis. 58-67 - Sukanta Das, Biplab K. Sikdar:
Classification of CA Rules Targeting Synthesis of Reversible Cellular Automata. 68-77 - Darcy Dunne, Angelo B. Mingarelli:
On the Dynamics of Some Exceptional Fuzzy Cellular Automata. 78-87 - Ioakeim G. Georgoudas:
Cellular Automata Modelling of Large Scale Systems and VLSI Implementation Perspectives. 88-93 - Stéphane Gobron, Denis Finck, Philippe Even, Bertrand Kerautret:
Merging Cellular Automata for Simulating Surface Effects. 94-103 - Byung-Heon Kang, Jun-Cheol Jeon, Kee-Young Yoo:
Decision Algorithms for Cellular Automata States Based on Periodic Boundary Condition. 104-111 - Philippe Narbel:
Qualitative and Quantitative Cellular Automata from Differential Equations. 112-121 - Hidenosuke Nishio:
How Does the Neighborhood Affect the Global Behavior of Cellular Automata? 122-130 - Christoph Scheben:
Simulation of d'-Dimensional Cellular Automata on d-Dimensional Cellular Automata. 131-140 - Chandrama Shaw, Sukanta Das, Biplab K. Sikdar:
Cellular Automata Based Encoding Technique for Wavelet Transformed Data Targeting Still Image Compression. 141-146 - Nirmalya Sundar Maiti, Shiladitya Munshi, Parimal Pal Chaudhuri:
An Analytical Formulation for Cellular Automata (CA) Based Solution of Density Classification Task (DCT). 147-156 - Hiroshi Umeo, Masashi Maeda, Kazuaki Hongyo:
A Design of Symmetrical Six-State 3n-Step Firing Squad Synchronization Algorithms and Their Implementations. 157-168 - Hiroshi Umeo, Takashi Yanagihara, Masaru Kanazawa:
State-Efficient Firing Squad Synchronization Protocols for Communication-Restricted Cellular Automata. 169-181 - Burton Voorhees:
Discrete Baker Transformation for Binary Valued Cylindrical Cellular Automata. 182-191 - Yilin Wu
, Nan Chen, Matthew Rissler, Yi Jiang, Dale Kaiser, Mark S. Alber:
CA Models of Myxobacteria Swarming. 192-203
Computational Theory
- Debojyoti Bhattacharya, Debdeep Mukhopadhyay, Dipanwita Roy Chowdhury:
A Cellular Automata Based Approach for Generation of Large Primitive Polynomial and Its Application to RS-Coded MPSK Modulation. 204-214 - Claudia Roberta Calidonna, Adele Naddeo
Introducing Reversibility in a High Level JJL Qubit Model According to CAN2 Paradigm. 215-221 - Sung Jin Cho, Un-Sook Choi, Yoon-Hee Hwang, Han-Doo Kim:
Analysis of Hybrid Group Cellular Automata. 222-231 - Sung Jin Cho, Un-Sook Choi, Yoon-Hee Hwang, Han-Doo Kim, Hyang-Hee Choi:
Behaviors of Single Attractor Cellular Automata over Galois Field GF(2p). 232-237 - Matthias Schulz:
Measures for Transient Configurations of the Sandpile-Model. 238-247 - David Simoncini, Philippe Collard, Sébastien Vérel, Manuel Clergue:
From Cells to Islands: An Unified Model of Cellular Parallel Genetic Algorithms. 248-257 - Sébastien Vérel, Philippe Collard, Marco Tomassini, Leonardo Vanneschi
Neutral Fitness Landscape in the Cellular Automata Majority Problem. 258-267
Population Dynamics
- Qiuwen Chen, Jingqiao Mao, Weifeng Li:
Stability Analysis of Harvesting Strategies in a Cellular Automata Based Predator-Prey Model. 268-276 - Bastien Chopard, Daniel Lagrava:
A Cellular Automata Model for Species Competition and Evolution. 277-286 - Samira El Yacoubi, Sébastien Gourbière:
A Cellular Automata Model for Adaptive Sympatric Speciation. 287-296 - Mehrdad Ghaemi, Amene Shahrokhi:
Combination of the Cellular Potts Model and Lattice Gas Cellular Automata for Simulating the Avascular Cancer Growth. 297-303 - Ángel Martín del Rey, S. Hoya White, Gerardo Rodríguez Sánchez:
A Model Based on Cellular Automata to Simulate Epidemic Diseases. 304-310 - Pierre Pommois, Pietro Brunetti, Vincenzo Bruno, Antonio Mazzei, Valerio Baldacchini, Salvatore Di Gregorio:
FlySim: A Cellular Automata Model of BactroceraOleae (Olive Fruit Fly) Infestation and First Simulations. 311-320 - Luca Sguanci, Pietro Liò, Franco Bagnoli
The Influence of Risk Perception in Epidemics: A Cellular Agent Model. 321-329 - Redouane Slimi, Samira El Yacoubi:
Spreadable Probabilistic Cellular Automata Models: An Application in Epidemiology. 330-336 - Pawel Topa:
Towards a Two-Scale Cellular Automata Model of Tumour-Induced Angiogenesis. 337-346
Physical Modeling
- Teijiro Isokawa, Shin'ya Kowada, Ferdinand Peper, Naotake Kamiura, Nobuyuki Matsui:
Online Marking of Defective Cells by Random Flies. 347-356 - Toshihiko Komatsuzaki, Yoshio Iwata:
Modeling of Sound Absorption by Porous Materials Using Cellular Automata. 357-366 - G. V. Lasko, Ye. Ye. Deryugin, Siegfried Schmauder:
Simulation of the Evolution of Band Structures in Polycrystals on the Basis of Relaxation Element Method and Cellular Automata. 367-372 - Olivier Marcou, Samira El Yacoubi, Bastien Chopard:
A Bi-fluid Lattice Boltzmann Model for Water Flow in an Irrigation Channel. 373-382 - Shunsuke Miyamoto, Hideyuki Sakai, Toshihiko Shiraishi, Shin Morishita:
A Flow Modeling of Lubricating Greases Under Shear Deformation by Cellular Automata. 383-391 - Marta Pla-Castells
, Ignacio García-Fernández
, Rafael J. Martínez:
Interactive Terrain Simulation and Force Distribution Models in Sand Piles. 392-401 - Tadakazu Sato:
A Linear Cellular Automaton over a Vector Space and Its Application to a Generalized Special Relativity. 402-406 - Luca Sguanci, Franco Bagnoli
, Duccio Fanelli:
A Cellular Automata Model for Ripple Dynamics. 407-416 - Georgios Ch. Sirakoulis:
A Cellular Automata Simulation Tool for Modelling and Automatic VLSI Implementation of the Oxidation Process in Integrated Circuit Fabrication. 417-426
Urban, Environmental and Social Modeling
- Stefania Bandini, Sara Manzoni, Stefano Redaelli, Leonardo Vanneschi
Automatic Detection of Go-Based Patterns in CA Model of Vegetable Populations: Experiments on Geta Pattern Recognition. 427-435 - Matteo Caglioni, Mattia Pelizzoni, Giovanni A. Rabino:
Urban Sprawl: A Case Study for Project Gigalopolis Using SLEUTH Model. 436-445 - Gianpiero Cattaneo, Alberto Dennunzio, Fabio Farina
A Full Cellular Automaton to Simulate Predator-Prey Systems. 446-451 - Donato D'Ambrosio, Rocco Rongo, William Spataro, Maria Vittoria Avolio, Valeria Lupiano:
Lava Invasion Susceptibility Hazard Mapping Through Cellular Automata. 452-461 - Nicholas Gazulis, Keith C. Clarke:
Exploring the DNA of Our Regions: Classification of Outputs from the SLEUTH Model. 462-471 - Matthew R. MacLeod
, Rachid Chreyh, Gabriel A. Wainer
Improved Cell-DEVS Models for Fire Spreading Analysis. 472-481 - Pawel Topa:
A Cellular Automata Approach for Modelling Complex River Systems. 482-491 - Jaroslaw Was, Bartlomiej Gudowski, Pawel J. Matuszyk
Social Distances Model of Pedestrian Dynamics. 492-501
Traffic and Boolean Networks
- Angel Aponte, José Alí Moreno:
Cellular Automata and Its Application to the Modeling of Vehicular Traffic in the City of Caracas. 502-511 - Christian Darabos, Mario Giacobini
, Marco Tomassini:
Scale-Free Automata Networks Are Not Robust in a Collective Computational Task. 512-521 - Puspita Deo, Heather J. Ruskin:
Simulation of Heterogeneous Motorised Traffic at a Signalised Intersection. 522-531 - Boris Goldengorin, Alexander Makarenko, Natalia Smelyanec:
Some Applications and Prospects of Cellular Automata in Traffic Problems. 532-537 - Masahiro Kanai, Katsuhiro Nishinari, Tetsuji Tokihiro:
Stochastic Cellular-Automaton Model for Traffic Flow. 538-547 - Marco Villani, Roberto Serra, P. Ingrami, Stuart A. Kauffman:
Coupled Random Boolean Network Forming an Artificial Tissue. 548-556
Multi-agents and Robotics
- Masaru Aoyagi, Akira Namatame:
Dynamics of Emergent Flocking Behavior. 557-563 - Shahram Golzari, Mohammad Reza Meybodi:
A Maze Routing Algorithm Based on Two Dimensional Cellular Automata. 564-570 - Mathias Halbach, Rolf Hoffmann, Lars Both:
Optimal 6-State Algorithms for the Behavior of Several Moving Creatures. 571-581 - Tomonari Honda, Hiroshi Sato, Akira Namatame:
Evolutionary Learning in Agent-Based Combat Simulation. 582-587 - Jun-Cheol Jeon, Kee-Young Yoo:
Cellular Automata Based Role-Delegation in RBAC. 588-594 - Gabriel A. Wainer
Modeling Robot Path Planning with CD++. 595-604
Crypto and Security
- Jun-Cheol Jeon, Kee-Young Yoo:
Authentication Based on Singular Cellular Automata. 605-610 - Amparo Fúster-Sabater, Pino Caballero-Gil:
Concatenated Automata in Cryptanalysis of Stream Ciphers. 611-616 - Stephane Marconi, Bastien Chopard:
Discrete Physics, Cellular Automata and Cryptography. 617-626 - Ángel Martín del Rey:
A Protocol to Provide Assurance of Images Integrity Using Memory Cellular Automata. 627-635 - Debdeep Mukhopadhyay, Dipanwita Roy Chowdhury:
Generation of Expander Graphs Using Cellular Automata and Its Applications to Cryptography. 636-645 - Samir Roy, Biswajit Saha:
Minority Gate Oriented Logic Design with Quantum-Dot Cellular Automata. 646-656
Dynamical Systems
- Witold Dzwinel:
In Search of Cellular Automata Reproducing Chaotic Dynamics Described by Logistic Formula. 657-666 - Nazim Fatès:
Directed Percolation Phenomena in Asynchronous Elementary Cellular Automata. 667-675 - Enrico Formenti
, Benoît Masson, Theophilos Pisokas:
On Symmetric Sandpiles. 676-685
Crowds and Cellular Automata
- Stefania Bandini, Sara Manzoni:
Towards Affective Situated Cellular Agents. 686-689 - Luís Correia
, Thomas Wehrle:
Beyond Cellular Automata, Towards More Realistic Traffic Simulators. 690-693 - Natalie Fridman, Gal A. Kaminka:
Modeling Crowd Behavior Based on Social Comparison Theory: Extended Abstract. 694-698 - Ioakeim G. Georgoudas, Georgios Ch. Sirakoulis, Ioannis Andreadis:
A Cellular Automaton Crowd Tracking System for Modelling Evacuation Processes. 699-702 - Colin Marc Henein, Tony White:
Information in Crowds: The Swarm Information Model. 703-706 - Rolf Hoffmann, Mathias Halbach:
Are Several Creatures More Efficient Than a Single One? 707-711 - Tobias Kretz, Michael Schreckenberg:
The F.A.S.T.-Model. 712-715 - Shin Morishita, Toshihiko Shiraishi:
Evaluation of Billboards Based on Pedestrian Flow in the Concourse of the Station. 716-719 - Giuseppe Vizzari
, Giorgio Pizzi, Mizar Luca Federici:
Visualization of Discrete Crowd Dynamics in a 3D Environment. 720-723 - Jaroslaw Was, Bartlomiej Gudowski, Pawel J. Matuszyk
New Cellular Automata Model of Pedestrian Representation. 724-727 - Kazuhiro Yamamoto, Satoshi Kokubo, Katsuhiro Nishinari:
New Approach for Pedestrian Dynamics by Real-Coded Cellular Automata (RCA). 728-731

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