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9th ACIS-ICIS 2010: Yamagata, Japan
- Tokuro Matsuo, Naohiro Ishii, Roger Y. Lee:
9th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Computer and Information Science, IEEE/ACIS ICIS 2010, 18-20 August 2010, Yamagata, Japan. IEEE Computer Society 2010, ISBN 978-0-7695-4147-1
- Xiao Cai, Syahrulanuar Ngah, Hui Zhu, Yuji Tanabe, Takaaki Baba:
Pipeline Architecture of Particle Swarm Optimization. 3-8 - Santoso Wibowo, Hepu Deng:
Risk-Oriented Group Decision Making in Multi-criteria Analysis. 9-14
Artificial Intelligence
- Chi-Man Vong, Pak-Kin Wong, Weng-Fai Ip:
Case-Based Classification System with Clustering for Automotive Engine Spark Ignition Diagnosis. 17-22 - Weng-Fai Ip, Chi-Man Vong, J. Y. Yang, Pak-Kin Wong:
Least Squares Support Vector Prediction for Daily Atmospheric Pollutant Level. 23-28
Bioinformatics and Geoinformatics
- Kentaro Fukuta, Tomomasa Nagashima, Yoshifumi Okada:
LEAF: Leave-One-Out Forward Selection Method for Cancer Classification Using Gene Expression Data. 31-36 - Keisuke Ishikawa, Masashi Toda, Shigeru Sakurazawa, Junichi Akita, Kazuaki Kondo, Yuichi Nakamura:
Finger Motion Classification Using Surface-Electromyogram Signals. 37-42 - Takayuki Sakurai, Masashi Toda, Shigeru Sakurazawa, Junichi Akita, Kazuaki Kondo, Yuichi Nakamura:
Detection of Muscle Fatigue by the Surface Electromyogram and Its Application. 43-47
Communication Systems and Networks
- Jeong-Hwan Hwang, Hyun-joong Kang, Hyun Yoe:
Design and Implementation of WSN Based Stable Management System. 51-54
Computer Architecture and VLSI
- Masa-Aki Fukase, Tomoaki Sato:
H/S Collaborative Development of a Ubiquitous Processor Free from Instruction Scheduling and Pipeline Disturbance. 57-62 - Hironobu Morita, Minoru Watanabe:
Binary MEMS Optically Reconfigurable Gate Array. 63-68 - Young Jin Park, Min Zeng, Byeong-Seok Lee, Jeong-A Lee, Seung Gu Kang, Cheol Hong Kim:
Thermal Analysis for 3D Multi-core Processors with Dynamic Frequency Scaling. 69-74 - Akiko Narita, Kenji Ichijo, Yoshio Yoshioka:
Comprehensive Evaluation of Packet Flow Control Methods for a Ring Nework of Processors on Chip. 75-80
Computer Security
- Tsukasa Maeda, Masahito Kurihara:
A Method for Describing Structure of System Security Based on Trust and Authentication. 83-90 - Shelly Sachdeva, Saphina Mchome, Subhash Bhalla:
Web Services Security Issues in Healthcare Applications. 91-96
Data Mining for Broadband Services in NGN
- Shinsuke Shimogawa, Motoi Iwashita:
Method for Analyzing Sociodynamics of Telecommunication-Based Services. 99-104 - Masatsugu Ichino, Hiroaki Maeda, Takeshi Yamashita, Kentaro Hoshi, Naohisa Komatsu, Kei Takeshita, Masayuki Tsujino, Motoi Iwashita, Hideaki Yoshino:
Internet Traffic Classification Using Score Level Fusion of Multiple Classifier. 105-110 - Yuuki Takano, Akiya Inoue, Takeshi Kurosawa, Motoi Iwashita, Ken Nishimatsu:
Customer Segmentation in Mobile Carrier Choice Modeling. 111-116 - Takashi Satake:
Reference Traffic for Network Resource Dimensioning in FMC Environment. 117-121
Databases, Data Warehousing, and Data Engineering
- Johannes Heurix, Thomas Neubauer:
On the Security of Outsourced and Untrusted Databases. 125-132 - Rize Jin, Tae-Sun Chung:
Node Compression Techniques Based on Cache-Sensitive B+-Tree. 133-138
Dependable Distributed and Network-centric Systems
- Quan Qian, Hongyi Che, Rui Zhang, Mingjun Xin:
The Comparison of the Relative Entropy for Intrusion Detection on CPU and GPU. 141-146 - Zhu Wang, Chonglei Mei, Hai Jiang:
DataXchg: A Portable Data Exchange Toolkit for Heterogeneous Computing. 147-152 - Jiandun Li, Wu Zhang, Junjie Peng, Zhou Lei, Yu Lei:
A Carbon 2.0 Framework Based on Cloud Computing. 153-158
Distributed Computing
- Minoru Uehara:
XML Based Virtual Disk Modeling Language for Constructing Large-Scale Storages. 161-166
Economic and Financial Systems
- Isao Yagi, Takanobu Mizuta, Kiyoshi Izumi:
A Study on the Effectiveness of Short-Selling Regulation in View of Regulation Period Using Artificial Markets. 169-174
Health Informatics
- Paulo Novais, Ângelo Costa, Ricardo Costa, Luís C. Lima:
Collaborative Group Support in E-Health. 177-182 - Jorge Ribeiro, António Abelha, José Machado, Alberto Marques, José Neves:
The Inference Process with Quality Evaluation in Healthcare Environments. 183-188 - Susana Rodrigues, Paulo Brandão, Luís Nelas, José Neves, Victor Alves:
A Logic Programming Based Adverse Event Reporting and Learning System. 189-194 - Filipe Portela, Marta Vilas-Boas, Manuel Filipe Santos, António Abelha, José Machado, Alexandra Cabral, Irene Aragao:
Electronic Health Records in the Emergency Room. 195-200 - Julio Duarte, Maria Salazar, César Quintas, Manuel Santos, José Neves, António Abelha, José Machado:
Data Quality Evaluation of Electronic Health Records in the Hospital Admission Process. 201-206
Image Processing and Pattern Recognition
- Mateusz Skoczewski, Hitoshi Maekawa:
Augmented Reality System for Accelerometer Equipped Mobile Devices. 209-214 - Pablo Revuelta Sanz, José Manuel Sánchez Peña, Belén Ruíz-Mezcua:
Efficient Characteristics Vector Extraction Using Auto-seeded Region-Growing. 215-221 - Vinay Chander, Shashikala Tapaswi:
Shape Based Automatic Annotation and Fuzzy Indexing of Video Sequences. 222-227 - Om Prakash Verma, Madasu Hanmandlu, Ashish Kumar Sultania, Dhruv:
A Novel Fuzzy Ant System for Edge Detection. 228-233 - Sung-Hoon Kim, Hyon-Soo Lee:
Face/Non-face Classification Method Based on Partial Face Classifier Using LDA and MLP. 234-239 - Hong-Min Zhu, Chi-Man Pun:
Movement Tracking in Real-Time Hand Gesture Recognition. 240-245 - Yuya Yamaguchi, Takashi Otsuki, Ken-ichi Iwata, Shuichi Itoh:
An Effective Optimization of Reference Pixel Arrangement in the Lossless Coding for HDTV image. 246-251 - Wai-Man Pang:
Towards Fast Gabor Wavelet Feature Extraction for Texture Segmentation by Filter Approximation. 252-257 - Takahiro Hayashi, Yuto Kadosaki:
Fast and Accurate Template Matching with Silhouette Masking. 258-263
Information Science and Systems
- Takashi Nakamura, Shin Takahashi, Jiro Tanaka:
One-Finger Interaction for Ubiquitous Environment. 267-272
Intelligent Control Systems
- Pak-Kin Wong, Hang-Cheong Wong, Chi-Man Vong, Weng-Fai Ip:
Predictive Air-Ratio Controller for Automotive Engines Based on Online Neural Network: Design and Experimental Evaluation. 275-279 - Un-Keun Yoon, Han-joon Kim, Jae-Young Chang:
Intelligent Data Prefetching for Hybrid Flash-Disk Storage Using Sequential Pattern Mining Technique. 280-285
Internet Marketing and Online Consumer Behavior
- Cheng-Tsung Lu, Dauw-Song Zhu:
The Study on the Determinants of the Online Consumers' Intention to Return. 289-294 - Dauw-Song Zhu, Min-Jone Kuo:
A Study on the Customer-Based Brand Equity of Online Retailers. 295-300 - Zui-Chih Lee, Jenniffer Yurchisin, Chih Te Lin:
The Impact of Website Attractiveness, Consumer-Website Identification, and Website Trustworthiness on Purchase Intention. 301-306 - Franka Moritz:
Potentials of 3D-Web-Applications in E-Commerce - Study about the Impact of 3D-Product-Presentations. 307-314
Internet Technology/Applications and E-Commerce
- Satoshi Takahashi, Tokuro Matsuo:
An Approach to Multi-stage Calculation Method for Multiple Items B2B E-Commerce. 317-322 - Maria Siebert, Franka Moritz, Christoph Meinel:
Establishing an Expandable Architecture for a Tele-teaching Portal. 323-328 - Soichi Nishikiori, Kunihiko Higa:
Examining the Uncertainty Unique to E-Business Companies' Business Continuity in Japan. 329-334
IWEA Workshop
- Takaaki Goto, Yasunori Shiono, Tetsuro Nishino, Takeo Yaku, Kensei Tsuchida:
Behavioral Verification in Hichart Development Environment for Embedded Software. 337-340 - Tadaaki Kirishima, Takaaki Goto, Takeo Yaku, Kensei Tsuchida:
An Attribute Graph Grammar Enabling Narrower Drawings of Trees. 341-346 - Takaaki Goto, Tomoo Sumida, Tadaaki Kirishima, Takeo Yaku, Kensei Tsuchida:
Automatic Generation of SVG Program Documents with Animation Based on Attribute Graph Grammars. 347-350 - Makio Fukuda, Michinori Yamashita, Toshiyuki Ueyama, Minae Nishimoto:
The Trial Result of System That Supports PBL. 351-356 - Yuka Yamazaki, Kenji Kumasaka:
Comparative Analysis of the People's Character of Japanese Prefectures Based on SNS. 357-360 - Maria Siebert, Christoph Meinel:
Realization of an Expandable Search Function for an E-Learning Web Portal. 361-366 - Franka Moritz, Christoph Meinel:
Mobile Web Usability Evaluation - Combining the Modified Think Aloud Method with the Testing of Emotional, Cognitive and Conative Aspects of the Usage of a Web Application. 367-372 - Mieko Yamauchi:
Current Status of University Students' Awareness of Information Technologies. 373-377 - Ippei Torii, Yousuke Okada, Takahito Niwa, Manabu Onogi, Naohiro Ishii:
Information Visualization System Using Internet for Activation of Shopping Streets. 378-383 - Zoja Raud, Valery Vodovozov, Tonu Lehtla:
Flexible Curricula for E-Learning of SME Staff in Electronic Engineering. 384-388 - Tomoo Sumida, Takaaki Goto, Katsuyoshi Ito, Kensei Tsuchida:
Highly Efficient Transport Protocol for Large Capacity Data Files and Its Visualizing Methods. 389-394 - Yasunori Shiono, Megumi Uetsuhara, Hideo Shibutani, Chieko Kato, Kensei Tsuchida:
Development of a System for Drawing Test. 395-400 - Yoshito Ogawa, Jungo Katsuyama, Takahiro Miyajima, Katsuhiko Shirai, Makoto Murakami:
Construction of Decision Model for a System to Start Communicating with a Human Using Hidden Markov Model. 401-406 - Toyoshiro Nakashima, Goro Fukutome, Naohiro Ishii:
Healing Effects of Pet Robots at an Elderly-Care Facility. 407-412
Knowledge Creation and Kansei Information
- Yuta Watanabe, Issei Kodama, Hidehiko Hayashi, Akinori Minazuki:
A Study about the Process of Knowledge-Creation through Observation Photographs and Reproduction Experiment. 415-420 - Yusuke Itakura, Akinori Minazuki:
A Study of the Support System for Displaying Food Products in Convenience Stores. 421-426 - Mitsuru Sakiyama, Kazuki Hasegawa, Yuya Sato, Kazuhiro Watanabe, Naoki Ogawa, Mayumi Matsushita, Hidehiko Hayashi, Akinori Minazuki:
A Study on Knowledge-Creation of "Moshiokuri" among Nurses. 427-432 - Koichi Nishimura, Hikaru Oki, Dai Sawanobori, Akinori Minazuki:
A Consideration Concerning Continued Difference in Learning Process of Programming Language. 433-437 - Ayumu Toriyabe, Akinori Minazuki:
Study for Management of Research Organizations and the Effect on Presentations of Information Processing at an Academic Meeting, by Students in the Humanity Course. 438-442 - Natsuko Sano, Haruka Matsumoto, Hidehiko Hayashi, Akinori Minazuki:
Consideration of the Organized Knowledge Sharing in the Emergency Team of the Emergency Medical Service Helicopter. 443-448
Middleware Architectures and Techniques
- Svetlana Kim, Yongik Yoon:
Synchronization E-Learning Model for Harmonizing Presentation. 451-456
Mobile/Wireless Computing
- Jia Liu, Chuang Lin, Fengyuan Ren:
HMM-Based Predictive Power Saving Mechanism in WiMAX. 459-464 - Jia Liu, Fengyuan Ren, Chuang Lin:
A Dual-Threshold Power Saving Mechanism in WiMAX. 465-470 - Ta Anh Son, Le Thi Hoai An, Djamel Khadraoui, Pham Dinh Tao:
Solving Multicast QoS Routing Problem in the Context V2I Communication Services Using DCA. 471-476 - Ngozi V. Uti, Richard Fox:
Testing the Computational Capabilities of Mobile Device Processors: Some Interesting Benchmark Results. 477-481 - Ayman Atia, Shin Takahashi, Jiro Tanaka:
Smart Gesture Sticker: Smart Hand Gestures Profiles for Daily Objects Interaction. 482-487
New Trends in Computer Science
- Chi-Lun Liu:
Ontology-Based Conflict Analysis Method in Non-functional Requirements. 491-496 - Michimasa Kitahara, Masaki Kobayashi:
Fundamental Abilities of Rotor Associative Memory. 497-502 - Mao Ito, Mitsugu Suzuki:
Design and Implementation of a Language for Web Exploring and Mashup. 503-508 - Masashi Iemoto, Masashi Toda, Shigeru Sakurazawa, Junichi Akita, Kazuaki Kondo, Yuichi Nakamura:
Human Fine Motion Analysis Using Biological Signals. 509-512 - Manuel Cruz, Moisés Espínola, Luis Iribarne, Rosa Ayala, Mercedes Peralta, José Antonio Torres:
Ecological Sectorization Process Improvement through Neural Networks: Synthesis of Vegetation Data from Satellite Images Using RBFs. 513-516 - Jiro Suzuki, Seiji Matsumoto:
Improving User Interface of Spreadsheet Functions by Object-Oriented Design. 517-521 - Takaichi Ito, Masaki Suwa:
The Development of the Tool for Understanding Contents of a Large Amount of Text by Means of User-Generated Word Network. 522-525 - Yuji Hashiura, Tokuro Matsuo, Takanori Terashima:
Adaptive Interface Model for Lecture Allocation System. 526-528 - Yanjung Chen:
Web and Document Databases: An Effective Way to Explore the Internet. 529-534 - Daria Vazhenina, Konstantin Markov:
Recent Developments in the Russian Speech Recognition Technology. 535-537 - Masashi Inoue, Manh Hong Nguyen:
User-Model-Based Evaluation for Interactive Image Retrieval. 538-539 - Yuichi Ono, Manabu Ishihara:
Examination of the Podcasting System in Second Language Acquisition. 540-545 - Hisashi Takahara, Motonori Nakamura:
Exhancements for a Simple Authenticated SIP Request Management. 546-547 - Yosuke Motoki, Tokuro Matsuo:
Analysis of Bid Structures in GSP. 548-549 - Masaaki Tanaka, Azusa Kanda, Tokuro Matsuo, Takanori Terashima:
An Improvement of Instructional Methods for Nutrition Education. 550-551
Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems
- Shijun Lin, Jianghong Shi:
Improving NoC Performance by Non-contention Ejection Architecture. 555-558
- Choonghyun Han, Jinwook Choi:
Effect of Latent Semantic Indexing for Clustering Clinical Documents. 561-566 - Han-Joon Kim, Sungjick Lee, Byungjeong Lee, Sooyong Kang:
Building Concept Network-Based User Profile for Personalized Web Search. 567-572 - Chan Ho Park, Minsuk Kahng:
Temporal Dynamics in Music Listening Behavior: A Case Study of Online Music Service. 573-578
Practice with Agents and Multi-agent Systems
- Satoshi Ando, Yutaro Fujii, Takayuki Ito:
Filtering Harmful Sentences Based on Multiple Word Co-occurrence. 581-586 - Yuya Takahashi, Takayuki Ito:
An Efficient Real-Time Search Algorithm with Forecasting in Uncertain Problem Spaces. 587-592 - Nobuyasu Mizutani, Katsuhide Fujita, Takayuki Ito:
Issue Clustering and Distributed Genetic Algorithms for Multi-issue Negotiations. 593-598 - Naoki Fukuta:
A Mobile Agent Approach for Flexible Peer-to-Peer File Retrieval. 599-604 - Akira Sakatoku, Toshiaki Osada, Gen Kitagata, Norio Shiratori, Tetsuo Kinoshita:
Agent-Aided 3D Symbiotic Space. 605-610 - Alexis Koutero, Shigeru Fujita, Kenji Sugawara:
Design of an Assisting Agent Using a Dynamic Ontology. 611-616 - Kazuto Sasai, Naoyuki Tanji, Yusuke Takahashi, Gen Kitagata, Tetsuo Kinoshita:
An Architecture of Extended Network Management System: Autonomous Cooperation between Knowledge Resource and Network Equipments. 617-622
Programming Languages, Compilers, and Operating Systems
- Jakub Mísek, Filip Zavoral:
Mapping of Dynamic Language Constructs into Static Abstract Syntax Trees. 625-630
Semantic, Social, and Collaborative Intelligence
- Nguyen Minh The, Takahiro Kawamura, Hiroyuki Nakagawa, Yasuyuki Tahara, Akihiko Ohsuga:
Automatic Mining of Human Activity Attributes from Weblogs. 633-638 - Tadachika Ozono, Shun Shiramatsu, Toramatsu Shintani:
Preventing Fake Web Pages Using Push Delivery - Defending against Theft Crawlers. 639-644 - Shun Shiramatsu, Tadachika Ozono, Toramatsu Shintani, Hiroshi G. Okuno:
A Corpus-Based Analysis of Coreferential Recency Effect in Japanese Discourse for Tracking Dynamic Topic. 645-650 - Akihiro Okamoto, Shohei Yokoyama, Naoki Fukuta, Hiroshi Ishikawa:
Proposal of Spatiotemporal Data Extraction and Visualization System Based on Wikipedia for Application to Earth Science. 651-656
Software Architecture Design Patterns and Frameworks
- Mengxing Huang, Wencai Du:
A Cooperative Service Architecture for Digital Library Federation Based on Grid. 659-664 - Agnes Owuato Odongo, Sungwon Kang, In-Young Ko:
A Scheme for Systematically Selecting an Enterprise Architecture Framework. 665-670
Software Engineering and Information Engineering
- Namfon Assawamekin:
An Ontology-Based Approach for Multiperspective Requirements Traceability between Analysis Models. 673-678 - Cobra Rahmani, Deepak Khazanchi:
A Study on Defect Density of Open Source Software. 679-683 - Seung-Hyung Lee, Byoung-Hyoun Cho, Young-Jae Song:
A Study on Crosscutting Refactoring Using Program Dependency Relation. 684-689 - Atabek Murtazaev, Sungwon Kang, Jongmoon Baik, Jihyun Lee:
An Approach to Defining a Value-Based Software Development Process. 690-695 - Jung-Sook Kim:
Development of the IT Convergence Using Power Line Communication. 696-701 - Woosung Jung, Chisu Wu, Eunjoo Lee:
WSIM: Detecting Clone Pages Based on 3-Levels of Similarity Clues. 702-707 - Jeong Ah Kim, Seung Young Choi:
Identifying the Process Capability of the Ontology Development Processes. 708-713 - JiDong Ge, Haiyang Hu,