BibTeX record conf/eurocon/VerveckkenGHBLRTSIKCDGPVHBDD13

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  author       = {Jan Verveckken and
                  Frederik Geth and
                  Borb{\'{a}}la Hunyadi and
                  Jef Beerten and
                  Niels Leemput and
                  Juan Van Roy and
                  Pieter Tielens and
                  Valentijn De Smedt and
                  Sandro Iacovella and
                  Ninah Koolen and
                  Hans De Clercq and
                  Johan Driesen and
                  Georges G. E. Gielen and
                  Robert Puers and
                  Joos Vandewalle and
                  Sabine Van Huffel and
                  Ronnie Belmans and
                  Geert Deconinck and
                  Wim Dehaene},
  title        = {Developing engineering-oriented educational workshops within a student
  booktitle    = {Proceedings of Eurocon 2013, International Conference on Computer
                  as a Tool, Zagreb, Croatia, July 1-4, 2013},
  pages        = {933--940},
  publisher    = {{IEEE}},
  year         = {2013},
  url          = {},
  doi          = {10.1109/EUROCON.2013.6625094},
  timestamp    = {Mon, 26 Jun 2023 20:47:58 +0200},
  biburl       = {},
  bibsource    = {dblp computer science bibliography,}
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