Workshop on Offensive Technologies (WOOT)

Venue statistics

records by year

document access 

    frequent authors

      Venue Information

      • access: some or all publications openly available

      18th WOOT 2024: Philadelphia, PA, USA

      16th WOOT 2022: San Francisco, CA, USA

      Part of SP 2022 Workshops

      15th WOOT 2021: San Francisco, CA, USA

      Part of SP 2021 Workshops

      14th WOOT 2020

      13th WOOT 2019: Santa Clara, CA, USA

      12th WOOT 2018: Baltimore, MD, USA

      11th WOOT 2017: Vancouver, BC, Canada

      10th WOOT 2016: Austin, TX, USA

      9th WOOT 2015: Washington, DC, USA

      8th WOOT 2014: San Diego, CA, USA

      7th WOOT 2013: Washington, DC, USA

      6th WOOT 2012: Bellevue, WA, USA

      WOOT 2012 Home Page

      5th WOOT 2011: San Francisco, CA, USA

      4th WOOT 2010: Washington, DC, USA

      3rd WOOT 2009: Montreal, Canada

      2nd WOOT 2008: San Jose, California, USA

      1st WOOT 2007: Boston, MA, USA