IFIP Summer School on Privacy and Identity Management

PrimeLife International Summer School (PrimeLife)

Venue statistics

records by year

document access 

    frequent authors

      18th Privacy and Identity Management 2022: Oslo, Norway

      17th Privacy and Identity Management 2022: Virtual Event

      16th Privacy and Identity Management 2021: Virtual Event

      15th Privacy and Identity Management 2020: Maribor, Slovenia

      14th Privacy and Identity Management 2019: Windisch, Switzerland

      13th Privacy and Identity Management 2018: Vienna, Austria

      12th Privacy and Identity Management 2017: Ispra, Italy

      11th Privacy and Identity Management 2016: Karlstad, Sweden

      10th Privacy and Identity Management 2015: Edinburgh, UK

      9th Privacy and Identity Management 2014: Patras, Greece

      8th Privacy and Identity Management 2013: Nijmegen, The Netherlands

      7th PrimeLife 2011: Trento, Italy

      6th PrimeLife 2010: Helsingborg, Sweden

      5th PrimeLife 2009: Nice, France